Seen in your dreams, they indicate continued sickness and unhappy states. Fatalities are intimated if you see them in profusion. To see bedbugs simulating death, foretells unhappiness caused by illness. To mash them, and water appears instead of blood, denotes alarming but not fatal illness or accident. To see bedbugs crawling up white walls, and you throw scalding water upon them, denotes grave illness will distress you, but there will be useless fear of fatality. If the water fails to destroy them, some serious complication with fatal results is not improbable….

Dreamed of attending a burial means fatal events. Attending your own is a sign of misfortunes.

To dream of a sharp new moon with horns pointing up wares is a sign you will be rich: if the horns point sideways or downwards, it foretells poverty: seeing a full moon in your dream denotes a thrifty and happy marriage; a half moon shadows forth the loss of a wife or husband by death or desertion. Dreaming of seeing a half moon is fatal to the prospects of lovers. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 18….

A dead one means bad omen, destruction, loss or ruin. To talk with the dead means impossibility or powerlessness to solve certain conflicts. To watch the death of a person who is already dead is sign of an excessive passion. A dead person inside a coffin represents problems that are hard to overcome. To bury the dead foretells fatal events and adversities.

To walk at night without light is an omen of illness, death, loss, sorrow, dangers or a fatal accident.

(Sweets) Eating doughnut in a dream means money earned from fun or music and it could represent an escape from a dangerous accident, or a would be fatal accident. Doughnut in a dream also could denote either sorrow and regret, or joy and happiness. Seeing a doughnut baker in a dream is a sign of escaping from danger or it could be a sign of an approaching danger.

The person who irons will have the possibility of having fatal mistakes, if he/she does not put more attention to his/her acts or work.

Quarrels in dreams, portends unhappiness, and fierce altercations. To a young woman, it is the signal of fatal unpleasantries, and to a married woman it brings separation or continuous disagreements. To hear others quarreling, denotes unsatisfactory business and disappointing trade….

Being operated, indicates prosper businesses, wealth. If another person is being operated, it indicates fatal happenings or profound resentments….

Dreaming that a warrant is being served on you, denotes that you will engage in some important work which will give you great uneasiness as to its standing and profits. To see a warrant served on some one else, there will be danger of your actions bringing you into fatal quarrels or misunderstandings. You are likely to be justly indignant with the wantonness of some friend….

Dreaming of being in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery, you will have unexpected news of the recovery of one whom you had mourned as dead, and you will have your title good to lands occupied by usurpers. To see an old bramble grown and forgotten cemetery, you will live to see all your loved ones leave you, and you will be left to a stranger’s care. For young people Dreaming of wandering through the silent avenues of the dead foreshows they will meet with tender and loving responses from friends, but will have to meet sorrows that friends are powerless to avert. For brides to dream of passing a cemetery on their way to the wedding ceremony, will be bereft of their husbands by fatal accidents occurring on journeys. For a mother to carry fresh flowers to a cemetery in the dream, indicates she may expect the continued…

Dreaming of signing one is a fatal signal.

Assist in a burial in dreams means fatal news are approaching. If you dream of your own funeral means you’ll live misfortunes.

Reciting the Torah but not recognizing what it is in a dream means that one may become a fatalist. To own a copy of the Torah for a king or ruler in a dream means that he will conquer a land or make peace with its people on his terms. If he is learned in real life, it means that either his knowledge will increase or that he will invent what is not ordained, or he may tend to lean toward jovial company. Seeing the Torah in a dream also means finding what is lost, welcoming a long awaited traveller, or it could represent someone who follows the Jewish faith. As for an unmarried person, owning a Torah in a dream means getting married to a woman from a different religion, or it could mean marrying a woman without her parents’ consent. Seeing the Torah in a dream…

Dreaming of being a victim of some misfortune, an accident for example, suggests that the dreamer is not cautious but on the contrary, a bold person that is constantly at risk of accidents, some of which may become fatal. Dreaming of being in misfortune, when in real life the dreamer lives normally or in prosperity, indicates that the dreamer’s mistakes are leading to delicate and dangerous situations. In this case, it’s the subconscious who records the negative aspects of one’s behavior and intentions. Dreaming of avoiding an accident or misfortune indicates that although there are problems in affairs or business, eventually everything will be fine….

Greeting someone in a dream means receiving benefits from him. If one greets an opponent in a dream, then it represents evil or war between them. If one sees an unknown old man greeting him in a dream, it means safety from the divine chastisement for one’s sins. If the old man is known to him, then it means prosperity. If one is a farmer, it means that he will buy seedlings of fruit trees for his farm. If the greetings are given by an unknown young person in the dream, it means that one will escape from the blow of his enemy. If one is seeking marriage, then the greetings mean a positive reply. Otherwise, if one greets someone he does not know in a dream, and if the other person does not reply, it means that his request for marriage will be denied. If two merchants…

Dreaming of waves, is a sign that you hold some vital step in contemplation, which will evolve much knowledge if the waves are clear | but you will make a fatal error if you see them muddy or lashed by a storm. See Ocean and Sea….

