…(Cooking pot | Vessel) In a dream, a cooking pot represents one’s wife, his livelihood and home, while the lid represents the husband. If the pot looks in a good condition and of value in one’s dream, then it represents his nobility and honor. A pottery cookware salesman in a dream represents comfort and one does not need to travel to earn his livelihood, while a copper cookware or other types of cookware salesman in a dream represent a livelihood based on travelling from door to door. A cooking pot in a dream also represents a scholar or a man of knowledge who is sitting in the teacher’s chair, while the meat, vegetables and spices inside the pot represent his knowledge, wisdom and their benefits for the seeker. A pot on fire with water boiling inside it in a dream represents a divorced woman. A pot in a dream…

…Eating pomegranate seeds in a dream means earning easy money. A pomegranate in a dream also represents savings. If it is ripened and tastes sweet, it represents a beautiful woman, a town, a son, a one thousand dollars, a one hundred dollars, or ten dollars depending on the type of work one performs. If a pomegranate is eaten unripened in the dream, it represents suspicious money. As for a ruler or a governor, a pomegranate in a dream represents a city. If he brakes one in a dream, it means that he will conquer or rule that city. The skin of a pomegranate represents the city’s walls, its seeds represent its people and its juices represent its resources, industries and wealth. If a sick person eats the skin of a pomegranate in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. A pomegranate in a dream also…

…Memorizing a poem or a verse from a poem in a dream means engaging in a business from which one will acquire great knowledge, or it could mean profits or success in whatever trade one chooses to practice. If one sees himself in a court of justice reciting poems for money in the dream, it means that he will give a false testimony. If he recites a poem for a gathering in a dream, it means that he will relate a wise saying, though he himself inclines to hypocrisy. If one sees himself listening to a poem in a dream, it means that he will associate himself with a group of people who do not foster the truth. In a dream, poems also represent falsehood or vain talk. Reciting a poem or listening to one and memorizing its verses in a dream means that one should take heed to…

…To see the police in the process of dreaming is ambiguous sign. It can be omen for good fortune or unfortunate situations. This dream signalizes some failure in the accomplishments of your commitments. Alternatively, it refers to dishonourable miscarriage of obligations. The police also symbolize authority, structure, rules, and control. A more direct interpretation of seeing the police in your dream forewarns that you should avoid irresponsible activities. Dreaming that you are arrested by the police, suggests that you feel sexually or emotionally reserved because of guilt. Dreaming that you’re a police officer represents your own sense of high standards, superior morality and complete integrity. The dream may serve to guide you down a straight path. If you have recurring dreams that you are a police officer, then it may mean that your past actions have left you feeling embarrassed. Consider your behaviour and activities as being the cop….

…(Reverie | Satellite) The moon in a dream represents a just ruler, his chief minister, a great scholar, a handsome looking boy, a tyrant, or a liar. Seeingthe moon as it is in the skies in a dream represents the chief minister of the land. Seeing the moon sitting in one’s lap in a dream means getting married. Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one’s friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk. If a woman sees that the moon has fallen inside her house, then if she takes it and wraps it in a swaddle in a dream, it means that she will beget a son who will shortly die after his birth and she will suffer great sorrow from his loss. Seeing the moon turned to the dark side in a dream means dismissal of the chief minister from his post. Seeing the moon advancing…

…Dreaming that a police gets near in a threatening manner, while the dreamer knows he or she is innocent of any guilt, signifies that someone is betraying the dreamer, and putting his honor and property at risk. In case that the dreamer actually feels guilty of wrongdoing, then the dream is a warning or self-criticism due to the behavior that the dreamer has in daily life, which must be corrected. Dreaming of a policeman threatening to arrest you or that he hypocritically approaches you could mean that fake friends are trying to defraud the dreamer. It also indicates that the dreamer desires to improve, but hasn’t achieved it due to lack of preparation or necessary ability. Dreaming of calling a policeman insinuates insecurity in one-self. Dreaming of being watched by a policeman insinuates that there are mistakes being made that could become serious and dangerous. Dreaming of an energetic…

To dream that the postman gives you a letter, means that you are looking for some answers that haven’t been answered yet. The postman is also a symbol of someone who is entered your life not such a long time ago.

