…If a person sees his hands tattooed with henna in a dream, it means that he cheats to earn his livelihood, or that he tricks others to get what he needs. Consequently, he will be exposed and his enemy will rejoice at his misfortune. If a woman sees her hands tattooed in a dream, it means that she will trick someone to repossess her rightfully owned jewelry. If the tattoo is made with gold in the dream, it means performing an old but a polite trick. If the tattoo is done with mud in the dream, it means praising God Almighty. If a woman sees the lines of her tattoo mixing together, or as though the dye has started to run in the dream, it means difficulties with her children. If a man sees his feet dyed and tattooed in a dream, it means that he will be tried…


Be careful, have the eyes open. 13.

Temptation. 66.

…rights upon one’s earnings to poor and needy people. If one is cauterized with iron in a dream, it means punishment for his sins. Discovering old marks from cauterization in a dream means discovering a treasurer. Cauterizing someone in a dream also means speaking to someone with harsh and painful words. If the mark left by such cauterization looks like a rounded seal in a dream, it means subjugation to a court order or complying with the law. Cauterizing a vein or a knee in a dream means begetting a daughter or getting married, or it could mean slandering a stranger. Discovering a burn caused by cauterization in one’s chest in a dream means presiding over people. If one’s back is seared or cauterized in a dream, it denotes stinginess, or it could mean that he fails to comply with God’s rights upon him. (Also see Back | Seal)…

Scruples of conscience about present actions. 157.

Unfaithfulness in a friend.

…Dreaming of being in company with a Jew, signifies untiring ambition and an irrepressible longing after wealth and high position, which will be realized to a very small extent. To have transactions with a Jew, you will prosper legally in important affairs. For a young woman Dreaming of a Jew, omens that she will mistake flattery for truth, and find that she is only a companion for pleasure. For a man Dreaming of a Jewess, denotes that his desires run parallel with voluptuousness and easy comfort. He should constitute himself woman’s defender. For a Gentile Dreaming of Jews, signifies worldly cares and profit from dealing with them. To argue with them, your reputation is endangered from a business standpoint….

…The hawk symbolizes rising in all planes of existence: physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual. Small hawk in a dream indicates victory and superiority. If in our dreams we see a hawk tearing a hare that announces the victory over the lustful desires. If the hawk is flying from left to right that symbolizes an idea, a high-flying project that can transform our lives. If it’s flying from right to left can that mean a setback in our situation and even the end of a high position. If we are people with spiritual ambitious, and we see the hooded hawk in our dreams that symbolizes the long-awaited desire to receive the light of enlightenment….

…The hawk symbolizes rising in all planes of existence: physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual. Indicates victory and superiority. If in our dreams we see a hawk tearing a hare that announces the victory over the lustful desires. If the hawk is flying from left to right that symbolizes an idea, a high-flying project that can transform our lives. If it’s flying from right to left that can mean a setback in our situation and even the end of a high position. If we are people with spiritual ambitious, and we see the hooded hawk in our dreams that symbolizes the long-awaited desire to receive the light of enlightenment….

…the small and hard working people. If a sick person sees ants walking over his body in a dream, it means his death. Flying ants in a dream also mean hardships during a journey. Seeing winged ants in a dream means a war and destruction of a large army. Ants in a dream also may signify prosperity. They also represent the person seeing the dream or members of his family or relatives. Understanding the language of ants in a dream means sovereignty, leadership and prosperity. If one sees ants entering his house and carrying food in a dream, it means prosperity in that family. If one sees ants leaving his house and carrying food with them in a dream, it means poverty. Seeing ants coming out of one’s nostrils, ears, mouth or any part of his body and rejoicing at that sight in the dream means martyrdom. However, if one…

…To dream of a flying bat means an impending catastrophe (not infrequently from water), but not necessarily to the dreamer. To dream of a motionless bat means some impending illness of a more or less serious nature, but not necessarily of the dreamer. If, however, the sleeper dreams the bat settles on him, then he himself will be the sufferer either from some physical injury or from some grievous sickness. To exemplify my theory that bats portend disaster in a greater or a less degree, I will quote a few cases I have collected for that purpose. A lady, whom I will designate Miss Spenser, once dreamed she was crossing a hayfield when she heard a loud buzzing overhead, and, on looking up, perceived a number of bats some feet above her, engaged in whirling round and round in a state of hopeless chaos and confusion. Presently they swooped…

