…(Cripple | Impediment | Justice | Wither) If one sees his right hand paralyzed in a dream, it denotes a great sin he has committed that warrants such a severe punishment. If the right hand is paralyzed in the dream, it means that one earns his money from practicing usury, or it could mean that he is unjust toward a poor and a weak person. If one’s left hand is paralyzed in a dream, it means that either his sister or his brother may die shortly. If his thumb is paralyzed in a dream, it means that he will suffer from hardships because of his children. If the index or the middle finger are paralyzed in a dream, it means that one may suffer because of his sister. If one sees his ring finger paralyzed in the dream, it means that he will suffer pain and difficulties because of…

…To dream of a birth signifies a death. One afternoon, at a garden-party, I met an old friend, who told me he had just dreamed his sister had had a child, and as he was curious to know whether that event had actually occurred, he was going to write at once. The dream was verified, but in a manner he did not anticipate; for, on arriving at his house he found a telegram awaiting him there to say his sister was dead! And again, at a cricket match one baking hot day in July I was speaking of dreams, when one of the players exclaimed with a shudder: ‘’I fear your interpretation of the birth dream is only too correct. A lady once told my wife that she dreamed she had given birth to a remarkably fine boy, whose eyes, however, were not both of the same colour. Two…

…Dreaming that you see children kissing, denotes happy reunions in families and satisfactory work. Dreaming that you kiss your mother, you will be very successful in your enterprises, and be honored and beloved by your friends. To kiss a brother or sister, denotes much pleasure and good in your association. To kiss your sweetheart in the dark, denotes dangers and immoral engagements. To kiss her in the light, signifies honorable intentions occupy your mind always in connection with women. To kiss a strange woman, denotes loose morals and perverted integrity. Dreaming of kissing illicitly, denotes dangerous past-times. The indulgence of a low passion may bring a tragedy into well-thought-of homes. To see your rival kiss your sweetheart, you are in danger of losing her esteem. For married people to kiss each other, denotes that harmony is prized in the home life. Dreaming of kissing a person on the neck,…

…To contract a marriage means happy times. To be married, unexpected dangers. To see a marriage of someone means sickness, melancholy. Marry an ugly person, illness or some serious disaster. A handsome person that you marry, indicates joy, happiness and great advantages. Marry your own wife in a dream means profit. To marry a virgin, means honor without profit. To espouse one’s sister means jealous peril. Mary a servant means deception….

If you dream of all of the seasons of the year, then such dream signifies the changes and different parts of the life. From bad times there comes a good times, just like the seasons of the year – after winter, which is dark period comes the spring which associates with the new beginning. Make sure you know which season of the year you were dreaming and check those meanings by the season in other explanations of the dream.

…or they could mean money or marriage or a flourishing business. Bereavement of a child in a dream means the opposite in real life. It also means rejoicing, reunions, pleasures and earning respect. Bereavement of a child in a dream is sometimes interpreted to portray an intention of one’s children or wife to separate from the family. A little male child in a dream represents worries, responsibilities, hard work, catering to ignorant people or dealing with trivial and time wasting people. If a prisoner sees himself carrying a little girl in his dream, it means that he will be released from his prison. If one who is going through hard times sees himself holding a little girl in a dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted. If he is poor, it means that he will thrive for success and the little girl then represents his glad tidings….

…means debts, or a vicious neighbor. A broken back in a dream means losing one’s strength and power, or it could mean one’s death. If a sick person sees his back broken in a dream, it means that the person who is taking care of him may die shortly, or it could mean that he will suffer from poverty. Carrying burdens over one’s back in a dream means sins. Carrying a coffin or a load of merchandise over one’s back in a dream means carrying forgotten debts that will surface at awkward times. Carrying wood over one’s back in a dream means backbiting, slandering people and reporting lies. Carrying a heavy load over one’s back in a dream also means having many children with little money to sustain them. Seeing a hunchbacked person in a dream means prosperity, longevity or having a large family. (Also see Backbone | Backside |…

When you are gathering the gooseberries, then such dream denotes to joy and fulfilment in your waking life, after the hard times you have suffered from. The dream in which you are gathering the gooseberries also shows the end of hard times, which means that the brighter days are coming to you. If you see yourself eating the gooseberries in a dream, then it shows the mistakes you have made in the past in order to get the joy.

