If you see yourself in the classroom, then such dream indicates the lesson you are learning in life. Perhaps you have to deal with something important in your life and now learning how to do it. To get more detailed ream interpretation, please consider what kind of subject you were learning in classroom.

(They represent the parents especially.) To have them broken or injured, indicates sickness in a foreign country, far away from the assistance of parents. When this dream comes to a young female, or she is the subject of it, then it means that she will marry a foreigner and live in a country far off from her parents. When the dreamer is a married woman widowhood, loss of power. To have well-proportioned thighs, indicates a speedy venture of a voyage, which will succeed perfectly. Receive a wound on the thighs means torment from parents.

Dreaming of discussing any subject relating to aura, denotes that you will reach states of mental unrest, and work to discover the power which influences you from within.

…(Swagger) To move around in a conspicuous manner in a dream repre- sents one’s perception of his religion. It also means attaining a worldly rank that will end soon after. If one recognizes a subject relating to some earnings in his dream, then he should seriously and carefully examine the lawfulness of its source. (Also see Walking)…

For a young woman Dreaming that she is connected in any way with a lawyer, foretells that she will unwittingly commit indiscretions, which will subject her to unfavorable and mortifying criticism. See Attorney.

Be the subject of a survey announces that you have aroused the suspicions of your rivals. To be part of one indicates imminent victory over your opponents.

(arb. Rukhkh is A legendary Arabian bird.) Seeing the legendary giant roc in a dream means fast travelling news coming from Western regions, or it could represent distant travels, playing with words, taunt with a serious subject, or just prattling.

…(A blood disease | An infectious skin and nerve affecting disease | Albino) To see oneself as a leper in a dream means that one may receive an inheritance, money, or a garment without ornaments. Leprosy in a dream also means working in vain, or losing the benefits of one’s deeds because of one’s arrogance toward his Lord, and consequently, he will earn God’s displeasure. It also means being innocent from false allegations, or being subject to people’s slanders. If one’s leprous condition spreads throughout his entire body in the dream, it means a lasting prosperity. If one sees himself praying under leprous condition in a dream, it means possessing unlawful and forbidden earnings, or forgetting whatever one has memorized from the Qur’an. (Also see Albino)…

…A mirror in a dream means illusion, arrogance, pride, or a woman. If one looks into a mirror and sees his beard black in a dream, it means honor, respect and dignity. If one looks into a mirror and sees the reflections of someone who looks like him in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will look like his father and carry his trade. Looking into a mirror in a dream also means loss of one’s position, or getting married. If one is already married, then it means the return of his wife from a journey. Looking at the back of a mirror in a dream means loss of one’s crop, or entering one’s wife from the anus during sexual intercourse. It is said that a mirror in a dream also represents manhood, virtues and station, all of which are subject to the size…

To dream that you see a dead man, signifies that he that dreams will be subject to the same passions and fortune as the party deceased had when alive, if he knew him.

…(Artist | Illustrator) In a dream, a painter represents knowledge, archi- tecture, wisdom, writing poems, writing love songs or telling lies. A painter in a dream also represents someone who conceals his acts, or hides his true face. He also could represent alcoholism, falling in love, marriage, or having children. Some of the painter’s works are beneficial while others are harmful. All depending on the quality of his work, its objectives, balance, resemblance to the object painted and authenticity. The characteristics of such a person in the dream may be that of a hypocrite in wakefulness, or an ostentatious person, a toadying person, a hypocrite, a panegyrist, or a lauding person, though he mostly looks as a good, sincere and a hard working person. The value of his paintings varies depending on the subject treated. A painter in a dream also represents a person who loves flattery, self-adulation, an…

…(Ballista | Battering ram | Mangonel) Seeing a mangonel or a missile launcher for hurling heavy stones in a dream means calumny, slander and a false accusation of fornication, untruth, or deceit. A missile launcher in a dream also means victory for the oppressed and destruction for the unjust ones. If the commander who is operating the missile launcher in the dream is a ruler, then it means that he will write a letter with strong words to the other party. The stone or the missile itself represents the messenger, or the carrier of such a letter. If a superior launches a stone against a subject or an employee in a dream, it means that he will send an investigator, a controller or a supervisor of a stern nature. Watching the launch of a mangonel in a dream implies treachery, betrayal and a cause of losses and sufferings. It…

