…If you took a shower in a dream, then such dream indicates the new beginning of your life, but only in those cases if the water was crystal clear. To be in a shower where the water is dirty and unclean, denotes to the state of the mind which has not been cleared up. The muddy water also promises small unpleasant changes. To take a shower while wearing all of the clothes indicates the changes you have made with yourself, but not the inner ones. On the other hand, the dream in which you wore of the clothes, shows the wall you have made between yourself and others….

If you dream of seeing the army, it signifies the pressure you are feeling. Maybe you are feeling helpless and do not know how to deal with the circumstances you are surounded by. If you dream of joining the army, it means the excellence of your mind. This dream means that you are tough person. You trust yourself and have no fear showing it, there is no one who can stand by you and feel superior than you are.