…money in a dream means disputes. Receiving money from a known source in a dream means stress. If the source is unknown in the dream, it means a calamity. If one receives an engraved coin in a dream, it means that he may be hurt by his own family, or for the sake of a protege 1 of his. If one sees a deceased person giving him a coin of money in a dream, it means that he will be spared from an unjust trial. If he refuses to take the money from the deceased person in the dream, it means that he should beware not to be unjust toward others or fall prey to their injustice. If one who has ten coins finds that he only has five coins in the dream, it means that he will lose accordingly. If he has five coins then sees them doubled in…

We will commit an injustice.

To dream you bestow a knife upon anybody denotes injustice or quarrelling.

…(Alms | Charity | Contribution | Donation | Fulfilling needs | Gift | Offering | Profits | Religious endowment) Making a religious endowment in a dream represents good deeds that are done for God’s pleasure, seeking to be in His nearness and asking for His blessings. Making a religious endowment in a dream also means rising in station, both in this world and in the hereafter. If what one donates for this purpose is a house or a book or money in the dream, it means repentance from one’s sins and guidance on the straight path, or it could mean begetting a son. Offering a swine or wine as an endowment in a dream means rising in rank in the world, injustice, and causing harm to others….

…(Condiment | Veteran) In a dream, salt means easy money, common people and a good person. Seeing an argument between two adversaries and witnessing salt placed between them in a dream means that they will allay their differences and make peace. If common salt becomes spoiled in a dream, it means that a plague, injustice, or a drought will befall the people of that locality. Salt in a dream also signifies hard work, or an illness. Table salt in a dream also means asceticism, renunciation and detachment from the material world. It also means blessings, honesty and comfort. Eating bread with salt in a dream means contentment with little from this world. A salt shaker in a dream represents a good and a dutiful woman. Discovering salt in a dream means adversities and a severe illness. Salt in a dream also represents balance, usability of things and acceptability of…

…any of the abovementioned people. If a king offer someone a headgear or a tiara in a dream, it means that he will have the power to appoint people in different administrations. If a mishap befall one’s headgear or the turban of an Imam in a dream, it will reflect upon his faith and the state of his congregation. Wearing ablack turban in a dream means authority, or it could mean sitting in the judges’ bench. Wearing a headgear which is topped with a white feather in a dream means becoming a leader. Wearing a headgear that is made from animal fur or hide in a dream means becoming unjust and blinded to one’s own injustice, or it could portray the wicked personality of one’s superior at work. A headgear, a turban, or a tiara in a dream also could represent an ascetic. (Also see Overseas cap | Turban)…

To dream ourselves gagged means a dependency that weighs on us too much. If we manage to take off the gag we will find liberation. If we gag someone that means we will commit an injustice, unless the person is of the opposite sex it means attraction.

…If one undresses himself in a dream though not knowing whether he did so for good or for an unlawful purpose, or if he strips himself from his clothing in a public place, feels shy and tries to cover his private parts in the dream, it means that his private life will be exposed and that he will be disgraced. If he takes off his garment in public and does not feel ashamed of his nakedness in a dream, it means that he will be credited for his honesty. If the person is sick in real life, it means that he will recover. If he is indebted, it means that he will repay his debts. If he is seized with fear, it means that he will regain his peace. Nakedness in a dream also means injustice. Stripping a dead person of his shroud means divorce, loss in business, repentance…

(Kiln | Oven) In a dream, a furnace means distress, burdens, trouble and suspicion. Seeing a limekiln in a dream means backbiting people of knowledge or religious scholars. As for a brick-kiln in a dream, it means oppression, injustice or polytheism. A furnace or a kiln in a dream also represents hell-fire and its people.

In a dream, distance signifies injustice or being deprived from some- thing. The distance between two people in a dream means a fight, resignation or death. Distance in a dream also means closeness, since it is the opposite. Walking a long distance in a dream means hardships or taking a difficult journey.

