Dreaming of a baby carriage, denotes that you will have a congenial friend who will devise many pleasurable surprises for you.

…the glands of a she-camel instead of milk in a dream, it means deviation from God’s path, or it could represent a tyranny. If a venom flows from one’s glands instead of milk in the dream, it means earning unlawful money. If a merchant, or a business man milks any milk producing animal in a dream, it means profits. Sucking the gland of a pregnant she-camel, one, two, or three times in a dream means steadfastness in one’s religion, performing one’s obligatory prayers, distributing charity, acquiring knowledge and wisdom. Milking a camel and drinking its milk in a dream also means marriage to a pious and a chaste woman. If one is already married, then it means that his wife will beget a blessed son. If a poor person sees himself milking a cow and drinking its milk in a dream, it means that he will earn enough money to…

…Dreaming of a dragon, denotes that you allow yourself to be governed by your passions, and that you are likely to place yourself in the power of your enemies through those outbursts of sardonic tendencies. You should be warned by this dream to cultivate self-control. See Devil….

…others have to carry their burdens and move at varying paste. Walking on it in a dream means a journey. If the bridge caves under one’s feet in the dream, it means destruction and death. Seeing this bridge in a dream also represents knowledge, truth, believing in God’s oneness and following the teachings and example of God’s Messenger upon whom be peace. If one’s foot slips while crossing in the dream, it means that he will miss the true path. If one sees himself walking the path in a dream, it means that he is on the right track, follows what is commanded and abstains from what is forbidden. It also means that one will undergo awesome changes, undertakes major responsibili- ties and succeeds to reach safety. If one’s foot slips in a dream, it also means that he will fall into sin and deviate from the straight path….

…(Avenue | Direction | Path | Trail | Way) A road in a dream represents the divine law. Seeing many roads in a dream denotes deviation from God’s path, or it could mean religious innovation. Walking on a side road, or yielding at a fork in a dream means going astray. If a highway robber attacks someone in a dream, it means that he will suffer from the loss of a friend. If one sees a ruler strolling through a rugged road in a dream, it means that he will establish justice and pave the way to righteousness and prosperity. A straight road in a dream represents God’s path, or it could represent one’s true faith in God’s revelations, or in following the practice of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, or following the guidance of one’s teacher or shaikh. Walking on a straight path in a dream means…

…(Childbearing | Planting) In a dream, a pregnancy indicates woman’s success, diligence and assiduity in pursuing her goals. In a dream, pregnancy also means receiving recognition, respect and prosperity. If a man sees himself pregnant in a dream, it means that he suffers from heaviness in his life, or it could represent one’s fear of exposing his problems in public. In general, pregnancy in a dream represents material gains. If a woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, it means difficulties and adversities beside some troubling secrets she maybe hiding. However, for a learned man, pregnancy in a dream may represent increase in his knowledge, while for a craftsman, it means achieving unrivalled excellence in his trade. Pregnancy in a dream also means being madly in love, or having passionate attachment to someone, or planting seeds in the wrong place, or beingbisexual or a deviate, or suffering from dropsy,…

…To dream about lamps, lanterns or any handheld device that serves to illuminate your way as you walk, suggests that you always keep an eye on your own affairs, which will benefit you at the end. To dream that you’re lighting a lamp suggests a successful start. To dream about a lighting object, but that it’s turned off, suggests that you’re experiencing mental confusion and that you don’t know which way to go, but if the light is dim, it suggests that you’re about to loose everything you’ve desired and so must work hard to avoid this and fix any errors. To dream that you’re holding a lamp in your hands and it falls to the ground, and even worse, it’s destroyed, suggests a serious risk of failure. On the other hand, if the lamp’s intensity increases, it indicates certain success in the immediate future. To dream that you’re…

Dreaming about Satan is unfortunate omen. To see Satan, the Devil, Lucifer in your dream, denotes that there are some wrongdoings or evil workings in some situation or relationship of your life. Maybe you are in environment, where are a lot of lies, deceitful activities or other evil things.

…sparks from them in his dream, it means that he will witness an awesome fight between two rock hearted and cruel people. Striking a flint stone in a dream also means marriage of an unwed person. If a woman sees herself striking a flint stone with a piece of steel, and if she can produce sparks in the dream, it means that she will beget a son. If a spark starts a fire in the dream, it means that one’s wife will become pregnant or perhaps it could represent a fight between the husband and the wife, or a fight between two partners. If the sparks burn one’s gown in the dream, it means that harm will affect that house and such harm will bring about losses in money, family honor or bodily injury. If the sparks burn a notebook in the dream, it means deviation from God’s path….

