…Dreaming of a man-of-war, denotes long journeys and separation from country and friends, dissension in political affairs is portended. If she is crippled, foreign elements will work damage to home interests. If she is sailing upon rough seas, trouble with foreign powers may endanger private affairs. Personal affairs may also go awry….

It symbolizes the underground world of archaic and collective unconscious. To dream about the hell reflects fear for the outcome of the struggle between our evolutionary impulse and primal instincts. To go down into hell and then manage to get out, is an omen of a long life, knowledge and energy, these qualities are lacking in average man.

Dreaming of a banquet is a good symbol, especially when it’s developed in a healthy and joyful time, this dream implies that important people will encourage you, and help you selflessly without having bad intentions. Dreaming of eating expensive delicacies and drinking fine wine in a banquet, is a sign of success in the near future, therefore, it is an appropriate time to start doing business. This dream indicates that long-cherished wish will finally come true. If that wish is about of pleasure or entertainment, it will be ephemeral and won’t leave pleasant traces pleasant. Dreaming of being in a messy feast, with several empty seats and guests with gruesome faces, indicates that it’s not the right time to start new complicated business or any other activities, since there is a risk of failure for lack of support.

Dream of them, profit and happiness. Speaking to them, vexations. Seeing them dead, long life ahead is waiting for you.

(Getting lost) If a man of knowledge sees himself lost in a dream, it means that he will benefit people with his knowledge, that his teachings will spread widely and that he will be remembered for a long time after he dies. Getting lost in a dream also means bad luck. If one loses a garment or a house in a dream, it means extra expenses, repairs, or taxes he will pay for his property. If one is stripped of his entire wardrobe in a dream, it means that he will avoid an evil and a costly incident. (Also see Wandering)

As in real life, a clover in dreams is a symbol of luck and is always auspicious. Usually clovers represent prospects for happiness and success, as long as the clover is in good condition. It is a sign that your aspirations will be confirmed.

…Traveling is always a symbol of life itself. Dreaming of traveling means gains or losses, based on what happens in the dream, that is: if you suffer or rejoice, if it’s a happy journey or if there are accidents. Dreaming that a friend is happily starting a trip means an upcoming change in one’s life which is reflected in one’s harmony with family and friends. Dreaming of friends who are invaded by sadness due to a trip might mean that the dreamer won’t see his loved ones for a long time. Also, that one’s at risk of losing his values. Dreaming of oneself traveling in a vehicle overloaded with passengers may mean that you are getting involved in adventurous and risky business and tasks in which a lot of people are not honest. Dreaming of oneself traveling in the sea suggests that you crave for new life, new relationships…

The skeleton in a dream, represents the beginning or the end of the project. At the first point the dreamer is willing to get started doing things from the scratch, therefore the skeleton stands as the base of particular object. On the other hand, the dream may indicate something that is over for a long time. Maybe some of the relationships or work you were doing has come to an end.

Losing a friend for a long time, grief and affliction.

…the dreamer and it will remain that way. Dreaming of fish swimming in clear water is favorable for the immediate future. But if the fish turn up dead it may mean that affairs are bad and they will get worse, causing losses. Dreaming of using a fishing rod and being impatient because of not catching anything and because a long time has passed, suggests that this is the same situation that the dreamer’s businesses are going through. Perhaps they are not that bad, but the dreamer should not expect them to improve in a short period of time. Dreaming of swimming in order to catch fish reveals that the dreamer has good health and has the ability to succeed in anything that he or she wants. Dreaming of fish in clear running water, suggests that the dreamer has the ability to approach wealthy people, and that the dreamer will soon…