What’s dreamt on this day it’s directly related with your past.

…Dreaming of seeing an archbishop, foretells you will have many obstacles to resist in your attempt to master fortune or rise to public honor. To see one in the every day dress of a common citizen, denotes you will have aid and encouragement from those in prominent positions and will succeed in your enterprises. For a young woman Dreaming that an archbishop is kindly directing her, foretells she will be fortunate in forming her friendships….

If you reach the extreme point of ascent, or top of steps, without stumbling, it is good | otherwise, you will have obstacles to overcome before the good of the day is found.

Dreaming of a detective keeping in your wake when you are innocent of charges preferred, denotes that fortune and honor are drawing nearer to you each day | but if you feel yourself guilty, you are likely to find your reputation at stake, and friends will turn from you. For a young woman, this is not a fortunate dream.

If you dream of the school, it could be interpreted as the past and the future. If you are still going to school it is obviously the place where you spend most of your time and experiencing many different emotions, therefore it reflects in the dreams. If you are not going to school for a long time, then the dream could indicate the lessons you learn at your waking life. The new experiences associates with the school, because it is the place where children learns something new every day.

…To dream you see your sweetheart fanning herself, signifies that a stranger will step in some fine day and “cut you out.” If a maid dreams that her beau presents her with a fan, or offers to fan her, it is a sign he will attempt to take improper liberties with her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41, 18….

Ducks show inundation, to catch them is bad day.

If you made a shrine or saw one, then it warns you about one thing you pay too much attention on. Make sure you find the balance and divide your time and effort in equal parts.

When you see the memorial in a dream, then it shows the necessity of support and sympathy. The dream about the memorial could also indicate your tendency of living on the past. Perhaps you are thinking too much of the things that no longer exists. Make sure you are moving on.

If you see yourself in Arctic, it symbolizes your hidden emotions. There is a possibility that you are feeling frosty and apathetic. Make sure you do not stay alone and communicate with people around you. You have to rely on others, because if you will not trust them you will keep suffering and feeling lonely.

…himself is the one who receives blood, it is always a harbinger of important issues that will consume the resources you have, quickly. However, the severity of the situation can be alleviated through the intervention of an influential and devoted person. Dreaming that your fingers are dirty, injured or bleeding suggests that many things that will make you suffer are approaching. Dreaming that you are decapitating someone and it starts dripping blood means that you must take care of your behavior to avoid punishments. Dreaming of a hatchet that has a stain that looks like blood but you’re not sure is a fatal sign, it indicates that you are in imminent danger of falling into trouble as a result of you irascible behavior. Dreaming of blood resulting from a wound or bite in another person or the dreamer himself indicates that their health is not good, so be careful….

Dreaming of angels or saints is a sign of a period of peace and great prosperity. Good news surrounds you and will make you jump of joy.

To make it means honor to the poor, disgrace to the rich.

…Dreaming of a lottery, and that you are taking great interest in the drawing, you will engage in some worthless enterprise, which will cause you to make an unpropitious journey. If you hold the lucky number, you will gain in a speculation which will perplex and give you much anxiety. To see others winning in a lottery, denotes convivialities and amusements, bringing many friends together. If you lose in a lottery, you will be the victim of designing persons. Gloomy depressions in your affairs will result. For a young woman Dreaming of a lottery in any way, denotes that her careless way of doing things will bring her disappointment, and a husband who will not be altogether reliable or constant. Dreaming of a lottery, denotes you will have unfavorable friendships in business. Your love affairs will produce temporary pleasure….

To dream that you are using the tape, means that you want to make a special bound with someone particular, especially if you are the one who bought it. The tape could also mean that you feel too much of the attachment and wish to be free at some point of your life. You’re lacking of freedom.

To see or make a shrine, when you are dreaming, is interpreted as suggestion that you are too much concentrating in one aspect of your life. Are you putting too much of your energy into one element?

When the dreamer sees herself as a boy, when actually is a girl, then the dream symbolizes the masculine aspects of your personality. The most common meaning of this dream foretells that you already met some boy and have feelings for him and/or he left significant impression to you. There are some people in our lives that we find it hard to forget them or stop thinking about them, so this could be a very good example of you wanting to meet that special boy once again. Being all grown up and dreaming of being a boy foretells about the innocent and childish side of yours. However, sometimes being childish is not a bad thing, only if it doesn’t make a bad impact into your life. If you take the responsibility and duties you’ve got to do, the dream stands as a very good omen.

…Dreaming of an empress, denotes that you will be exalted to high honors, but you will let pride make you very unpopular. Dreaming of an empress and an emperor is not particularly bad, but brings one no substantial good….

To dream of seeing the coyote, foretells about fraud and feebleness. Make sure you deal with it.

To dream of being a tattoo artists means that you are trying to make things better for someone, but actually making it worse. If someone is giving you a tattoo, you will have to sacrifice at some point of your life and this will leave a huge mark on you, you will have to return to yourself very hardly. The tattoo could also mean that you wish to get one in your waking life.

Suffer insomnia is a sign that someone will make you have a hard time. Unforeseen events that mourn you. Mourning.

If you dream of the surgery, then such dream foretells the need of changes or total new recovery. There are certain things in your life that must be removed. On the other hand, the dream indicates the affection other people have on you. Perhaps you are very dependant person who let other people make the decisions instead of you. Consider if you are not having the surgery in your waking life, as it would bring the fear or impatience you are experiencing.

…To dream of prayer, or of joining in a prayer with others, is a sign you will ask a favour of someone who will refuse you: if you dream of hearing prayers at church, or in any public place, it shows that you will be requested to do something which you will refuse to do, and thereby make an enemy. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34, 77….

