…body draw me back, and I entered into it, and experienced again the sensation of the sleeper returning to the living world.Then I dreamed I awoke, and lay in bed striving, in vain, to recall my own answer to that question of fire. It had slipped so readily from my lips, and it had slipped with equal readiness from my brain. I could only repeat, again and again, the meaningless question, “Art thou going to the ZONE ARTO? ”The sun was high and hot. I dreamed I rose leisurely, and, led by an invisible agency, made my way to the coffee-room of an adjacent restaurant. Sitting there was a man who, from his appearance, might have been an Italian of doubtful class, possibly one of the anarchists of whom Europe at that moment stood in dread. His companion was a girl, with dark hair and blue eyes, tall and beautifully…

…(Add | Calculate | Enumerate | Number) Counting apples in a dream means counting money. Counting up to the number one hundred, five thousand or twenty thousand in a dream signifies victory against one’s enemy. Counting up to the number seven or eight means distress or pressures. Counting up to the number nine in a dream means adversities and joining the company of corrupt and evil people. Counting up to the number ten in a dream means completing a project, or it could mean attending the pilgrimage in Mecca. Counting up to the number forty in a dream means anticipating the fulfillment of a promise. Counting up to the number thirty in a dream means promising someone the impossible or telling a lie. The number one in a dream signifies uniqueness, superiority, having the leading edge in knowledge, money, prosperity, mar- riage, child, or it could mean languor, solitude…

…A little girl in a dream represents prosperity, wealth after poverty, and ease after a passing adversity. Seeing a baby girl of milk suckling age is even better in a dream. It means a new and a praiseworthy development in one’s life, or it could mean receiving benefits one is hoping for, or living a new world. A little girl in a dream also represents something exclusive for the one who saw her in his dream. Carrying a little girl in a dream means release of a prisoner, or if one is suffering from difficulties, or if he is at fault in an argument, or if he is indebted or poor, it means that all of his worries will be dispelled by the glad tidings of this little girl. If none of these conditions apply, then it means distress or misfortune. If a mother delivers a sick baby girl

To dream that you are chatting on your mobile phone, means that you are lacking of communication with others. The mobile phone that is used to call for help could indicate the fact that you need help. If you are browsing on internet while using your mobile phone, it means that you are looking for some information.

…(Teenage girl) A young girl in a dream represents an enemy however she may look. Seeing a well dressed and pleasingly adorned young woman in a dream means hearing pleasing news coming from an unexpected person. Seeing a young and a beautiful looking female servant in a dream means blessings, a favor, joy and festivities. In a dream, seeing an unknown young girl is more advantageous than seeing a known one. The strongest in meaning are those teenage girls who are presentable, well mannered and beautifully dressed. If she is seen dressed with modesty in the dream, then she represents goodness, chastity, discreteness, and following the correct religious conduct. If she adorns herself and plays up her charms in the dream, then such goodness will be public. If a young girl sees herself as an old woman in a dream, it means that she will live with modesty and…

…For a young man to dream of admiring a pretty girl, is a sign he will marry a simpleton: if a girl dreams she has a nice and pretty-looking lover, she will be apt to take up with a putty-head. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4,13….

If you see the girl scouts in your dream, it shows that you should communicate and be surrounded by people more than you are at the moment. The dream shows that you spend too much time on your own or do not participate with others as much as you could. The dream could also be interpreted as the suggestion to try something new in your life.

…a good deal too solid for me, but which she ate as only a girl in her station can eat; whilst I, looking on, watched the colour slowly creep back to her ashen cheeks, and the raindrops rise in minute vapour clouds from her skirt and boots.” Now,” she said, as she drained the last drop of coffee from her cup, and shook her head when I asked her if she would have any more, ”now, you’ve kept your bargain and I’ll keep mine. You asked me to tell you about him, and so I will. To begin with, by him I mean Jim Bailey — my young man Jim. But, of course, I suppose you’ve guessed that. Journalists know a thing or two — at least, so I’ve always understood. Well, in speaking of Jim I’m not going to beat about the bush; hat wasn’t his wish — not…

Making painful discoveries at happy times. 35,.

Treason, unfaithfulness.

Constancy in love. 125.

Success, auspiciousness will come over you. Hopes will be fulfilled.

One or multiple children playing means you will receive good news, success, harmony at home. The death of child foretells humiliation, difficulties, pessimistic ideas which won’t let you act freely. If a pregnant woman dreams with the birth of child it’s a sign that the baby she will have will enjoy good health….