…To dream about a clear water pond bodes well. To dream about a pond that its water is murky and still, it suggests that what you desire is hampered and will remain so for some time. To dream about a pond full of dirty water, and worse if it’s muddy, it suggests that your business will worsen, and that you have more enemies than friends. If the water escapes from the pond, you’ll notice that someone is abusing your trust. If you’re negotiating something at that time, then it may indicate that you are being robbed. To dream about an empty pond symbolizes failures or material and friend losses, which will produce you grief and anguish. To dream about a half-empty pond with a muddy bottom indicates that your affairs may be experiencing dirty and dangerous complications. To dream about dirty and muddy water is always a bad omen,…

…(Charmer | Poet | Reciting) A poet reciting his verses in a dream represents a man who brings peace to people’s hearts, entertains them and dispels anger from their hearts if God’s name is mentioned in his poem. If he does not mention the name of God Almighty in the dream, then his words may be baseless and false. A poet in a dream also represents someone who pieces together a conversation, or who embellishes his words with lies, or who deceives people by giving them bad advice, encourages them to do wrong and to abstain from what is right, or misleads them with deceptive words. In general, seeing a poet in a dream means concoctions, lies, adultery, alcoholism, greed, or someone who writes poems for money and fame. If the person seeing the dream memorizes poetic verses containing words of wisdom, or verses glorifying God Almighty, or praising…

…(Inflorescence | Money | Spadix | Spathe | Spores) In a dream, pollen means money or a pregnancy. If a sick person sees pollen in his dream, it means that he will recover from his illness, or it could mean his death. Pollen in a dream also means hoarding merchandise or provisions. If one picks a spathe or two in his dream, it means that he may beget a child or two. If one eats pollen in his dream, it means that he will live from the revenues of such children. Observing the florescence of trees in a dream means the rising of one’s star and anticipation of benefits. Seeing a yellow spathe and not eating from it in a dream represents the anger of a landlord toward his ranchers. Pollen in a dream also means money or illness. Picking up spores of pollen in a dream also means…

…(Crocodile | Guardian | Mercury | Thunder | Watchman) A policeman in a dream represents security and peace, prayers, a secret friendship, a hidden love, protection against Satan or his party, or perhaps he may represent one’s guardian dog. A policeman in a dream also represents the angel of death, a fright, or distress. If a policeman brings his helpers with him in a dream, it means a scare, sorrows, sufferings, punishment, or a danger. He also may represent an evil person, a perfidious and a harmful beast or a lion. If someone in authority sees himself befriending a policeman in a dream, it means that he will make a new covenant, or introduce an amendment to the law, or draft a new constitution which he will sign. If one sees himself putting a policeman in prison in a dream, it means that he will engage in a political…

(Gruel) In adream, porridge means travel by land, abstinence, piety and fear of wrongdoing. Eating porridge in a dream means release from prison, attaining a high ranking position, finding a lost property, or having excellent religious standing. Porridge is mostly made from flour and milk. The flour comes out of grinding. The milk emanates from the udders of an animal and the porridge is cooked on fire, thus all three can be interpreted according to their individual meaning. Eating porridge in a dream during the summertime means stress, adversities, trouble and a fight. (Also see Breakfast food)

The dream in which you receive some letter or any other kind of mail, means that you will receive some news. The dream could also mean that you wish to know something you don’t know yet, therefore you wish someone to tell you about it.

…In a dream, an earthenware pot means a sharing neighbor. It also means a modestly dressed woman, her estate, family and children. If the pot is made of brass or ceramic in the dream, it may represent a poor woman. An earthenware pot in a dream also means decision making, concealing one’s secrets, or it could represent a woman who has frequent miscarriages. (Also see Earthenware jar | Jar | Pot)…

…Dreaming of a pond provides information about our emotions. A pond surrounded by lush vegetation increases the meaning of life and sentimentality and indicates a desire to express love and emotions and romantic passions. If the ponds are dry, then they indicate the fear of not being able to realize our amorous desires. If the water is clean, it confirms that our feelings are well founded. If the waters are troubled or agitated by a storm it’s a sign of difficult loves. What the people who are with us say or do will inform you about their true personality. Fishing in the pond indicates our desire to find partners. If the pond is very murky and with dead fish in it or it is dry, then it indicates failure of sentimental hopes….