…For a Christian person, seeing a church in a dream signifies a house of worship, religion, knowledge, devotion, work, ascetic detachment, fear of wrongdoing, penance, lamentation and it could mean crying. A church in a dream also could mean distress, trouble, slander, innovation, injustice, a business club, a meeting house, bingo, wine, alcoholic consumption, commun- ion, weddings or a wife. In a dream, a church also can represent its parish, diocese, ministry, clergyman or a chaplain. If one sees a church turned into a synagogue, or a synagogue turned into a church in a dream, it means mistrust, an argument, or a scheme for tax evasion. Seeing oneself in a synagogue in a dream means that one may become a Jew. If one’s house turns into a church in a dream, it means that he will bring its business to his house, or it may mean a fight with…

(Conceit | Vainglory | Vanity) In a dream, pride or vainglory signifies oppression and injustice. Every conceited person in a dream is an unjust person in reality. If one sees a deceased person showing pride in a dream, it means that he is one at whom God Almighty does not look on the Day of Judgment, and particularly if he looks different in the dream. If one is proud of himself, his wealth, or power in a dream, it means that he oppresses others.

…a governor is forced to come down from the pulpit in a dream, it means loss of his status, or it could mean his death. If one is seen standing on a pulpit and if he does not speak or deliver a sermon, or if what he says denotes evil in the dream, it means that he will be unjustly executed, or it could mean that God Almighty will protect him against such injustice. The pulpit in a dream also means rulership and subduing one’s enemy. Rising on a pulpit in a dream also could mean a betrothal or proposing a marriage. Otherwise, it could mean a scandal. If a ruler stands on a pulpit in a dream, it represents the continuity of his reign. Standing on a pulpit with one’s hands tied in a dream means carrying out an execution which is brought about by one’s own crimes….

…(Encroachment | Transgression) To infringe upon someone’s rights, or to slander him, or to insult him in a dream means losing to him, unless if there is a legitimate reason, or a legal point for trespassing. If someone infringes upon your rights in any way in a dream, it means that your ultimate victory over him is sure. Infringement in a dream also means prosperity and success in this world, though the end results may not be as positive as the beginning. (Also see Cursing | Injustice | Insulting)…

…(Murder | Suicide) Killing in a dream represents a major sin. If one kills himself, or commits suicide in fear of the consequences of his sins in a dream, it means that he is offering true repentance from his sins, though committing suicide is a major sin that will lead its author to eternal sufferings in hell-fire. Killing a human being in a dream means committing an evil and an atrocious sin. On the other hand, committing an outrageous sin, or a conspicuously objectionable act in a dream may mean killing someone. If one is killed in a dream, it means longevity and that he will acquire a great wealth from the one who kills him in the dream. If one kills someone without slaughtering him in a dream, it means that the victim will benefit greatly from his assailant. Slaughtering in a dream means injustice. Killing someone in…

…(Denial | Adjuration | Uncertainty) If one sees himself denying what is true in a dream, it means that he will become an atheist. If he denies what is false in the dream, it means that he will defend what is true and attack what is false. To deny others’ favors in a dream is an indication of injustice, and to deny the Godliness of our Creator, Sustainer and Cherisher in a dream means ingratitude and atheism. (Also see Disbelief | Irreligious | Uncertainty)…

…(Striking) Slapping someone on his cheek in a dream means cautioning him or warning him about his heedlessness. If a woman gently slaps her own cheeks in a dream, it means glad tiding of a son she will conceive at an advanced age, or after having lost hope in conceiving children. However, slapping someone’s face in a dream also could mean injustice, an illness, or cold. (Also see Slapping on the cheek)…

…(Strangulation) Suffocating in a dream means that one has taken upon himself a responsibility greater than what he can handle, or that he is intimidated into accepting a heavy responsibility, or that he abused a trust or a leadership position. If his suffocation is caused by an illness in the dream, then it represents a chastisement for a sin or an injustice he has committed. If his suffering increases to near strangulation and death in the dream, it means that he is required to repay all the benefits he drew from holding such trust. If he dies in his dream as a consequence of his suffocation, it means that he will lose his battle with the owner and become poor. If he comes back to life after dying in the dream, it means that in a while, God Almighty will reinstate him in his position after his trying experience….