…(Lubrication | Oil) In a dream, grease is a sign of distress or depression. If one sees himself smearing his hair with excess grease, and if grease starts to run over his face in a dream, it means adversities, burdens and a painful depression. If it is a normal quantity, then it means beautifying oneself. If the grease smells bad in the dream, it means sarcastic praises equivalent to the degree of its stench, or it could represent a prostitute, or an insolent man. Rubbing oneself with mercury or a fragrant cream mixed with musk in a dream means hearing favorable praises and earning a good reputation. Lubricating someone else’s head in a dream means evil and the subject should take precautions toward the one greasing his head. Having ajar of grease or cream to rub one’s body with it or to apply it to others in a dream…

If color white is untainted in our dreams, it signifies the trust which hasn’t been betrayed. If white objects appear filthy, we will be subject of betrayals. If it is about a dartboard, it portends success in your projects.

…Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also signifies the destruction of the unbelievers and the victory of the believers. If one sees him in a ship in a dream, it means that such a ship will escape from destruction, or that all its people will be saved from drowning. Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also means facing a strong army of unbelievers, their blatant attitudes, their verbal and physical abuse of the believers, and their unrestrained persecution of the physically weak among them. It also denotes the weakness of people’s faith and their lack of trust in God Almighty. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means spending a lifetime in devotion and servitude to one’s Lord, commanding good and forbidding evil. If a ruler sees God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream, it means that his subject will disobey him. Seeing him (uwbp) in…

(Jeweler) In a dream, a goldsmith represents celebrations, joy, happiness or perhaps mixing truth with falsehood. A goldsmith in a dream also could represent falsehood, lies, cheating, forging, defrauding, or he could represent a poet, knowledge, guidance or children. A goldsmith in a dream also represents an evil person, for he molds words from fire and in smoke. If one is seen heating gold or silver in a dream, it means lies and deception. If one is seen placing gems on a ring in a dream, it means that he will bring unity between people and deal with a subject matter that begins with evil and ends in goodness, (Also see Gold | Jeweler)

Dreaming that you are the subject of calumny, denotes that your interests will suffer at the hands of evil-minded gossips. For a young woman, it warns her to be careful of her conduct, as her movements are being critically observed by persons who claim to be her friends.

You will become as the subject to malicious intentions.

…The flying-dream is, I believe, more common to people with the psychic faculty and artistic temperament than to others. I have sounded many artists and writers on the subject, and they tell me that they often dream they are flying, but seldom, if ever, with wings. I know the sensation well, for I frequently experience it in dreamland. Maybe, as I am walking along a road, I suddenly feel I can fly. I give a jump, and the next moment am moving through the air, a yard or so from the ground, with both feet close together. It is a most enjoyable sensation, and I am so entranced that I keep saying to myself: “It is real this time. I am not dreaming. I can fly at last.” I sometimes fancy I am in a room full of people, who naturally express the greatest incredulity when I tell them…

…bathhouse in a dream, it means that a chaste person will turn corrupt or become heedless. A masjid in a dream also represents a marketplace or a business. If one has to climb up a staircase to reach the masjid in a dream, then the masjid represents a thrifty person who does not like to share what he has. If one has to climb down a staircase to reach the masjid in a dream, it means that his needs will be satisfied. If a masjid in the city is moved to a remote village in a dream, it means stagnation of one’s business, being ostracized from one’s community, or it could mean legal complications related to one’s inheritance. If a ruler builds a house for God Almighty or a masjid in a dream, it means that he will be a just ruler and he will govern his subject by the…

…In a dream, a threshold represents one’s gown, garment, one’s adornment, makeup, money, or it may denote closing a subject, spreading it, or it could represent a beautiful woman who embodies all the attributes man desires, including beauty, good character, intelligence, wealth and fertility. Buying a new threshold or sitting on one in a dream means that either the husband or the wife may suffer a bodily injury. If one sees himself sitting under the threshold of his door in a dream, it represents an adversity or an illness. If one sees himself being carried over the threshold of his door in a dream, it represents his funeral. (Also see Doorstep | Door lintel | Doorplate)…

(Haft | Saber guard | Sword hilt) Seeing a knife handle or a sword haft in a dream means that one still has a property or a minimum amount of property, including but not limited to livestock, gold, silver, or cash savings that is subject to the obligatory (Zakat) alms tax.

