To dream that you bought many vegetables is a good omen, because it shows the abundance you’re living in. The vegetables could also indicate the fact that there are missing nutrition in your organism and your body is calling out for help during the sleep, because it wants food that is good to your health. The different vegetables have different meanings, so make sure you pay attention to which want you wanted or saw in your dream.

…In a dream, a fountain placed in a suitable place or as a decorative item in the middle of a yard or a park represents honor, dignity, dispelling worries or adversities, hearing good news or listening to good music, squandering money, dispersal of one’s interests, breaking a gathering, or adding and sub- tracting if seen near an accountant. A fountain in a dream also means avoiding evil actions. If one is told that such a fountain is a blessed one in the dream, it means the opposite, and should one wash himself with its water or drink from it in a dream, it means depression and trouble. A fountain in a dream also could represent a beautiful, rich and a noble woman. If no water is coming from the fountainhead in the dream, then it represents a poor woman or a barren woman. (Also see Fountainhead | Spring)…

…Dreaming of losing teeth indicates that humiliations and attacks to the dreamer’s pride and vanity are anticipated, and will lead to defeats and sadness due to fear of hunger, misery, and sadness. Dreaming of people’s healthy and beautiful teeth indicates good friendships. Dreaming of admiring your own teeth due to them being really white is a sign of vanity, but also of satisfaction because your dreams are about to be accomplished. Dreaming of dirty teeth that are not the dreamer’s, insinuates that the dreamer will have issues with other people and perhaps some illnesses. Dreaming of your own teeth being dirty, with cavities or being broken, indicates that your business or interests are not going well and requires all of your attention. This hints illnesses. Dreaming of brushing your teeth hints that you should make a maximum effort to recover lost time and values for your lack of dedication….

…Silk in any form, is a symbol of erotic and physical pleasures. Overall, this dream usually predicts physical or emotional satisfaction, and it also indicates that it is a good time for love. Dreaming of resting on a silk cushion or pillow means that you’re trying to solve the issues you have in your own affairs and poverty at the expense or sacrifice of others. Dreaming of silk cushions without touching them announces prosperity or success in the affairs you’re handling. A young woman who dreams of sewing or making a silk cushion, indicates that she wants to get married with someone good. Dreaming of wearing silk clothes suggests that you have too many ambitions for money, power, and business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If the silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Dreaming with silkworms may mean that you’ll get a…

If you feel indebted to someone for something that they did for you, this dream could actually mean that you feel thankful for what they have done to you. You appreciate the help that has been received. If you dream that someone is indebted to you, it shows that you were the one who did the good things to another person, therefore you think you should receive the good words and thankfulness.

…To dream you buy all sorts of things that one uses, is good; to buy that which is only for victuals and relief, is good for the poor; but to the rich it signifies expenses and great charges. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 2, 69….

…positive. If they appear torn, it suggests there may be sadness. If the pieces of clothes are stained, it suggests that you’re getting involved with people that are not good for your life. Dreaming that you have abundance of clothes suggests just the opposite, meaning that you want to have good clothes and to live a more comfortable life. Generally, it means intimate dissatisfaction with the life you have, since you aspire to have something better. Dreaming of old, dirty, torn and washed down clothes laying on the floor, suggests that you will soon be filled with concerns and various problems, perhaps more or less temporary diseases. Dreaming of trying on any piece of clothing belonging to someone else suggests intimacy issues, insecurity, and that you hope someone helps you to solve your problems. Dreaming that you are wearing your clothes inside out announces the loss of friends and people…

…(Clay | Hod) In a dream, a mortar carrier represents a person who veils people’s ills and hides scandals. To see oneself as a mason in a dream means getting involved in a good project and seeking to do a good deed. Seeing a mason using mortar or hod in a dream means becoming strict, giving oneself hard time, or toiling hard to serve others. Seeing a mortar carrier in a dream also means distress, misfortune, or hardships….

To dream of drinking good wine, shows power and fortune; wine and water, bad health; white wine, pleasure trips; if the wine be not clear, it signifies wealth; to see it flow, the spilling of blood. To get drunk from good wine, indicates office and fortune.

