…(Affront | Attract attention | Criticize | Excavate | Probe | Sideswipe | Stir up) Digging up the past in a dream means an argument or exposing one’s dirty laundry, blocking the road, earning unlawful money, or it could mean excavating hidden valuables, reviving past knowledge or discover- inga treasure. Diggingup the past and not confronting anyone with it in a dream means relief from distress or receiving glad tidings. (Also see Court)…

…(Hajj | Eid-ul Adha | Feast of sacrifice | 10th of Zul-Hijjah | Greater Bairam | Manumission | Sacrifice | Pilgrimage | Responding) Witnessingthe Feast of Immolation (arb. Eid-ul Adha) in a dream means reminiscing the past, renewal of past celebrations, reviving a state of joy, recapturing moments of one’s pleasant past, escape from destruction, salvation, redemption, release from prison or freedom from debts. (Also see Feast of Breaking the Fast | Ram | Sacrifice)…

If you dream about history, then such it shows that you are thinking about the past. Perhaps you are trying to recall your emotions and past events. There is a possibility that you keep thinking about the old things that happened in the past.

If you dream of seeing an antiques it represents your past and old roots. This dream shows something unique and exclusive about you. Make sure you keep good values from your past, as it might be very useful in the future. If you dream of seeing antiques, but not enjoying the view of it, it represents that some things in the past did harm you and now you are suffering from it. The other meaning of this dream could be , that you trying to avoid something, which you should not.

In dreams to have the constipation is quite common dream, which shows the tendency of the dreamer to look back at the past. You keep looking at things that happened in the past and unable to forget things that no longer exist. You are unable to keep going in your waking life, because every moment you remember the things from the past and unable to let them go.

When you see a hearse in a dream, then such dream symbolizes new chapter of your life. There is something in your waking life that you finishing dealing with, therefore you see a hearse in a dream. The hearse in a dream could also suggest you to finish with the past and do not look behind your back. What happened is the past, now you must look at the future. Make sure you are moving forward whatever happened in your past.

…house full of other people, then it could be the suggestion to become more independent from others. Perhaps you should stay on your own for a while, then you will be sure what to do with your life. The dream in which you see an old house symbolizes the old habits, views and features. The dream shows that you tend to keep yourself to your past. Maybe you should start thinking more about the future than the past? If you see brand new house in a dream, then it shows the fresh and new start of something in your life. Perhaps there is something completely new that is coming into your life. It could be new job, new relationships or new phase of your life in general. If the house is broken then such dream represents your inner self which is feeling terrible and violated. The broken house could also…

…pursuit. Every now and then, there was a loud twang and an arrow whizzed past my ears, whilst all my pursuers joined in shouting at the top of their harsh, shrill voices! Through the wood; through the wood! Beware of the huntsman in the green hood. With their shouts ringing louder and louder in my ears, I was fast coming to an end of my tether, when there was a blinding flash of jagged, blood-red lightning, and I found myself in the market square of a mediaeval town. The place was full of people, all wearing green costumes of the fashion of the fifteenth century, and on my appearance, they all began to dance. Not a word was spoken by anyone, and not a sound was heard beyond the incessant tapping of feet on the cobble-stones, which continued until, as if in obedience to some unheard command, everyone was suddenly…

…borne at a terrific speed through every description of varied scenery, in a country that was entirely new to me. I saw bare mountains rising to a prodigious height; wide plains where never a blade of grass grew; great sweeps of prairie alive with every kind of vegetable life; slow rivers, narrow rapid streams, and cataracts of hellish fury; forests of pines, moaning as in a hurricane; trees with strange faces like living things; woods full of flowers and peopled by maidens of exquisite beauty; meadows bathed in sunlight; and lofty cities built of coloured marble.And I was borne past all these and set down at the entrance to a sombre city, whose black and silent streets re-echoed to my footsteps. Cold with fear, — for every building I saw was black, and destitute of any sign of life, whilst overhead the blue sky had turned to an intense grey…

They represent nostalgia or memories of our childhood. If we open it and see that it is blank, then it indicates that we wish we could erase the past. The feeling we have in this dream will represent how our past was.

Represents nostalgia or memories of our childhood. If we open it and see it is blank, then it indicates that we would like to erase the past. The feelings we have in the dream is how our past has been.

Dreaming of seeing some kind of photograph that is old could represent the longing for someone very important in our lives. It could be the person who suddenly died, or the times you were happy at safe place. The photos could also have a negative meaning and may protect you from lies and swindles. The pictures could also be interpreted as something we cannot let go such as our past and find it difficult to live at the present and only thinking about the future. Do not think too much about it. Also, do not make the same mistakes you did in the past.

When the dreamer sees a trunk in his dream, then such dream symbolizes the past, old thoughts, undiscovered paths. Perhaps the dream shows the troubles that have not been solved in the past. If you saw the trunk of the vehicle, then such dream promises you the joyful trip you are going to have. If the dreamer saw the trunk of the tree, then such dream could represents the strong personality he has, but only when the trunk is firm and hard. On the negative note, the dream shows your weaknesses, but only if the trunk of the tree is lean and petty.