…Dreaming that you are in Paradise, means loyal friends, who are willing to aid you. This dream holds out bright hopes to sailors or those about to make a long voyage. To mothers, this means fair and obedient children. If you are sick and unfortunate, you will have a speedy recovery and your fortune will ripen. To lovers, it is the promise of wealth and faithfulness. Dreaming that you start to Paradise and find yourself bewildered and lost, you will undertake enterprises which look exceedingly feasible and full of fortunate returns, but which will prove disappointing and vexatious….

Symbolizes our capacity of expression and communication with others. That is why all the dreams where we are with our mouth closed, covered, etc., show us the fear to make known our thoughts, and we shall take into account the identity of the other persons that appear in the dream to analyze what is the situation that represses us.

…This is not an auspicious dream. It implies depression in business circles and loss of employment to wage earners. It also denotes bodily illness. Dreaming of being out of work, denotes that you will have no fear, as you are always sought out for your conscientious fulfilment of contracts, which make you a desired help. Giving employment to others, indicates loss for yourself. All dreams of this nature may be interpreted as the above….

If you wash your mouth in a dream, you will have to make adjustments in your personal or professional life to achieve your goals. If the mouth is small, it means that people are speaking ill of you. If the mouth is big it’s a sign of you being flattered. If you dream of having bad breath, is a premonition of temporary discomforts.

…To feel as if someone were tickling the bottom of your feet, could indicate some flatterers or on the opposite the parasites. See them bathed with healing herbs or essential perfumes symbolizes honors and joys from those you are surrounded by. Bathe them yourself in the same way, means fatigue, vexations, unpleasant affections, consumption. Wash in a basin or other vase your feet means gluttony. To kiss the foot of someone, repentance, humiliation, change in behavior. Have the feet damaged, trouble and disappointments. Have light feet, or make some of the dancing: joy, friendship and overall happiness. Feet that burns is the most disastrous omen that we can imagine, because it signifies some serious sickness. Have sore feet, solace beneath trouble and/or success in business. Have dirty and infected feet is interpreted as tribulation, shameful affairs. Have feet bitten by a dangerous and/or poisonous snake or other reptile, jealousy…

Any kind of the parasites bring unpleasant feelings, because it shows the minor problems that causing much of the stress. Consider that your body could send some message about your general health, therefore make sure you check yourself up.

When you dream of armadillo it means that you need to determine particular limits. Maybe you are making the boundaries with those around you and do not let get anyone too close to you. What you have to do is to become more opinionated and stand up for yourself. Make sure you show more initiative in work you are doing.

If you see crayons in a dream, then such dream indicates the past and experiences you remembering from it. Perhaps you have many responsibilities in your daily life, therefore you wish to become less serious and have no duties. The crayons also indicate the imagination of the dreamer and the things he is able to create. Make sure you pay attention to the color of the crayon.

If you see crane in a dream, then such dream denotes to love, affection, tenderness and care. You wish to make everyone happy around you.

…To dream that you’re fully inspired to work on something important suggests that you have important projects in mind and want to work on them. This dream also indicates internal harmony, which will result in success after overcoming any existent obstacles, and any uncertain and adverse situations. Success always arrives after you experience problems or make major efforts….

If you dream about a cliff it indicates that you will have to make up for some mistakes at work. If you fall into it means you will experience disappointments and frustrations in your personal life.

Despite obstacles, you will make their desires true.

…To dream about a balloon that rises into the sky until it gets lost in the distance suggests that your wishes will be frustrated due to upcoming failures. To dream that you’re travelling in an air balloon suggests that you’re living among unfounded illusions, and that you’re standing with your feet off the ground, and if you make a trip it can be disastrous in many ways. When a woman dreams that she floats like a balloon, it announces that she yearns to be or is already pregnant, or it can also suggest that she may soon be pregnant. To dream about a crystal globe (ball) that is used for divination is a warning that soon you’ll doubt about love and perhaps experience disappointments. To dream that the world is floating like a balloon suggests that you lack of firmness or conduct in your actual affairs….

…To dream that you are having some of the false teeth, means that someone will give you a hand when you will need it the most. You should rely on this person. If your teeth are rotten and looks disgusting, then it represents the disgusting side of your personality where you lied to someone or said the things that would make some situation favourable to you. If your teeth are falling out, it means that the bad things you said about others or did something awful to them made lots of damage and those people are suffering a lot. If you swallowed one of your rotten teeth, you will pay for your bad behaviour. To dream about healthy looking teeth, means that you will be the victim of other people’s lies. To get more detailed interpretation about your dream, you have to know which tooth has fallen out exactly,…

If you saw yourself shrinking, then it means that there is a shortage of self-trust. You could also feel dull and not interesting person. Maybe someone humiliates you for a long time, therefore you started thinking about yourself on the worst way. The bad opinion about yourself brings depression and hard feelings which might lead one to suicide, therefore make sure you find the help from the others. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the old times when you were small as a child.

If you dream of being in an arena, it signifies your hidden feelings. Make sure you are surrounded by those who let you be yourself and you can express yourself as you are, without feeling uncomfortably. Try to find the new area where you can be who you truly are. The dream also indicates the issues you have and it shows that they have to be sorted out.

Dream of mourning dressing indicates sadness, sickness, disappointments, misfortunes and sorrows. Dream of being in mourning symbolizes grief, misfortune, and unhappiness. Dream of mourning means you need to set clear old events and make them in a new way. Dream of other people wearing mourning dresses means disturbances among your friends that may cause losses, disappointments, or separation.