…(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him | The Seal of the prophets | The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said – “One who sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream, it is as if he has truly seen me, for Satan cannot impersonate me. ” He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream will not enter the fire of hell.” Muslim theologians and scholars differ in opinion about the meaning of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Imam Ibn Seeri’n used to ask someone who tells of such a dream to describe the Prophet, upon whom be peace. If any of the details did not fit his description, Ibn Seerin’s reply was…

Smiling in a dream means happiness and true adherence to one’s religion….

Seeing yourself smiling in your dreams is usually an omen of understanding among the members of your own family or your close friends. It’s always a sign of satisfaction with life itself and the projects that are moving forward. Dreaming of yourself smiling and being happy, sloppily and for no reason, means that you’re not paying the right attention to your activities. Smiling among friends means that you have faith on a promising and pleasant future in your own family, society, business, etc. Nevertheless, if something unpleasant interrupts the joy, then the meaning is often the contrary, and indicates approaching problems that could end everything you’re enjoying.

If you dreamed of smiling, then such dream denotes to the happiness you have reached. It could also be an indication of you being pleased with your life you live at the moment. Consider that you will be appreciated for good you have done to others. Alternatively, the dream may be an indication of your searches for the happiness.

Happy understanding among family members or friends.

…dressed. As I sat down the latter looked up, and I saw, or fancied I saw, a sudden liking for me sparkle in her blue eyes, so that my heart went out to her straight. I was not accustomed to be noticed by women, and her interest was pleasant in my loneliness. Probably my face showed her what I thought, for she lowered her eyes quickly, with just the ghost of a smile on her full red lips.This exchange of glances did not escape the man’s observation. He frowned at me in such a menacing manner that I felt apprehensive as to his next movements; he was evidently jealous, whence I inferred that he must be either the husband or lover of the pretty girl; and ridiculous as it may seem, I rebelled against the idea, and began to form plans for freeing her from him, for — I assured…

…Huntsmen not infrequently figure in my dreams. On July 1st, 1909, I dreamed I was standing on the veranda of a house, overlooking a neatly kept lawn and a broad white carriage drive, beyond which was a spinney. It was a beautiful evening, and every object stood out with startling perspicuity in the powerful moonlight. Whilst I was gazing admiringly at the transcendental loveliness of the landscape, I felt a soft hand laid caressingly on my arm, and, on looking round, saw a lady clad in the costume of the middle ages. As she often figures in my dreams, I was in no degree astonished at her appearance. ”How romantic we are!” she said, with a smile; “I was quite under the impression that lingering so long in a great city had spoilt you for the pleasures of the country. With me it is too much country, I long…

…Al-Aqsa Sacred Mosque in Jerusalem in a dream means blessings, understanding the inner meaning of important spiritual subjects and miraculous events, or reflecting upon the Nocturnal Journey of God’s Messenger (uwbp), the night in which the eight heavens were decorated to receive and honor him when he was called upon to come before God Almighty. Visiting the grave of God’s Prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, in a dream means obedience to one’s parents, being true to them, seeking their love, blessings and pleasure with sincerity and trueness with one’s words and actions. Visiting holy sites in a dream also means seeking knowledge and wisdom, having love for charitable people, associating with good people, seeking to learn one’s religion at the hand of a pious teacher, to receive blessings and benefits in this life and in the next. (Also see Muhammad, upon whom be peace | Mecca | Medina)…

…(Authority | Mace) A scepter in a dream means good conduct, emulating the leading example of the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, rising to a high ranking position, or becoming an authority. A scepter in a dream also could represent a wild son, a crooked man, or a hypocrite. Playing with a scepter in dream means using the help of such a person and assisting him to lay hands on his rivals. The crosier represents the human heart and the staff represents man’s tongue. Thus, playing with a scepter in a dream means playing at will. Whatever may affect a scepter in a dream can be interpreted as affecting one’s son or his tongue. If one sees himself hitting a small ball with a septer, or playing with a ball in his dream, it represents a dispute with his wife, or a fight with a hypocritical person. A…

…suffering from stress and worries, it means that they can cause him no harm. If one sees his dream during the third lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabi-Hil Awwal, and if he is a merchant, it means that his business will grow, prosper and that his money will be blessed or perhaps he may conceive a child during that month. If he is under stress and worries, they will be dispelled. If he is persecuted or treated unjustly, he will end in a triumph, or it could mean that he will hear good news, or he may be appointed as a governor, or he may admonish people to do good and discard evil, for it is the month in which God’s Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was born to this world. If one’s dream takes place during the fourth lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabihi Tha ru….

