Getting up after a fall expresses your determination to continue actions you have started.

Falling into deep waters and not reaching the bottom of it in a dream means prosperity and wealth, for the world is a deep ocean. A sudden fall into water in a dream also means joy and money.

…(Authorization | Power of attorney) A signed document empowering some- one to represent the principal in a dream represents accumulated sins. If one is commissioned to administer someone’s will in a dream, it means prosperity, indisputable control, or a license to operate someone else’s assets. If the person delegating that authority is sick, then signing a proxy means recovering from his illness. However, if he is healthy, then it means that he may fall sick, because a proxy means delegating an agency. If one is seeking an office in the government, and if he signs a proxy in a dream, it means that he will win it….

…If we reach the summit, then it indicates that in real life we will achieve our goals. If we have barely arrived at the summit and we fall or we don’t get to reach it we will not get to achieve success because of weakness of character….

If we reach the summit of the mountain that indicates that in real life we will achieve our goals, and if we are more spiritual that indicates that we will achieve spiritual elevation. If we just reached the summit and we fall or we do not get to the top we will not achieve success due to weakness of character.

Dreaming of walking barefoot and even worse if it’s at night, is a warning that if the dreamer does not take care of his image, he or she will fall victim to gossip and slander that will damage the dreamer’s honor. This symbol is especially applicable to women.

…Dreaming that you fall heir to property or valuables, denotes that you are in danger of losing what you already possess. and warns you of coming responsibilities. Pleasant surprises may also follow this dream….

To see, or pull down old houses, sick you shall be. But to dream of buying them, is lucky to all. And bad luck comes to those who sell, or see them fall.

…If you dream of being in hell, you will fall into temptations, which will almost wreck you financially and morally. To see your friends in hell, denotes distress and burdensome cares. You will hear of the misfortune of some friend. Dreaming of crying in hell, denotes the powerlessness of friends to extricate you from the snares of enemies….

Dream that you are cladded in any livery shows a future fall.

An unexpected estate will fall to you, if you dream of a vault.

…To see the mountains in a dream suggests you may experience many obstacles and key challenges. If you see yourself over the mountain, it means that you have already achieved your goals. On the other hand, the mountains denote a higher sense and knowledge. To dream that you’re climbing a mountain represents your determination to achieve your ambitions. To dream that you fall from a mountain suggests that you want to achieve success too fast, without thinking about the solution on how to accomplish it. It can also mean that you’d escape from demanding situations….

…lives. In this ladder the steps have continuity; it represents continuous difficulties and obstacles. The spiral staircase symbolizes a vicious circle. Often accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and fear and symbolizes that we are spending our energy on something that does not deserve our effort. The ladder can almost have a highly spiritual meaning, which we will know by the number of steps (should be a sacred number, almost always seven) and, for the atmosphere of the dream. In these cases it represents the rise of the soul to God or the descent of God to the soul to grant his grace. To climb up a ladder, means success and triumph. To fall from one, means failure and loss of position. Passing below one, means humiliation, shame. Seeing a ladder on the floor means disease. To lift it, indicates healing. Seeing one leaning against a wall shows danger….

To see ape in your dreams, shows that you will fall into the hands of sharpers; and that some enemy will endeavour to defraud you.

If you are surfing in a dream, then it means that you like taking risks. You are the person who is not afraid to fall down, because you tend to get up and move on very quickly.

…Dreaming of being under the spell of enchantment, denotes that if you are not careful you will be exposed to some evil in the form of pleasure. The young should heed the benevolent advice of their elders. To resist enchantment, foretells that you will be much sought after for your wise counsels and your liberality. Dreaming of trying to enchant others, portends that you will fall into evil….

…Dreaming of climbing hills is good if the top is reached, but if you fall back, you will have much envy and contrariness to fight against. See Ascend and Descend….

If you dream about a cliff it indicates that you will have to make up for some mistakes at work. If you fall into it means you will experience disappointments and frustrations in your personal life.

…Dreaming of a parcel being delivered to you, denotes that you will be pleasantly surprised by the return of some absent one, or be cared for in a worldly way. If you carry a parcel, you will have some unpleasant task to perform. To let a parcel fall on the way as you go to deliver it, you will see some deal fail to go through….

…Dreaming of a marble quarry, denotes that you life will be a financial success, but that your social surroundings will be devoid of affection. Dreaming of polishing marble, you will come into a pleasing inheritance. To see it broken, you will fall into disfavor among your associates by defying all moral codes….

If we reach the top, then it indicates that in real life we will achieve our goals. If we just arrived to the top and we fall off or we don´t reach it, then we will not get to achieve success because of weakness of character.

If the salt shaker fall off and the salt is spilled, then it express how barren is our inner world.

…If you are looking into a deep pit in your dream, you will run silly risks in business ventures and will draw uneasiness about your wooing. To fall into a pit denotes calamity and deep sorrow. To wake as you begin to feel yourself falling into the pit, brings you out of distress in fairly good shape. Dreaming that you are descending into one, signifies that you will knowingly risk health and fortune for greater success….

