If you were dreaming of seeing yourself departing, then it indicates the part of your life you are getting rid of. Perhaps there are some relationships or work that you did, which is no longer relevant to you. On the other hand, the dream may show your desire to get away from the life you are living at the moment.

…The fire in dreams may have many different meanings, depending on circumstances and different context of the dream. The fire could represent anger, frustration, love, losses, passion and sexuality. The dream could show that the past is no longer important, because the present is promising something exciting and new. Perhaps you’re thinking and overall the understanding about life and it values changing. If the fire has got out of control, then such dream shows that you have lost the control of your own life or some aspect of it. If you see your house that is on fire, then such dream indicates the changes in your life that you are not ready to face. On the other hand, the house that is on fire could symbolize the love and affection you are spreading towards the others. The other good meaning of the dream foretells that you will overcome the…

When you put the deodorant in a dream, then it shows your capability to remove the obstacles and those that are longer good for you.

…In a dream, an inkwell represents honor, governing power, exaltation, wife, or money. An inkwell in a dream also represents marriage, business, or a servant. If one is presented with an inkwell in a dream, it represents a fight with a relatives or with a woman. If a respected witness is present when the inkwell is handed to the person seeing the dream, then it means a marriage to a relative. Licking an inkwell in a dream means engaging in sodomy or homosexuality. An inkwell in a dream also could mean that one may seduce his servant for an unlawful sexual intercourse and that she will no longer serve that house. To buy an inkwell in a dream means that one’s marriage will see no happiness since one’s writing pen comes out of it with ink only. An inkwell in a dream also means ulcer. The pen represents iron…

…The fingers in dreams are the symbolism of the communication when the words are not necessary to be in use. There are many words and emotions that can be expressed using only your fingers. When the dreamer sees his fingers that are falling off then such dream symbolizes some aspect of waking life that is no longer in control. If your fingers have been cut off, then it means you will be deceived by someone in your life. Perhaps you are afraid of your surroundings which include the circumstances and people you are surrounded by. There are also different explanations of the dreams depending on which finger you have dreamed of. The little finger stands for abilities to remember things, intellect and improvement. If someone has pointed the finger at you, then such dream shows that there are things you are blaming yourself for. The middle finger indicates power,…

If you see a shed in a dream, then it means that there are some things you put apart as you feel they are no longer needed, however you are not sure about the future that is why you do not get rid of them, but simply put them aside. On the other hand the dream could indicate that you are not using your potential completely.

…If you were shaving in a dream, then it shows that you are making some little differences in your life. Maybe you started to do something new or found the hobby you like which changes the daily routine. The shaving is also a symbol of your appearance in front of the others, which shows how tidy and clean you are. The shaving could also indicate something you already showed for the others, which means that you got rid of something no longer necessary. In some cultures the shaving is inseparable part of cleaning your mind, especially when the one is shaving not only the hair from the beard, but also the head, therefore if you shaved your head it means that you want to be more open about who you are. To leave some hair and do not shave completely indicates the things that you want to keep for…

If you see yourself being a supervisor and supervising the others, it signifies your abilities to manage people around you and do the job the way it supposed to be done. If you see the supervisor who tells you what to do, you feel too much control in your waking life and the pressure you get is no longer manageable. Sometimes we dream about supervisors because of the job we do.

The dog in dreams is the symbol of love and friendship. If you were called a dog in a dream, then it shows the disrespected you are suffering from. If someone treats you like a dog, then such dream represents the fact that you are abused by someone. There is also a saying that dogs have some kind of connection with the other world that we don’t know and they are our angels who protects us no matter what, or even sends some kind of important message. The dogs could also foretell about the animalistic parts of our personalities, where we no longer act like human.

If you were shaking in a dream, then such dream shows the apprehension and fright you have about something. Alternatively, the dream could be a positive omen, which shows that you are getting rid of the old habits, thoughts or ideas. This time of your life you are trying to shake off everything that is no longer good for you.

…lower right incisor represents the mother, and the lower left incisor represents one’s aunt from his father’s side, or they could represent two sisters, two daughters, or two close friends who have the same compassion, concern and love. The lower canines represent one’s female cousin from either the father or the mother’s side. The lower canine tooth, or the eyetooth represents the sire of the house, or the landlord. The upper and the lower molars also represent the furthest members of one’s family, including the grandmother and her grand daughters. If a tooth moves in its place in the dream, it means an illness. If it falls, or if it is lost, then it means death of the person to whom it is attributed, or it could possibly mean that he will be separated from him and can no longer see him. If one saves his lost tooth and does…

…dream of someone’s death that is close to you, then such dream shows the fear of losing that particular person. The dream could also indicate the aspects of that certain person in your dream you do not like and wish he didn’t have them. The death could also indicate the factors of some person you wish to implant in yourself, because you adore it so much. On the other hand, the dream could show the hate and antipathy you have to that person, therefore he is dead even in your waking life. If you dreamed of your own death, then it might show the different path of your life you are going to take. Perhaps you became wiser, smarter and more interested in new aspects of the life. On the other hand, the dream about your own death may show the features in your personality that no longer exists….

