If you felt calm in a dream, then such dream shows the tranquility and happiness in your life. You are the person who is able to find the fulfillment in all aspects of his life. If someone was trying to make you calm, then such dream suggests you to be sedater, especially when you feel angry and frustrated.

…Dream of one’s bed burning or of seeing it on fire or consuming, damage, illness or minor sickness to the wife of the dreamer. If a woman have this dream it indicates danger to her husband. Dream of being burned by a slow fire and to suffer pain because of it, sign of envy, displeasure, of angry quarrels….

Dreaming that you are hungry, is an unfortunate omen. You will not find comfort and satisfaction in your home, and to lovers it means an unhappy marriage.

…If a girl dreams that she meets a gentleman who is impertinent toward her in conversation, it is a sign she will make a new male acquaintance who will be very agreeable to her: if she gets angry at the said impertinence she will probably fall in love with her new friend and either marry him or be on improper intimate terms with him. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 11….

…(The angle of death | Bone-breaker | Death | Longevity) The archangel of death. Seeing him in a dream means martyrdom if one is inspired by it. If one sees the archangel ‘Izrail angry with him in a dream, it means that one will die unrepented. If one sees ‘Izrail standing above him, or battling him in a dream, it means that he will recover from a severe illness. Seeing the archangel ‘Izrail in a dream also means longevity, or going through unavoidable circumstances, or experiencing extreme fear. If one sees himself being ‘Izrai’l in a dream, it means rising in status to govern and to oppress others, or he might become an executioner, or perhaps that some major events may take place at his hand. Kissing ‘Izrail in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Seeing ‘Izrail in a dream also means separations, death of sick people, losses, destruction,…

…kindness or blessing him in a dream, it means that he will be afflicted with a calamity and a major illness. If a righteous person sees himself standing before God Almighty in reverence and filled with awe in a dream, it means that mercy will encompass him and help him to further his growth. The same interpretation applies if one sees himself prostrating before Him. If God Almighty speaks to someone from behind a veil in a dream, it can also represent a good worshipper, but if the Divine address takes place without a veil in the dream, it means falling into sin. If God Almighty names someone in his dream with his birth name, then adds another title to it, it means rising in station and rank. If one sees God Almighty angry with him in a dream, it means that his parents are displeased with him. This description…

The pie in your dreams means that you are actually feeling hungry because you haven’t ate enough before your sleep. Sometimes the pie is the symbol of domestic happiness.

…When a woman dreams that she marries an elderly man, it suggests that she’ll soon have several problems, including a painful illness. If during that marriage the groom has an angry attitude, it indicates trouble with friends for who you had great esteem. Dreaming about a marriage suggests upcoming good news and joys, but when a woman marries and those attending the ceremony appear dressed in black, it suggests that the dreamer will suffer disappointments and sorrows. In some cases it indicates death of a beloved one, either a relative or friend. When the dreamer sees him or her filling the application to get married then it symbolizes bad news. If the dreamer is in a wedding party and behaves as a relative of the bride and groom, it symbolizes that other people estimate him/her, and so his/her business affairs will prosper. If a misfortune occurs during the marriage…

…Swelling in a dream means increase in one’s earnings, or earnings that will be quickly spent, or it could mean increase in one’s knowledge. Swelling in a dream also signifies pride, self-adulation, or a hidden claim. If a swelling from inflammation subsides in a dream, it means the return of a traveller, calming the fury of an angry person, controlling the exasperation of an outraged person, things returning to normal, appeasement of a repulsive person, or loss of one’s job. (Also see Pimple)…

To the lover means an angry wife. Dream of a wild boar signifies that the dreamer has a furious and pitiless enemy. Giving chase to and capturing the animal that this cruel enemy has been taken in his purposes. Killing the beast means complete victory over the enemy.

The dream in which you are eating pastry means that you are very hungry or you haven’t ate before you went to bed. To make something out of pastry means that you are trying to do something important in your waking life.

…Dreaming of pickles, denotes that you will follow worthless pursuits if you fail to call energy and judgment to your aid. For a young woman Dreaming of eating pickles, foretells an unambitious career. Dreaming of pickles, denotes vexation in love, but final triumph. For a young woman Dreaming that she is eating them, or is hungry for them, foretells she will find many rivals, and will be overcome unless she is careful of her private affairs. Impure pickles, indicate disappointing engagements and love quarrels….