…it means that God Almighty will satisfy all the needs of the person seeing such a dream for the sake of the blessings reserved for that prophet. If one kills a prophet in a dream, it means that he will betray a trust, negate a promise, or deny a covenant. Living in the time of one of God’s prophets on earth in a dream means honor, dignity, success, piety and wealth if one is suited for such gifts. Otherwise, it means that Satan is deceiving him. If a prophet of God Almighty beats a righteous and a sincere believer in a dream, it means that he will attain peace and salvation in his life in the hereafter. If a prophet talks to someone in a dream, it means that he will receive blessings, honor, status, knowledge, wisdom and fame in his life. (Also see Muhammad, upon whom be peace.)…

…(Religion of Islam | Surrender to God’s will | Submission) To see oneself as a Muslim, praising God Almighty, thanking Him, facing the Ka’aba in one’s prayers, or to see oneself embracing Islam in a dream means straightening one’s life, or repentance from one’s sins. If one sees himself renewing his Islam in a dream, it means safety from plagues, sickness, or adversities. To proclaim the two testimonies – “There is no god other than Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,” in one’s dream means relief from distress, or guidance after heedlessness. Saying these testimonies in a dream also may mean returning to one’s parents after having abandoned them. It also means returning to a place one has earlier deserted, or to using earlier criterions in one’s life. If a Muslim recites these proclamations in a dream, it means that he will testify to the truth in a…

…or it could mean miracles. Seeing Jesus upon whom be peace in a dream also means glad tidings, for he was the last of God’s prophets who gave the glad tidings and spoke of God’s Messenger Muhammad, upon whom be peace, as the praiseworthy comforter. (Poclete | Proclytos. See John 14-15/18, 25/26, 29/30) Seeing Jesus upon whom be peace in a dream also means answering one’s prayers, or wrath against people from the upper social class, or against those who challenged him to bring down a table of food from the heavens then had doubt about God’s power again. Seeing him in a dream also represents bounty, good luck, or having good friends. If a child sees Jesus in a dream, it could mean that he will grow up as an orphan, or be reared by his mother and live as a scholar and a righteous person, or he may…

…dead tree in a dream represents guidance and wealth, for it is a source of fuel. Sittingunder the shade of a tree along with a group of people, praising and glorifying God’s attributes in a dream means receiving God’s blessings in this world and in the hereafter. Seeing the heavenly Tuba tree in a dream means a good end, or living an ascetic life, or it could mean helping others. Seeing mountain trees in a dream means performing supererogatory devotion, work, or receiving unexpected profits. A palm tree in a dream represents a good word and a true one. It also represents Muslims’ testimony of faith – ‘There is no God except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.’ Seeing a garlic tree, or an onion plant, or a perennial vine of the gourd family, or the colocynth tree (Citrullus colocynthis | bot.) in a dream means hearing harsh words…

…getting married to a woman from a different religion, or it could mean marrying a woman without her parents’ consent. Seeing the Torah in a dream also may mean extensive travels. If one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will bear a child who resembles his father. If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he sees himself holding the Torah in a dream, it means that she will beget a daughter, for the gender of the word Torah is feminine. It also means that he will mix with evil companions. Similar interpretations are given to carrying other scriptures. To see the Torah, or the Evangel, or the Gospel in a dream is as though one has seen God’s Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, because his name (uwbp) is mentioned in all three of them. It could also mean betrayal, negating a covenant, or desiring what is shoddy….

…(arb. Tashahhud) A sitting posture during one’s prayers which includes the proclamation of God’s oneness (i.e., I bear witness that God is one, no associate has He, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.) To see oneself offering the testimony of faith in a dream means the lifting of his adversities and achievement of his goals….

…(The night in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed.) Seeing and experiencing the night of power in a dream means that one’s wish will come true, even if one desired a kingdom or a great treasure. The same interpretation applies for seeing a celebration of the night of the Nocturnal Journey during which the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, ascended to the heavens to meet his Lord. The same interpretation is given to seeing the Friday eve in one’s dream….

…(Mother of the believers, wife of God’s prophet Muhammad upon whom be peace.) Seeing her in a dream means happiness in one’s life and a blessed progeny….

…in a great state of excitement. ‘Lil,’ he said, ‘ here’s news! The very thing we have been longing for has come to pass, and it is the softest job imaginable. What do you think? This afternoon, as I was taking forty winks in my wicker chair before the fire, there came a timid knock at the door, and in walked a lady!’”A lady, Jim!’ I exclaimed.” Not a real lady? ‘”She was, though,’ Jim went on, ‘ a real lady bred and born. I could tell that the moment she opened her mouth — though I guessed as much from her dress, which was just moderate, nothing more. ” I believe, she said, with a nervous little” smile, “I’m speaking to Mr. James Bailey? “” That’s right enough, ma’am,” I replied, “I’m Jim Bailey and no one else.”” ‘ “Well, Mr. Bailey,” she said in slow, measured tones, as…

…If you dream of being in a hail storm, you will meet poor success in any undertaking. If you watch hail-stones fall through sunshine and rain, you will be harassed by cares for a time, but fortune will soon smile upon you. For a young woman, this dream indicates love after many slights. To hear hail beating the house, indicates distressing situations….