The dinosaurs are the symbols of experiences you’ve had before, or the qualities of your inner self that no longer exists.

This kind of dream shows that you feel no longer in control of your own life.

…(Knowledge | Town | Village) Entering a city in a dream means appeasement of one’s fears. Imam Ibn Seer’in use to prefer entering the city in a dream rather than leaving it. A city in a dream also represents a learned person, a wise man and a scholar. If one enters a city and finds it in ruins in his dream, it means that the learned people of that city no longer live there. It is said that seeing a city in a dream means the death of its ruler or an unjust governor from that place. Seeing a city being built in a dream signifies the growing number of its learned people and represents children who will continue the path of their fathers. Seeing a city with no governor in a dream means rising prices. An unknown city in a dream represents the hereafter, while a known city…

Dreaming birds of prey of any kind, indicates risks of losses caused by a person that has ill intentions. Dreaming of killing a bird of prey suggests that a lot of effort will be required to obtain that intense and prolonged success you’re looking for. When a woman dreams of scaring away birds of prey in her backyard, it means that she’s eager to know about weird things, very different from the way she is, or that there are rivals who are trying to harm her. However, if in the dream she kills one of the birds, or at least gets to scare them away, it means she will get what she wants, no matter how weird it is. Dreaming of a dead bird of prey suggests that the enemies will be defeated and they no longer bother you anymore.

…pregnant, it means that she will beget a son who may die in his early youth, but if she is not pregnant, it means that she is no longer fertile. If one sees himself flying with wings in a dream, it means travels. If one sees himself transformed into a wooden staff in a dream, it represents his insolence. If one sees himself transformed into an iron rod in a dream, it means longevity. If one sees himself transformed into a bridge in a dream, it means that he may become a ruler, a wise man, or a man of knowledge whom people will seek to benefit from his wisdom. If a person sees his sick child turn into a bird in a dream, it means the death of the child. If one sees himself turned into a beast in a dream, it means that he will be segregated from…

To see your own stomach in your dream, suggests the beginning of new changes in your life. The dream may highlight your difficulties with accepting these changes. It is also indicative of how you can no longer tolerate or put up with a particular situation, relationship, or person. The stomach is often seen as the center of emotions.

The dream in which you bury your loved ones indicates your fear of losing them. If you bury some item that you no longer use, means that you are over with some part of your life. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of burial.

…It reveals the existence of sensual, economic or spiritual desire. They are a sign of abundance, prosperity and pleasure. Dreaming of ripe fruit to be eaten means we will enjoy good health, good profits and abundant pleasures without having to make any effort. If the fruit is acidic or green it’s a sign that we are not yet ready to enjoy all these benefits. If fruit has worms or is rotted, then such dream means that the pleasures will be achieved when we can no longer enjoy them. If we have this dream during the season in which fruit tastes better the benefits will be maximum. If we have it at another time of year we can suffer scandal, breakups, diseases and problems….

If you are cruel to someone in a dream, then it shows the angry emotions that have been released. Perhaps the negative emotions have been lurking in you for a while, but not is the time to let them out, even if it happens only in your dreams. The unconscious mind of yours is no longer able to cope with the negativity. If somebody else has been cruel to you in a dream, then it means you should be more self confident and stand up for yourself.

Standing inside a tower in a dream means that one should not feel safe from the blows of his enemy, or expect to be secured and safe in his own environment when someone calls upon him for something. If he is sick, it means that he may die from his illness. Standing on top of a tower or a wall in a dream means that one will conquer or capture a dangerous person. If one stands over or inside a tower that is no longer in use in a dream, then it represents his grave. (Also see Grave)

If you see some kind of the explosion in a dream, then such dream indicates the losses and unfavorable situations within your businesses. The dream could also show that the emotions you were hiding away is coming to the point where you are no longer able to hold it. If you were injured in the explosion, then it shows the huge disappointments you will suffer, because of the other people’s actions. If you were blown away by the explosion, then such dream indicates the deception from your friends or relatives. If you only heard the sound of the explosion, then it shows the minor problems that will stay only for short period of time.

To see the toilet in a dream could be related to the actual physical need to urinate in your waking life. Probably you are unable to urinate while sleeping, therefore you see a toilet in a dream. On the other hand, the toilet is the place where we get rid of the stuff that is no longer in need, therefore the dreamer is also getting rid of negative people, emotions or thoughts. If you cleaned the toilet in a dream, then it indicates The self respect you started to lose. If the toilet is overflowing, then it denotes to your overfull emotions.

The execution in dreams is interpreted as the fears the dreamers has for something that might happen. The execution shows the situations you do not want to happen or you wish to avoid them. The execution could also denote to the fact that you are finishing some phase of your life and no longer willing to deal with it anymore.

…It’s an awful omen because it announces that whoever left the footprints is no longer present. Someone will disappear from our life in a temporary or definitive way….