Being betrothed.

(See Boy | Virgin)

(See Young woman)


If you dream that you see a girl in a dream, then such dream indicates childish, playful and funny side of your personality. The dream may also show that you are not acting as the adults supposed to act. If you see a girl in a dream, whom you met lately, then such dream shows your desire to give a good impression for that certain girl. In reality you are thinking if you made a good impression, and if you will meet her again. If the girl didn’t like you in a dream, it could show your fear to be rejected. When the man sees himself being a girl, this dream may indicate the feminine aspects of his personality such as innocence, sensitivity and tenderness.

The phone is the tool to communicate. To dream that you are chatting on your mobile phone, means that you are lacking of communication with others. The mobile phone that is used to call for help could indicate the fact that you need help. If you are browsing on internet while using your mobile phone, it means that you are looking for some information.

The number seven can indicate the end of some aspect of your life, because it is the last day of the week. However, the changes are going to be good for you and pleasant. The number seven is the lucky number.

…it is the leg of a ram, then it means the death of the closest relative. Broiling a ram in a dream means governing for one year after which period one may be imprisoned. The number of rams in a dream represents the number of years. Thus, seeing them also represents the number of years one will serve in his job. The wool of a ram in a dream means money. A ram in a dream also represents the muezzin in a mosque, a general in the army, a deposed ruler, or a humiliated person. If a ram attacks someone in a dream, it signifies an attack by one’s enemy. If a ewe becomes a ram in a dream, it means that one’s wife will no longer bear children. If one is not married, then it means winning victory in his life. (Also see Ewe | Sacrifice | Sheep)…

To dream you possess a great number of cows, according to the number of cows in your dream, you will live that number of years.

The number six is interpreted in some cultures as the number of devil. On the positive note, the number six is saying that you haven’t made your task to seven.

…it means that she will find a compatible husband. Pregnancy in a dream has many meanings. In a dream, woman’s pregnancy means wealth, and man’s pregnancy means pain and sorrow. However, generally speaking, pregnancy in a dream also could mean prosperity and material success. The extent of wealth is measured by the number of months of such pregnancy and the size of one’s growth in the dream. This is true whether it is a man or a woman in the dream. If a young boy who is under the age of puberty sees himself pregnant in a dream, it represents his father, and if a young girl who is under the age of menstruation sees herself pregnant, then it represents her mother. If a man sees his wife pregnant in a dream, it reflects his desire for material success. If one sees his pregnant wife delivering a baby boy in…

…or they could mean money or marriage or a flourishing business. Bereavement of a child in a dream means the opposite in real life. It also means rejoicing, reunions, pleasures and earning respect. Bereavement of a child in a dream is sometimes interpreted to portray an intention of one’s children or wife to separate from the family. A little male child in a dream represents worries, responsibilities, hard work, catering to ignorant people or dealing with trivial and time wasting people. If a prisoner sees himself carrying a little girl in his dream, it means that he will be released from his prison. If one who is going through hard times sees himself holding a little girl in a dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted. If he is poor, it means that he will thrive for success and the little girl then represents his glad tidings….

…(Giving birth) Seeing one’s wife giving birth to a son in a dream when in fact she is not pregnant means wealth. If a pregnant woman sees herself giving birth to a girl in a dream, it means a boy, and if she gives birth to a boy in the dream, it means a girl. Giving birth to a girl means relief from distress, while giving birth to a boy in the dream means distress and worries. If a sick person sees his mother giving birth to him in a dream, it means the approach of his death, for a deceased person is wrapped in a shroud, while a newborn is wrapped with a receiving cloth. If the person in question is poor, it means that his financial conditions will change for the better, but if he is rich, it means restriction of his earnings, for a child is…

…Any number above one and below seventy-eighty is deemed to portend good fortune to the dreamer, but forty-nine is the luckiest. All numbers above seventy-eight are uncertain, except three hundred and forty -three, and that is a very lucky number. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 10, 13….

…Dreaming of scorpions suggests that the dreamer has one or more people around him interested in causing problems and make him have either material losses, or lose values or prestige. If you dream of killing the scorpions, it indicates triumphing over enemies. If you don’t kill the scorpions, it means that there are several risks you’ll have to face and fight. If you only see them and you don’t feel worried because they don’t attack you, it suggests that there are latent enmities that come from envy, or from selfish feelings that you must be aware of. Dreaming of being surrounded by scorpions is a warning of passive enemies, which means that they won’t attack from the front or violently, but with hypocrisy, pretending being friends with you and waiting for the opportunity to attack. The number of scorpions in the dream suggests the number of adversaries, or at…

The number two is the symbol of harmony and balance. The number two is also an omen of love, affection and relationships.

