…To see a mouse-trap in dreams, signifies your need to be careful of character, as wary persons have designs upon you. To see it full of mice, you will likely fall into the hands of enemies. To set a trap, you will artfully devise means to overcome your opponents. See Mice….

Make a compact with the devil, success through bad and illegal means.

In a dream to prevent something that is active, like an explosive device, from operating means that you will be able to modify events to your advantage.

…To see newly painted houses in dreams, foretells that you will succeed with some devised plan. To have paint on your clothing, you will be made unhappy by the thoughtless criticisms of others. Dreaming that you use the brush yourself, denotes that you will be well pleased with your present occupation. Dreaming of seeing beautiful paintings, denotes that friends will assume false positions towards you, and you will find that pleasure is illusive. For a young woman Dreaming of painting a picture, she will be deceived in her lover, as he will transfer his love to another….