…shaded under a cloud of smoke in a dream, it means that he will suffer from a high fever. If one suffers from the heat of smoke in a dream, it means difficulties and distress. If one sees clouds of smoke gathering over the hills in a dream, it means that a great scare will befall the people of that locality. If the smoke is not caused by a fire in the dream, it represents the stationing of an army though no war will take place. However, the impact of such fear will have its effects on everyone. If the smoke causes harm to the people and affect their sights or limits their vision in the dream, it means injustice, depression, adversities, pain and suffering from a divine punishment for people’s sins. Smoke in a dream also means news from the direction it comes from. (Also see Smoke | Sparks)…

…(Atheism | Ignorance | Night | Obscurity) In a dream, darkness means straying from God’s path, being lost, committing an error, erring, confusion and perplexity. If one walks out of darkness into light in his dream, it means salvation, safety, guidance, repentance from sin or release from prison. Dark- ness in a dream also represents an oppressor. Thus, walking into a dark place in a dream means being unjust. Obscurity in a dream means the darkness of one’s heart or blindness. It also could mean loneliness, keeping to oneself or hiding from people. (Also see Injustice | Night)…

…If acquired justly, you may hope for wealth; if by injustice, you will lose your fortune. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 33, 14….

(See Infringement | Injustice)

If one sees people oppressing one another in a dream, it means that a tyrant or an unjust ruler will seize their land. Oppression in a dream is also interpreted as guidance, and guidance in a dream is interpreted as oppression. (Also see Injustice | Terrorization)

…unjust ones. If the commander who is operating the missile launcher in the dream is a ruler, then it means that he will write a letter with strong words to the other party. The stone or the missile itself represents the messenger, or the carrier of such a letter. If a superior launches a stone against a subject or an employee in a dream, it means that he will send an investigator, a controller or a supervisor of a stern nature. Watching the launch of a mangonel in a dream implies treachery, betrayal and a cause of losses and sufferings. It also means defamation of the learned ones, or forcing them to downplay the ruler’s injustice, or to give utilitarian and opportune opinions about sacred religious values. Seeing a missile launcher in a dream also may signify corruption, adversities and trials that will befall the target of such missiles….

It symbolizes the union, the union until death, and if possible, beyond. This dream reveals our inner desire to form an imperishable union with someone or something. To see ourselves tied means a tie that weighs too much on us. If we manage to untie ourselves we will find liberation. If we tie someone else it means we will commit an injustice, unless it is a person of the opposite sex, then it means attraction.

When committing it, indicates that you will offend a person. Suffering means an injustice will be committed against you.

Quick injustice for a short time.

…(Affliction | Bristling with perplexity) In a dream, thorns represent a harsh, difficult, repulsive and a distressful person. Thorns in a dream also represent indebtedness, signing a loan, temptation, degeneration of moral standards, or social unrest. If a thorn pierces someone in a dream, it means that he will be tried with temptations, or that he will be hurt from something he hates. Walking on thorns in a dream means delaying or postponing payment of one’s debts upon maturity. Thorns in a dream also represent ignorant and evildoing people who uphold respect for nothing, and who have won neither material nor spiritual success in their lives. Thorns in a dream also represent pain and sufferings, complexity of matters, sorrows, distress, difficulties, love, injustice, or harm caused by women….

…(Pawn | Deposit) If one sees himself as a hostage in a dream, it means that he has earned himself an accumulation of sins that made him a pawn for repayment of his debts. If one sees himself holding someone as a guarantee for a promise, or keeping him as a pawn until his demands are met in a dream, it means that he is veering toward injustice. A hostage in a dream also represents mistakes, errors, exposing people’s private life, divulging people’s secrets, slander, or a debt that keeps the person subject to constant harassment. Being a hostage in a dream also means adversities, trials, or falling in love with someone, whereby, one’s heart becomes a hostage of his beloved. (Also see Enemy | Enmity)…

…Dreaming of coming before a judge, signifies that disputes will be settled by legal proceedings. Business or divorce cases may assume gigantic proportions. To have the case decided in your favor, denotes a successful termination to the suit | if decided against you, then you are the aggressor and you should seek to right injustice….