…Laughing in a dream means happiness and joy in wakefulness, except if one bursts with a horselaugh or falls over his back from laughing in his dream. If so, then it means crying. If one’s laughter in his dream is caused by a joke, then it denotes his dishonesty. The same goes for laughing by imitation in a dream which means falling into sin. Laughing in a dream also could mean sorrow in wakefulness. Laughing in a dream also means that one will receive news about a newborn son. If one’s laughter in a dream is as gentle and soft as a smile, then it denotes his good character and means happiness, or it could denote exactly what he shall see in wakefulness. If one sees the earth laughing in a dream, it means a good harvest in that land. If one sees a deceased person laughing in a…

…Dreaming of a demon in the first place is not pleasant and secondly it does not announce anything good. This indicates that what the dreamer has in mind is not good. Dreaming of fighting and killing the devil suggests that the dreamer is attempting to do something impossible that will produce disorders and loss. Dreaming that the devil is approaching with a smile and being friendly is a warning that the dreamer will engage in dishonest and dangerous affairs or business. If the devil presents himself rich and powerful, it hints that there will be poverty. If the devil is presented as a musician, it hints vice and degeneration. Dreaming of being in front of a ghost with a demon’s image insinuates that the dreamer is living an abnormal life, maybe immoral. A woman who dreams this indicates that she is losing the appreciation of her friends because of…

…(The archangel Ridhwan. peace be upon him.) Seeing the guardian angel of paradise in a dream means blessings and comfort in one’s life, glad tidings, an unalterable happiness, and protection from illness. In a dream, Ridhwan (uwbp) represents the treasurer of the king and his messenger, seeing him also could mean fulfilling a promise, or satisfying one’s needs. If one has disagreements with his superiors then if he sees Ridhwan (uwbp) in a dream, it means that they will wind up in blessings and harmony, and particularly if Ridhwan (uwbp) hands the person a heavenly fruit or a heavenly garment, or meets him cheerfully with a comforting smile, showing a sign of God’s pleasure with him. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also denotes a divine grace which is bestowed secretly and openly upon the one who sees him. Seeing Ridhwan (uwbp) in a dream also denotes a happy…

When you look at the strangers face while dreaming, then such dream shows various aspects of your personality. The different faces have different meanings. The funny face may be a suggestion to be more relaxed. The face without the nose eyes or mouth, shows that you are feeling numb and even have no opinions about something, or simply feel uninteresting person. The happy face with the smile on it, signifies your inner joy, where you feel happy even about minor things. If you look at the mirror at your own face, then you have to deal with some situation you were delaying. You are telling it for yourself during the sleep. The ugly faces, or the ones that are out of proportion, shows your fears.

…found myself being whirled along at a terrific pace — up, down, dash, smash, through pebbles and puddles, on and on I flew, and I saw all around me thousands of other boots and shoes, all propelled by gigantic, never-tiring Suffragettes, who covered the ground with prodigious, elephantine bounds. This terrible punishment went on for days and nights, till I at length grew so thin that there was scarcely anything left of me. Sometimes I was baked, sometimes drowned, whilst, at all times, my inside and outside were torn and mangled.Then, to my immeasurable joy, I was kicked off, and for some brief moments enjoyed perfect rest.From this happy state I was abruptly awakened, to find myself sitting bound and gagged in a high- backed chair. Bending over me was a very tall and slender dentist with a big, round, babyish face and happy, innocent smile. In one hand he…

Dreaming of cheese is positive: it symbolizes earnings and benefits. It also means that the dreamer is very serious and should smile more often.

…crash, and engine and coaches vanished from sight, over the side of a precipice. The next moment everything changed, and I found myself racing into the railway station to get my ticket. The place was absolutely deserted, not a porter nor a passenger anywhere, and the train all ready to go. The office was shut, as is always the case when we are in a desperate hurry in Phantomania, but, being determined to make the clerk hear, I commenced a vigorous cannonade with my fist on the pigeon-hole door. Presently the latter flew open, and out popped a bald, white head, with such evil, lurid eyes and sinister smile that, shocked beyond measure, I staggered back. As I did so, I came into conclusion with a porter, who, without asking my permission, unceremoniously shoved me into a train, and, before I could recover my breath, we were off. The compartment,…

If we spin it while grilling the meat, it means servitude if we are rich. If we are poor, it means enjoyment. If we only place it on the grill represents an easy and well-paid job. When we only see it, we have to see the see the material of it, because if it is made of wood, fortune will smile again. If it is made of iron, a painful job awaits us, although it may be well paid.

Seeing a skate in a dream indicates that you have to make a gift. In any difficult situation, a good look and a smile, give you an easy situation. You carry yourself with style and great calm in the toughest situations.

To dream that you are in a passion with your sweetheart, and she retaliates upon you, denotes that she returns your love sincerely, but to smile and laugh at your passion, shows deceit, and that your mind and thoughts are widely different.

…If you dream of pawning any of your goods at a pawnbrokers, provided you have never patronized such a place, it foretells that fortune is about to smile on you, and if you take advantage of the circumstance, you will surely get rich. To lazy and shiftless people, such a dream would not be of much account. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 11, 22….