…Dreaming of being in a beautiful and fertile country, where abound rich fields of grain and running streams of pure water, denotes the very acme of good times is at hand. Wealth will pile in upon you, and you will be able to reign in state in any country. If the country be dry and bare, you will see and hear of troublous times. Famine and sickness will be in the land….

…(Harrow | Mattock | Plow | Scoop | Trowel) In a dream, a shovel represents a wife for an unmarried person. She will keep no secret, though she will spare no expense to save her husband from poverty. A shovel in a dream also means dispelling distress, overcoming trouble, or satisfying one’s debts. A shovel in a dream also may represent a trustworthy person one can depend on during hard times, or in times of adversities. Holding a shovel in a dream means receiving benefits and blessings, for a shovel collects dirt as well as valuables. A shovel in a dream also may represent a woman, profits, or business activities. (Also see Rake | Spade)…

…Dreaming of young growing cotton-fields, denotes great business and prosperous times. To see cotton ready for gathering, denotes wealth and abundance for farmers. For manufacturers Dreaming of cotton, means that they will be benefited by the advancement of this article. For merchants, it denotes a change for the better in their line of business. To see cotton in bales, is a favorable indication for better times. Dreaming that cotton is advancing, denotes an immediate change from low to high prices, and all will be in better circumstances….

When you dream of being in despair, then such dream indicates the hard times which are ahead of you. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours already knows the matter of it and warns you to prepare for it. If other people are in despair while you are dreaming, then it shows the unhappy times for those people. You should give as much help as it is possible, in order to be useful.

The dream, in which you see yourself attending the fair, denotes to the old times and childhood. Perhaps you are longing for times when things were not as serious as it is now and you didn’t have so many responsibilities. The fair could also be related to the fact of being fair to someone while doing business or being in any other kind of relationships.

If you dream of the times of Medieval, then such dream represents the conservative thoughts and old way of thinking. The attention must be paid to the things that were done while dreaming of Medieval times, because the more vivid explanation of the dream could be given.

Many times it reflects real hunger. If not: It reveals that in the past we have suffered money problems and reflects the fear of it happening again. If in the dream we satisfy our hunger that indicates our fear has no basis and a bountiful period is approaching. If this dream is repeated often and we never satisfy our hunger that can reveal another hunger of sexual nature.

Kissing a person of the opposite sex and not our partner means harbinger of infidelity, but kissing our partner on the other hand, it indicates that good times are coming. Kissing the ground is a sign of feeling humiliated or scared of arriving penalties. Some authors add that seeing us in a dream kissing a dead, presages heritage. Also in this dream we must take into account that it could be showing repressed sexual tendencies.

…constant changes in one’s life, poverty, hunger, starvation, or death. The night and the day in a dream also represent wisdom and protocols, or indulging in something one will regret. The nightfall in a dream also may denote changing times, or changing trends. The night in a dream also could represent an African woman, while the day may represent a Caucasian woman, or a pregnant woman. The night in a dream also represents the evening gown, while the day represents work. The night in a dream also means veiling one’s difficulties and taking refuge in a safe place, except if the one seeing the dream is a traveller, then the night in his dream means injustice and ignorance. The night in a dream also denotes devotion, holding a night vigil, attaining one’s goal, or meeting with one’s beloveds. (Also see Darkness | Evening | Moon | Night of power)…

If you dream of seduction, then such dream may indicate your sexual feelings and wishes. Maybe there is a gap of sexual things in your life, therefore you are dreaming of trying to seduce someone or yu are the one who is seduced by someone.

…(Idol) A statue in a dream represents falsehood, inventions, make-shift, fiction, illusion, heedlessness, or a nice looking person who is full of deception. Worshipping a statue in a dream means lying to God Almighty, or that one worships what his mind tells him to worship, whether it is a physical object or a child of one’s imagination. If it is a carved wooden statue in the dream, it means that he ingratiates himself to rich people, or to an unjust person in authority through his religion. If the statue is built from wood in the dream, it means that one seeks religious arguments or disputes. If the statue is made of silver in the dream, it means that one elicits sexual relationship with his servant, or with a foreign woman, or perhaps just a friendship. If the statue is made of gold in the dream, it means that one…

If the sheets are dismal, dark color, in bad condition or in a bed inside of gloomy and dark room, then it warns us of a possible disease that is lying as the symbol on those sheets. If the bed is empty, then it denotes to danger from someone close. Huge sheets indicates obsession for sexual issues. If the sheets are very small, then it brings disinterest on sexual issues. If the sheets are clean and well-arranged, then it indicates that we are in good terms with our partner. If the sheets are dirty and untidy, then it shows disagreement and unconformity. If the sheets are torn, that is a bad omen which foretells about divorce or widowhood. Very ornate sheets, refinement of love. If they are different from ours, new loves. To see unknown people sleeping on our sheets, danger and squabbles.