…It is a symbol of work, job success. To see the bees free is a happy omen. To see them flying from flower to flower, it indicates a budding love. If a bee stings you, there is a danger to your reputation. If they’re angry or they attack, then that indicates problems with partners or sloppiness at work with consequent ruin. Killing them indicates that ruin is inevitable and is close. Shattering the hive is a sign that we are antisocial and misfit with the environment….

…Dreaming of a pelican, denotes a mingling of disappointments with successes. To catch one, you will be able to overcome disappointing influences. To kill one, denotes that you will cruelly set aside the rights of others. To see them flying, you are threatened with changes, which will impress you with ideas of uncertainty as to good….

…(Vulture) Eagle is the king of birds. Struggling with an eagle in a dream means distress, fury of one’s superior or subjugation to an unjust person. Owning an obedient, well tamed eagle in a dream means prosperity, honor and power. Owning and flying an eagle in a dream means becoming a tyrant. The scratch of an eagle in a dream means a sickness. A killed eagle in a dream means the death of a ruler. If a pregnant woman sees an eagle in her dream, it means seeing a midwife or a nurse. In a dream, an eagle also may be interpreted to represent a great ruler, a prophet or a righteous person. Hearing the cry of an eagle in a dream means a fight. Eating the flesh of an eagle or getting hold of some of its feathers in a dream means receiving money from a ruler. If…

…Dreaming of one or more angels occasionally is usually a good omen because it indicates joy, happiness, constant protection, and help in all your affairs. This dream is equivalent to seeing your guardian angel, whose symbol acts in the long term, which means throughout all the life of the dreamer. When the angel appears flying and glowing, but it doesn’t go away, it suggests that the dreamer is destined to have success and fortunes in his life. When there is severe and static angel close to you in the dream, it is scolding you for your misbehavior; if angel appears with a sword, it is the sign of the condemnation with threat of serious punishment. When you see several angels discussing in your dream, and worse, fighting, it suggests that the affairs that you’re managing are not going well. If the law is involved, it means that you’re might…

…To see spirits in a dream, denotes that some unexpected trouble will confront you. If they are white-robed, the health of your nearest friend is threatened, or some business speculation will be disapproving. If they are robed in black, you will meet with treachery and unfaithfulness. If a spirit speaks, there is some evil near you, which you might avert if you would listen to the counsels of judgment. Dreaming that you hear spirits knocking on doors or walls, denotes that trouble will arise unexpectedly. To see them moving draperies, or moving behind them, is a warning to hold control over your feelings, as you are likely to commit indiscretions. Quarrels are also threatened. To see the spirit of your friend floating in your room, foretells disappointment and insecurity. To hear music supposedly coming from spirits, denotes unfavorable changes and sadness in the household….

…Dreaming of flying a kite, denotes a great show of wealth, or business, but with little true soundness to it all. To see the kite thrown upon the ground, foretells disappointment and failure. Dreaming of making a kite, you will speculate largely on small means and seek to win the one you love by misrepresentations. To see children flying kites, denotes pleasant and light occupation. If the kite ascends beyond the vision high hopes and aspirations will resolve themselves into disappointments and loss….

Dreaming of wild ducks swimming peacefully in clear and calm waters suggests that the dreamer is at peace with himself or herself, and it could also mean that the dreamer is preparing a long trip that will be pleasant and productive. Dreaming of wild ducks flying in a sunny and quiet sky could signify that the dreamer’s affairs require time to reach fruition. Dreaming of hunting ducks suggests that the dreamer is thinking of changing jobs, business, etc. If during the dream other people are shooting and killing flying ducks, then this signifies failures in the dreamer’s plans due to the intervention of others.