Testing the quality of any device in a dream, is very good omen.

…For a man to dream of a harem it’s an omen that external circumstances will deviate him from his true goals. For a woman the dream can indicate a desire for a higher financial position. Sometimes this dream betrays jealousy or ill-defined sexual inclinations….

…(Astray | Error | Lost) Walking on a straight highway and still losing one’s way in a dream means deviating from the path of truth. If the road in the dream is twisted or curved, then it means allurement, trespassing, misguidance, or erring from God’s path, or it could mean seeking a way out of error. If one is lost in the dream, it means that he will become heedless, and if he finds his way thereafter, it means that he will receive someone’s guidance and accept it….

The weasel in dreams indicate the mischievous and devious parts of your personality. Perhaps you are a very sneaky person and not nice to those around you. The dream suggests to change this about yourself. The weasel could also indicate someone in your waking life that has the features of the weasel and you should be careful while being with this person.

…To see Santa Claus is expressive symbol of tolerance. This is a fortunate omen, which must be explained as the indication that you need to be more giving, accepting, and/or forgiving. You need to acknowledge and tend to some aspect of yourself. Dreaming that you are dressed as Santa Claus suggests that you need to treat others better. If you see someone dressed as Santa Claus, it means that you would like to be treated better. If sometimes you’re acting in devious way, then try to put yourself in someone else’s shoe and determine how they might feel in such acts….

…Dreaming of this is just about the same as Dreaming of the devil | it indicates stormy times and much bad fortune. Disenchantment with humanity will follow. To kill one is good….

…Imam, a conscientious teacher and a caller to God Almighty. Seeing any of God’s prophets looking gracious, stately and courtly in a dream also represents his people’s devotion, or that a major and a positive change will take place among his followers. If such a prophet looks spurious, unhappy in a dream, or if he appears in a state that does not befit God’s prophets, it means that his followers in the world have deviated from his path and created their own religion, opposing his commands, falsifying and interpreting his message to their own liking and abusing his admonition. If one claims to be a prophet in a dream, it means that he will become known in his field, or if he qualifies, he may become a ruler, a judge, a teacher or a caller to God Almighty, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil. Otherwise, it means…

…seeing a woman one knows. A young woman in a dream represents an enemy. An old woman in a dream represents the world. If one sees his wife looking like a man in a dream, she then represents his grandfather, or she could represent prosperity for that family. If one sees his wife carrying him in a dream, it means that he may fall sick, or perhaps that he may become rich. Seeing a female of unknown species in a dream means loss of money. If one sees his wife getting married to someone else in a dream, it means that he may deviate from God’s path, then repent for his sin. A woman in a dream also represents wealth, the world, a farm, pleasures or authority, for a wife governs the needs of her husband and controls his life in one way or another. If a woman sees her…

To dream that you are laughing indicates that you will encounter a pleasant situation and that your problems will disappear. Laughing is also a sign of your emotional state and happy life without major concerns. On the other hand, laughing may indicate your insecurities and fears. To dream of laughing kids denotes to joy and health. Seeing a devil laughing represents feelings of humiliation or helplessness.

…To see freshly stirred dirt in your dream, symbolizes your quality of being economical with money or food. Dreaming of dirt or any other substance, such as mud or dust, is also the representation of shameful and/or corrupt situations in your life. In some circumstances or relationships you must be more honest, moral, and ethical. Have you acted in deceitful, dishonest, dishonorable or unethical manner? To dream that someone throws dirt at you, alerts you against attacks from adversaries or competitors. The dream may be a warning for you that enemies can try to attack your person. They may try to harm your reputation in devious manner. To dream that your clothes are soiled with dirt represents your fear about infections. To wear dirty clothes in dream, also signifies some chances of getting a transmittable disease. Maybe you are infected right now by some disease. Alternatively, it means being…

To dream about a running generator or motor symbolizes a power and a success generating activity, but if you dream that the device is broken or disarmed, it suggests that your issues are going the same way, and it also suggests disorders and loss.

…Betting on races, beware of engaging in new undertakings. Enemies are trying to divert your attention from legitimate business. Betting at gaming tables, denotes that immoral devices will be used to wring money from you….

