…his death. If one leads others in prayers in such a dream, it means travels, or making a pilgrimage to Mecca. If the dream is interpreted to be his death, then it means a good end to his life in this world, light in one’s grave, or that God willing, he will enter paradise. If one sees the morning and solicits water to drink, or purchases food, or barters for some barley in his dream, it means that he will overcome his difficulties and dispel his adversities. If a prisoner sees the morning in his dream, it means that he will be released shortly. If one’s travels are impeded by whatever cause, then seeing the morning in his dream means solving such problems and proceeding on with one’s plans. If one is having difficulties with his wife, then seeing the morning in a dream means divorce or separation. If a…

…might catch you. “”Not if I have even an average amount of luck,’ Jim persisted.” Her arrangements are admirable. Say, Lil, you wouldn’t keep me back, old girl? That extra three hundred and fifty pounds will just set us going.””It certainly was an allurement, and though” I still felt very uneasy — why I don’t know — I eventually yielded, and we spent the rest of the morning talking about our farm. Lord! How we did reckon on it!”Well, Sunday came at last, and Jim stayed with me till it was time for him to make tracks for the lady’s house. Then — well, mister, I will tell you the rest of the story in his own words: ‘ After saying good-bye to you, Lil,’ Jim began, ‘ I shouldered my bag of tools, and, taking a taxi, drove to the Marble Arch. I got out there, and went by…

…from Southsea says: I am sure that canaries in dreams are significant of extreme good fortune. Two years ago, I dreamed a canary dashed against my window-pane, and the very next morning I received a handsome cheque from an uncle, with whom I had held no sort of communication for years. The night before last, I dreamed a couple of canaries flew round my bed singing, and, coming down to breakfast in the morning, I found a letter awaiting me from a solicitor to say that my godfather had died suddenly and had left me a substantial legacy.”A girl whose age I dare not state, lest some at least of my readers should deem her precocious, informs me that she likes to dream of ducks! “They mean so much! ” ”I dreamed of ducks week ago/’ she boldly confided to me, *’ and the following evening my cousin, George —…

…prayers before dawn in a dream, it means that the morning has come and it will be soon before he hears either good or bad news. On another level, if one sees himself praying the evening ‘Isha prayers in a dream, it means that he is committed to attend to his family’s needs as commanded by God Almighty, such as providing for their food, clothing, shelter and teachings. If one sees himself praying in the middle of the night (arb. Witter) in a dream, it means that he does attend to his family’s needs and perhaps they feel comfort in his presence. If one sees himself performing the dawn Fajr prayers in a dream, it means that he will start with the inevitable, such as working to provide for his family. If one sees himself performing the midday Zuhur prayers at the time of the mid-afternoon prayers in a dream,…

…rest of his body in a dream, it means that he will receive a prominent responsibility. If its rays rise to shine over his feet and not the rest of his body in the dream, it means a farming project that brings him prosperity and lawful earnings. If the sun discretely shines over one’s belly and without people’s noticing it in the dream, it means that he will be struck with leprosy. If it shines over his chest and not the balance of his body in the dream, it means a sickness. If a woman sees that the sun has embraced her from her neck down in a dream, it means that she will marry a person in authority and for one night only. Should such a person divorce her the next morning, it means that she may become a prostitute. If the sun rises from one’s open belly in…