The foot in dreams is known as the symbol of stability, but only if it is in a healthy condition. The foot that is broken, injured or hurt, signifies your desire to be more independent and free. On the other hand, the injured foot could represent the wrong path that you have chosen. To get more detailed dream interpretation about the foot please see the meaning of Feet.

If you dream of coworkers, then such dream indicates the communications you have with those people around you. The dream shows the wishes and targets you have made for yourself and desire to take part of leaderships in some aspects of your waking life. If you see the coworkers you don’t have relationships with, then it means you are going to struggle while dealing with your professional life. Perhaps you do not know what path to choose. If you were teaching someone to become the coworker, then it shows your tendency in giving others the features you have learned through life. If you are the coworker, then it means you are adapting the new surrounding in your live and accepting the rules you have been given. To get more detailed ream interpretation, please also see the meaning of Office.

Seeing or dreaming that you are a lawyer, represents the fact that you will get help if you ask for it. You need to put your pride aside and ask for a help if you need it.

It indicates we will get high profits during a bad period.

When you dream that you see an archbishop, it means that you will face lots of difficulties and discomfort while trying to achieve the proper results. Make sure you work hard and do not give up, because if you keep fighting for something you really want, you will be able to get anything you want and none of the barriers you will have will stop you.

The pagoda is mystical place that makes the wishes come true. The pagoda shows that you have a desire to get away from your life for a short period of time and have a good rest where the everyday problems doesn’t exist.

…Dreaming that you’re bleeding but you’re not feeling pain, and you can’t identify where the blood comes from, suggests that you long for breaking free from any annoying situation that prevents you from achieving what you have been trying to get for a long time. When the blood is abundant, then it means that the thing you crave for is very close, for example, succeeding in the affairs you have been handling. Dreaming of bloodstained clothes announce the presence of enemies that try to prevent that you succeed in the affairs or business that you are managing, therefore, you must be careful with your new friends and keep an eye on the old ones. Dreaming that you have blood on your hands announces a streak of bad luck if you are not careful with yourself or in the things you’re handling. Dreaming of a wound that hurts and makes…

Bacon if you dream of, no good luck you will get.

To dream of being a tattoo artists means that you are trying to make things better for someone, but actually making it worse. If someone is giving you a tattoo, you will have to sacrifice at some point of your life and this will leave a huge mark on you, you will have to return to yourself very hardly. The tattoo could also mean that you wish to get one in your waking life.

To play the video game, denotes to your capability of getting what you want from those you are surrounded by. Perhaps you know how to manipulate people, therefore you are able to get what you want. On the other hand, the dream may indicate something you are trying to avoid. Perhaps there are some issues that have not been dealt of. If you were the one who is in the video game and somebody else is controlling you, then it shows you inability to stand for yourself.

When you dream that you are being paged, then such dream shows that you are going to receive the important call where your help will be needed. Someone is expecting for your help. The pager could also indicate some person in your life that wants to get in touch with you.

The floating on the water is interpreted as floating on your thoughts and ideas. You reached the great balance within your mind. If you are floating in the air, you get to be in great state of your mind if you are not afraid of it, if you feel scared, the meaning is the opposite.

The village in a dream, denotes to your desire to be part of the community. Maybe you are feeling lonely therefore you are looking for support. The dream also shows your ability to get along with others.

When you are bragging in a dream, then it shows the lack of confidence you are suffering from. Perhaps you are willing to get back your confidence.

When you dream of armadillo it means that you need to determine particular limits. Maybe you are making the boundaries with those around you and do not let get anyone too close to you. What you have to do is to become more opinionated and stand up for yourself. Make sure you show more initiative in work you are doing.

…For a woman to dream that she is pregnant when she is not, is a sign of some special good fortune; she will either have a handsome present, or else her husband will be lucky is some business transaction and give her a part of the money: if a girl dreams this, it foretells that she will get married about as sudden as if the dream were a reality. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4. 11, 44,…

If you are looking at something through keyhole, then such dream indicates your furtive personality. You tend to be very nosy person. Alternatively, the dream may show that you are trying to get the closer look at some situation.

…If you wore the bracelet in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the affection and bond between two people. The dream could also show the necessity you have to get the approval from others. The dream may also be a suggestion to look at your friends and divide them in true ones and false ones. If you saw the bracelet that is broken, then such dream shows your dedication to other people. Very often you look more after others than yourself….

Dreaming about angels or saints means that you’ll have a period of peace and wellness. You are likely to get good news.

…that you in your old age will be completely happy. If the color is black, it means that you’ll live afflictions and torments. If you shave the mustache, it suggests you should be extremely prudent in all your actions and words. If you dream about a woman with a mustache, it is a sign of distrust and jealousy. If a woman dreams she has a mustache that indicates she expresses her energy in words. Dreaming you have a mustache when you don’t have it, means hiding some aspect of your personality. You are wearing a costume or you are showing only one aspect of your personality. Dream that you shave your mustache symbolizes that you’re showing your true personality. You don’t longer have to hide under a disguise or some protection. On the other hand, you will try to get in a position of honor and abandon bad companions….

…Dreaming that you overcome enemies, denotes that you will surmount all difficulties in business, and enjoy the greatest prosperity. If you are defamed by your enemies, it denotes that you will be threatened with failures in your work. You will be wise to use the utmost caution in proceeding in affairs of any moment. To overcome your enemies in any form, signifies your gain. For them to get the better of you is ominous of adverse fortunes. This dream may be literal….

…A judge, shows you’ll get money, a very good sign….

To dream you see your back betokens some unhappiness. To dream your back is broken shows your enemies shall get the better of you. To dream of the backbone signifies health and joy.