…a blast, a major political shift, tyranny, decapitation, a bad death, inceneration, burining people alive, or a robbery. If one is under surveillance, then seeing a thunderbolt in a dream means a crackdown on his house or business. If thunderbolts strike people’s homes in a dream, they mean the arrival of covetous and despicable criminals in the company of decent and innocent people who are not aware of the true identity of their companions. If thunderbolts strike the fields and damage the crop in a dream, they represent taxes or an investigation. If one sees a town hit and burnt with a thunderbolt in a dream, it means that an unjust governor will rise in that town, and his government will bring fear, rising prices, economic chaos, injustice or war. If a thunderbolt does not carry fire in the dream, then it represents a new leader. (Also see Earthquake)…

…earn fame. If one is challenged by someone holding a lance against him in a dream, it means that someone will hurt him with his words, or slander his family. Owning an extra lance in a dream means having a brother or a friend who will stand for one’s defence when needed. A long spear means injustice, or it could mean good health. If one bleeds from a wound caused by a lance in a dream, it means that he will be compensated for pain and suffering, or that he will return home from a longjourney. Multiple wounds from a lance in a dream mean financial compensation, though the source of money is loathsome. Fighting one’s enemies with a lance means earning dirty money. A person holding a lance in a dream also represents a teacher, an educator, or someone who helps his brothers and friends. (Also see Javelin)…

…(Planet) The planet Mars in a dream represents evil, calamities, trouble, fear, or blood shedding. Seeing the planet Mars descending or burning in a dream means calamities, injustice, burglaries, divorce, or demolishing one’s habitat. The planet Mars in a dream also represents a warrior, an army, or the police force. (Also see Heavens)…

…a religious point of view. Water in a dream also denotes the drink of poor people, or what gallant people exchange and share among themselves. If a thirsty person quenches his thirst with water in a dream, it means comfort, appeasement of one’s bewilderments, prosperity verses poverty, or reuniting one’s family. Bathing in fresh spring water in a dream means payment of one’s debts. If sweet and potable water becomes salty in a dream, it means apostasy, or straying from the path of God Almighty and meeting with insurmountable difficulties. Car- rying water in a container in a dream means conceiving a child and increase in one’s income. Abundance of water at a time when it is supposed to be low, or drought at a time when it is supposed to be raining in a dream means injustice, abuse, high prices, divided opinions, weaknesses, or payment of financial damages. Clear…

…or a ‘Tec?”I see I must explain myself,” she said, pulling out a chair from the table and sitting down.”Though I’m living in a big house in Park Lane, Mr. Bailey, I’m a poor woman. My husband has all the money, and not I.” “That doesn’t sound quite fair, ma’am,” I muttered, not knowing exactly what other remark to make.”Fair! Of course it isn’t fair!” she snapped. “Nothing is fair, is it? But come, I’m not here to expatiate on injustice. Have you ever been hard up, Mr. Bailey? You have. Good! Then you can sympathise with me. I am hard up— so hard up that I am anxious to sell my diamonds — a wedding present from my husband — and, being a wedding present and positively the only present he has ever given me, you can understand my difficulty. In short, I want to sell it, but dare…

Torment, persecution and injustice.

…In a dream, a fight means deception, betrayal, misleading or trickery. A fight in a dream also means inflation and rising prices, plague, food lines, adversities or stress. If a soldier sees himself engaged in a battle in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits and a rewarding success. Fighting unjust people in a dream means triumph over injustice, supporting the needs of one’s father or mother first, or being protective of one’s wife or husband. Fighting against the truth in a dream means aligning oneself with heedless people or going astray. (Also see Disbelief | Killing | War | Wrestling)…

To dream of seeing or tasting a bagel represents something that is not completely fulfilled in your life. You do not feel full-fledged. The other meaning of this dream could also symbolize your sexual needs, maybe something you have not tried yet, but you wish you did or afraid to take a risk and try different things in your sexual life.

When we arrive at the beach from a boat, then it represents that we are saved from danger. If we come to the beach from the land and we see the sea being calm, then such dream indicates the nostalgia or need for a time of serenity and relaxation. If the beach is very crowded, then it means that we wish for a brilliant life in which we can shine. If the beach is full of pebbles, then it shows that if there is something we want to do, we have to overcome many difficulties.

Symbolize our knowledge, both acquired by study and those from our own experience. So we have to consider whether that if the library that appears in our dreams is full or empty. If we are working in an investigation this will indicate us the sufficiency of our capacity at this stage.