…or without license means that you are wandering throughout your life without plan, without goal, without identity. You are trying to find these aspects by yourself, without any help. Also, it means that your actions is not controlled or is not permitted by someone who should be in charge. Are you in relationship? Maybe you are the one who acts without consultation with partner. Additionally, driving without permit means that you are the person, who thinks that he is always the right one. Thus, you don’t go into anything where you can be controlled. Dreaming without license doesn’t show that you are bad, you are just different. But if you get caught by police in the dream, it shows that sometimes you have feeling of being devious. Also, to be caught without permit shows your fear of being isolated from everything what you are doing. Are you afraid to lose…

Overcoming danger, escaping devices. 278.

It indicates you want to have other activities that deviate from your concerns.

…ceremony, it indicates that soon someone in the family will suffer a disease or perhaps may die. When a young unwed woman dreams of herself as a bride, but doesn´t look happy with it, it symbolizes very close frustrations in love relationships (if any), disease or adversaries and hypocrites who try to harm her as revenge (This dream suggests that the dreamer proceeded wrong in something or hurt someone, and her subconscious is making her realize about it.) To dream that you’re in someone else’s wedding suggests that much parties and joys will come, especially if the dream is very colorful, and you see many ornaments, but if you can´t devise bright colors and guests are wearing dark or black clothes, it indicates that in the immediate future the dreamer will suffer sorrows and hardships. To dream about being a legal witness in a marriage implies that you’re truly estimated…

…(Twenty one pebbles collected at Muzdalifa near the Plain of ‘Arafa during the pilgrimage season and are used to stone the devil at a place called Jamarat.) In a dream, pelting stones represent fidelity, paying one’s debts, victory over one’s enemy, or doing good deeds. To eat one of the stones which are intended for pelting in a dream means to devour or steal the property of a young orphan. Pelting stones in a dream also means fulfilling one’s obligatory prayers and fasting, having earlier missed their performance for a legitimate reason. (Also see Pebbles | Pilgrimage | Jamarat)…

…use strategy to keep up honorable appearances. Dreaming that you kill him, foretells that you will desert wicked or immoral companions to live upon a higher plane. If he comes to you under the guise of literature, it should be heeded as a warning against promiscuous friendships, and especially flatterers. If he comes in the shape of wealth or power, you will fail to use your influence for harmony, or the elevation of others. If he takes the form of music, you are likely to go down before his wiles. If in the form of a fair woman, you will probably crush every kindly feeling you may have for the caresses of this moral monstrosity. To feel that you are trying to shield yourself from satan, denotes that you will endeavor to throw off the bondage of selfish pleasure, and seek to give others their best deserts. See Devil….

Mushrooms in their natural state often symbolize obstacles in life. If in the dream they are already cooked and ready to be eaten, then it indicates the upcoming and imminent release of the problems that have been bothering you and deviating you from your goals.

…death as a punishment. If it leads to employment, it will be a job serving a tyrant. If it leads to acquiring knowledge, it means inventing vain religious practices. If it leads to bearing a son, he will be the child of adultery. In general hell in a dream means excessive sexual desires, a slaughter house, a public bath, an oven, inventing a new religion, innovation, absence of truth, indulgence in what is forbidden, stinginess, denying the Day of Judgment, a blazing fire for the devils, joining with a group of evildoers in committing atrocities, denying the sovereignty of God Almighty and ascribing human characteristics to Him. Seeing Malik, the guardian angel of hell-fire in a dream means receiving guidance after heedlessness. If one sees Malik coming toward him in the dream, it means his salvation and the restoration of his faith. However, if one sees Malik turning his back…

If we dream that we live in a hotel it reveals a desire for a more luxurious and brighter life. If we see ourselves as managers of a hotel it reflects our desire to have power over others or handle them. -To dream of ourselves lost inside a hotel indicates that in real life we are frightened by circumstances that deviate from those to which we are accustomed.

…(Balance | Measure) Seeing a scale in a dream means renewal of one’s business. Depending one the truthfulness by which one weighs his business, or product, a scale in a dream also means profits or a fine. Receiving a scale as a gift in a dream means that one may become a judge. The same applies if one sees himself transformed into a scale in a dream. If one sees merchants short weighing their merchandise in a dream, then a scale will represent a judge who deviates from justice. (Also see Balance | Measure 2 | Measurer | Weight)…

Depending on the dreamer’s religion and beliefs, this dream is usually a good sign and announces that you’re getting some benefits, but they won’t necessarily improve your economy. This dream is usually an indicator that you have the necessary conditions to smoothly run your life in good way and also warns you that you shouldn’t deviate from the current path you’re following, since it’s the correct one; if you follow this path your life will be filled with peace and you’ll be free of concerns. This dream’s meaning can vary widely depending on the saint you dream of and the conditions and circumstances in which the saint appears.

