…For a Christian person, seeing a church in a dream signifies a house of worship, religion, knowledge, devotion, work, ascetic detachment, fear of wrongdoing, penance, lamentation and it could mean crying. A church in a dream also could mean distress, trouble, slander, innovation, injustice, a business club, a meeting house, bingo, wine, alcoholic consumption, commun- ion, weddings or a wife. In a dream, a church also can represent its parish, diocese, ministry, clergyman or a chaplain. If one sees a church turned into a synagogue, or a synagogue turned into a church in a dream, it means mistrust, an argument, or a scheme for tax evasion. Seeing oneself in a synagogue in a dream means that one may become a Jew. If one’s house turns into a church in a dream, it means that he will bring its business to his house, or it may mean a fight with…

Dreaming of many pants, and worse if they are unorganized, suggests a risk of dishonor as a result of inappropriate attitudes or from other’s intrigues. Dreaming of intensely looking for a pair of pants to put them on signifies that the dreamer lives in a state of confusion as a result of problems that cannot be decrypted or whose solution is out of reach. Dreaming of putting on pants but in the wrong way, and worse if the pants are of someone else, suggests that there are false hopes that are altering the dreamer’s personality.

…Seeing or wearing pants in a dream suggests that you’re thinking about your role in a certain situation. Consider the fabric and the color of the pants to determine the additional meanings. Dreaming that you’re wearing velvet pants means your sensual and passionate side….

Entering a church is sign of loyalty to the beloved one. Building a church means strength of spirit. Praying inside a church means you will receive the desired support, optimism and joy.

Symbolize the authority and prestige within a group. If during our dream we see a family member, co-worker, etc., putting our pants on then this reflects our fear of losing a certain category and responsibility. If we dream about wearing pants that do not fit us, the dream is reflecting our fear of not living up to the authority entrusted to us.

To put your pants on, means that you wish to make a good impression about yourself for the others. The pants are also symbol of changes in your waking life.

If you dream of being in the church, it means that you are getting yourself into spiritual phase. You are looking for answers to the questions you’ve had for a while. The religious people dream about it a lot, because it is the time where they spend while praying. The church could also indicate the fact that you wish to get married in there with the one you love.

To dream one is at church, and praying there, signifies joy and comfort. To dream of singing in church, is a dream of bad consequence. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 13, 6….

…A church denotes disaster, praying therein is well. And to build a church, some one’s death it doth foretells….

To dream you are in church signifies prosperity in business. To see a church closed, great misfortune.

Seeing a church in a dream represents something important and sacred. Dreaming of being inside a church indicates a need for help, a support that will allow you to follow the right path.

If during the dream you are inside a church, then this foreshadows the realization of your hopes, but if you see the church from a distance and you can’t enter it, then the omen is of disappointment. Depending on the beliefs of the people who have this dream, some authors interpret the churches as a symbol of protection, peace, or oppression.

…Dreaming of a church is an omen of the realization of hopes and desires. If we see it in the distance and we do not approach it, then that announces disappointments. If we are in the church talking to other people without paying attention to what happens there, it’s a warning that our attitude to life is neglected and we can commit some imprudence….

(Panties | Trousers | Underpants) In a dream, they represent a firm person who manages his affairs carefully. Wearing a new pair of pants in a dream also means that one will find a new job. (Also see Panties)

To dream that you are in the church, and that the parson and pulpit are in white, and that he preaches a sermon to your taste, shows speedy marriage.

…Dreaming of seeing a church in the distance, denotes disappointment in pleasures long anticipated. To enter one wrapt in gloom, you will participate in a funeral. Dull prospects of better times are portended….

Listen to mass represents internal satisfaction. Repeat it foretells about lost labor. Listen to church music symbolizes overwhelming joy.

To dream of building a church, is a good sign to the dreamer; to enter one, you will receive a kindness from someone; to play in one, success and marriage.

To dream that you are in church and that the parson and pulpit are in white, and that he preaches a sermon to your taste, you will soon be married. If the parson is in black and the congregation sing a hymn, it denotes grief.

