Dreaming that we’re drinking in a place where the joy reigns, especially if you drink wine, foretells happy times ahead. Also the cup that you drink is important, because if it is gold or silver it means that fortune will be propitious. But if what we drink tastes bitter, it’s a warning of a possible disease.

…If playing them in your dreams with others for social pastime, you will meet with fair realization of hopes that have long buoyed you up. Small ills will vanish. But playing for stakes will involve you in difficulties of a serious nature. If you lose at cards you will encounter enemies. If you win you will justify yourself in the eyes of the law, but will have trouble in so doing. If a young woman dreams that her sweetheart is playing at cards, she will have cause to question his good intentions. In social games, seeing diamonds indicate wealth | clubs, that your partner in life will be exacting, and that you may have trouble in explaining your absence at times | hearts denote fidelity and cosy surroundings | spades signify that you will be a widow and encumbered with a large estate….

(arb. Solar eclipse | See Eclipse | Five times prayers)

Bad times. 354.

Falling off a cliff, canyon, etc., indicates lack of security and self-confidence. If you fall and get up several times, you will achieve your goals, but you’ll have to go through many difficulties. If you are dropping objects or furniture, it means problems at work.

Dreaming that you, or other people are praying, announces bad times, unpleasantness, failures and losses. Dreaming of a priest praying suggests that your behavior is not very good and it will bring you problems in the immediate future.

If you see some person using the calculator, then it means he is very smart and using his potential to make friends who are handy to him. If you are calculating your financial stuff, then you should be aware of the fact that some hard times may come into your waking life.

(arb. See Five times prayers)

times, and then sank out of sight. Instantly the wind, and the thunder, and the hissing and seething of the waters ceased; the lake at my feet disappeared; the trees and hut sprang up; the sky shone and all was once again as before the storm. And thus the dream ended.In this dream, which ended happily, the violet signified success appertaining to the arts; and the storm, followed by a general reparation of all the mischief it had done, portended a quarrel, which, although serious at the time, would have no lasting result. It was soon verified in the case of a very near and dear friend of mine. Success in a special branch of his work led to a violent quarrel, and this quarrel, contrary to both his and my expectations, being eventually bridged over, the former friendship was re-established, and, so far, has continued without another interruption….

…To dream that you’re giving alms to someone in front of many people suggests vanity, and in some cases pride and exhibitionism for what has been achieved. To dream that you deny giving alms to whoever is begging for it suggests that soon you’ll be asked a favor and will deny doing. To dream that you’re giving alms to several almshouses suggests that you’re at risk of losing your possessions as a result of jealousies and ambitions of your competitors. In this case such loss is not necessarily about material values, it may also be about health, prestige, etc. To dream that you’re receiving alms warns you that bad times are almost over and everything will improve. If young lovers dream that they’re giving alms, it suggests that soon they’ll suffer a disappointment due to a love affair….

Dung shows good times and that plenty on you shall fall.

To see one filled, denotes prosperous times and feastings. If empty, your life will be void of any joy or consolation from outward influences.

…The belly represents motherhood and tenderness. When we see our bellies healthy and thick, it means we’ve been able to learn from past situations and from other people for our own benefit. It can also mean that prosperous times lie ahead. If the belly looks weak and sick in dreams, then it signifies despair and misery….

Faithful person who will be there in difficult times. Comfort.

Good times coming, property.

Dreaming about prehistoric times suggests that you should adapt yourself or incorporate yourself in the present.

When you dream of an alchemy it shows that you are confused while trying to change yourself for better person than you are. Make sure you are focused on it and not losing control of it. This dream could also represent the hard times ahead of you. You may have some challenges, but do not be nervous as after you will solve the problems, you will have great consequences.

The cotton candy in a dream, denotes to satisfaction of your life. Perhaps you are happy with what you have. The dream may also indicate the memories from your childish times.

Dreaming about academy of people who are studying there, means sorrow and grief. If it is an academy of sports and pastimes – playful times and happy days are on your way.

Bad times, vexation.

…Dreaming of a quartette, and you are playing or singing, denotes favorable affairs, jolly companions, and good times. To see or hear a quartette, foretells that you will aspire to something beyond you….

…When a woman dreams that she’s harvesting corncobs, or baby corn, it indicates that she’ll soon be in a position that she has longed for, but this may happen as long as she continues to work with the same enthusiasm. To dream about corncobs is positive; it announces good times, good news and a plentiful life. To dream about yourself wondering in a corn field and seeing how it has germinated, i.e., that green plants have raised above ground, suggests that what you are doing in your daily life will bring good results in a short term. However, if the plants you see are wilted, it symbolizes bad news. To dream of yourself shaking the reeds that carry the cobs suggests that you’re too eager for the results of your work, what is something not so good. This dream is a type of warning against an exaggerated impatience feeling….

If we drink wine in a nice place, it presages happy times ahead. If we drink from a luxurious glass, fortune will be favorable to us. If what we drink is bitter, it warns us of a possible disease. If we believe, and we dream of animals drinking from a vessel or a fountain and mainly in pairs, it predicts that soon we will be able to assimilate the true doctrine of God.