…(Condom | Contraceptive device | Diaphragm) To use a contraceptive in a dream means throwing one’s money into the drain, wasting one’s wealth, depriving one’s children from their legitimate inheritance. Using a contracep- tive in a dream also signifies impeachment from office or losing the election or divorcing one’s wife or changing one’s trade….

…exhibition — and, on coming down to breakfast, learned of the death of a very dear friend.On another occasion, a day or two before I heard of the death of an old schoolfellow of mine,I dreamed I was fishing in a deep pool overgrown with rushes, when the first thing I caught — or at least which caught me, for I was eventually eaten by it — was a leviathan shark. I can see it now — a huge, slimy, blue-backed thing with a glistening white belly, eyes twinkling with devilish glee at the prospect of so sure a meal, and an enormous, gaping mouth furnished with what seemed to me interminable rows of saw-edged teeth. Snap, in I went, and the next instant the most frightful, the most excruciating agonies shot through me as a thousand spike-like points crushed into my flesh. For some seconds after I awoke I…

…sense of high standards, superior morality and complete integrity. The dream may serve to guide you down a straight path. If you have recurring dreams that you are a police officer, then it may mean that your past actions have left you feeling embarrassed. Consider your behaviour and activities as being the cop. Dreaming that you are having difficulties in contacting the police suggest that you have yet to recognize your own credibility in a position. You need to take control and be in command of the direction of your life. Dreaming that you are pulled over by the police, suggest that you need to slow down. You need to think over some important things. Dreaming and seeing that you are a police officer chasing a felon, indicates that your naughty, mischievous and more devious side is in struggle with your side of superior integrity and high moral standards….

…any of the prescribed rites in a dream means walking the path of righteousness, or correcting one’s religious life as much as one does in his dream. Failure to perform some of the prescribed rites that are associated with being at the holy Ka’aba in a dream indicates one’s deviation from God’s path, and such innovation is equal to changing the direction (arb. Qiblah) of one’s prayers. The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents one’s prayers, for it is the focal point of all praying Muslims. The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents God’s House, a mosque, a community center of all Muslims, and it represents a teacher, a guide, Islam, the holy Qur’an, the prophetic traditions, one’s son, a religious scholar, a shaikh, a master, a husband, one’s mother, and the heavenly paradise. The holy Ka’aba is God’s House, and thereat people will be gathered and led…

Dreaming of needles almost always means concerns. If you pinch yourself with a needle in your dream, it is a sign that someone is devious and will raise concerns, spread gossips and create troubles.

…(Saturn | Silkworm) In a dream, a caterpillar represents a devious thief who wears the cloak of a pious person, who gently and slowly steals people’s money or encourages them to invest in losing business ventures. However, no one will suspect him of wrongdoing because of his good looking appearance. (Also see Butterfly)…

…a believer may be differently interpreted than the dream of a disbeliever. If one sees the month of Ramadan in his dream, his dream means blessings, profits, commanding good and forbidding evil. If the person is seeking knowledge, then knowledge will be given to him, for it is during this great month that the Holy Qur’an was revealed. If the person is inflicted with epilepsy, he will recover from it, for the devils and all evil spirits are shackled and are rendered powerless during this month. As for the tenth lunar month, known in Arabic as Shawwal. if one’s dream suggests a war or a conflict, it means that he will come first in it, and that he will triumph. If one sees the month of Shawwal in his dream, it means that he will come out of difficulties and finds happiness and devotion, for it is the month during…

…attendance to one’s religious obligations, or weakness in his ruling. If the king dies and does not get buried in a dream, it means that the king and his subjects are deviates. If he is buried and the people walk away from his grave in the dream, it means that one will pursue something of no benefit, unless God Almighty decrees otherwise. If one sees the king’s head transformed into a ram’s head in a dream, it means that the king is a just and a kind ruler. If his head is transformed into a dog’s head in the dream, then it represents his vile nature. If his chest turns into a stone in the dream, it means that his heart will become like a rock. If one sees his own hand turn into the king’s hand in a dream, it means that he will receive a leadingjob. If one…