(Lesbian | Sodomy | Transvestite | Vagina) If one sees himself acting effeminately in a dream, it means evil, distress, fear or that a calamity will befall him. If an effeminate person sees himself having a vagina in a dream, it means that he has two faces or that he is satisfied to be knowledgeable as well as a fraud. If an effeminate person or a homosexual looks at his own male organ and finds no female organ beside it in the dream, it means that he will repent and back up from his loathsome conduct and revert to his natural sexual condition. If an effeminate person who is also bisexual sees himself as having a vagina, or if he looks at his penis in a dream, it means separation from his wife or mother or segregation from his friends. (Also see Sexual intercourse | Vagina)

The bondage in a dream, shows the factors of your personality that are made suppressed. Perhaps you are feeling that someone has made the boundaries and walls for you. Try to remove those negative barriers which have made you feel bad. On the sexual note, the dream indicates the unfounded sexual senses which you wish to know better. Try to listen to your inner body.

When you dream of seeing an anaconda it shows how original and dormant you are. It means you are very original and unique person. This dream also represents your sexual life and the needs you have. Do not be afraid to think of what you would like to do with your intimate life, maybe there is something you are not happy with. Make sure you know what you like and tell someone who is involved in this sexual life with you.

When you wear lingerie in a dream, then such dream indicates the sexual aspects of your personality and how confident you are in your own skin. Maybe you never noticed the desires you have, or maybe you are becoming an adult that has many sexual wishes. If you bought some lingerie in the shop, then it shows the lack of affection and love in your life. Perhaps you are feeling lonely and unhappy, therefore you are trying to fulfill the sadness with the lingerie. On the other hand, the dream could show the positive transformation that is happening n your life, but you have not acknowledged it yet. To get more interpretation about your dream, please also see the meaning of Underwear.

If you dream about the closed door, then such dream represents the important things in your life you are no longer able to use. Perhaps the circumstances have closed the doors for you and there is no longer an ability to enter them ever again. The dream about the closed doors could also indicate the end of sexual activities in your waking life. Maybe you broke up with someone or didn’t have sexual intercourse for a long time and now have dreams about doors that are being closed. The dream, in which you see the shop or store closed, denotes to your incapacity to deal with new things in your life. The dream could also indicate the disappointment you will suffer.

To see the hose in a dream is a good sign. The hose symbolizes clarity, purity and refreshment. The dream shows that you are becoming better person day by day, therefore you see a hose in a dream. The hose could also signify the sexual desires the one has, because it stands for a sexual instrument such as penis or simple intercourse between to individuals.

If you dream of buying or seeing a bedspread, it indicates your sexual desires and the way you look or represent yourself. You should try to recreate the colour or the print of the bedspread you had a dream of. For example if the bedspread was red it shows how passionate and sexual you are or if the bedspread is shrinked, it indicates the variety or confusions of your wishes. Usually the bedspread symbolizes the very intimate part of your life.

…The dream in which you see the horse is known as having a very important symbolism, depending on the circumstances of the dream. The horse could indicate the necessity to become more tolerant and calmer. Perhaps you are no longer able to control the wild side of your personality. There is also a possibility that you are too arrogant towards the others. When you see the dark or black horse in a dream, then it shows something mysterious, unknown and unrecognizable. Maybe you are taking some risk in your waking life, therefore you see the black horse. If you dream about the horse which is white, then such dream indicates the purity, goodness and richness. The good days are coming your way. If the white horse was going after you, then such dream represents your inability to deal with sexual aspects of your nature. The dream in which you…

The sex in dreams is interpreted as an omen of your intimate life either mental or physical one. The dream could be a reflection of someone in your life that is very close to you. Having intercourse with your partner means that you love and dear him/her very much. Sometimes the sex with some person doesn’t show the actual and sexual affection to him or her, but it simply shows that you would like to be with this person more. If the sex is unpleasant during your dream, you are unhappy about your life or relationships with particular person. Sometimes teenagers have these kind of dreams because of the sexual maturity that they getting into.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a scallop shell when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol and sign for female sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity.

