…Dreaming of loaves of bread, denotes frugality. If they be of cake, the dreamer has cause to rejoice over his good fortune, as love and wealth will wait obsequiously upon you. Broken loaves, bring discontent and bickerings between those who love. To see loaves multiply phenomenally, prognosticates great success. Lovers will be happy in their chosen ones….

…It symbolizes that we have finished a stage of great efforts and difficulties. For people with religious vocation, it indicates what is bothering them is their soul. If you have them on your feet, it means you are not ready. You must follow the path of perfection. If they’re in your hands, it means you still are too much clinging to things and people….

If you dream about having the journey, then such dream symbolizes new adventures, richness and self-knowledge. The feelings you are experiencing while taking this journey is interpreted as the reflection of the situation in your waking life. If you dream that some of your friends it taking the journey, then it promises great friendship and new adventures in your waking life.

Passing through a valley in a dream is sign of great future.

…Dreaming of seeing lobsters, denotes great favors, and riches will endow you. If you eat them, you will sustain contamination by associating too freely with pleasure-seeking people. If the lobsters are made into a salad, success will not change your generous nature, but you will enjoy to the fullest your ideas of pleasure. To order a lobster, you will hold prominent positions and command many subordinates….

When you dream of the month May, then such dream promises great days and satisfaction.

If you dream about the feeling such as joy, then such dream promises great relationships with your family and friends.

If you dream that you are very active, it shows you will have great losses through your own negligence.

To see village, loss of office; a burning village, great honour.

Dreaming you see anchor signifies great assurance, and certain hope to all men.

To see actress play, misfortune; if you talk with her, you will have success in what you undertake if you make love to her, your life will be joyful. If you dream that you enjoy her, you will meet great troubles.

Dreaming of being blind means that you will experience great disappointments and reversals of fortune. Seeing one within dreams means that you have to be a bit less of a dreamer and put your feet on the ground doing a retrospective analysis and examine what your limitations are.

Dreaming of one or more squirrels is a sign that you’ll soon get money from a very thrifty person. It is also a warning that means that you should be careful with money, and not spending it on trivial and unnecessary things. A great opportunity might be coming and you will take advantage of it, you should save money.

great gain and profit.

…To dream that you find one is a good sign; to dream that you find one without either eggs or birds, shows you will meet with great disappointment. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64….

…Dreaming of a hermit, denotes sadness and loneliness caused by the unfaithfulness of friends. If you are a hermit yourself, you will pursue researches into intricate subjects, and will take great interest in the discussions of the hour. To find yourself in the abode of a hermit, denotes unselfishness toward enemies and friends alike….

Dreaming you see an old man is a sign of great adversities at work or in private life. Dreaming that the old man gives you advice means that you should listen carefully to the elderly because they are the voice of experience.

Going up or climbing it means you will achieve your desired goals, not without going through great effort first. Going down it is a signal of childish arguments. A mountain collapsing means economic loss or distancing from a loved one.

If you are at the clinic and looking out for some assistance, it shows that you are feeling very bad and need for help. Perhaps there are some happenings in your waking life that makes you feel very bad. You shouldn’t be afraid to seek for help, otherwise you will have these kind of dreams again and again. If you received the help while being in this clinic, it shows that you are doing great and the help will be provided to you as well in reality.

Seeing old people in dreams is a sign of great adversities at work or in daily life. If the old man gives you advice in your dream, you better take it into account, since it’s your voice of experience who is talking to you.

Great vexation.

…Dreaming that you see a wreath of fresh flowers, denotes that great opportunities for enriching yourself will soon present themselves before you. A withered wreath bears sickness and wounded love. To see a bridal wreath, foretells a happy ending to uncertain engagements….

To dream that you took the third place in some kind of competition, means that you are doing great and the results of your hard work already showing up. If you felt very unhappy, because you won the third place and not the second or first one, then such dream means that you are the person who like to be leader and first in whatever you do. The one who is happy because of accomplishing third place is the person that is happy for any achievement he does. Keep going that way, because you will succeed in your life later on because of your positive attitude towards the life.

…Dreaming you yield to another’s wishes, denotes that you will throw away by weak indecision a great opportunity to elevate yourself. If others yield to you, exclusive privileges will be accorded you and you will be elevated above your associates. To receive poor yield for your labors, you may expect cares and worries….

If you wore garment made of silk, then such dream promises you rich and prosperous life you are going to have. It is also the sign of luxury, clarity and purity, therefore the one who wears a silk, has all of the great features.

…For a married woman Dreaming of giving birth to a child, great joy and a handsome legacy is foretold. For a single woman, loss of virtue and abandonment by her lover….

A pearl diver in a dream represents a royalty, a great person, or a man of authority. Diving into the seawater to catch pearls in a dream means entering into a business with someone in authority, then marrying a daughter from his family and begetting a beautiful son from her. Seeing a pearl diver in a dream also means seeking to learn about something, or seeking to borrow money from a merchant, or asking someone in authority for an important appointment, or it could mean adventuring into the business of treasure hunting. A pearl diver in a dream also represents someone who knows the inside secrets of things, or he could be a scholar, a gnostic, a seeker on the path, or an interpreter of the true meanings of the early prophetic teachings. (Also see Diving)

Fortunate omen, great luck. From fright, safety. With precipitation, unexpected happiness. After an enemy, indicates victory, profit. To run naked means betrayal of relatives. To see people run one after the other, denotes temporary problems or fears the dreamer has. If they be armed with clubs or other weapons, then it signifies problems to be apprehended, internal dissensions, however if you run fast enough, none of this will be applied to you. It is a bad omen for a sick person to dream of running, because it shows he doesn’t want to stop and heal himself. Make sure you take the time to looks after yourself.

…To dream of men with long beards, great honour doth show, but with short beards, contempt and poverty you’ll know….

Getting released from great troubles.

Denotes great honour.

Dreaming of looking at rags is often an indicator of shame and misery. Dreaming of mixing rags is an indicative sign of great sorrows.

To dream you see a person hanging on a gibbet, is a sign of damage and great affliction.

To dream of banquets is very good and prosperous, and promises great preferment.

Giants dreams are symbols of prosperity, happy events and great achievements.

…This dream denotes you will have a long and happy life. If you dream you are eating honey it denotes that something will happen that will give you great joy or pleasure. To a young girl it is a sign that she will soon have a lover that will please her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 3, 1….

…Usually dreams about the place being crowded denotes to the lack of freedom in your life. There is a possibility that you feel suppressed and unable to express your feelings and emotions. The dream could also show the tendency of yours to go along with others which means that you lack of individualism. If you are in the crowd and feel like unable to get out of it, then it means you should try to find the solution in order to become happy. If you feel great while being in the crowd, then it means you are surrounded by surrounding you feel happy with….

Inventory means greed, great attachment to material things.

Great misfortune. 207.

To dream of yourself writing a letter, a note, a message, etc., indicates prosperity and great economic achievements. On the other hand, it means your some kind of communication with someone.