…To dream that you are among briars and get pricked, foretells that you will have an angry dispute with somebody. If a young girl who has a lover dreams it, she will probably get vexed at him. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 78….

Usually dreams about crocodile represent jeopardy that is waiting for you. The dream offers you to look around in your waking life and find the person that wishes bad things for you. You should be aware, because the danger is waiting for you. The crocodile could also indicate the angry aspects of your personality. If the crocodile has bitten you, then it means you will suffer from the deception by those you love. Alternatively, the crocodile could indicate the false behavior, because of the saying- crocodile tears.

Dreaming of someone being angry means that we must prevent betrayal from a friend. Health and business problems.

To dream that you are angry is a symbol of bad temper and outbursts of anger.

…To dream that you’re in a wrathful state, dominated by anger, suggests that soon you’ll face serious problems with risk of major losses. This dream warns the dreamer that he/she must review his/her affairs in order to be prepared for that moment, and to be able to act with the maximum sanity and self-control. To dream that angry people are attacking you, whether they’re relatives or friends, suggests that you’ll soon have to intervene as a conciliator between other’s problems and this could somehow affect you….

Dreaming of angels or other celestial beings is one of the best dreams you can have. They signify the end of all problems that currently torment the dreamer. Spiritually, the dream reflects our commitment to the lord. If the angels are sad, angry or threatening, change is for worse, and spiritually it reflects our fears and insecurities.

…debts in a dream, it means that he will reestablish his connection with his relatives, strengthen his blood ties, feed the poor, solve a difficult problem, acquire a better understanding of religious matters, or return from a trip. If one sees himself paying a debt in his dream but could not recognize it in wakefulness, such debts then represent his sins for which he is responsible and answerable whether he committed them knowingly or unknowingly and their consequences will always hunt him unless he repents. Because of that, the person will suffer in this world in the form of adversities, sickness, fines or other worldly losses. Paying a debt or satisfying a just cause in a dream means feeding a hungry person, reuniting one’s family or returning from a journey and returning from a journey in a dream also means satisfying a just cause. (Also See Promise | Tripping)…

…To see dough in your dream represents changes and growth. To work with dough (kneading of dough) in your dream, signifies opportunity to create something valuable. Alternatively, dough in the dream can also be a metaphor to symbolize money. Overall, raw dough is very fortunate symbol of the dreams. For you mixture of flour and liquid means that there in current phase of your life are possibilities of fortunate changes with potential to create something big in value, that leads to growing financial gains. As external stimuli, dough can represent your desire for any product from bakery. Are you hungry? Or are you ready for changes? Dough mixed with something – If you had dream about dough with something mixed in it, then see the meanings of this particular element, like rice, corns, vegetables and etc….

If you have occasion in your dreams to refer to, or handle, any paper or parchment, you will be threatened with losses. They are likely to be in the nature of a lawsuit. For a young woman, it means that she will be angry with her lover and that she fears the opinion of acquaintances. Beware, if you are married, of disagreements in the precincts of the home.

When you dream about the amazing fairy that is gracious and adorable, the felicity is in your life everywhere you go. If the fairy seems to be angry, sad or ugly one, you might get in trouble with your finances.

If you are the person who is hitting another person, it shows the suppressed anger issues towards that particular person or to life in general. You feel angry about something and haven’t expressed those emotions, so during the dream you are hitting In order to get rid of the extra negative energy. Make sure you solve these problems.

…If they are dead, but in a dream are frustrated and angry, it signifies fights. If they’re happy, the event will be joyful and beneficial. If they are still alive, it is said that this dream lengthens life. It is also sign of longing better times from of the past….

…It bodes no good Dreaming of being beaten by an angry person | family jars and discord are signified. To beat a child, ungenerous advantage is taken by you of another | perhaps the tendency will be to cruelly treat a child….

…Dreaming of white goats suggests that you’ll soon achieve your goals and you will receive good news. Dreaming of being attacked by an angry goat suggests that there are nearby enemies who seek to hurt you in some way, like stealing from you, spreading rumors, conducting espionage, altering documents, etc. Dreaming of controlling a goat by grabbing it by the horns means that having success in your business is really close, and the enemies or competitors will be defeated; but if in your dream the goat beats and defeats you, it indicates that you should take maximum precautions regarding your enemies, whether you know them or not. Dreaming of a herd of goats grazing quietly, insinuates that you’ll achieve economic and health benefits. When the field is dry or the grass is very scarce and animals in the herd are skinny, suggests that poverty is really close to the…

Dream of a spirit of the one who is dead, covered in white and with a radiant countenance, means tranquility and peace of mind. The ghost in a clad with black and with an angry expression, means unfaithful behavior of those you are surrounded by, deceit, anger and closure. To see several ghosts during one dream, complication of sorrows.