Dreaming of a vicious dog, denotes enemies and unalterable misfortune. Dreaming that a dog fondles you, indicates great gain and constant friends. Dreaming of owning a dog with fine qualities, denotes that you will be possessed of solid wealth. Dreaming that a blood-hound is tracking you, you are likely to fall into some temptation, in which there is much danger of your downfall. Dreaming of small dogs, indicates that your thoughts and chief pleasures are of a frivolous order. Dreaming of dogs biting you, foretells for you a quarrelsome companion either in marriage or business. Lean, filthy dogs, indicate failure in business, also sickness among children. Dreaming of a dog-show, is indicative of many and varied favors from fortune. To hear the barking of dogs, foretells news of a depressing nature. Difficulties are more than likely to follow. To see dogs on the chase of foxes, and other…

An obelisk looming up stately and cold in your dreams is the forerunner of melancholy tidings. For lovers to stand at the base of an obelisk, denotes fatal disagreements….

Dreaming of an empty tomb or well, announces that you are taking unnecessary risks in the things that you are planning or doing. Dreaming of falling into a grave or pit announces misfortunes. Dreaming of entering a grave, tomb, pit or hole in the floor means that you’re taking risks because you need to do it, even against your will. Dreaming of graves is always a bad sign since it announces bad luck and losses. Dreaming of a destroyed grave presages sorrows or diseases in your family. Reading the inscription of a grave means that you will have to do unpleasant tasks. If you visit a grave in a dream, then it means that an accident will happen soon, but it won’t be fatal. Dreaming of an acquaintance or a friend before a grave is an indication that this person may need us and we should help them.

Your work will be amply rewarded. To dream you hurt a finger with a hammer means fatal disappointment.

To dream of the moon portends illness, usually mental, but not necessarily that of the dreamer; also domestic and financial troubles, and death by drowning.When I was in Cornwall some years ago, I mentioned a boating fatality that had occurred quite recently in the harbour to a local fisherman, who at once exclaimed, “Aye! Aye! I knew some-thing of the sort would happen, for I dreamed of the moon two nights following “; and he then went on to explain, that whenever he had such dreams, somebody was sure to be drowned….

Dreaming of crystal in any form, is a fatal sign of coming depression either in social relations or business transactions. Electrical storms often attend this dream, doing damage to town and country. For a woman Dreaming of seeing a dining-room furnished in crystal, even to the chairs, she will have cause to believe that those whom she holds in high regard no longer deserve this distinction, but she will find out that there were others in the crystal-furnished room, who were implicated also in this sinister dream….

It is a fatal omen that indicates that the person leaving the rail is not present anymore. Somebody will disappear from our lives temporary or indefinitely.

Dreaming that you get in a car indicates that a trip that you already have in mind, will happen soon, but with different conditions than the ones you previously thought. Dreaming of getting down of a car insinuates that the things, that have started out well, are likely to go wrong, if you don’t pay attention to the details. Dreaming of driving a car in a place or street where there are a lot of people indicates success, but also means that envious people are trying to damage the things you have achieved. Dreaming of driving a car on a road where high mountains are seen in front of you, indicates the desire to climb the ladder to reach important hierarchies, it’s possible to achieve this through hard work, perseverance and effort. The mountains are a symbol of effort and high status. Dreaming of many moving cars suggests…

Dreaming of hemp, denotes you will be successful in all undertakings, especially large engagements. For a young woman Dreaming that some accident befalls her through cultivating hemp, foretells the fatal quarrel and separation from her friend….

Cocoanuts in dreams, warns you of fatalities in your expectations, as sly enemies are encroaching upon your rights in the guise of ardent friends. Dead cocoanut trees are a sign of loss and sorrow. The death of some one near you may follow….

This dream is unlucky. You will, if you are a farmer, see your crops blasted and your cattle lean and unhealthy. To business men it means debts whose accumulation they are powerless to avoid. To the young it denotes unhappy unions and death of loved ones. To see your own coffin in a dream, business defeat and domestic sorrow may be expected. Dreaming of a coffin moving of itself, denotes sickness and marriage in close conjunction. Sorrow and pleasure intermingled. Death may follow this dream, but there will also be good. To see your corpse in a coffin, signifies brave efforts will be crushed in defeat and ignominy, Dreaming that you find yourself sitting on a coffin in a moving hearse, denotes desperate if not fatal illness for you or some person closely allied to you. Quarrels with the opposite sex is also indicated. You will remorsefully consider…