…(Beads | Jewel | Money | Tears | Women) Drilling wholes in pearls to string them in a dream means fulfillment of one’s goals, easing one’s passage, or facilitating one’s marriage. In a dream, a pearl also means a son. If one’s wife is pregnant, and if she hands him a pearl in his dream, it means that she will deliver a beautiful son. If the pearl has no glitter, or if he takes it from his wife and locks it inside a box in a dream, then it represents a servant. A pearl in a woman’s dream means good news. If she is unwed, it means that she will get married. If one sees himself bartering a pearl or a gem for fake jewelry, or for chips of glass in a dream, it means that he has sold the reward of the hereafter for the temporary pleasures of…

…In a dream, a comb represents a good man who strives to help, serve, comfort and entertain others. A comb in a dream also represents an auspicious time to be involved in a business partnership or accepting an employment in a large corporation, since the teeth of a comb are equal. If the teeth of one’s comb are capped with gold or silver caps, then they represent one’s workers. The golden caps represent trustworthy workers and the silver caps represent treacherous and disloyal workers. Combing one’s hair in a dream signifies paying alms tax, or it could mean distributing charities. A comb in a dream also can be interpreted to denote an honest and a just man, an hour of happiness, or a wise person, a judge, a physician, or a preacher one can benefit from his knowledge. A comb in a dream also represents a hairdresser or one’s…

Dreaming of yourself traveling in a taxi insinuates that you have good health, good businesses and satisfactions. Dreaming of yourself traveling in a taxi by night, and being accompanied by other people, insinuates that dangerous secrets will come to light, and they require discretion. When a man dreams of himself in a taxi with a woman, it announces discredit. If the woman in the dream is accompanied by another man, the discredit will be even greater. Dreaming of yourself driving a taxi announces that you’ll have to work hard to cover your needs. Dreaming of yourself driving a taxi, and that not being your usual job, also insinuates that you long for a more productive job position.

…In a dream, it means commanding good and for- bidding evil, protecting one’s family and giving a good advice to the assailant….

When you are dreaming about a good-looking mare, then it usually indicates that your partner, boyfriend or girlfriend, is good and grateful. If the mare in the dream is scrawny and gawky, then it often implies that a woman that will cause displeasure in the dreamer’s life will appear, especially if the dreamer is a man. If the mare in the dream kicks, it is a symbol of gossip and betrayal.

…To dream of going up a hill is a sign you will rise in the world, and of going downhill the reverse; if, in your dream, you seem to be approaching a smooth high hill it shows that you will shortly have a piece of good fortune; but if the hill be rugged and stony, it foretells difficulties in connection with the good fortune. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 46, 18,…

…(Fettering | Forbearance | Self-control) Exercising patience in a dream means glad tidings, or a warning about an adversity, or perhaps it could mean success in one’s endeavors. If one exercises patience toward harm or adversities he suffers in a dream, it means that he will rise in station, or receive a financial reward, or it could mean enjoying good living, safety, good health and victory in one’s life….

Seeing a map in a dream is a good omen, which shows that you will be able to overcome your difficulties and find a solution to your problems. If someone shows you the map, then it means that someone will show you the way with their good advice.

…name. If an old man shaves his beard in a dream, it means that he will lose his good reputation at the hand of a profiteer and an overpowering enemy. If one’s beard is cut off in a dream, it means financial losses valued at how far it is trimmed. Clipping what is longer than man’s grip of one’s beard in a dream means paying the due alms tax. Cutting off someone’s beard in a dream means swindling his inheritance. A white beard in a dream means honor, dignity and good fame. If one’s beard turns gray, leaving few black hairs in the dream, it means earning respect. If all its hair becomes gray in the dream, it means poverty and loss of integrity. Seeing one’s wife having a beard in a dream means increase in one’s wealth or growth of the son’s business, or sickness of one’s wife, or…

Dreaming of huge flares as those that usually appear in farms and planting fields, is a good omen for the immediate future. Dreaming that your house is on fire announces misfortunes with family, loss in business, love failures, etc. Dreaming of burning something suggests that soon you will come out of problems that are affecting you. Dreaming of having your hands burning symbolizes repentance for wrongdoing. In a way, this dream is a self-purification of consciousness. Dreaming of walking on burning coal means security in one-self, which means that you’ll succeed in everything that you do. It also suggests that the dreamer has very good health and energy to perform any activity and to also fight against competitors, business related. In sports terms, this could signify that you’ll be able to defeat your opponents.

…To dream of being into of business, is significant of some unexpected good fortune; to finish it, marriage; if the business appears to be bad, it is a good sign. 41….