…When you see a t-shirt in a dream, then such dream shows your openness towards the others. Make sure you look at the print or any other symbols of the T-shirt, as it would tell much more about the dream and the meaning….

Benefit and advantage. 44.

Resembling a cross, many authors interpret dreaming with this letter as a plan of service to others, or the need to go through dedication and sacrifice for the greater good.

…Releasing one’s self from a troublesome affair….

Build one means divine love. Enter one, benevolence, honorable conduct. Pray in one, consolation and joy. To talk in one and disturb worship signifies envy, sin. Be seated in one means change of apparel. Listen devoutly, happiness if you follow the rules. Sing in the choir, melancholy.

Fortune, power, elevation. With the hands stopped, loss of employment.

Neglect of business. 130.

Good fortune, approach of luck. 9.

Seeing strange countries. 28.

Being protected against bad people. 2.

Happiness, joy, and plenty of all good things.

Approach of misfortune.

Making mistakes. 278.

Unpleasantness and vexation. 8.

…prejudices will not be so aggressive. Dreaming that a minister in a social way tells you that he has given up his work, foretells that you will be the recipient of unexpected tidings of a favorable nature, but if in a professional and warning way, it foretells that you will be overtaken in your deceitful intriguing, or other disappointments will follow. (These dreams are sometimes fulfilled literally in actual life. When this is so, they may have no symbolical meaning. Religion is thrown around men to protect them from vice, so when they propose secretly in their minds to ignore its teachings, they are likely to see a minister or some place of church worship in a dream as a warning against their contemplated action. If they live pure and correct lives as indicated by the church, they will see little of the solemnity of the church or preachers.)…

…When a man dreams that his wife is mopping floors or cleaning walls, it announces that he’ll experience shame, sorrow, unavoidable commitments, which puts him at risk of becoming a victim of blackmail. In case the man is the one who is mopping, the dream will mean the same. In both cases, if the mop appears broken, it usually suggests upcoming hardships and failures due to social relationships or emotional problems….

…If we dream that another person puts on our pants, then that reveals the fear that this person acquires the leading role and authority we believe in it’s ours. If the pants are too short for us it means that we fear ridicule. If a sick person dreams of trousers it means they are starting to feel stronger and unconsciously they sense the proximity of healing….

…(Underpants | Underwear) If one discovers some wetness in his under- pants in a dream, it means that his wife is pregnant. If one defecates in his underpants in a dream, it means a fight with his wife after which he will pay her something he owes her, or it could mean a fight that will end in divorce. If one wears his underpants inside-out in his dream, it means that he indulges in the loathsome and forbidden act of anal intercourse with his wife. If one sees himself wearing his underpants without the underwear shirt in a dream, it means poverty. Wearing fancy underpants in a dream means travels, or financial growth. Wearing new underpants in a dream means protecting one’s chastity. Giving away one’s old underpants in a dream means relief from difficulties. (Also see Underwear | Pants)…

…A church organ prefigures ceremonies of a kind we will know by the musical piece we hear and the circumstances of this listening. If it’s not a church organ it indicates news and events, that will be positive or not, depending on the music played….

When a woman dreams that she’s dressed and acting as a priestess, or at least as a member of a church, but she actually isn’t, indicates that feels love, admiration, compassion and respect towards nature, in all its manifestations, which leads her to think of God. Dreaming of being a priestess but acting with superiority and being very vain, suggests that you have a difficult and contentious nature that produces frequent clashes and problems around you. This dream describes someone that is very unstable and temperamental. Dreaming that you are a member of a church or priestess who is inattentively lighting a fire, or praying, equally distracted, suggests that you contradict your own point of view, which causes troubles and it even makes you carrying grudges because of a stubborn fanaticism.

…When a man dreams that his wife is mopping, washing floors or walls, then it announces that he will suffer shame, sorrow, unavoidable commitments, which will put him at risk of becoming a victim of blackmail. It is the same meaning in the case if it’s the man who handles the mop. In both cases, if the mop appears broken, then it represents approaching hardships and failures due to social relationships or emotional problems….