If you see a pool in a dream, then it is interpreted as the suggestion to be friendlier with the people you do not know so well. You should start having new friendships. The pool that is surrounded by the nature full of flowers and trees, signifies great love and marriage for the dreamer. The swimming pool is the sign that you will appreciate the old friends that you are hanging out with. Make sure you pay attention even to minor details of this dream, because the pool itself doesn’t give too much of the explanation about your dream.

(Carrier | Carrying weight | Burdens | Forbearance | Serving others) In a dream, a porter or a carrier represents a school bus driver who is entrusted with bringing the children to school, then taking them back home. Whatever appear- ance he shows in the dream, it will indicate the mental state of the school bus driver. A porter in a dream also represents someone who is carrying his own sins and burdens. To see oneself as a porter in a dream means doing penance. If a porter enters before a sick person in a dream, it means recovering from an illness. (Also see Tithe collector)

(Money) In a dream, poison means money. If one drinks poison and if his body swells and emits pus in the dream, it means profits. If his body does not show such effects in the dream, it means sorrow and distress. A lethal quantity of poisons in a dream means death. If a poor person sees himself drinking poison in a dream, it means that he will get married. Giving someone a poisonous drink in a dream means committing adultery. Drinking poison in a dream also could mean using a remedy, and it could represent an antidote or longevity. (Also see Money | Mustard)

…Dreaming of potatoes, brings incidents often of good. Dreaming of digging them, denotes success. Dreaming of eating them, you will enjoy substantial gain. To cook potatoes in the dream, indicates congenial employment. In the dream to plant potatoes or to see others planting them, brings realization of desires. To see rotten potatoes or to make them rotting in the dream, represents vanished pleasure and a darkening future….

…To fed that you are poisoned in a dream, denotes that some painful influence will immediately reach you. If you seek to use poison on others, you will be guilty of base thoughts, or the world will go wrong for you. For a young woman Dreaming that she endeavors to rid herself of a rival in this way, she will be likely to have a deal of trouble in securing a lover. To throw the poison away, denotes that by sheer force you will overcome unsatisfactory conditions. To handle poison, or see others with it, signifies that unpleasantness will surround you. Dreaming that your relatives or children are poisoned, you will receive injury from unsuspected sources. If an enemy or rival is poisoned, you will overcome obstacles. To recover from the effects of poison, indicates that you will succeed after worry. To take strychnine or other poisonous medicine under…

…(Brook | Pool | Washing basin) In a dream, a pond represents a noble, generous, magnanimous, dominant and a beneficial person. If the pond is filled with water in the dream, it represents a generous and a well respected person. If one takes his ritual ablution from it in the dream, it means that he will escape from danger by God’s leave, and if he drinks from its water, it means that he will receive a financial gift from a person in authority. Reaching a pond in a dream means walking into adversities, betrayal and perfidy….

…Entrusting someone with a pouch filled with money in a dream means confiding a secret to him. If the pouch looks good, then one’s secret is important. If not, then the secret is useless. If the other person opens the pouch to see what is inside it in the dream, it means that he does not keep a secret. (Also see Purse | Sack | Suitcase | Trunk)…

To see a lamp-post in your dreams, some stranger will prove your staunchiest friend in time of pressing need. To fall against a lamp-post, you will have deception to overcome, or enemies will ensnare you. To see a lamp-post across your path, you will have much adversity in your life….

Symbolizes concealment and deception. If we are the ones who wear the postiche, then it is a sign that we desire to hide any features or facets of our character from others, which we are not satisfied. If we see ourselves wearing the postiche, then it indicates that if we could, we would hide from ourselves. If others wear the postiche it is about people we know in real life of whom we don´t want to recognize their behavior to us. That dream warns us that something is being planned behind our backs.