If you were dreaming of eating and/or seeing blackberries, it denotes to you as being incautious and irresponsible. It seems that you are not afraid to take risks and became fearless, which is not a good thing, as you have to look after yourself, because there is a possibility to meet negative consequences. The other possible meaning of this dream foretells about your sexual needs which you are not able to express. Maybe you are afraid to be misunderstood and think that your dreams that are related to sexual wishes are not acceptable. You should try to express those feelings and wishes, because it is never good to hold your emotions inside.

To dream of aiming someone or something, represents that you should move on the right direction. Make sure you are facing only the destination you are directed to. There will be many circumstances that will disturb you from the actions you should do, but do not loose the vigilance, make sure you concentrated on one thing. When you dream of aiming the weapon it signifies your rage and hard feelings you have against someone. This dream could also be the meaning of your restrain sexual feelings. Maybe there is some things you are afraid to talk to your partner and do not feel fulfilled in sexual life.

To have interaction with bandit or to see or dream that you are a bandit, shows the way to or the direction of primitive sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity and primal lust.

Seeing a penis in your dreams means energy and sexual fertility. Seeing a big penis suggests doubts and anxieties about your impulses and sexual libido.

The gun in dreams is known as the symbol of anger, apprehension, frustration and sadness. Perhaps you are feeling lots of anger and aggression. The gun can also be interpreted as the sexual aspects of the dreamer, because the gun is the symbol of penis. Maybe you have some sexual desires or your sexuality has been suppressed for a while. If you are loading a gun, then you should start paying attention to your anger and ask yourself if you can control it. If you shoot someone with a gun, then it shows your anger you have towards the certain person that has been shot. If somebody pointed the gun into you and shot, then you are facing some unavoidable situation in your waking life. To get better interpretation of your dream, please see the meaning of Pistol or Shot dreams interpretations.

…(Dull-witted | Dummy | Idiot | Mug) In a dream, a tankard represents a housekeeper or a servant. A tankard or a mug in a dream represent the household servants who consent to sexual abuse or sexual relationship with their employer. Drinking from a tankard in a dream also means earning money through one’s servants or employees. A broken tankard in a dream signifies the death of one’s servant or employee. (Also see Mug)…

…dreamer. Dreaming of black goats indicates that you will soon be suffering because of sorrows, misfortunes, losses, etc.; this dream is a bad omen. Dreaming of a dead goat, the darker the worse, suggests that the dreamer feels unable to perform many activities and that might show some issues with sexual strength; this current outlook will naturally lead everything he works on to failure, if immediate changes on the mind are not performed. This phenomenon is usually hidden of the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one’s actions and feelings, that’s why it appears in dreams. If a woman dreams drinking goat milk, it means that she probably wants to marry a wealthy man, not caring either for her love or her future. If a woman, especially if she’s young, dreams of riding a goat, it suggests unfulfilled sexual desires. This dream…

To have interaction with or to see a mustang, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests aggression, wildness, lust and untamed sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity.

If you dream about the horse, then such dream indicate strength, sexual aspects of your personality and liberty. Sometimes the horses are interpreted as those who brings the news no matter they are bad or good, but it depends on people who dreamt about it. When you are horse riding, then such dream indicates how well you are prepared and the fact that you trust yourself a lot. You have no issues with self-confidence. The color of the horse also gives an important message, which shows much more of the interpretation about the dream. For example, the white horses represent purity, love and affection, the black ones indicates the strength, the grey ones our ability to adapt in different circumstances or the wisdom. Piebald horse is the symbol of chaos, different energies and stress. The tan horses indicates the sexual aspects of your personality.

The train reflex your life and the path you’ve chosen to take. If you are the one who controls where this train is going, then you are controlling perfectly your life and going on the direction that you have chosen. The train according to some interpreters is the symbol of sexual intercourse, especially if it is going through the tunnel, therefore if you dream about it, you have sexual desires, wishes and urges either. The other explanation tells that if you miss the train, you miss some of the chances in your life either.