…Dreaming that you are shaking, can be interpreted as the renewal and the rebirth. Shaking in the dream is also a symbolism of your old routine and tradition of acting. Also it shows former ways of thinking. All of these qualities is taken off from your life. Otherwise, the dream indicates that you are going to get rid off these old habits. If not, just think about better future without old past. Maybe there is the need for you to get rid of the past in order to welcome in the future. On the other hand, there can be completely different explanation. Dreaming about shaking involuntarily, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty can be a sign of an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous. Are you afraid? Have you any big fear right now? Maybe that is the reason why…

If you dream about the high school, then such dream indicates the old days you are missing. The high school could also represent the people you’ve met and missed. The dream could also indicate the childish side of your personality. Perhaps you are not ready to take the responsibilities to be a proper adult. If you are attending the high school in a dream, then such dream shows your fears about the choices you’ve made in the past. Maybe you wish to make different decisions at some situations? You are not sure you’ve made the right choice or there is some situation at your current life that is affected by your past? To get more detailed information about your dream, please see the meaning of School.

Dreaming that you are in a boardinghouse, indicates spiritual and emotional difficulties. Boardinghouse also stands as a symbol for past hardships. However, if you are now severe suffering, do not lose hope. These hard times will not last long and go into past.

…in the immensity of the distance, the water in some miraculous manner having disappeared altogether.I was deliberating what I had better do, when an enormously tall, nude figure — not unlike a human being — brushed past me, and, turning round, laid one of its long, gleaming fingers against its nose — and smiled knowingly. Fascinated beyond measure, I immediately followed this strange being, and, almost before I was aware of what was happening, found myself racing down the marble steps in close pursuit of it. The peculiarity of its antics increased the further we descended, and at length reached a climax. Suddenly halting on the very margin of a step, it stood on its head and revolved at such a terrific speed that, overcome with dizziness, I fell. I have a vague notion that the figure caught me in its arms as I whizzed past it, and then all…

Dreaming about friends means you have rejected some aspects of your own personality in the past, but now you’re willing to recognize these characteristics and even to talk about them freely. Dreaming of friends may also mean that soon you will receive good news. Dream of a childhood friendship means you yearn for the past, when you had less responsibilities and worries. You may have the feeling of wanting to escape the tensions and stress of being an adult. You must analyze the relationship you had with that friend of your dreams and wonder if you learned something relevant from that friendship. Another possible interpretation of this dream with a childhood friend is that you’re behaving childishly in real life and must mature. Dream about the death of your best friend means some aspect, defect or characteristic of that person, is disappearing from your personality.

The zombie that scares you, indicates the things you don’t know and things that threatens you. The zombie is also a symbol of something that is no longer alive. If you see the zombie that is chasing you, you are dealing with your negative past. The other explanation says that you are still not feeling safe from the horrible things that happened in the past.

To have a tail in your dream, indicates the past you are carrying with yourself and are unable to let go. Perhaps the present life has a lot of in common with the past, therefore you have a tail in a dream. On the positive note, the dream in which you have the tale indicates the balance you are able to keep in all aspects of your life.

If you saw the VCR in a dream, then it symbolizes your past, memories and longing. Maybe there are some very important opinions you made in the past about someone or something. The dream could also indicate the things your conscious mind didn’t notice, but unconscious one did. Try to look at issues closer as you might discover something unexpected.

When you dream of the address you used to live, this symbolizes your past. Make sure you look at your past and if there were any inaccurate decisions you made, do not hesitate, but learn from them. If you dream of the new address, this is a sign that you have to make new alterations in your life. Maybe the change could be a new job, or new partner, or new lifestyle. If you writing an address on an envelope and sending it, it means that there are more opportunities you need to discover. When you make an important changes in your life, make sure you think twice before you will make the ultimate solution.

Dreaming about a mechanic, can be symbolism of hardships from past. If mechanic is working in your dream, then it symbolizes your need to recover inner strength. Maybe in the past you have a lot of emotional hurts and traumas. In your dream to be a person who repairs and maintains machinery, means that you have special ability to help anyone who is in spiritual and emotional trauma.

In the dreams of young people the stains often reveal fear of sexuality and its consequences. If stains in the dream appear by the action of time, such dream reveals that there is an event or a fact that is not current and not for the future but remains stuck in the past, or that its consequences come from the past.

If you dream of making some kind of the crime, then such dream represents suffer you have about things you did in the past. Perhaps you feel ashamed of yourself. Make sure you forgive yourself and forget the past, otherwise you will be unable to move on.

When you dream of seeing ashes in your dream it signifies unpleasant variations and failures. Dreaming of ashes shows possibility of unsuccessful professional activities or personal life. Make sure you are avoiding negativity and trying to escape the disruption. This dream is a sign of hard work ahead of you, but do not worry, as nothing is lost yet. Make sure you do not think too much of your past, try to forget the past and move on.