…Dreaming of a white moth, foretells unavoidable sickness, though you will be tempted to accuse yourself or some other with wrong-doing, which you think causes the complaint. For a woman to see one flying around in the room at night, forebodes unrequited wishes and disposition which will effect the enjoyment of other people. To see a moth flying and finally settling upon something, or disappearing totally, foreshadows death of friends or relatives….

Ducks or geese symbolize happiness in love and destiny. Duck or goose with its squawking warns us that we are close to some danger. If we dream of them flying that announces visits or news. If they go swimming or flying solo, means marital happiness. If we eat ducks or geese it means benefits and domestic happiness.

…Dreaming that you are on the roof, or in the highest part of a building, from where you can observe an airport with planes flying, indicates the desire for a change in your life, a change of residence, work or business, and you are finally getting some of that, thanks to the intervention of strangers. Dreaming of watching the top of a building from afar indicates that for the moment there is not likelihood of success in what you want, whether it is business, work or love. Dreaming of being on a roof suggests aspirations of self-improvement, to stand out where you live, with a good chance of getting it. Dreaming of being on a roof and feeling frightened of falling, suggests you are thinking that you will fail in your attempts to overcome yourself. To dream that a roof collapses, is an announcement of calamities at home, in…

The helicopter is dreams is known as the good omen, because it symbolizes your desires and wishes. If you are flying with the helicopter, then such dream shows the great ambitious you have while leading your life. You are not afraid to take the risks and you know how to deal with any of the obstacles that are coming your way. Alternatively, if you are in the helicopter, then such dream shows the very high expectations you have for yourself or for the others. Perhaps you hope too much. Do not be so demanding on yourself or the others, because sometimes it is enough to have less in life.

…existence in a deep, brown river that flowed sluggishly by me, when suddenly a white fox came bounding down the street, and, stopping in front of me; vomited sovereign after sovereign. With a wild shout of delight, I sprang forward, and, clutching hold of the gold, was filling my pockets with it when I awoke. That day, I found myself the proud possessor of some hundreds of pounds I won in a lottery; but I attributed it all to the fox.”Another man dreamed he was flying a kite, when his coat-tails were violently pulled, and, on looking round, he saw a white fox that darted swiftly between his legs, and was suddenly metamorphosed into his uncle. The shock was so great that he awoke, and, a day or two later, heard the very same uncle he had seen in his sleep had died and left him his entire fortune….

…To dream of madness presages impending trouble of all sorts. Not infrequently the dream is, to a large extent, fulfilled. I well recollect a lady saying to me once: “I dreamed last night that my brother and I were sitting by ourselves in the breakfast – room, when, something making me suddenly look up at him, I perceived a curious glitter in his eyes — a glitter that made my blood run cold. Presently, he made the most frightful grimace, baring his teeth, bulging out his eyes and frowning, and then all his features contorted as if they were India-rubber, and I saw something too evil and repulsive for words. With a shriek of terror I sprang up and made a rush for the door, and as I did so he gave a loud chuckle and bounded after me, crying out:”I’m mad! I’m mad! Say your prayers, I’m going…

…gives advice. Animal talk in a dream also represents punishment and suffering. The talk of one’s limbs in a dream means trouble from one’s relatives, or it could mean committing a sin. The speech of moving shadows in a dream means evokingjinn or evil spirits. Being possessed by such spirits and speaking on their behalf in a dream signifies temptation, trouble, corruption and evil. Any words that agree with God’s revelations in a dream must be hearkened to and complied with. The opposite is also true. If a limb talks to someone in hisdream, it denotes advice one will receive from a relative. Animal talk in a dream denotes leaning toward friendships and finding peace in the company of pious people, or it could mean working to earn one’s livelihood. If a wall speaks to someone in a dream, it means a warning of separation, or it could mean renouncing…

…water in a dream also means recovering from trachoma. The explosion of a water tank or a pipe in a dream means distress, trouble and adversities. Green colored water in a dream means a long illness or a wretched life. Drinking black colored water in a dream means becoming blind. Sucking water in a dream means tight circumstances. If unexpectedly one is showered with hot water in a dream, it means a fever, an illness or a scare from evil spirits, the intensity of which is relevant to how hot is the water. If one’s garment gets wet in a dream, it means changes in one’s travel plans, or it could mean delaying a project, or failure of one’s plans. If a poor person sees himself carrying a container of water in a dream, it means money. If a rich person sees that dream, it means marriage, or conceiving a…

