…Continuity of what is common, such as dwellings, status or being in a dream means a lasting job. It also means increase in one’s devotion if one sees himself perpetually glorifying, praising and remembering God Almighty. When one invokes the sovereign attributes of God Almighty at the sight of a cemetery or a ruin, and if he follows that by crying and lamenting in the dream, it means stress caused by affiliation with such monuments….

…spinning cotton, or linen in a dream, it means that he will suffer humiliation, or he may engage in a job which he cannot do properly. If the threads he is spinning turn thin in the dream, it means that he toils hard through his work but fails to do it properly. If the threads turn too thick in the dream, it means that he will undertake a business trip and reap success from it. If a man sees a woman spinning cotton in her house in a dream, it means that she will betray her husband with someone else. If one sees himself spinning wool, fur, or hair in his dream, it means that he will undertake a profitable business trip. To undo a spun thread in a dream means renouncing one’s allegiance, or breaking one’s promise, or denying one’s commitment. (Also see Ball of thread | Pledge of…

To dream that someone is absent, when you expect to see them, signifies your lost. It could be someone you loved, something you loved to do before (your old job) or something you felt comfortable with. This also can be the meaning of you feeling alone, single and empty.

…death as a punishment. If it leads to employment, it will be a job serving a tyrant. If it leads to acquiring knowledge, it means inventing vain religious practices. If it leads to bearing a son, he will be the child of adultery. In general hell in a dream means excessive sexual desires, a slaughter house, a public bath, an oven, inventing a new religion, innovation, absence of truth, indulgence in what is forbidden, stinginess, denying the Day of Judgment, a blazing fire for the devils, joining with a group of evildoers in committing atrocities, denying the sovereignty of God Almighty and ascribing human characteristics to Him. Seeing Malik, the guardian angel of hell-fire in a dream means receiving guidance after heedlessness. If one sees Malik coming toward him in the dream, it means his salvation and the restoration of his faith. However, if one sees Malik turning his back…

…(Declivity) Descending a mountain, a hill or an elevation in a dream represents losses, migraine headache, humiliation, passing from a higher to a lower condition, separation between husband and wife, losing one’s job, demo- tion, degradation, abandoning one’s religion, or it could mean adversities in general. Descending a steep slope in a dream also means safe landing, worldly blessings and nomination for a religious duty. Descending from a mountain in a dream means relief from adversities or change in one’s conditions. Coming down from an old ladder in a dream means investing in a business to earn nothing from one’s efforts. If the ladder breaks half-way through in the dream, it means losing to one’s adversary….

…a bed represents one’s male children and whatever is hidden under it represents one’s female children. A bed in a dream also represents happiness, joy and dignity. It may also represent a wife, a ship, or a coffin. If one’s bed falls apart or breaks into pieces in a dream, it means loss of authority, dismissal from one’s job, divorcing one’s wife, or it could mean her death. If one sees himself sitting over an unknown bed in a dream, it means marriage or conceiving a child. Sitting over a bed without a mattress means death, or a business trip. If a woman sees herself bringing a bed into her house in a dream, it means that she will get married. If a sick person sees himself sitting up in his bed in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. (Also see Couch | Mattress)…

To dream that you are paying to someone a salary suggests that you have debt or that you will have problems with money. To dream that you receive a salary means that you will get a reward for a job well done.

…(Balance | Beauty | Capital | Craft | Death | Father | Knowledge | Life | Measur- ing cup | Oven | Parents | Teacher | Tent) In a dream, the head represents leadership, presidency, or one’s capital. If one’s head looks bigger than usual in the dream, then it represents his father, or it could mean rising in rank and receiving honor. If one’s head looks smaller in the dream, it means loss of respect, rank and honor. If an intelligent person sees his head smaller in a dream, it means that he will turn to ignorance, or perhaps lose his job. Seeing oneself in a dream having two or three heads means victory over one’s enemy, wealth for a poor person, blessed children for a rich person, marriage for an unwed person, or attainment of one’s goal. Seeing oneself in a dream without a head cover means…

…Foreshadows changes in our situation and job. If we go to or return from abroad and we visualize the events of the trip it refers to a change in our situation, to a stage in our life. When the trip starts and ends the dream, or suddenly we are in the place of diversion, that indicates hope that something changes in our life (accompanied by feeling of relief and joy) or fear that something changes in our lives (accompanied by sad and melancholy feeling). If we dream that it’s others who are going to a foreign country, then that foreshadows that our competitors will leave the fight….