…A killing of a red snake in a dream can be because of an external stimulus reason. For anyone, recently in actual life seen bloody scene of a killing of anything by anybody or a neutralization of a blood sucking mosquito can be a source for dreams. In order to kill a red snake in a dream is enough to see in waking life something that resembles such act. For a woman, a finalization of a menstrual cycle can be an external stimulus for a dream about a killing of a red colored snake. For a man, a release of blood from erected body part can be seen as a cause for the dreams about the killed red long limbless reptiles. And the relaxation of the organ can be felt up to few times during a night sleep. Also, if you move year head and your closed eyes away…

…large denomination of money that has the Name of God Almighty written on it, it means acquiring knowledge. If the money coins or the banknotes are designed with images or portray the picture of known people in the dream, then they mean engaging in innovation, religious innovation, falsehood or polytheism. Counting pearls in a dream means reading the Qur’an. Counting gems in a dream means learning wisdom or acquiring knowledge at the hand of a gnostic. Counting beads in a dream means getting involved in people’s business, using obscene language, or fornication. Counting sheep in a dream means counting money or counting one’s children. Counting cows in a dream means longevity or going through a long and difficult times. If a farmer sees himself counting camels in a dream, it means rain and a good harvest. Counting buffaloes in a dream means hardships and toiling in one’s life. (Also see…

Dreaming that someone steals from you, or seeing that other people are stealing something, suggests that you’ll go through bad times in many ways, due to your own weak character. Dreaming of being accused of stealing, without it being true announces that your enemies will create rumors to harm you. Dreaming of stealing from relatives or friends can mean that you’re not honest with yourself. A young woman who dreams of someone who pickpockets her, indicates that she’s victim of unjustified jealousy and envy.

By the pictures of our dream we can learn a lot about ourselves and the people and situations that we care about. So, looking at old photographs indicate that we want to recover gone times. If we are taking pictures of other people, the identity of these people speaks to us of our affections and interests. And if we see a picture of us in the dream, we must analyze what is the sensation when we look at ourselves and what nuances we contemplate.

The dream in which you meet an unknown person and he seems very nice to you indicates the great times are ahead of you. If this unknown person is looking ugly, you will experience bad situations.

Bad times.

Dreaming of a cape indicates protection in difficult times.

(arb. See Five times prayers)

…to improve in a short period of time. Dreaming of swimming in order to catch fish reveals that the dreamer has good health and has the ability to succeed in anything that he or she wants. Dreaming of fish in clear running water, suggests that the dreamer has the ability to approach wealthy people, and that the dreamer will soon receive benefits. If a woman dreams this, then it announces that she will be courted by a distinguished man. Dreaming of dead fish announces problems in health or that she’ll suffer from another unfortunate event. Dreaming of fishermen working in the water announces good times for the dreamer. Dreaming of being inside a fish market even if you aren’t buying anything, could mean that business is productive and there are currently good social relationships. But if the fishes are rotten, then it suggests various problems, such as health problems….

(arb. See Five times prayers)

…Dreaming of healthy, fat pigs suggests that there will be good business in the future, but nothing huge. Dreaming of skinny and sick pigs is a sign that there will be some bad times in business and affairs that are being handled by the dreamer. If a woman has this dream it indicates that there will be various problems, either at home or with family and friends. Dreaming of pork meat without touching it or eating it is a sign that current problems will be solved soon and everything will return to normal. Dreaming of hearing pigs grunting suggests that bad news about absent friends will be received, as well as failure on projects. Dreaming of petting a pig hints that the dreamer desires to get a fortune in a short period of time, but that he or she will have to work hard for it. Dreaming about eating…

The bride in a dream is very common for those women who are getting married soon in their waking lives. The other explanation brings joy and happiness, but only if the bride is happy while preparing for the wedding. If you are kissing the bride, then this woman who was kissed will become your wife in reality. If the bride has kissed you, but you felt uncomfortable about that, then this woman is not your sweetheart and you will suffer unhappiness if you stay with her forever. The bride who is sad, dirty or unhappy is an omen of sad times in your life with friends. If the bride who is getting married is feeling very bad, then she shouldn’t marry the man she is going to.

…To see timber in your dreams, is an augury of prosperous times and peaceful surroundings. If the timber appears dead, there are great disappointments for you. See Forest….

Marriage in a dream symbolizes a new beginning or transition in your life. Dreams involving marriage generally have some negativity, some highlights and some anxiety or fear. Often they referred to teardrop sensations, pain, or your independence. A dream that you remarried with your current partner represents truth, happiness and highlights a strong relationship between you. It can also foresee a new phase in your life. If in real life you will get married and dream about your future wedding, then it indicates stress of organizing the wedding and can be the cause of anxiety. On the other hand, the dream indicates an era of happiness and well-being. Dream about planning your own wedding is a metaphor symbolizing the union of the masculine and feminine side. Attending a wedding means changes and certain times in your life.

Long and dangerous sickness and at times fatal. To triumph over one; return to calmness, favorable fortune.

Dreaming about wandering, whether in the countryside or in the city, indicates a state of depression, annoyance, sadness and perhaps nostalgia for past times which were better than the current ones. This dream in a young female suggests she seeks to establish her own home. Dreaming of wandering usually is a sign for poverty. Several wanderers in a dream is an unpleasant announcement for people who will be visiting you. Protecting wanderers suggests vanity and useless exhibitionism.

…of sick people, losses, destruction, fire, bad news, forfeiture of properties, stagnation of the economy, losing one’s source of livelihood, imprisonment, breach of promise, forgetting one’s knowledge, ne- glecting one’s prayers, obstruction of charities, hindrance of alms distribution, negating the rights of others, retreating to one’s privacy, rising prices, bad crop, a tyrant ruler, glass blowing, or bankruptcy. As for one who loves to meet his Lord, seeing the archangel ‘Izrail in a dream means attainment of one’s goal, fulfillment of a promise, freedom from prison, good news and glad tidings. If an unknown or a common person approaches someone in the street and whispers something in his ear in confidence, the commoner here represents the angel of death. It is said that each human being will see the archangel ‘Izrail three times during his lifetime, and it is the third time that ‘Izrail, upon whom be peace, will…