…(String instruments | Guitar | Lute | Mandolin) In a dream, a banjo repre- sents people’s common business, double-dealing, scrupulousness, adultery, playing chess, sorcery, a medium, evocation of spirits, calling on jinn spirits, being possessed by jinns or similar effects. A banjo in a dream also represents the leader of such a band of people and it denotes distress and sorrows. Playing a banjo with strings made from animals’ intestines in a dream also represents a wise man admonishing or reprimanding people. Playing a banjo in a dream also means sorrow. To tap on a banjo in a dream denotes nostalgia. Listening to the music of a banjo in a dream means turning one’s attention to lies. (Also see Musician | String Instruments)…

…means that she will beget a boy. If a female bird sits in her lap in a dream, it means that she will beget a girl. Large or predatory birds in a dream represent kings, presidents, leaders, tyrants, men of knowledge or merchants. Water birds, sea gulls, etcetera, represent honorable people who rose in rank in two spheres, the sphere of water and that of the air. They also could mean a journey. If they quack in the dream, they represent lamenting or crying. Singingbirds in a dream represent musicians and singers. To see a flock of birds in a dream means money and power and particularly for someone who tends them or cares for them. Seeing birds flying over one’s head means gaining authority and power. If one sees birds flying inside his house or shop in a dream, it means angels. If a bird flies into one’s hand…

…To see hot iron with sparks flying, is significant of a pleasing work | to the farmer, an abundant crop | favorable indeed to women. Cold, or small, favors may be expected from those in power. The means of success is in your power, but in order to obtain it you will have to labor under difficulty. If the anvil is broken, it foretells that you have, through your own neglect, thrown away promising opportunities that cannot be recalled….

…Dreaming about bees is a good omen, because it indicates success nearby at work and on all matters that are being handled. To dream of killing one or more of the bees hints that you will have various setbacks. Dreaming about angry bees that attack signifies conflicts with partners, or the fact that you will leave the job because of the pursuit of pleasure, which can bring misfortune and total ruin. To dream of being stung by bees hints that you will suffer betrayal from someone who has been trusted and appreciated. Dreamed of eating honey foretells about present and future prosperity hints. When you dream that you are surrounded by bees which are flying peacefully, then it indicates the fact that you are being surrounded by people of good behavior. Dreaming about wasps instead of bees indicates that you are being surrounded by negative people who are going…

…(Climbing | Rising) To see oneself ascending in the skies in a dream means falling in rank, or it could mean oppressing oneself. If one sees himself ascending in the skies until he reaches the stars, merges with them and if he becomes a star in the dream, it means that he will receive titles and powers. If one sees himself ascending a mountain it means depression, stress and travels. However, rising in a dream means elevation of status, and descending means a backslide. If one sees himself walking up a steep road in a dream, it means rising in status, but involving toiling and hardships. If one sees himself climbing a mountain, then the mountain in a dream is interpreted as one’s goal. Thus, one’s dream may mean attaining one’s goal as far as he reaches in his climb. In dream interpretation, any ascent of a mountain, a…

Dreaming of waking up sometimes manifests as a feeling of flying, but almost always with many difficulties and limitations, which implies that the subconscious or spirit, being linked to the physical body, does not enjoy the freedom and independence it would like to have. Also, it indicates that the matters being handled by the dreamer, present many difficulties, and this is the reason for the concern. If during the flight the dreamer passes over beautiful green fields or forests, it suggests that even if the dreamer is suffering from some setbacks, better times will come soon.

…It is a favorable dream to see birds of beautiful plumage. A wealthy and happy partner is near if a woman has dreams of this nature. Moulting and songless birds, denotes merciless and inhuman treatment of the outcast and fallen by people of wealth. To see a wounded bird, is fateful of deep sorrow caused by erring offspring. To see flying birds, is a sign of prosperity to the dreamer. All disagreeable environments will vanish before the wave of prospective good. To catch birds, is not at all bad. To hear them speak, is owning one’s inability to perform tasks that demand great clearness of perception. To kill than with a gun, is disaster from dearth of harvest….