…To dream that you are having some of the false teeth, means that someone will give you a hand when you will need it the most. You should rely on this person. If your teeth are rotten and looks disgusting, then it represents the disgusting side of your personality where you lied to someone or said the things that would make some situation favourable to you. If your teeth are falling out, it means that the bad things you said about others or did something awful to them made lots of damage and those people are suffering a lot. If you swallowed one of your rotten teeth, you will pay for your bad behaviour. To dream about healthy looking teeth, means that you will be the victim of other people’s lies. To get more detailed interpretation about your dream, you have to know which tooth has fallen out exactly,…

To dream that you are in downtown, can be induced by external stimuli, which means that you have a meeting in downtown. Also in same manner, it means that it is time to wake up and get ready for the day. Had you any important appointments in next day after this dream? Alternatively, downtown can be interpreted as an induction of internal stimuli. In such manner, center of the city in dream represents material aspects of your personality. Do you have a lot of concerns about valuable possessions? Also it indicates large amount of activity and work for the better conditions and easier way of living. On spiritual plane, downtown represents inactivity in your spiritual life. You have no connection with other worlds, but you are very materialistic and you have extremely good connection with physical world, in which we all are living our actual lives.

…The cliff represents danger. If we fall into the cliff, it warns us of a disastrous ending of any kind. If we fall into the cliff, but we cannot get out of it, means that there is a possibility to break apart with many difficulties of the disaster. The same occurs if we pass over the cliff by a fragile bridge. If we see the precipice but we don´t fall from it, we are on time to avoid the disaster….

If we reach the summit of the mountain that indicates that in real life we will achieve our goals, and if we are more spiritual that indicates that we will achieve spiritual elevation. If we just reached the summit and we fall or we do not get to the top we will not achieve success due to weakness of character.

To dream that you are swimming in some water like ocean, pond, sea, river or even swimming pool predicts great financial affairs, relationships with those you are communicating at the moment. If you are swimming in the pool, you will be happy as never with the love of your life. The woman in the pool augurs happiness in relationships and the man in the pool denotes to great financial gain. When you see yourself learning to swim, you will get a very favourable lessons from life. If you teach someone how to swim, you wish to share your knowledge.

When you dream about the amazing fairy that is gracious and adorable, the felicity is in your life everywhere you go. If the fairy seems to be angry, sad or ugly one, you might get in trouble with your finances.

When you see a hallway in a dream, then such dream indicates the beginning of some journey you took while trying to find out who you are. The hallway is the symbol of the transition from one stage of your life to another one. Perhaps you are going to have magnificent changes in your waking life which will make you totally different person then you are now. The hallway is also the symbol of life and death and the way we have to get through while moving from one phase to another one.

…This dream usually implies that there’s a yearning to travel in the dreamer and to change the routine in which he lives (take a vacation, change of address or employment, and find other businesses or even other affections and love). The chances that this wish will come true in a short-term, depends on the symbols displayed in the dream itself, for example: If in the dream the train or bus, or car in which he was traveling leaves the dreamer stranded, then it indicates that it is unlikely to make the trip or change what he wants soon, perhaps because he have failed to seize the opportunity presented to him before and he delayed the date without actually knowing it. If in the dream you appear to get into the train, then it indicates that it is very likely that you will travel or make the change you wanted…

In dreams the eyes are the symbols of your view to word. The eyes that are beautiful and even sparkles, signifies the goodness. The ones that are closed foretells about the reality the dreamer tries to escape. If the eyes are crossed, then it foretells about some misunderstanding between your inner self. You do not find the solution to some problems. If your eyes were injured by someone, then it shows that those people are trying to get the financial goodness from you. It is the same explanation that is given if the eyes were covered with a hood. The dream in which you are wearing the blindfolded, foretells about certain situation that you are trying to avoid facing it. You tend to pretend that nothing is going on around you. The small eyes shows the secrets, but the large ones denotes to friendship, love purity and truth.

…The dream about the shopping denotes to your wishes of buying things. If you were shopping for food then such dream indicates the things you are willing to get from others….

…If you’re doing a work with ink, then such dream is interpreted as the symbolism of prosperity. If we get dirty with ink or spilling the ink out, then it is a sign of misfortune and obstacles in our work….

If you dream of being in the church, it means that you are getting yourself into spiritual phase. You are looking for answers to the questions you’ve had for a while. The religious people dream about it a lot, because it is the time where they spend while praying. The church could also indicate the fact that you wish to get married in there with the one you love.

If you dream about the envelope, then you will get some very serious matter news that will come completely unexpected. The envelope or envelopes could also be a symbol of the fresh and new start, where you will understand something or even make new plans. There is also an explanation about dreams with envelopes which foretells about the chances you haven’t used, therefore you feel sorry about it.

When you see the matador in a dream, then such dream offers you to get ready for the difficult tasks you will have to make.

Dreaming about dinosaur denotes expired outlook into old situations. To encounter a dinosaur, when you are dreaming, is suggestion that you may need to discard your old ways of thinking. Do you have old habits, that you want to get rid off? Dreaming that you are being chased by a dinosaur, shows the way to or the direction of your fears of no longer being needed or useful. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, being chased by a dinosaur, may reflect old problems that are still coming back. Are you haunted by old issues?

Dream of gas suggests you have a stifled feeling by a certain relationship. You need to clean yourself and get rid of pain.

…If someone blesses you, it means you must get closer to your spiritual side so your soul finds peace. If you bless someone, it indicates that you’ll be able to give someone a good piece of advice that will help a lot to that person….