Dreaming of coke, denotes affliction and discord will enter your near future.

To see coke ovens burning, foretells some unexpected good fortune will result from failure in some enterprise.

If you are looking at something through keyhole, then such dream indicates your furtive personality. You tend to be very nosy person. Alternatively, the dream may show that you are trying to get the closer look at some situation.

Keys denote power, to see them, fortunate you’ll be….

(See Snake | Sting)

If a poor person sees himself eating modified bread or a cake in a dream, it means sickness or loss of something one is anticipating to receive. (Also see Bread)

The most frequent meaning is of a sexual nature, especially if the dreamers are young. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. Seeing a sleeping snake indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If it wakes up and wriggles without causing fear, it reveals desires of a spiritual evolution. Dreaming of snakeskin or seeing change indicates that a profound evolutionary change is coming. If poisonous snakes appear, it indicates fear to be in embarrassing situations.

When you dream of seeing or eating an artichoke, it means that you must express your emotions out loud. This dream indicates your fear of beeing seen. You have some issues and lack of self-confidence. Alternatively, you need to relax and be who you truly are, without being afraid of expressing yourself to the others.

When you dream of seeing an asp (aspis is any one of several venomous snake species found in the Nile region) of in your dream, it signifies failures, troubles and severities. This dream foretells that you might lose the trust of those you love. This dream indicates hard times ahead of you, but do not worry, as this is only for a temporarily period of time.

Ridicule, suffering many trials, or poverty and need.

Having luck and happy days.

…Dreaming about other people being naked symbolizes that you want to have illicit pleasures. It may also suggest that some of your friends are not recommendable and will entail problems. When a woman dreams of undressing and worse if she does it in public, it’s a warning of the risk of falling into a scandal because of slander. This dream can be a self-reproach to the behavior which will produce negative situations. Dreaming of suddenly seeing your own nakedness insinuates that you are falling into bad behavior, contrary to the normal behavior of the dreamer. When a woman dreams of admiring her own nakedness it suggests that she longs to have relationships with men. If in the dream she sees that her body is deformed, it suggests that she is a victim of gossip with the consequent loss of prestige because of her misconduct. If she dreams of swimming…

Getting into suspicion.

You should take precautions in the management of your interests or people will take advantage of you.

(See Tremor)

Danger, economic loss, failed lawsuits and misfortunes.

(See Dog)

(See Handkerchief)

Influential people will award you useful advice.

Misfortune, loss, dishonour.

Disorder in work. 66.

Vexation, dispute. 6.

Escaping from a difficulty.

If we eat sweets, then it means we have positive and emotional experiences. If the dream informs us the price of it or we steal candy, it reveals an excess of sentimentality.

Be at one means scandalous assertions.

Denotes finding a merry company of friends.

Being misused, imposed upon.

…When you dream of attacking someone, it means that your behaviour will have consequences to others. This dream about producing an aggressive and violent action against a person or a place is the sign that you are trying to let go your bad emotions. Also, dream of attacking or assaulting is better and easier way to feel that your behaviour disappointed you. If you see yourself being attacked by someone, it signifies the protection you have on yourself. At this moment of your life, you are feeling like no one cares about you and you want to be understood and looking out for help. If you dream of being attacked by the animal it symbolizes that you have to be careful with people you are surrounded by. Make sure you pay attention to someone in your life that have the same features just like the animal you dreamed of…

Many obstacles in love and business. 59.

If you have disliked someone in a dream, then such dream shows the actual antipathy you have towards certain person you were dreaming of. The dream could also signify the features you do not like in yourself. The way you represent yourself is not who you actually are.

A coming disruptions. To carry one, safety. To break one, vain fatigue.

(See Hyena)

(Calumniation | Fire | Harsh words | Slander. See Blame | Censure)

…down, swirled round and round her face, though never near enough to touch her, and whilst they were still swirling, she awoke. A day or two afterwards, her favourite sister was drowned in Lake Lucerne. A Major Roper: writing to me some time ago from India, said: Here is an experience that may be useful to you in compiling your work on dreams. I have twice dreamed of bats, and on each occasion the dream has been followed by a calamity. In the first instance, I thought I was sitting in my bedroom in my old home in Bedford (I am an old B.G.S. boy), when six bats, one after the other, flew in at the window, and, after whizzing round the room, vanished in the marvellous fashion that seems so natural in a dream. The next day I had a cablegram from England to say my brother was drowned…

Denotes change, inconstancy. 75.

Good connections, getting rich. 264.

The dream in which you are awakening denotes to the duality of your mind. Perhaps you are feeling lost and not sure of what is real and what is fake. The dream could also symbolize the desire to get help from others. The dream about waking up could imply to the things that are lacking in your life. Perhaps there are some factors that have not been fulfilled completely.

Augurs support and security in your efforts. To destroy it, desolation and sadness.

(Flee | Run away) If one sees himself turning and running away in the face of a battle in a dream, it means that he may contract a venereal disease, or suffer from syphilis. Taking flight in a dream also may mean reverting to what is proper. On the other hand, it may mean falling into sin to earn God’s wrath and the despise of the common people. If one sees himself taking refuge in a group of people, enticing them to fight in a dream, it means that he is adventuring with his head by walking the path of evil, or by backbiting others. (Also see Escape from danger | Running away | Turning)…

You meet all the conditions to succeed.