…What is my most common dream? A man who was born deaf and dumb wrote, in answer to my question, “Why! I cannot say offhand, but I believe the dream I am trying to catch a train and cannot make any of the railway officials understand me. I can’t say I dream it before any very unusual occurrence, though it is often prior to some slight domestic bother. Yes! I dream of falling, not flying, drowning, picking up money, and many of the other things you mention, and they have precisely the same significance. I dream, too, I can speak with my mouth, and that, usually, before an illness, such as a severe cold or sickness. I think my most alarming dream is when ‘I fancy I am blind, the agony I endure is, then, something frightful, and I awake crying bitterly. I have had this dream before hearing…

…(Insect) In a dream, a fly represents a weak, lowly and a slanderous person. If he ever benefits anyone, it will be someone of his own kind. Eating flies in a dream means earning loathsome money. Seeing flies ruminating inside one’s stomach in a dream means earning money from a loathsome and a despicable man. Seeing flies inside one’s body in a dream means mixing with loathsome people. Whatever profits one may gain through them will not last. A large size fly in a dream represents a great enemy who will bring harm to the people and to the economy of the land. Flies flying over one’s head in a dream represent a weak enemy who is desiring to triumph over him. It could also mean that someone in a high ranking position is influencing their moves or forcing them to do what he wants. If someone who intends…

…(Angel of death | Bone-breaker | Eagle) In a dream, an osprey represents a powerful and a mighty warrior, and a merciless man whom no one trusts. If one sees an osprey over his roof, or inside his house, or standing over his head in a dream, it represents the angel of death. Catching an osprey in a dream means frequenting a ruler and remaining constantly wary of him whether one obeys him, or opposes him in opinion. If an osprey scratches someone with his claws in a dream, it means depression and financial losses. Eating the flesh of an osprey in a dream represents a demanding person. An osprey in a dream also represents a ruler about whom people speak very scarcely, but who is the direct cause of the falling of many neighboring rulers. Seeing an osprey in a tree means profits, favors and blessings. A flying

…A falcon in a dream represents a thief, might, victory over one’s enemy, satisfying one’s purpose, love to have many children, marriage, slaves, mis- tresses, precious stones, health, relief, or it could mean love to travel. A falcon in a dream also means cessation of life, capture, hunting, shackles, imprison- ment, ties, etcetera. If it appears well trained, obedient and responsive in the dream, it means walking in the company of an important person who is surrounded with an impressive entourage. If one sees a falcon flying and gathering a flock of falcons in a dream, it means building an army. A falcon in a dream also represents an intelligent man who claims importance and dignity, though he is unjust. If one receives or holds a falcon in a dream, it means that he will bear a son who will become a very important person of his time. If…

…In the dreams a dove’s color has its own meaning: White dove: symbolizes peace, tranquility and harmony, etc. Black dove: symbolizes sadness, misfortune, etc. Red dove: symbolizes tragedies, wars, disasters, etc. Messenger dove: symbolizes a classified message according to the color of the dove. Dreaming of hearing the low murmur of a dove is an announcement that problems are coming and even the death of a loved one. If a spouse dreams of a dead dove, it signifies that there will be at least a separation between the couple that could lead to divorce between them, due to infidelity from one of the two. Dreaming of a large group of doves flying, suggests that all matters either your own or from others, are going well and in peace, which means that the future can be fully planned with no worries. Dreaming of a messenger dove delivering a message, needs…

…It is a symbol of spirituality and power of sublimation. Also, dove is a symbol of love, tenderness and fidelity. Associated with the olive branch symbolizes peace, harmony, hope and newfound happiness, and if it is white dove add candor and purity. If we see a couple of dove’s chicks its symbolism is amorous. If we see doves are flying in the dream, this brings us news of a loved one. If they are perched before us that means this news will be as expected. If we try to pick it up and the dove flees before we get to touch it it’s an omen of a love that will not get to enjoy….