Dreaming of potatoes is a good dream, and it usually announces something favorable, especially when the dreamer is eating. Dreaming of peeling potatoes announces that soon the dreamer will achieve his or her objectives. Dreaming of eating burnt potatoes suggests that soon there will be disappointments, failures, losses, etc.

Dreaming about a pool provides us with information about our emotions. A pool surrounded by abundant vegetation increases the meaning of life and sentimentally and also indicates the desire to externalize and live the life about your fashion. If the water is clean, then it confirms that our feelings are well founded. If the water is turbid or agitated by the storm, then it signifies tough love. What people around us do or say in a dream, that’s what will inform us about their true personality. If the pool is very turbid or empty, then it indicates failure of sentimental hopes.

…Dreaming of a porch, denotes that you will engage a new undertakings, and the future will be full of uncertainties. If a young woman dreams that she is with her lover on a porch, implies her doubts of some one’s intentions. Dreaming that you build a porch, you will assume new duties….

…Any dream in which you see the Pope, without speaking to him, warns you of servitude. You will bow to the will of some master, even to that of women. To speak to the Pope, denotes that certain high honors are in store for you. To see the Pope looking sad or displeased, warns you against vice or sorrow of some kind….

To see a pony, when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol of playfulness, enjoyment, amusement. Pony is also a sign of the playful pleasures in your life. Alternatively, ride on pony (small horse) is representative of your unexplored, underdeveloped, undisciplined abilities to do something or act in a particular way.

The pool in dreams means that you wish to set yourself free from unpleasant experiences. The pool is also a symbol of the relaxation where one can feel absolutely relaxed. Make sure you pay attention to the state of the water if it is clean or dirty, because it will give you more clear interpretation of your dream. The wavy pool indicates unstable emotions.

…To see a sweet potato in you dream, can be interpreted as symbolism of psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives. If you eat sweet potato in the dream, then it means that your sexual appetite is stronger than the person that you are with. If your partner is eating sweet potato, then it means otherwise – your libido is lower. In both cases, sweet potate shows demand of balancing relationship. You need to find compromise within some aspects of yourself in order to make the relationship comfortable and satisfying for both….

(Doorjamb) In a dream, a doorjamb or a door post represent the sire of the house or his bottler. If the door post is removed in a dream, it means dismissal of such a person from his work. If it is taken away from that site, then it means the death of the owner of that house. (Also see Door)

…Dreaming of a potter, denotes constant employment, with satisfactory results. For a young woman to see a potter, foretells she will enjoy pleasant engagements….

…To see a potter’s field in your dreams, denotes you will have poverty and misery to distress you. For a young woman to walk through a potter’s field with her lover, she will give up the one she loves in the hope of mercenary gain….

To see dressed poultry in a dream, foretells extravagant habits will reduce your security in money matters. For a young woman Dreaming that she is chasing live poultry, foretells she will devote valuable time to frivolous pleasure.

Dreaming of a gleaming and new porcelain means that there will be successful business and prosperity. But if the porcelain is broken, dirty or old, it could mean that everything will go wrong, perhaps with failures and losses.

Having good posture in a dream represents confidence and power. Dreaming that you have poor posture suggests that you have low self-esteem.

Seeing potatoes in your dream symbolizes laziness and/or stupidity. Eating potatoes in your dream suggests that you will experience some financial issues.

When the water is clear, then it signifies friendship, gratitude, when the water is murky or stagnant, trouble and deceit. See large fishes swimming in one, superfluous financial resources. Pond that is filled with dead fishes, indicates bankruptcy, theft and rascality. See a small pond means that there is no point to waste time to minor things.

…it! Jim was a burglar, mister, a real top-sawyer in his profession, and there wasn’t his equal in London. I knew it when I first met him, and he knew all about me — that I was one of the cleverest filchers — pocket -pickers — in Whitechapel. Well, mister, we took to one another at first sight, and, after a few months courting, agreed that, if we were to marry and have a quiet time of it, we must give up our present line of business. Burglary is all very well for a single man, if he is ‘pinched’ no one misses him, but when it comes to seven years’ penal for a man with a wife and half a dozen children, it isn’t good enough. Jim and I were sensible enough to see that, mister, and we both came to the conclusion that, after one more haul, we…