…To see or ride on a Ferris wheel, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism of repetition. It means that you are like a hamster, which is in the wheel and going around in circles. You are headed to the mist. You need to restart your life and retarget your destination. On the other hand, if in the dream you have a lot of fun and positive emotions, then such dream is symbolic importance of completeness in the circle of your life. Don’t be afraid of ups and downs, because happiness in the life is reached by overcoming obstacles in the way to the success….

…To dream that you’re hoping for something important to happen suggests that you’re experiencing anxiety because you don’t know how to solve a problem that is affecting your mind and it’s causing you to feel uncertain. This dream is usually a consequence of living a sedentary and monotonous life, and such situation makes you desire a change; you’ll be seeking joy and waiting for something extraordinary to happen. In some cases it is a warning that something dangerous is about to happen, such as a disaster, accident, etc….

…Indicates some mistrust regarding circumstances you don’t control….

…To dream of any animal that is called a reptile, such as snakes, toads, alligators, and the like, is a sign of a quarrel: if you imagine you are bitten, it shows that you will come out second best, or badly injured either in person or reputation. If a girl dreams of a reptile, let her look sharp that her lover don’t play her false. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34 3….

…Dreaming about oxygen symbolizes life, your inner strength and creative energy. Dreaming that you don’t have enough oxygen to breathe suggests that you’re feeling suppressed by a strange situation in your life….

…If they are of our same gender and age, then the stranger dream is a reflection of ourselves. Not as we are, but as we wish we could be. If the stranger is our same age and gender but they are violent that indicates obstacles and fights. If they are of the opposite gender and we are attracted to them that reflects unsatisfied sexual desires. If we don’t feel attraction it indicates that we will meet a person who will give us help and friendship. When the stranger is of an older age, whichever gender, it symbolizes help, along with protection and success in our companies….

…Dreaming that you are in a casino, stands as a symbol of risky personality or situation. Casino means that you’re person who takes risks. If you are a reserved or passive person, then the dream can be interpreted as suggestion for you not to be afraid of risk and to take a chance. If you are not, then it implies that you need to be more responsible. Before making any decision you must be a more informed. Don’t rely on fate….

Seeing an ostrich in your dream suggests you don´t face reality and live in a world of your own. You may refuse or be unwilling to accept a situation. Alternatively the ostrich symbolizes truth and justice.

…Dreaming that you’re hitting someone symbolizes aggression. It also symbolizes that you’re angry and you don’t know how to express it. You have a tendency to keep your negative feelings inside, instead of taking them out in a natural and healthy way….

…When you dream of a baby, it represents purity, chastity and sincerity. Babies usually represents the warmth and good intentions you might have. Dreaming of a baby could also represent the side of you which is weak, fragile and vulnerable. If you dreamed of having a baby, but forgot it as a fact it symbolizes your fear of being recognized as fragile person. You don not want others to know that you are not a strong person, because this is not something you are proud of. If you see yourself on the way of having a baby it means that you wish someone would take care of you as long as it is possible, you like to be dependant on someone. You do not want to take responsibility of anyone neither yourself, neither the others. If in reality you are already expecting the baby, then this dream indicates your…

…If we don’t suffer stomach sickness in reality this dream foretells difficulties and problems….

Usually this dream reflects our concern about the health. If we see our skin with wrinkles it reflects fear of menopause and old age. The imperfections in our skin revels sentimental doubts, unless they were rashes or spots that are very obvious, in which case it is a warning about our health. If we see the imperfections on someone we know, then this is a person of whom we attribute the meaning of the dream. If we don´t know this person, then it reflects our own fears. Dreaming about animal skin indicates that your material goods will be increased, depending on what kind of animal’s skin you’ve dreamed of.

…To see sulfur, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of the observation and the concentration to the details. Sulfur in the dream represents higher level of thinking about something in a logical way. Maybe you don’t trust your competencies and that shows up in your dream. Maybe your subconscious is telling you to trust yourself more. Your intuition and rationality is good state, because of that you should have more self-confidence….