…or a ‘Tec?”I see I must explain myself,” she said, pulling out a chair from the table and sitting down.”Though I’m living in a big house in Park Lane, Mr. Bailey, I’m a poor woman. My husband has all the money, and not I.” “That doesn’t sound quite fair, ma’am,” I muttered, not knowing exactly what other remark to make.”Fair! Of course it isn’t fair!” she snapped. “Nothing is fair, is it? But come, I’m not here to expatiate on injustice. Have you ever been hard up, Mr. Bailey? You have. Good! Then you can sympathise with me. I am hard up— so hard up that I am anxious to sell my diamonds — a wedding present from my husband — and, being a wedding present and positively the only present he has ever given me, you can understand my difficulty. In short, I want to sell it, but dare…

By the pictures of our dream we can learn a lot about ourselves and the people and situations that we care about. So, looking at old photographs indicate that we want to recover gone times. If we are taking pictures of other people, the identity of these people speaks to us of our affections and interests. And if we see a picture of us in the dream, we must analyze what is the sensation when we look at ourselves and what nuances we contemplate.

…Dreaming that you are in want, denotes that you have unfortunately ignored the realities of life, and chased folly to her stronghold of sorrow and adversity. If you find yourself contented in a state of want, you will bear the misfortune which threatens you with heroism, and will see the clouds of misery disperse. To relieve want, signifies that you will be esteemed for your disinterested kindness, but you will feel no pleasure in well doing….

…Pictures appearing before you in dreams, prognosticate deception and the ill will of contemporaries. To make a picture, denotes that you will engage in some unremunerative enterprise. To destroy pictures, means that you will be pardoned for using strenuous means to establish your rights. To buy them, foretells worthless speculation. Dreaming of seeing your likeness in a living tree, appearing and disappearing, denotes that you will be prosperous and seemingly contented, but there will be disappointments in reaching out for companionship and reciprocal understanding of ideas and plans. Dreaming of being surrounded with the best efforts of the old and modern masters, denotes that you will have insatiable longings and desires for higher attainments, compared to which present success will seem poverty-stricken and miserable. See Painting and Photographs….

If you dream of the want, then such dream indicates the wishes you have in your real life. On the other hand, the want could indicate your ability to achieve particular goals.

Pictures show deceit, to sell them, prosperity.

To dream one draws pictures betokens joy without profit.

…To dream of seeing pictures is a sign of joy without profit. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 48, 7….

Dreaming of feeling that you want something is not good.

(See Arabic months)

It was once considered the symbol of a serpent that would descend in dreams to communicate a message, but the most common interpretation is that there is a connection between various levels of consciousness.

(arb. See Chair | Divine Throne)

Soon after getting into bed one night (in January, 1908), I fell into a deep, blank sleep, from which I was abruptly torn to find myself at the entrance to a forest, a forest I knew, by sight, only too well. It was the forest of Trouble, and, willy-nilly, I had to enter it. On all sides, leviathan trees of the blackest ebony shot up hundreds of feet heavenwards, permitting only the feeblest rays of light to penetrate through their forked branches. What species of trees they were I do not know, for nothing I had seen outside my dreams resembled them. Their trunks were smooth, and in their mirror-like surfaces I could see reflected the workings of their innermost organs, whilst the rising and falling of their hollow voices was wafted down to me from on high, like the murmuring of wind from some mountain top. Nimble hands

To dream that you receive the intravenous drip means that you have a feeling of someone interrupting into your life while you don’t know it.

…(arb. Retreat | Seclusion) In a dream, it represents a spiritual retreat, prayers, hunger, fast, depression, humbling oneself, controlling one’s passions and desires. (Also see Retreat)…

The I.D. indicates your own identity and how you think about yourself. If you lost you I.D., it means that you are not feeling yourself anymore. If someone has stolen your I.D., it symbolizes your fear of being influenced by others in the negative way. If the driver’s license or I.D. was taken from you because of the your behavior, you will have to face the consequences for what you have done.

…(arb. Encompassing the two hills of Safa and Marwa | Mecca | Rituals of the pilgrimage) Encompassing the two hills of g_afa and Marwa in a dream denotes one’s righteousness and correctness. It also means reconciliation between two people, quelling a conflict, mediating between two people and bringing about a just and a peaceful agreement. If the one who is walking between the two hills in the dream is a judge, it means that he will be just and equitable. If he is a husband, it means that he will be just with his wife, or true to his parents. If one is ill, it means that he will recover from his illness and return to earning his livelihood. (Also see Rituals of the pilgrimage)…

Getting friends, happiness.

Having several wishes that will not be gratified. 496.

Being deceived by supposed friends.

Long life. 174.

Mourning and sadness.

(See Carnelian-red | Tahayyat)

Being guarded against misfortune. 24.

…Celebrating the new year’s day in a dream means a short lived happiness, reminiscing the past, the passing of sorrow and adversities, or recovering lost money. In the dream, if the new year’s day coincide to be on a Friday, it means the spread of evil, corruption, or political turmoils for that year. If it is a Saturday, it means drought, hardships during a difficult year, plagues and illness. If it is a Sunday, it means a cold winter and a blessed crop for that year. If it is a Monday, it means floods, winter illness and perhaps a partial loss of the crop. If it is a Tuesday, it means shortage of rain and a cold winter. If it is a Wednesday, it means scarcity and deficiency of water, and a cold weather by the end of summer and beginning of autumn. If it is a Thursday, it…

Steadiness in fortune, finding happiness in troubles and afflictions. 77.

(See Pilgrimage | ‘Umrah)…

(See Nasal mucus)

To dream of your dead father is a very bad sign, it denotes sickness and misfortune. 119.

Fortune in business of all kind, success in litigations. 178.

Freedom from disagreeable affairs, good luck. 248.

…Noah’s arc in a dream represents happiness, joy, festivities, salvation, relief from distress and worries, protection against drowning, a wedding, a leading position, or winning victory over one’s enemy. (Also see Noah | Ship)…

…Dreaming of a Jew’s-harp, foretells you will experience a slight improvement in your affairs. To play one, is a sign that you will fall in love with a stranger….

…To see a potter’s field in your dreams, denotes you will have poverty and misery to distress you. For a young woman to walk through a potter’s field with her lover, she will give up the one she loves in the hope of mercenary gain….


(See Entering Paradise | Ka’aba | Masjid | Mosque)…

Luck, honour, wealth and happiness. 96.

…(Arrogance | Deception | Defeat | Death | Giant | Mocking | Slingshot) Goliath’s head in a dream represents a perfidious man who entices people to engage in treachery, deception and falsehood. If one sees himself nicknamed as Goliath’s head in a dream, it means that he will be accused of treachery, deceiving others or defaming them, though he maybe innocent of such allega- tions….

…(Death | Give up the ghost | To die) In a dream, the return of one’s soul back to its Lord means remitting a trust to its rightful owner, the recovery of a sick person from his illness, the release of a prisoner from jail, or perhaps it could represent the reunion of beloveds….