In a dream, attaining a station means receiving an irrevocable award, as compared to reaching a state which denotes a transitory passage and a condition which is subject to constant changes.

Symbolizes the duties and obligations that society subject to us. This dream often reveals that we are subjected to a form of coercion from which we want to free ourselves. If we are young and the dream is unpleasant, then it denotes a desire to integrate into the community and abide by its rules. If the dream is accompanied by an agonizing feeling of wearing the uniform which is incomplete, untidy or dirty then it refers that in our life we are subjected to constraints of professional, family or social aspects. If the weather is nice in the dream, then it is about our subordination and obedience to a higher law that come from ourselves. If we are not the soldier, nor we see them as isolated individuals, but armed and marching in formation, reveals the existence of some danger that threatens our independence or personal security.

It will be very important to consider the subject of debate and the people with whom you keep the dialectic, but in any case, a debate shows your need to express yourself and make you understand. Your unconscious can be showing the need for greater communication to achieve projects you have in mind.

…coming distress, unless you follow the advice given you. Disastrous consequences could often be averted if minds could grasp the inner workings and sight of the higher or spiritual self. The voice of relatives is only that higher self taking form to approach more distinctly the mind that lives near the material plane. There is so little congeniality between common or material natures that persons should depend upon their own subjectivity for true contentment and pleasure. Paracelsus says on this subject: {It may happen that the soul of persons who have died perhaps fifty years ago may appear to us in a dream, and if it speaks to us we should pay special attention to what it says, for such a vision is not an illusion or delusion, and it is possible that a man is as much able to use his reason during the sleep of his body as…

When you see a killer in a dream, then such dream shows that there are certain things within you that been putted away. Perhaps you feel like you are no longer yourself. The killer in a dream could also indicate the fears of life dangers you meet every day. On the other hand, the killer in a dream shows the final stages of particular subject in your life. Perhaps you are getting over with something in your waking life.

…(Defecate | Excrete | Human excrements) Feces in a dream represent money. Excreting solid intestinal waste in a dream means that one will spend large amounts of money in caringforhis health. Having diarrhea and defecating in public in a dream means that one should be careful about exposing himself or becoming subject to a scandal or saying dirty words. Excreting involuntarily, then cleaning after oneself and carrying one’s pickings in a dream means earnings and money. Feces in a dream also mean honey. Defecating in one’s bed in a dream means divorcing one’s wife. Walking on feces in a dream means distress or depression. Walking away from the bathroom after cleansing one’s bowels in a dream means walking away from adversities. Falling into the sewers or a toilet bowl in a dream means entering a prison. Defecating in one’s pants in a dream means falling into sin, humiliation, speaking…

…(Lending | Loan) If the borrowed object is pleasing in the dream, then it means good that will not last, and if the borrowed subject is despised, then it becomes a bad omen. Borrowing a vehicle, or taking a ride in a dream means unlawfully getting hold of someone else’s property. Borrowing a valuable object from someone in a dream means paying indemnity, reparation, or a fine of equal value to the object borrowed in the dream. The borrowed object also could signify prosperity and success in one’s life, or it could mean committing a shameful act, suffering from a scandal , or a warning which implies the need to avoid a scandal, deceit or corruption. Borrowing or lending in a dream represents the importance of, or one’s need for such an object or his love for it. Thus, the enchantment which is derived from borrowing or lending an…

…(Bombing | Shooting) Shelling someone or a place in a dream represents an excuse or a stratagem. Shelling in a dream also means defaming the people of knowledge, slandering them, or exploiting a religious subject for fame and profits. Shelling someone or a place in a dream also may mean adversities and trials. Shelling the castle of one’s enemy in a dream means speaking the truth, or invoking a strong prayer. (Also see Shooting arrows)…

If you dream of eating the beans it symbolizes the bond between your roots and mankind. Make sure you know what ties you up with people around you. The other explanation of seeing or eating beans says that the most important subject of your your being is the u quality of your soul and it represents the endless life which you should indicate and live as only you could live once. Keep in mind that the most important symbol of beans is the fecundity and productivity.

