…Dreaming of marching to the strains of music, indicates that you are ambitious to become a soldier or a public official, but you should consider all things well before making final decision. For women Dreaming of seeing men marching, foretells their inclination for men in public positions. They should be careful of their reputations, should they be thrown much with men. Dreaming of the month of March, portends disappointing returns in business, and some woman will be suspicious of your honesty….

If a young man dreams that he is marching along with martial music, it suggests that he wishes to enlist himself in the military. When a young woman dreams about soldiers that are marching in a parade suggests that she wants to relate sentimentally preferably with a military or political man. However these desires, in case she discloses them or not, can somehow discredit her.

In a dream, it means sorrow, or earnestly seeking knowledge, desiring to become wealthy, preparing to perform a pilgrimage, or celebrating a religious festival. If one sees himself marching alone in a campaign in a dream, it means that he might endanger his own life, lose his wealth, or that he may face an awesome trial that will bear heavily on him.

To march rapidly means pressing business.

If you dream of the March, as one of the months, then such dream indicates the awakening status of your subliminal mind. The dream could also denote to unpleasant experiences with your professional life.

Pleasant meetings. Promise of a favorable business development.

(See Earthquake | Thunder)

…plague, or the birth of a planet that signifies the destruction of a great city on earth. Hearing the sound of thunder on the first day of February in a dream means a good harvest, lowering or stabilization of prices, discovering a new disease in the East, death in the seas, heavy rains in Mecca, fear, devastation and famines in Ethiopia, or that a Western leader will move his armies to the East and control the land for a short per iod of time . Hearing the sound of thunder during the first six day s of March in a dream means good harvest, lowering of prices, stabilization of the market and prosperity. Hearing the sound of thunder at the end of March in a dream means famines, destruction, or that a swarm of locusts may devastate the lands, or it could mean a drought that will kill African cattle….

…This dream denotes that one’s home and country are in danger of foreign intrusion, from which our youth will suffer from the perils of war. For a young woman to hear or see cannons, denotes she will be a soldier’s wife and will have to bid him godspeed as he marches in defense of her and honor. The reader will have to interpret dreams of this character by the influences surrounding him, and by the experiences stored away in his subjective mind. If you have thought about cannons a great deal and you dream of them when there is no war, they are most likely to warn you against struggle and probable defeat. Or if business is manipulated by yourself successful engagements after much worry and ill luck may ensue….

…tones of the wildest grief, to let her die too!”I stood no chance. It was useless to protest my innocence. No one believed me. I had been have murdered him but I? The very idea of that delicate, heart-broken woman, that woman who was only too obviously almost out of her mind with grief, being the horrible monster I described her was ludicrous — so thin a story wouldn’t deceive a baby.”The lady therefore scored all along the line; whilst I — I, her poor deluded tool — was marched straight away to jail.’ “Here the girl from the park paused.”Well, I said gently,” and what is the sequel? Is Jim in prison still? “”No, the girl answered dreamily;” Jim, my Jim, is free. He was hanged at six o’clock this morning!” — And as she said this I awoke.The significant characteristics of this dream are as follows: Rain portends…

…dragon talks to him with clear expressions, or if the dragon gives him something, it mean glad tidings or good news. If a giant dragon is transformed into a man or a woman in a dream, it represents an army of male or female jinn (see alphabetically), and a marching army of female jinns in a dream means an enemy who conceals his true purpose or identity. Such an enemy has many heads and ways in the arts of ugly actions and evil thinking. Each head from one to seven represents an adversity of a different magnitude or an art of evildoing. If the dragon in one’s dream has seven heads, it represents an enemy that cannot be equalled and whose evil designs cannot be paralleled. If one sees himself owning and controlling a dragon in a dream, it means taking advantage of a person who is mentally ill. (Also…

Symbolizes the duties and obligations that society subject to us. This dream often reveals that we are subjected to a form of coercion from which we want to free ourselves. If we are young and the dream is unpleasant, then it denotes a desire to integrate into the community and abide by its rules. If the dream is accompanied by an agonizing feeling of wearing the uniform which is incomplete, untidy or dirty then it refers that in our life we are subjected to constraints of professional, family or social aspects. If the weather is nice in the dream, then it is about our subordination and obedience to a higher law that come from ourselves. If we are not the soldier, nor we see them as isolated individuals, but armed and marching in formation, reveals the existence of some danger that threatens our independence or personal security.

…To see soldiers marching while you’re dreaming, foretells for you a period of flagrant excesses, but at the same time you will be promoted to elevations above rivals. In the dream to see wounded soldiers, is a sign of the misfortune of others causing you serious complications in your affairs. Your sympathy will outstrip your judgment. Dreaming that you are a worthy soldier, you will have literal fulfilment of ideals. Women are in danger of disrepute if they find themselves dreaming of soldiers….

If we are not the soldier, or see them as isolated individuals, but armed and marching, then it reveals the existence of some sort of danger, that is threat for our independency or personal security.

…To dream you hear the rolling of a drum signifies that you will be caused away from your home or business unexpectedly. I’ll see soldiers marching when you hear the drum, it shows that though you may not have to leave, yet you will receive an unexpected message that will cause you trouble or excitement. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49….

Many authors indicate that the size of the bed speaks of the importance we give to our own sexuality. If the bed is dark and gloomy it may be a harbinger of disease, if the bed is broken means problems with our partner, if the bed is very clean and decorated, it shows our desire for refinement the relationship, and if it is dirty and messy means disagreement and dissatisfaction with the march of our intimate relationships.

…Dreaming of seeing the moon with the aspect of the heavens remaining normal, prognosticates success in love and business affairs. A weird and uncanny moon, denotes unpropitious lovemaking, domestic infelicities and disappointing enterprises of a business character. The moon in eclipse, denotes that contagion will ravage your community. To see the new moon, denotes an increase in wealth and congenial partners in marriage. For a young woman Dreaming that she appeals to the moon to know her fate, denotes that she will soon be rewarded with marriage to the one of her choice. If she sees two moons, she will lose her lover by being mercenary. If she sees the moon grow dim, she will let the supreme happiness of her life slip for want of womanly tact. To see a blood red moon, indicates war and strife, and she will see her lover march away in defence of…

Dreaming of sleeping in a comfortable and clean bed indicates internal peace in the dreamer and love in those around you. Dreaming of sleeping uncomfortably indicates probable illness or difficult situations of various kinds, for example at work, in business, in love relationships, etc. Dreaming of others sleeping peacefully announces that the dreamer’s own affairs or businesses will march unhindered. Dreaming of sleeping next to an unpleasant person, or any annoying object or animal is a warning of possible dangerous rivals, either in love, in business or social affairs.

…To dream that war exists, and that you see bodies of troops marching, foretells quarrels and troubles in your family, if you have one, and if not, among your relatives: if you imagine you see a battle, the omen is still worse, as the quarrel will probably become public and notorious. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 6, 24….

…of October in one’s dream, then it represents a common illness, safety of pregnant women and lowering or stabilization of prices. If it takes place duringthe month of November in the dream, it means frequent miscarriages. If it takes place duringthe month of December in a dream, then it represents severe calamities, plagues and death, though no enemy threat is visible. If it takes place during the month January in one’s dream, then it means the death of young people. If it takes place during the month of February in the dream, then it means hunger and miscarriages. If it takes place during the month of March in the dream, then it means prosperity and a good harvest. If a pregnant woman sees an earthquake in her dream, it means that she is delivering her baby. (Also see Cave in | De- struction | Earth | Thunder | Tremor)…