The grass that is green foretells about the growth of your finances or even luck in love affairs. The grass that is burnt doesn’t have a good meaning, you will suffer. If you plant the grass, it means you have new ideas and projects on your mind, but it will give results if you will work hard.

Fame, honour and luck. 90.

Traditionally dreaming with color yellow is interpreted as an omen of intelligence, luck and energy to everyday life. Yellow is a symbol of sunlight that illuminates everything and gives us warmth. However, if in addition to the yellow there is also color red, we probably feared excessive force that results in irritability or anger. It is basically the color of intellect.

Luck in all undertakings. 253.

…To dream of simply treeing a raccoon, is a good omen, for you will probably either gain a sum of money, or have it left to you as a legacy: if you imagine that you shoot the animal, and he falls to the ground, this will spoil the luck; you should stop dreaming as soon as the coon is up the tree. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 61, 12….

…(See Child.) Dreaming of a young infant is an excellent omen, as it foretells joy and gladness, good luck, and success generally. Lovers who dream such a dream may be sure of a happy and thrifty marriage. To a business man this dream predicts a new and successful enterprise. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 29, 76….

Birds denote luck in play, and a heap of treasure.

…Blood-stained garments, indicate enemies who seek to tear down a successful career that is opening up before you. The dreamer should beware of strange friendships. To see blood flowing from a wound, physical ailments and worry. Bad business caused from disastrous dealings with foreign combines. To see blood on your hands, immediate bad luck, if not careful of your person and your own affairs….

If you dream of the waist that is larger than normally, then it indicates the cozy life. If the waist is abnormally small, then it denotes to the losses of some projects or affairs. The waist that is small could also have a positive meaning such as the fortune and luck in all of the business affairs and personal ones either.

Luck, success.

…To dream that you’re contemplating an island from the distance suggests improvement in your life and that your anxieties and problems are reaching an end. To dream that you’re resting in a beautiful island surrounded by a calm sea suggests that soon you’ll travel, perhaps for pleasure. If a young woman has this type of dream, it symbolizes her desire to get married and that it would likely happen soon. To dream that you’re in a rocky and a barren island announces bad luck, bad business, various problems, lawsuits, loss of money, etc. To dream about many people on an island suggests that thanks to your efforts, you’ll finally receive the benefits you are fighting for….

Luck, health and good fortune in love. 87.

…Birds shot flying are false news, to catch them shows hate. Dreaming of bird’s nests, or eggs, show good luck is thine. But if then you eat them, in sorrow you will pine….

…(See Skating and Sliding.) To dream of walking on slippery ice in winter, is a sign that misfortune threatens you: if you slip down, it foreshadows bad luck: if you dream of gliding or skating easily over smooth ice, it shows that you will probably have a difficulty of some kind, but will overcome it and get through handsomely. For lovers to dream of going over ice is a bad omen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 28….

…case you should be very careful with your behavior and character, since any mistakes will bring fatal consequences. Dreaming of driving a car accompanied by someone and you have an accident, suggests that even though your affairs are going well, there’s a risk of them ending abruptly and finishing with negative results. Dreaming of being saved from being run over by a car indicates that the dreamer must run away from situations or dubious business, light affairs and rivalries of all kinds. In short, it’s a warning to withdraw from anything that is not clear in the mind of the dreamer. Dreaming of seeking or trying to get a luxury car indicates huge ambitions that can’t be satisfied with simple work efforts. Dreaming of traveling in an old and dilapidated car of any kind, it’s a sign of bad luck in the immediate future (bad business, setbacks, illnesses, etc.)….

…If a lady dreams of going to a quilting party, it foretells for her and her family thrift and good luck: gentlemen, who dream of being much entertained at such a party, will have the very best success in love matters. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 71, 54….

To fall in disgrace is an omen of bad luck. To see someone else fall in disgrace indicates that you will overcome the difficulties.

Seeming good luck, but in reality misfortune.

To dream that you have lost your job means you will make some useless expenses and that you should pay attention to your expenses. Dream of getting a job means you will have an excellent earnings and luck.

…Some strong legs indicates resolution of problems, happiness and health. Amputee or broken legs mean death or sickness of a relative or a close person. Weak legs are indications of afflictions, sorrows and economic problems. Swollen legs presage luck on random games, unexpected money or wealth….