…In a dream, it means one’s sons or daughters….

Denotes obedience of the same, 20.

Unfaithfulness of the same. 96.

(See Nest)

Having law suits, coming in need. 3.

Dangerous sickness. 6.

…Exalting God’s oneness and sovereignty in a dream means receiving financial compensation for pain and suffering. To utter the formula – ‘La ilaha il Allah’ (there is no god other than Allah) in a dream means that one will only die having faith in his Lord. (Also see Exclamation of God’s Sovereignty)…

This dream tells us how to avoid dangers without the need of confrontation. It is also a symbol of subtlety and sensuality of movements.

Steadiness and increase of domestic happiness. 254.

(See Conformance)

Long life.

…To see a potter’s field in your dreams, denotes you will have poverty and misery to distress you. For a young woman to walk through a potter’s field with her lover, she will give up the one she loves in the hope of mercenary gain….

…In a dream, exclamation of God’s sovereignty, i.e., uttering the formula ‘La Hawla Wa La Quwwata Ilia Billah’ (There is no will or power except that of God’s Almighty) means constant repentance in wakefulness and hope for salvation. It also means conquering one’s enemies. (Also see Exalting God’s oneness)…

Sorrow and trouble. 234.

…To tear open one’s garment in a dream means divorce….

(See Pilgrimage | ‘Umrah)…

Steadiness in fortune, finding happiness in troubles and afflictions. 77.

…Celebrating the new year’s day in a dream means a short lived happiness, reminiscing the past, the passing of sorrow and adversities, or recovering lost money. In the dream, if the new year’s day coincide to be on a Friday, it means the spread of evil, corruption, or political turmoils for that year. If it is a Saturday, it means drought, hardships during a difficult year, plagues and illness. If it is a Sunday, it means a cold winter and a blessed crop for that year. If it is a Monday, it means floods, winter illness and perhaps a partial loss of the crop. If it is a Tuesday, it means shortage of rain and a cold winter. If it is a Wednesday, it means scarcity and deficiency of water, and a cold weather by the end of summer and beginning of autumn. If it is a Thursday, it…

Being guarded against misfortune. 24.

(See Carnelian-red | Tahayyat)

(See Nasal mucus)

To dream of your dead father is a very bad sign, it denotes sickness and misfortune. 119.

Fortune in business of all kind, success in litigations. 178.

Freedom from disagreeable affairs, good luck. 248.

…Noah’s arc in a dream represents happiness, joy, festivities, salvation, relief from distress and worries, protection against drowning, a wedding, a leading position, or winning victory over one’s enemy. (Also see Noah | Ship)…

…Dreaming of a Jew’s-harp, foretells you will experience a slight improvement in your affairs. To play one, is a sign that you will fall in love with a stranger….

Unpleasant and offensive conduct on the part of others to you.

…(Sandals) In a dream, a pair of shoes represent one’s son, a vehicle, a friend, a brother, a business partner, or travels. Wearing a pair of shoes without heels in a dream means having abarren wife. Walking with one shoe in a dream means separation between husband and wife, or the breakup of a business partnership. Taking off one’s shoes in a dream means victory and rising in station….

(See Saw)

…Eating swan’s meat in a dream means benefits drawn from pious and religious people. (Also see Dusk | Meat)…

…Dreaming that you are playing at blind man’s buff, denotes that you are about to engage in some weak enterprise which will likely humiliate you, besides losing money for you….

Payment of debt.

…To dream that one plays at blind-mind’s-buff, signifies prosperity, joy, and pleasure….

Luck, joy fullness.

…Holding one’s uncle’s beard in a dream means inheriting him through unlawful means….

(See Yearning)

…To see an empty bird’s nest, denotes gloom and a dull outlook for business. With eggs in the nest, good results will follow all engagements. If young ones are in the nest, it denotes successful journeys and satisfactory dealings. If they are lonely and deserted, sorrow, and folly of yours will cause you anxiety….

…In a dream, it means commanding good and for- bidding evil, protecting one’s family and giving a good advice to the assailant….

…To dream of battle’s rage, is joy and pleasure….

…This dream denotes great violence and danger. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21….