…To dream that you’re attending a trial suggests that you doubt and fear your very own future, so it may be considered as a self-criticism for something wrong that has been done or that has been planned to be made. When a woman dreams with a trial and that the judge has sentenced her, it suggests that her family and friends criticize and reject her due to her misbehavior. To dream that you’re involved in a court case suggests that your behavior within your affairs, business, company, job, etc., is not entirely correct and that it will cause you problems. To dream that you’re being punished in a court indicates that you’ve been behaving incorrectly. However, if the judge acquits you, it suggests that you’ll have control over your problems. All judgments cause life changes, therefore, if you dream that you’re being judged it means that you’ll soon experience…

…If a young woman dreams that she is leaving her home or her family, or her job or business, then it symbolizes that she is in uncomfortable environment in which she lives, and wishes for a change. it also suggests to pay attention to various problems, including love life. to dream yourselves being abandoned indicates that there will be difficulties in planning a successful future, due to certain mistrust of others. When others dreamed of being abandoned, then it means that they are facing difficult conditions and limitations that needs an overcome. When you dreamed that you are leaving home, then it indicates that family or money problems will come on your way. You will suffer losses and disappointments due to involvement of bad people. When you dreamed of leaving your girlfriend, boyfriend or lover, then it indicates that you will face losses such as your friendships, relationships or…

The pelican in dreams is a symbolism of the stuff, relationships and every job you do that is too hard for you to cope with. Perhaps you should be more relaxed and stay away from the stuff you do, otherwise you will reach your limits and explode in negative way. The dream suggests to take a break or at least try to be less demanding to yourself. The dream may also indicate some other person who has these qualities and you should give this person an advice that was given to you if you dreamed about it.

Symbolizes the end of a trial, an obedience, a job or any other thing we are currently doing.

…judge. This interpretation is possible in most cases except if the necklace breaks in the dream. In this case, if the necklace is broken, it means that one will break his promise, or forget his learning, become heedless, suffer eviction, deportation, or be exiled from his home or country. If one sees himself wearing one or even two pearl necklaces in a dream, it means that he subscribes to God’s revelations, memorizes God’s Words, recites the holy Qur’an, speaks words of wisdom, and that he is one of the carriers of the divine trust who demonstrates trustworthiness, piety, trueness, religious commitment and beauty of character. All depending on the beauty, radiance and clarity of one’s necklace. If one sees himself in a dream carrying many necklaces and decorations, and if he finds them heavy and unbearable to carry, it represents his incompetence, or his inability to complete a job. (Also…

…suggest that your plans, intentions or projects will fail. If there’s broken glass in the dream, it almost always means that we’ll receive sad news. Dreaming about receiving cut glass objects shows the upcoming success, and in some cases the honor if you’re involved in artistic activities. Giving cut glass objects to others means self-humiliation which will lead to failure. Dreaming of looking through a glass at people who are working suggest that you’ll get the job or business you were seeking, but if the glass seems dull, dirty, etc., your chances will decrease. Dreaming of handling flat glass, like stained glass, suggest that you’re involved in possibly unlawful affairs or businesses with a risk of loss. If in the dream the glass breaks, then it’s a warning for short-term losses. Dreaming of oneself talking to someone through a glass, indicates serious impediments in order to achieve short-term goals….

Dreaming of a flagman or being a flagman means that we are on track to a professional promotion that will be good or bad according to the consequences that occur in the dream. Being a flagman in a match in which a brilliant victory is achieved without great losses, means that we already have the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully perform the promotion or the responsibility. If the victory is bloody, it means that we are not prepared for such promotion. And that we may be tempted to use unethical methods to achieve it. But if in our dream our side is losing, we must consider whether to reject the proposition or a job that is above our real possibilities and can eventually be disastrous under all concepts.

…or pillow means that you’re trying to solve the issues you have in your own affairs and poverty at the expense or sacrifice of others. Dreaming of silk cushions without touching them announces prosperity or success in the affairs you’re handling. A young woman who dreams of sewing or making a silk cushion, indicates that she wants to get married with someone good. Dreaming of wearing silk clothes suggests that you have too many ambitions for money, power, and business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If the silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Dreaming with silkworms may mean that you’ll get a very advantageous job, but if the worm is dead, then it’s quite the opposite. Dreaming of silk scarves or bandanas suggests that you have a pleasant, magnetic and charismatic personality, and you project it to the people that surrounds you….

