…Seeing a Santa Claus in a dream indicates that you should be more willing and respectful. Dreaming that you’re dressed as Santa Claus suggests that you should treat others the way you would like to be treated. Wearing Santa Claus’ shoes indicates a very long journey….

…Dreaming of one or more angels occasionally is usually a good omen because it indicates joy, happiness, constant protection, and help in all your affairs. This dream is equivalent to seeing your guardian angel, whose symbol acts in the long term, which means throughout all the life of the dreamer. When the angel appears flying and glowing, but it doesn’t go away, it suggests that the dreamer is destined to have success and fortunes in his life. When there is severe and static angel close to you in the dream, it is scolding you for your misbehavior; if angel appears with a sword, it is the sign of the condemnation with threat of serious punishment. When you see several angels discussing in your dream, and worse, fighting, it suggests that the affairs that you’re managing are not going well. If the law is involved, it means that you’re might…

The tortoise could have many different meanings depending on the circumstances in your life and your dream. Sometimes it indicates the protection and shelter you have built for yourself. In other explanations it is saying that tortoise is the symbol of long life, stability and great patience the one has. The tortoise could also indicate your tendency to hide and do not show your real personality or face, because of the fear not being accepted.

…To dream of seeing a long military or civic procession, is a, sign that some of your friends will come to poverty and ask your assistance; if you imagine that you are in such a procession yourself, it foretells that you will either make a loss, or be very short of money. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2….

…Dreaming of seeing ice thawing, foretells that some affair which has caused you much worry will soon give you profit and pleasure. To see the ground thawing after a long freeze, foretells prosperous circumstances….

…To dream you see your brothers and sisters, signifies long life to the dreamer, but it portends a death in your family. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24, 8….

The turtles are the symbols of long life and great health. Because it is not a very common animal, the dream is not very often either, so if the one has such a dream, it means that very unusual situations will come into your life, but not necessarily bad ones. Maybe you will find some of the qualities within yourself.

…a legal contract in a dream means failing to fulfill an agreement. If one sees someone he knows drafting a contract between them in a dream, it means that the other person will defraud him, mislead him in a business deal and drive him astray. If one finds himself illiterate and incapable of writing in a dream, it means that he is depressed, though God Almighty will show him a way out of his difficulties. If an illiterate person sees himself trying to learn how to write and read in a dream, it means that he will benefit from something he feared for a long time, or it could mean that he will go through hard times. If a learned person finds himself incapable of writing anything in a dream, it means depression, fear, toiling and obstruction of his business. (Also see Book | Letter | Paper | Sign)…

…To dream of ghosts like the ones that wear white sheets, and that they have a cheerful attitude, or at least are friendly, it announces an upcoming success and the realization of long-yearned goals, including material gains. When young people frequently dream that they’re dressed as black ghosts, they should monitor their behavior, but particularly their sexual behavior, because it can affect their future. To dream about ghosts of one or more of your acquaintances that in real life are still alive is a sign that you have not put enough attention to your activities, such as your social relations and businesses; this can end up hurting you. To dream that one or more dressed in black ghosts suddenly appear and then they suddenly disappear announces upcoming calamities that will affect some of your most important economical affairs and in some cases even your life. Dreaming about the ghost…

Dreaming of sailing on a calm sea suggests that soon the dreamer will enjoy modest but satisfactory joys and triumphs. Dreaming of sailors working on the ship that the dreamer is on suggests that long journeys by sea or land will be made. If a woman has this dream, then it could mean that her relationship with her husband, boyfriend, or lover will suffer from a final break-up.

…In the interpretations of predicative type it is ensured that if the besieging is the protagonist of the dream that means he’s about to get a job, a love, or some long-cherished desire. But if you’re the one besieged you may be at a bad deal….

…The meaning of this dream is the same as the horse. If a sick person dreams of galloping on a horse through forests, then this dream could make worse his current condition. If the person gallops through a city, then it means he will heal soon. To ride a horse also indicates success and prosperity. To fall off the horse means losses. If the horse is saddled but nobody rides him then such dream symbolizes some kind of women meetings. To sell a horse means that you might have a threat for property loss. If you punish him, then you will deal with false accusations. If we see the horse that is shoeing, then we must prepare for a trip. If we give them fodder, then we will have wealthy life. If it he a very long tail, we can count on our friends. If the horse is white…

Drink or prepare it: faithful friendship, health and long life.

…To dream that you’re a sailor, of course, if you’re not one in your real life, suggests that you long to travel the world, but always for fun and pleasure. If you see the boat in the dream, it symbolizes failures in your affairs or business….

Dreaming of traveling in Europe, foretells that you will soon go on a long journey, which will avail you in the knowledge you gain of the manners and customs of foreign people. You will also be enabled to forward your financial standing. For a young woman to feel that she is disappointed with the sights of Europe, omens her inability to appreciate chances for her elevation. She will be likely to disappoint her friends or lover.

…This dream denotes you will have a long and happy life. If you dream you are eating honey it denotes that something will happen that will give you great joy or pleasure. To a young girl it is a sign that she will soon have a lover that will please her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 3, 1….

Dreaming of a birthday is a signal of poverty and falsehood to the young, to the old, long trouble and desolation.

To see a marine in your dream denotes your desire of living an adventure, of its liberty and its explorations. It may also indicate that you are ready to meet some situations in a more profound way. To dream that you’re a marine suggests a long and pleasant journey to a foreign country.