To dream that you are being attacked by someone means that you are afraid of something. The dream in which you are the one who is beating the other person means that you have anger issues that causes many problems to you. You shouldn’t keep the negative emotions, because it shows that you are going to become an angry person.

The animal ram is interpreted as the omen of aggression, anger and even frustration. Maybe at this time of your life you feel that you are being treated unfair, therefore you feel angry about it. Sometimes the ram is the sign of your inability to cope with all of the information you are dealing with, but only if the ram is the part of the computer and not the animal. The ram could also indicate the divine aspects of your personality, if you dream about Lord Ram.

To dream of the yam could mean that you are feeling hungry during your sleep. The yam is also a symbol of nourishment the dreamer gives to himself. The yam could also indicate the special day of the year you are celebrating.

…Dreaming that you find yourself in a dense forest, denotes loss in trade, unhappy home influences and quarrels among families. If you are cold and feel hungry, you will be forced to make a long journey to settle some unpleasant affair. To see a forest of stately trees in foliage, denotes prosperity and pleasures. To literary people, this dream foretells fame and much appreciation from the public. A young lady relates the following dream and its fulfilment: {I was in a strange forest of what appeared to be cocoanut trees, with red and yellow berries growing on them. The ground was covered with blasted leaves, and I could hear them crackle under my feet as I wandered about lost. The next afternoon I received a telegram announcing the death of a dear cousin.}…

…Dreaming about one’s neighbors announces upcoming difficulties due to vanity and selfishness. If in the dream neighbors appear angry, it may mean that there will be fights that can lead to very bad results. This is an ominous dream in terms of family relationships, because it signifies hardships when we try to solve arguments and fights in this area. Diplomacy should be deeply used to get these discussions to lead to the least possible damage….

…Seeing a page in a dream means you’re angry from a broken relationship, this will result to having a relationship with another person. Seeing a blank page in a dream, suggests that you have no desire to do anything, you feel confused and that you’re not going anywhere. Dreaming that you have a page indicates that you will find absurd entertainments and unsuccessful pleasures….

Dream about zealots shows angry people.

…To dream that you are eating some kind of food could simply denote to the fact that you are feeling hungry while sleeping. Perhaps your stomach is empty. If you eat too much of the food, it shows that you are feeling very bad and trying to escape your problems while stuffing yourself. The eating could also have several other meanings depending on the food that was eaten during the dream. Therefore, if you wish to know more about your dream, please pay attention to what was eaten….

…If you dream of seeing the king of beasts, and if he is mild and gentle looking, it shows that you will easily rise in the world to a better position than you now occupy: to dream of an angry and roaring hon, who tries to get at you, shows, that although you may rise in position, jealous people will annoy and try to injure you. 14,…

If you see grenade in a dream, then such dream represents the hidden negative emotions and feelings that are about to explode. You should not hold those feelings to yourself, otherwise the consequences will be bad. You might hurt other people, just because you are frustrated and angry and not because you mean something bad.

To dream that you are using some kind of illegal drugs, means that you are not feeling yourself anymore. Perhaps something makes you feel dizzy, angry or even sad. Make sure you change the situation or whatever makes you feel that way. If someone is trying to give you the illegal drugs, it means that there is someone in your waking life that gives you a bad influence. If you are using some kind of prescript drugs and forgot to take them while dreaming, it shows that you do not take enough of the responsibility of your life.

The different animals have different meanings in the dreams. The animal that is seen in the dream being angry and aggressive one shows these features in your personality. Perhaps you have some suppressed anger issues that haven’t been showed for others for a long time. The cute and not aggressive animals foretells about soft side of your personality. These explanations could be applied not only to you, but to people around you either.

To dream that you are hungry, is a good omen. It shows that by your industry and genius, you will rise in the world to wealth and honours. It denotes to the lover that a sweet- heart will undertake a journey before marriage.