To fall on the ground, humiliation, false friendships.

…To dream you see leaves growing freshly on a tree or plant, is a good sign, and shows you will live long and be happy; but to see leaves wither and fall to the ground, is a sign of sickness and death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 47, 21….

…If the liana hangs from above that symbolizes a means of ascension. If we are restricted by a woody climbing plant that hangs from trees, especially in tropical rain forests, that portends that we will soon reach a higher position. If we’re climbing up the lianas, that indicates our desire to move up. If we’re going down the lianas or we fall from them, that foretells a decline in our position, the frustration of our hopes. If the liana is on the floor, on furniture or in our hands it is a warning about the state of our business. The same meanings apply if we’re dreaming about a vine tree….

(Driver | Mail carrier | Messenger | Renter) In a dream, a carrier means that one will recover from an illness, or fall into one, pay for his sins, carry burdens, endure sufferings, or bring comfort to others. A carrier in a dream also represents a forerunner, a guardian, a mail carrier, or a police officer.

…To see ink spilled over one’s clothing, many small and spiteful meannesses will be wrought you through envy. If a young woman sees ink, she will be slandered by a rival. Dreaming that you have ink on your fingers, you will be jealous and seek to injure some one unless you exercise your better nature. If it is red ink, you will be involved in a serious trouble. Dreaming that you make ink, you will engage in a low and debasing business, and you will fall into disreputable associations. To see bottles of ink in your dreams, indicates enemies and unsuccessful interests….

Dreaming of a scale means you´ll have ups and downs in your economy and emotions. You should avoid lies in order not fall into your own trap.

To notice your eyelashes or to dream that eyelashes are growing, is interpreted as symbolism of your personal individualism. Eyelashes shows that you are trying to express yourself in some subtle or covert way. It also stands as a symbol and sign for good luck. To dream that all your eyelashes fall off, can be explained that you are having difficulties expressing yourself. It may also mean a loss in your feminine power. For a man, it means, loss of energy in business. If only one eyelash falls off, then it also stands as a symbol and sign for good luck.

…When the water well is well constructed, uncovered and full of water, then it becomes a symbol of sincerity, honesty and happiness. If the well is poorly constructed, sealed or the water dries up, or the rope breaks, or the bucket is holed and the water cannot be retained the meaning is totally contrary. If in our dream we fall out the well it is one of the worst omens, unless someone get us out of the well. It symbolizes that we are immerse in the depths of the unconscious, unable to return to the conscious, which is equivalent to desperation, neurosis and madness….

It indicates risk for your reputation. If you want see the bottom from the edge, your situation will improve. If you fall to the bottom, you will have great difficulties.

…(See Race.) To dream of running swift, is a sign of good success in your undertakings; but if you stumble or fall it denotes accidents or misfortune: if you imagine that you see people run, while you are still, it foretells disappointment. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 7….

If you dream that you are playing bowling, then it is a sign that you may have a bitter struggle to obtain what you most wish for. If the balls fall, it is sign that you have sorrows and misfortunes and should face them now and move forward.

…Dreaming of pirates, denotes that you will be exposed to the evil designs of false friends. Dreaming that you are a pirate, denotes that you will fall beneath the society of friends and former equals. For a young woman Dreaming that her lover is a pirate, is a sign of his unworthiness and deceitfulness. If she is captured by pirates, she will be induced to leave her home under false pretenses….

When you are dreaming about turtles, then it signifies that our affairs are moving very slowly, but something unexpected will speed them up and will be producing benefits. When you are dreaming of eating a turtle stew, then it represents the fact that you will engage in intrigues between competitors. However, you will not suffer any of the damage. Although in the East dream interpretation the turtle is given a cosmological symbolism of extraordinary wealth and is elevated to sacred animal. Among Western people the turtles symbolize longevity and protection for their long life and their ability to fall back within itself, hiding from all the dangers.

(Mustard | Money | Poison) In a dream, mustard means poison. If one eats mustard in his dream, it means that someone may poison him, or that he may fall into a vicious circle, or acquire an evil reputation. It also means that he may receive clean money, though through awesome hardships. Mustard seeds in a dream only denote good if seen by a physician. Otherwise, for the majority of people, seeing mustard or sesame seeds in a dream means a sickness, a fever, or poison.

To dream about quagmire means that you are unable to fall asleep completely. Some part of your brain is still awake. The quagmire could also indicate the depression you are suffering from or some huge problem that you have no answer to solve it yet.

Dreaming of a beautiful and ingenuous countenance, you may safely look for some pleasure to fall to your lot in the near future | but to behold an ugly and scowling visage, portends unfavorable transactions.

It symbolizes the rise and fall of tides, and changes in life, but also the bridge that allows us to reach beyond.