…To see rags in dreams is a sign that it won’t be long until one of your secrets is revealed thanks to being spread by bad people and fake friends….

…To dream that you’re writing a letter suggests that you’ll soon transmit information to others. If it’s a very long letter, your writing will address accusations. To dream with a writer that is working (writing) anxiously, symbolizes your actual state….

…disobedience to one’s superior. If one sees his head down, or hanging loose in a dream, it means confessing to one’s wrongdoing, or experiencing a long life of humiliation and striving to please someone. If one’s head is fixed backward in a dream, it means delays in attaining his goals, hindrance of one’s travel plans, or it could represent someone’s return from a business trip slowly and without greed. If one sees his head severed without beheading in a dream, it means that he will shortly die, or it could mean his freedom. Seeing one’s head turning into a lion’s head in a dream, it means that he will rule and prosper. If it turns into a sheep’s head in the dream, it means that he will be just and equitable. If it turns into a donkey’s head in a dream, it means that he will revert to ignorance. If…

To dream you eat it betokens long life and health.

…Dreaming of ruins, signifies broken engagements to lovers, distressing conditions in business, destruction to crops, and failing health. Dreaming of ancient ruins, foretells that you will travel extensively, but there will be a note of sadness mixed with the pleasure in the realization of a long-cherished hope. You will feel the absence of some friend….

…Dreaming of having your horoscope drawn by an astrologist, foretells unexpected changes in affairs and a long journey | associations with a stranger will probably happen. If the dreamer has the stars pointed out to him, as his fate is being read, he will find disappointments where fortune and pleasure seem to await him….

Dreaming that you are reading history, indicates a long and pleasant recreation.

Long life, honour, luck in choosing a lover.

…Dreaming that you are in Paradise, means loyal friends, who are willing to aid you. This dream holds out bright hopes to sailors or those about to make a long voyage. To mothers, this means fair and obedient children. If you are sick and unfortunate, you will have a speedy recovery and your fortune will ripen. To lovers, it is the promise of wealth and faithfulness. Dreaming that you start to Paradise and find yourself bewildered and lost, you will undertake enterprises which look exceedingly feasible and full of fortunate returns, but which will prove disappointing and vexatious….

It symbolizes strength, prosperity, longevity and memory. If we ride or drive an elephant, it is a sign of success thanks to the support of powerful people. To a sick person it foretells healing and long life.

Seeing a workshop where people are working usually means that your own desires won’t take long to come true. On the contrary, if you dream of an empty and deserted workshop, it’s a warning and it calls you to improve your own behavior at work, thus avoiding being fired or sanctioned. If, in the dream, you’re working there yourself, this is a sign of stability and improvement in current conditions.

If you saw yourself shrinking, then it means that there is a shortage of self-trust. You could also feel dull and not interesting person. Maybe someone humiliates you for a long time, therefore you started thinking about yourself on the worst way. The bad opinion about yourself brings depression and hard feelings which might lead one to suicide, therefore make sure you find the help from the others. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the old times when you were small as a child.

…If a man dreams that he has very long whiskers or beard, it foretells that he will commit some folly in connection with a female; to a married man it shows that he will appear ridiculous from neglect of his wife and attentions to other women who flatter him; to a single man, that he will lose caste by foolish, though perhaps not criminal conduct toward silly girls. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 78….

The coat is the symbol of security you are aiming for while living the life. You do not feel safe enough, therefore you use the coat as your shelter. The dream shows that you look after yourself because you know that you are the one who must take care of yourself. If the coat is very large or is very long one, you are using extra protection.

To dream of being mad, or performing extravagant actions in public, indicates a long life, popular reverence, official respect, prosperity. If an unmarried girl or widow has this dream, prompt and happy marriage. If she is a married woman, birth of a son destined to become a distinguished character.

…To feel in a dream that you are yearning for the presence of anyone, denotes that you will soon hear comforting tidings from your absent friends. For a young woman to think her lover is yearning for her, she will have the pleasure of soon hearing some one making a long-wished-for proposal. If she lets him know that she is yearning for him, she will be left alone and her longings will grow apace….

…(Cucumber | Large cucumber | Squirting cucumber) Seeing or eating the large variety of cucumber known as snake-cucumber in a dream means blessed money, a good business, or buying a new property. On the other hand, a snake-cucumber in a dream may represent money that does not remain long in one’s hand. If a woman sees a snake-cucumber in a dream, it means that she is pregnant. (Also see Cucumber)…

Making long journeys.

…Dreaming of wearing a collar, you will have high honors thrust upon you that you will hardly be worthy of. For a woman Dreaming of collars, she will have many admirers, but no sincere ones, She will be likely to remain single for a long while….

…should guard his money. A wound which does not bleed in a dream also represents recognition by others. If a man of authority is wounded in an accident, whereby his flesh splits open, and his bones are dissected in a dream, it means that he will live a long life to see the burial of most of his relatives. If an army general sees his left hand wounded in a dream, it means that his army will double in size. If his right hand is wounded in the dream, it means that the area of his control will expand. If one suffers from a wound in his stomach in the dream, it means growth in his financial standing. If one is wounded in his thigh in the dream, it means that his clan will grow stronger. If one sees himself wounded in his legs in a dream, it means longevity….

…Dreaming of a college, denotes you are soon to advance to a position long sought after. Dreaming that you are back in college, foretells you will receive distinction through some well favored work….

Announces a long illness in someone close to you.