…Mad people, I fancy, often dream of the subject of their mania. One madman, I was told, who believed he was a teapot, used constantly to dream that he was pouring out tea, and when anything prevented the tea flowing he would, on awaking, conclude it was a bad omen, and declare he was going to be ill; which prediction not infrequently came true. Another madman used often to tumble out of bed with a loud bump, and, on being questioned about it by his keeper, would say: “I can’t help it; I’m a plum, and when I dream I am ripe I am bound to fall. “This same man declared that whenever he dreamed he was eaten, something bad would always happen to him next day.I once heard of a mad woman who believed she was John the Baptist, and said that, whenever she dreamed she was in…

The spiders are the symbols of great fortune. If the spider is seen on some wall, the love of your life will visit you soon. If the spider is spinning the web, you will achieve great results in your endeavours. The spider that is sitting on the important subject such as your laptop, means that you will receive great news. The bigger the spider, the greater the news. The spider if it is tarantula is a bad omen that indicates disappointments.

…Dreaming of several horses calmly trotting indicates hopes of fulfilling the desires that have not materialized. It also tends to indicate that highly valued friends are suffering some pain because of failures in business or diseases, for example. Dreaming of one or more horses in a passive attitude is a good omen since it insinuates quiet days, without worries. Dreaming of a quiet and grazing white horse is a symbol of strength and health to enjoy life, which speaks of a good future. If you’re riding that white horse, it indicates a broad prosperity and important friendships. Dreaming of a black horse suggests bad temper and brutal mistreatment to respectable people, but such behavior will not be an impediment to succeed in your business. This same dream for a married woman suggests that there will be problems with her husband. When the horse is brown, it suggests the two

Dreaming about walking inside a dark tunnel means you’re acting blindly, which will bring bad results in everything you are doing. To be inside a tunnel while a train is speeding inside it, announces disease or an important change in life. To build a tunnel means enemies, competitors or rivals are conspiring to harm you. Looking inside a tunnel without entering it, means that you will receive proposals for doubtful legality issues. Symbolically, the tunnel is a channel of communication, dark and gloomy, between two areas of clear light. That is the reason why the tunnel is usually associated with initiation rites and birth. The tunnel exit represents the maternal vagina.

To dream you are in bed, and it changes to a green field, and you see two doves cooing, implies that he or she will be married at the end of the month. If there is only one dove, it depends upon sex, perhaps a lover lost for ever.

…[arb. Testimonial greetings) The last segment of the regular Islamic prayers which is recited in a sitting posture. Once completed, one may ask for his personal needs or pray for others. If one reaches this segment of his prayer in a dream, it represents a condition or an agreement that must be fulfilled between two partners, or it could mean finding a guardian for one’s intended wife (i.e., her father, uncle, brother, etcetera), without whom the marriage is not legitimate. Reciting the Tahayyat in a dream also means bartering material property for spiritual gains….

…To see the moon in brilliant clearness: for a wife means love and good health, for a husband symbolizes increase in wealth. See the new moon, means advancement in business. In its decline, the illness of some great person. See the moon as a halo around the head, pardon and deliverance through intervention of a female. If moon is color of red, then it means voyage, journey. Dull and obscure moon denotes unfortunate or illness of wife, mother, sister or daughter loss of money, or peril on a journey (particularly if it is by sea), brain fever, and disease of your eyes. When obscure moon was seen in a dream and becoming bright, then it denotes profit if the dreamer is a woman, if a man, joy and happiness. From clearness to pass to obscurity means loss to a woman, sadness and misfortune to a man. See two moons,…

It symbolizes the human heart, love, revelation and life. Toasting with a person, it means you wish to share the pleasure and happiness. To drink from the same cup, it means desire to fuse two lives into one for eternity. Breaking a cup after toasting is interpreted as the sign of being interested in someone else. You feel sick of the present relationships.

Announces a healing rest between two periods of life.