An ordinary dream of teeth augurs an unpleasant contact with sickness, or disquieting people. If you dream that your teeth are loose, there will be failures and gloomy tidings. If the doctor pulls your tooth, you will have desperate illness, if not fatal | it will be lingering. To have them filled, you will recover lost valuables after much uneasiness. To clean or wash your teeth, foretells that some great struggle will be demanded of you in order to preserve your fortune. Dreaming that you are having a set of teeth made, denotes that severe crosses will fall upon you, and you will strive to throw them aside. If you lose your teeth, you will have burdens which will crush your pride and demolish your affairs. Dreaming that you have your teeth knocked out, denotes sudden misfortune. Either your business will suffer, or deaths or accidents will come…

Dreaming that you’re bleeding but you’re not feeling pain, and you can’t identify where the blood comes from, suggests that you long for breaking free from any annoying situation that prevents you from achieving what you have been trying to get for a long time. When the blood is abundant, then it means that the thing you crave for is very close, for example, succeeding in the affairs you have been handling. Dreaming of bloodstained clothes announce the presence of enemies that try to prevent that you succeed in the affairs or business that you are managing, therefore, you must be careful with your new friends and keep an eye on the old ones. Dreaming that you have blood on your hands announces a streak of bad luck if you are not careful with yourself or in the things you’re handling. Dreaming of a wound that hurts and…

Dreaming of seeing roses blooming and fragrant, denotes that some joyful occasion is nearing, and you will possess the faithful love of your sweetheart. For a young woman Dreaming of gathering roses, shows she will soon have an offer of marriage, which will be much to her liking. Withered roses, signify the absence of loved ones. White roses, if seen without sunshine or dew, denotes serious if not fatal illness. To inhale their fragrance, brings unalloyed pleasure. For a young woman Dreaming of banks of roses, and that she is gathering and tying them into bouquets, signifies that she will be made very happy by the offering of some person whom she regards very highly….

Blankets in your dream means treachery if soiled. If new and white, success where failure is feared, and a fatal sickness will be avoided through unseen agencies….

Long and dangerous sickness and at times fatal. To triumph over one; return to calmness, favorable fortune.

To dream that your bones are coming out through your skin suggests that someone, apparently a friend is really a hypocrite who is trying to take advantage and hurt you. To dream about animal bones that are lying in a messy way suggests that you’re living in an unpleasant environment, and to avoid further complications you have to make a change. If you touch the bones with your hands, it announces bad news. To dream about human bones suggests that a person you appreciate will suffer a fatality….

Dreaming of a crown, prognosticates change of mode in the habit of one’s life. The dreamer will travel a long distance from home and form new relations. Fatal illness may also be the sad omen of this dream. Dreaming that you wear a crown, signifies loss of personal property. Dreaming of crowning a person, denotes your own worthiness. Dreaming of talking with the President of the United States, denotes that you are interested in affairs of state, and sometimes show a great longing to be a politician….

Escaping from danger or surviving a would be fatal accident in a dream denotes one’s devotion, religious awareness, fasting, charities and good deeds. (Also see Escape | Running away | Take a flight | Turning)…

Dreaming of an apparition, of any kind, is never a good sign. In fact, it can even mean that a fatality may occur soon.

Dreaming of a corpse is fatal to happiness, as this dream indicates sorrowful tidings of the absent, and gloomy business prospects. The young will suffer many disappointments and pleasure will vanish. To see a corpse placed in its casket, denotes immediate troubles to the dreamer. To see a corpse in black, denotes the violent death of a friend or some desperate business entanglement. To see a battle-field strewn with corpses, indicates war and general dissatisfaction between countries and political factions. To see the corpse of an animal, denotes unhealthy situation, both as to business and health. To see the corpse of any one of your immediate family, indicates death to that person, or to some member of the family, or a serious rupture of domestic relations, also unusual business depression. For lovers it is a sure sign of failure to keep promises of a sacred nature. To put…

To dream of a flying bat means an impending catastrophe (not infrequently from water), but not necessarily to the dreamer. To dream of a motionless bat means some impending illness of a more or less serious nature, but not necessarily of the dreamer. If, however, the sleeper dreams the bat settles on him, then he himself will be the sufferer either from some physical injury or from some grievous sickness. To exemplify my theory that bats portend disaster in a greater or a less degree, I will quote a few cases I have collected for that purpose. A lady, whom I will designate Miss Spenser, once dreamed she was crossing a hayfield when she heard a loud buzzing overhead, and, on looking up, perceived a number of bats some feet above her, engaged in whirling round and round in a state of hopeless chaos and confusion. Presently they…

Dreaming of one’s cousin, denotes disappointments and afflictions. Saddened lives are predicted by this dream. Dreaming of an affectionate correspondence with one’s cousin, denotes a fatal rupture between families….