…(Covering) For those who love wealth, a sheath in a dream means guarding one’s money, but it could also mean being extravagant, or living lavishly. A sheath in a dream also means guarding one’s secrets, getting married, or becoming pregnant….

(Sheep shearing) In a dream, a sheep shearer represents a barber, an evil fight, or squandering money. (Also see Scissors)

(See Scissors | Shearer)

Dreaming of sheaves, denotes joyful occasions. Prosperity holds before you a panorama of delightful events, and fields of enterprise and fortunate gain.

To watch or to hold a sheath in a dream is usually a sign of breakdown on marriage or love relationships.

…To see shears in your dream, denotes that you will become miserly and disagreeable in your dealings. To see them broken, you will lose friends and standing by your eccentric demeanor….

Gaining much in wealth.

…(Blade | Power | Scabbard) In a dream, a sword represents a son, a king, a clan, a tribe, a farm, a property, or a woman. If a sword is interpreted as power, then it means diligence, and if it is interpreted as words, it means clarity of speech. If it is interpreted as one’s father, then it represents the father’s pride of his son. If one’s sword is weighing heavy and is being dragged with difficulty in the dream, it means an appointment that is difficult to bear, though one will draw benefits from it. If one hands his wife the blade in the dream, it means that she will bear a son. If he hands her the sword sheathed in the dream, it means that she will bear a daughter. An iron sword in a dream represents a son. Abrass sword in a dream means a rich…

(See Scissors | Sheep)

(See Barber | Shaving)

Restrictions and privations will be necessary.

Property and wealth, luck and blessing. 26.

Remuneration for trouble.

Forming new acquaintances.

Receiving some stolen goods back again.

Power over enemies. 158.

Humiliation of enemies. 86.

(Hairdresser) A barber in a dream represents a person who benefits the meek and the poor, though he harms the rich. A barber, or a sheep shearing person also represents a corrupt police officer, or a street gang leader who taxes local businesses. If shearing the animal is necessary, then the dream will mean comfort and benefits for both the man and the animal. (Also see Hairdresser)

…(Clippers | Shears) In a dream, scissors mean slander and causing harm to someone’s reputation without regard for the truth. Scissors in a dream also represent a legal guardian who discerns between true and false. Holding a pair of scissors in a dream means delivering a brother for one’s first born son, or having two businesses feeding one another, unless if one is unmarried, then holding a pair of scissors, or a nail clipper in a dream means getting married. If one sees a pair of scissors falling from the skies in a dream, they represent the scissors of destiny and the end of his life in this world. Clipping people’s beards in a dream means backbiting them. A pair of scissors in a dream also represents business partners. Sheep shearing with a pair of scissors in a dream means prosperity. Holding a pair of scissors in a dream…

…brother, then it means that he will receive money or an inheritance. Cutting one’s hand with a knife in a dream means that one will see wonders. Sheathing a knife in a dream means getting married. If one is married, and if his wife is pregnant, then it means that she will beget a boy, unless if what she carries with her in the dream is more suited for a girl, then it means that she will give birth to a baby girl. If one needs a witness for a trial, and if he sees himself carrying a knife in a dream, it means that he will find such a witness. If the knife is sharpened in the dream, it means that one will find a true witness. If the knife is dull in the dream, it means that his witness is shabby, or that his witness may be hurt…

…A herd of sheep in a dream represents a good flock, obedient subjects, or good citizens. Sheep in a dream also signify joy, happiness, festivities, a wife, children, a farmland, properties, prosperity or wealth, and particularly when one pays the due alms tax on his money making ventures and liquid assets. Owning a herd of sheep in a dream represents a growing wealth. Passing by a herd of sheep in a dream means passing a gathering of men who have no brain. If a herd of sheep faces someone in a dream, they represent a group of people who will welcome him with a fight which one will eventually win. Receiving a herd of sheep as a gift in a dream means a political appointment, knighthood, knowledge, the seat of justice, or a blessing in one’s life. Shearing off the wool of a sheep in a dream is a…

…(Knife) Carrying a dagger in one’s hand in a dream means attainment of one’s purpose or gaining financial stability. Sheathing a dagger in a dream means committing adultery….

…power, and if we already have it, success and social status. If next to the sword there are weight scales, it symbolizes the justice you will perform with acts and words. If in our dream the focus is on the sword hilt the sword becomes a cross. (Cross: If we carry on the chest warns us of the need to recover our primitive beliefs which we are leaving behind. If we see on the ground this dream announces that the time has come to definitely choose where to direct our lives.) If what stands out is its double-edged blade: If the blade is sharp and gleaming, then our words will be convincing. If it is defective or short, it reveals lack of eloquence. If it’s heavy and unwieldy, it indicates we promise what we cannot fulfill. In a sexual context the lead represents men and the sheath – women….

…innocent people will suffer at the hands of insinuating and designing villains. To hear the bleating of lambs, your generosity will be appealed to. To see them in a winter storm, or rain, denotes disappointment in expected enjoyment and betterment of fortune. To own lambs in your dreams, signifies that your environments will be pleasant and profitable. If you carry lambs in your arms, you will be encumbered with happy cares upon which you will lavish a wealth of devotion, and no expense will be regretted in responding to appeals from the objects of your affection. To shear lambs, shows that you will be cold and mercenary. You will be honest, but inhumane. For a woman Dreaming that she is peeling the skin from a lamb, and while doing so, she discovers that it is her child, denotes that she will cause others sorrow which will also rebound to her…

…Dreaming of shearing them, denotes a season of profitable enterprises will shower down upon you. To see flocks of sheep, there will be much rejoicing among farmers, and other trades will prosper. To see them looking scraggy and sick, you will be thrown into despair by the miscarriage of some plan, which promised rich returns. To eat the flesh of sheep, denotes that ill-natured persons will outrage your feelings. See Lamb and Ram….

Scattered here and there, means misery and some stress. In sheaves means abundance. To see a bundle of straw on fire carried into a public place, indicates joy, honor, and security in the business the dreamer is dealing on.

…or death. If a soldier sees his head shaved in a dream, it means that he will lose his strength and esteem. If one sees himself chipping his hair in bits in a dream, it means that he will lose people’s respect. Shaving one’s head in a dream for someone who does not usually shave it also may mean an affliction or an illness. If a woman sees her head shaved in a dream, it means divorce, or the death of her husband. If she sees her hair sheared in a dream, it means confinement to her house. If she sees her husband giving her a beautiful haircut and talking to her affectionately in a dream, it means spiritual growth, delivering a trust, or paying one’s debts. Trimming women’s hair in a dream means inability to conceive children. Cutting one’s hair in a dream means losing one’s strength. Shaving half…

(See Shearer)

In the ear, profit and wealth for the dreamer. Heaped in great quantity, abundance of wealth and great profits. In small quantity means famine and misery. Carry it signifies infirmities. See a wheat sheaf burn and consume, represents famine, mortality. Burn without consuming, fertility and abundance of wealth to the dreamer. Tread it under foot when on the ground signifies money gained through trouble.

Dream of unbinding sheaves of corn is very good omen.