The number twenty one is not very favorable number, because it signifies unknowingness and danger.

The number twelve is very important for religious people as it signifies tranquility and safety. The number twelve is also the symbol of fulfillment.

…The ladder symbolizes the means to move from one level to another. If it’s a hand ladder the prediction is of success or improvement of temporal position. Furthermore, each step is independent and each represents unrelated problems. If it is a fixed ladder that same success will be lengthy and of significance that will mark our lives. In this ladder the steps have continuity; it represents continuous difficulties and obstacles. The spiral staircase symbolizes a vicious circle. Often accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and fear and symbolizes that we are spending our energy on something that does not deserve our effort. The ladder can almost have a highly spiritual meaning, which we will know by the number of steps (should be a sacred number, almost always seven) and, for the atmosphere of the dream. In these cases it represents the rise of the soul to God or the…

The number eight is interpreted as the number of infinity or circle of life.

…mean paying one’s debts. If a tooth falls in a dream, it means payment of a loan, while the number of fallen teeth represent the number of debts to be satisfied. If one’s teeth fall without pain or a cause in the dream, then they represent worthless deeds. If they fall because of a gum disease or cause pain in the dream, then they mean being forced to part with something from one’s house. If the front teeth fall and cause pain and bleeding in the dream, they represent one’s incompetence or inability to complete a project. If the front teeth fall without pain or bleeding in the dream, then they mean losing one’s property. Falling teeth in a dream also denote a longillness that may not necessarily culminate in death. If one collects his fallen teeth in a dream, it also means that he can no longer conceive children….

The number zero indicates commitment, infinity and the circle of life. The other explanations indicates the cold emotions because of the low number.

…(Throng) Seeing a crowd gathering or standing in line or a large number of people suffering in wretchedness in a dream means increase in one’s power, rising in station, gaining fame and recognition. If a merchant or a business man sees a crowd of people in a dream, it means growth in his business and increase in his clientele. If a preacher sees that in his dream, it means that his followers will grow in number….

…(Grains) In a dream, wheat means money well earned. Buying wheat in a dream means increase in one’s earnings, or in the number of his children. If one sees a ruler placing a stick and steering inside a bushel of grains in a dream, it means rising prices. Planting wheat in a dream means doing a good deed for God’s pleasure. Walking in wheat fields in a dream means offering a service to God Almighty. If one plants wheat but it sprouts barley instead in a dream, it means ostentatiousness. If it grows blood in the dream, it means that he profits from usury. Eating green wheat in the fields from its spikes in a dream means gaining spiritual progress through ascetic detachment. Eating cooked wheat in a dream means afflictions. Holding a bundle of ears of wheat, or placing them inside a pot in a dream means profits…

…(Sea Life | Human being) In a dream, if their number is known, fish represent women, but if their number is not known, then they represent money from a doubtful source. If one sees a fish colony gathering at seabed, where he is fishing, bringing them up and eating them raw as he pleases, or if he places them into baskets and divides them into lots in the dream, it means that he will prosper and invest his wealth in different ventures and savings plans. A whale in a dream represents the minister of sea life, while the sea itself represents the king or the country. A whale in a pond with his jaws opened in a dream represents a prison. A large fish colony in a dream represents despised earnings, or earning a large amount money one is accountable for its expenditure. Fishing in a well means homosexuality,…

Dreaming about bills is a sign that you will have to make a financial outlay. If you dream about lottery money, make sure remember the number well, since it can be the winning number.

…father died, and I dreamed one huge magpie flew in at the door and perched on one of the knobs at the foot of my bed, exactly a week before the death of my eldest son.”I, too, have dreamed of magpies, and, as in the case I have just quoted, the dreams have always occurred shortly before a death. The night a very near relative of mine died, I dreamed a large number of magpies flew in at my window; and the day before a dog to which I was very much attached was run over and killed, I dreamed two magpies settled on my shoulder, and that I could not make them go. Also, when I was living in a big, rambling house in Cornwall, I dreamed a raven flew down the chimney and pecked me vigorously three times on the hand. Indeed, the pecks hurt me so much…