The dream in which you see the volcano that is erupted means that you are no longer able to hold your emotions, you are going to explode. The stress you are suffering from, the problems you have to solve are too hard to manage. The volcano eruption could also represent the fears the dreamer has and is afraid that things will blow up.

If you are the virgin in a dream, then such dream indicates the innocence and goodness that lies within you. If you are no longer the virgin in your waking life, but dreaming about being a virgin, then it shows the pity you have about something you did or didn’t do in the past. Consider forgiving yourself, otherwise you will suffer even more in your waking life.

…it in a dream means relief. If climbing means gaining a higher station, then descending in a dream means losing rank. If one sees himself climbing a mountain, though at a certain height he finds himself no longer able to climb or to descend in the dream, it means that he will die young. If one sees himself falling from a mountain in a dream, it means that he will fall into sin. If he falls and breaks a leg in the dream, it means that he will become despised by his superiors. A mountain on fire in a dream represents the death of a dangerous person. Leaning against a mountain in a dream represents friendship with someone in authority. Living in the shadow of a mountain in a dream means earning one’s livelihood from such a person and living happily there. Carrying a mountain in a dream means carrying…

…To dream of seeing a raft foretells a journey — the longer the raft, the more extensive the line of travel: if you dream of sailing toll a raft, it is a sign you will travel, with good success, in distant countries. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 10….

When you dream about volcano, then such dream is the reflection of your mind. If the volcano is calm, it means that you are in tranquillity and pace of mind, if the volcano has erupted, you are no longer to keep your emotions only to yourself.

…Usually a manifestation of insecurity, fear of the danger, or the feeling of a calamity. Other times it reflects the desire for freedom from oppression we cannot endure any longer, but if it comes to melee it symbolizes internal conflicts. Whatever the outcome of the fight (quarrel, war, lynching, fight, tournament) that’s what will happen in reality….

The intersection in dreams is known as the symbolism of the communication or even interaction with those we are surrounded by. If there is some person that goes out of intersection, it shows the feeling you have about certain people in your life who are no longer interested in communicating with you and you are feeling it. If you are in intersection while choosing between something and cannot make up your mind, it means that you are feeling in doubt in your waking life as well, it is difficult to make a final decision. The dream may show that you are in doubt, because you do not have enough of the answers, therefore you feel trapped in your mind.

The gold represents the qualities in life you feel are important to you. If you lost the gold in a dream, then such dream foretells about the things that have significant meaning and you are no longer able to have them. You’ve lost something very important to you. The dream about the gold could tell you that you shouldn’t make the first impression on the way people look and what they wear, because you never know how nice they are. The dishes or jewelry that is made of gold signifies the rich life for those who dream about it, but only if you are very careful otherwise you will lose your goods.

The ghosts in a dream represents the aspects of your inner self that are unknown even to yourself. Sometimes ghosts indicates the things that are no longer important to us, but we remember them from time to time. If someone has suddenly passed away, then it means you are thinking about those people in different way. It is very common and normal dream. The ghosts could also show the fears we have of unknown situations or something else.

To dream about the uniforms means that you lost yourself. You feel that you have no identity and no longer could say who you are, what do you like and why you do whatever you do. The other explanation about the uniform foretells that you feel well fitted into community and have no shocking facts about yourself. You simply get along with everyone around you. If you see an array of unknown uniformed people, it shows that you are afraid of being caught in the war or do not feel safe while living in your surroundings. The uniformed soldier that is crying, indicates the sickness.

The garbage usually shows the things we are trying to get rid of such as unnecessary people or situations you are sick of. The garbage could also indicate the things that happened before and are no longer important to you. If you see lots of the garbage it may be a suggestion to change your views about something, maybe because you think better about yourself then the others. When you dispose the garbage of the others, then it means you will help those people to clear their minds or even solve some situation.

…(Inhaling pulverized tobacco or powdered medicine.) Inhaling snuff in a dream is a sign of devastation, lacking a sense of continuity, needing to conceive a child, needing one’s mother, seeking the help of one’s superior, or it could denote a mental illness. If one sees himself snuffing tobacco or other herbs, or powdered medicine in a dream, it means that his anger has reached a stage he could no longer bear….

…friends could also show how you wish to integrate the features of these people into yourself. If you see the friend from your past or childhood, then such dream shows that you have missed this certain person or you wish to be less responsible in your waking life and live carelessly. Perhaps you wish to become the child again and live the life without any responsibilities and duties. There is also a possibility that you are acting very childish in some situation, therefore you dream about the friend from your childhood. Perhaps the dream suggests you to become more serious about your behavior. If you are dreaming about the death of your friend, then such dream shows the features in your personality that is going away. The dream shows that you are no longer the same person you used to be. Time goes by and you are changing either….

The passport in dreams indicates your identity. If you have lost your passport it means that you are no longer feeling yourself. You feel that you are getting yourself into some unpleasant circumstances.