If you dream that you are recording the VCR, it shows your desire to hold on to the past. The dream could also represent the creative side of your personality. If you are watching VCR, it shows the strong connection with your past, because the memories are very important to you. The dream may also indicate the current situation in your life you wish to remember because you enjoy it a lot.

…When you dreaming of being abandoned, it means that you have to forget your past and focus on your future. You’ve got to let go your past. The interpretation of your dream about an abandonment is showing, that you have a fear of being wasted, left alone of the ones you love. You shouldn’t be afraid of people neglecting your feelings. The meaning of dreaming that you are abandoned, might mean that you’re suffering from recent lost or are afraid of losing someone you love. The fear of abandonment might mean that you are getting better already, from what you’ve suffered before and are moving forward. This dream also can be the meaning of something you’ve suffered as being a child. When you abandon other people in your dream it can mean that you are shocked by the decisions you made earlier in your life. The main thing you…

Dreaming that you are snorkeling, can be interpreted as symbolism of personality exploration. Snorkeling indicates your desire to understand the source of your emotions. You are exploring your feelings and by this exploration you are trying to understand why do you feel such emotions about certain things. Alternatively, snorkeling in the dream denotes your past experiences. Maybe you should look back at past feelings to understand better your current mental state. See what you can learn from those experiences.

The dream in which you see the soap, indicates shame the one is feeling. Maybe there are things that dreamer did in the past, therefore he feels guilty about it and regrets some of those actions. Consider if there is anything that can be done to fix the mistakes of the past.

If you dreamed of the thrift shop, then it foretells about your past where you did not learn all of the lessons. Perhaps the dream wants you to remember some matters and include them in this time of your life. Maybe you just simply forgot what you learned, only now you are trying to get back to your past and remember all of those things.

…To see the police in the process of dreaming is ambiguous sign. It can be omen for good fortune or unfortunate situations. This dream signalizes some failure in the accomplishments of your commitments. Alternatively, it refers to dishonourable miscarriage of obligations. The police also symbolize authority, structure, rules, and control. A more direct interpretation of seeing the police in your dream forewarns that you should avoid irresponsible activities. Dreaming that you are arrested by the police, suggests that you feel sexually or emotionally reserved because of guilt. Dreaming that you’re a police officer represents your own sense of high standards, superior morality and complete integrity. The dream may serve to guide you down a straight path. If you have recurring dreams that you are a police officer, then it may mean that your past actions have left you feeling embarrassed. Consider your behaviour and activities as being the cop….

When you are gathering the gooseberries, then such dream denotes to joy and fulfilment in your waking life, after the hard times you have suffered from. The dream in which you are gathering the gooseberries also shows the end of hard times, which means that the brighter days are coming to you. If you see yourself eating the gooseberries in a dream, then it shows the mistakes you have made in the past in order to get the joy.

…If you were snorkeling in a dream, then it means that you are trying to figure out of who you are. The dream also shows the understanding of yourself you have. The dream might also represent the past, where the one remembers the things he has learned through that particular period of time….

If you are taking the shower before your wedding during the dream, it means that you are leaving your past away and wish to start a new clean and clear life. You are ready to enter into new life.

Dreaming of being in a state of reflection is usually a premonition that something unpleasant is about to happen (disappointments, slander, losses, illness in the dreamer or in the family, lamentations of past failures). This dream is generally the result of something that the dreamer already knows about because it’s already happening and the dreamer fears that it will become worse.

To dream of abuse you are using against someone, represents the pay back time. It means you will have to compensate for what you have done in the past to your family or your friends. You should start to behave the ones you love and show the love you have towards them. If you dream that you have been abused, it means that there is something in your life you should be careful of. Look after yourself, do not trust anyone, as there might be someone who wishes you unhappiness in your life.

To dream that you are recording something means that you are holding on your past too much and do not let yourself to move forward. The digital video recorder could also mean that you love the good times and the people that are related to your life and trying to keep these memories as much as it is possible.

…To see mining in your dreams, denotes that an enemy is seeking your ruin by bringing up past immoralities in your life. You will be likely to make unpleasant journeys, if you stand near the mine. If you dream of hunting for mines, you will engage in worthless pursuits….

…To dream that you are in an accident, symbolizes the guilt you are carrying with yourself. This guilt might come from something you did in the past and can not forgive yourself. This might be the meaning of you concerning and punishing yourself. If you dream of a car accident, it represents how spiritual you are. The sign of dream could also want you to take things slower and move forward without pushing yourself too hard, because as a result of it, you will not achieve anything you have been expecting. Do not worry, just make sure you know what you are doing at the moment, think twice before you say anything to anyone. If you lose someone you love in an accident, it represents part of you, that is not part of you anymore. It also could symbolize your relation to that person, how important he is to…