…(Capital punishment | Death | Decapitation) In a dream, beheading means freedom from slavery or dispelling sorrows and dismay, payment of one’s debts, or it could mean prospering. If one knows his assailant in the dream, it means receiving wealth at his hand. If one is sick, it means that he will recover from his illness, and if he is not sick, it means that he will attend a pilgrimage. If the assailant is a young boy, then it means comfort, joy and relief from his burdens through his own death. If a healthy person is beheaded in a dream, it means the end of his comfort or loss of his job or authority. If one sees the governor of the town beheading him in a dream, it means that God Almighty will save him from his sorrows and strengthen him in this life. If one sees a ruler…

…Ants always symbolize hard, intelligent and organized work, so they do warn the dreamer that he/she should act the same way, perhaps because he/she is being negligent with his/her responsibilities, what may lead him/her to many setbacks. To dream that your job if full of ants, and that you can also see them in your regular activities announces abundance, both for you and your family, thanks to your efforts and success in your work, projects, etc. To dream that a group of ants is moving chaotically, and worse if they are black, announces that soon you’ll experience inconvenience and concerns. To dream that ants walk over your body announces discomforts, setbacks and failures, but without serious consequences….

…Dreaming that you’re making any arrangements with one or more enemy, indicates that soon you’ll face various problems, including a disease. Instead, if you dream that you turn down those enemies, it suggests that those problems will be mild and that you’ll solve them quickly as soon as they arise. To dream that you’ve been maligned indicates that some adversaries are doing what’s necessary to make you suffer setbacks and failures in your job, business, etc. However, if you can dominate your enemies in such dream, then you can expect to be successful in the immediate future. To dream that you’re at enmity or rivalry with someone, though you can’t identify the person, it suggests that you will experience problems and uncomfortable situations due to the improper handling of your affairs….

…The anvil and the hammer are the two main and indispensable tools of any blacksmith, a job that constantly uses fire, hot iron, and spark. That combination in itself is a very ancient symbol of intense and creative work, which tends to appear in dreams symbolizing firm and productive work. When you are dreaming only about an anvil, then it can mean that you are enjoying a good health and solid business. When you are dreaming about an anvil in which hot iron is being forged and is giving off the sparks, then it is a symbol which shows that in real life, the dreamer is comfortable with what he has, because it will produce permanent gains, satisfaction, and happiness. This dream could also mean that one can count with the sympathy and help from affluent people, who can facilitate the path to success. When, in this dream, the…

(See Incomplete job)

…(Cure | Bitter almond | Sweet almond | Truth) In a dream, almond represent a cure for an illness, impeachment of a governor or loss of one’s job. In a dream, almond also represent a deceased person in his shroud or in his grave. Yet, seeing fresh green almond in season in a dream means profits and blessings. Sweet almond in a dream represent lawful money or earnings, depending on the quantity one sees in his dream. Eating sweet almond in a dream means profits, though to be earned with a fight. Plucking almond from a tree in a dream means earning money from a niggardly person with a fight. An almond tree in a dream also represents one who is stingy with people, though generous with his wife and children. Eating sweet almond in a dream also means tasting the sweetness of one’s faith. Bitter almond in a…

…Reading the holy Qur’an or part of it in a dream means rising in station, gaining power, repenting from sins, prosperity, paying one’s debts, witnessing the truth, or delivering a trust to its rightful owner. Reciting the holy Qur’an with a beautiful voice in a dream means honor, dignity and good fame. Reading the holy Qur’an and adding one’s own words to it in a dream means wavering from the truth, or betraying one’s promise or covenant. If in the latter case one does not understand the meaning of what he is saying in the dream, it means that he will give a false testimony in a court of justice, or that he will be involved in something evil the consequences of which cannot be foreseen. If one sees people listening to his recital of the Qur’an in a dream, it means that he will command a job, and…

…osprey in a dream means victory in one’s life. An osprey standing on top of a mountain or a rock, or on a cliff in a dream means success for the one who is starting a new job or a new business. However, it also could mean bad news if one is afraid of something, or if he is travelling. As for rich and noble people, riding an osprey in a dream means death, while for poor people it means profits and success that will benefit their families and neighbors. An osprey in a dream also means returning from a journey. It is also glad tidings of success and profits if an osprey comes near someone in a dream and talks to him. If a pregnant woman begets an osprey in her dream, it means that she will give birth to a son who will grow to be a courageous…