it presages a long business trip, which outcome depends on how we see the aqueduct. If it is in a good condition, most of the goals will be achieved, whereas if we see it in poor condition, it will be economically disappointing.

Seeing a meadow in your dream represents frankness and security. You take the time to outwardly appreciate accomplishments.

…(See Cock.) If a girl dreams of hearing a cock crow it foretells that she will soon have a new lover; if a lover dreams this, it is a sign that he has a formidable rival: if a married man or woman dreams of roosters, it shows that some outsider is enamoured of the wife. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 10, 19….

Dreaming that you are imprisoned, can be interpreted as symbolism of limitation of your abilities. Are feeling trapped or unable to move beyond a certain point? Imprisonment or captivity in the dream indicates limitation of going forward by constrained thinking. Perhaps the state of being imprisoned is a sign of your outdated beliefs or old ways of thinking. Can you move forward easily? If no, then change your thinking. Start doing that by forgetting your old and bad habits.

(Allergic disorder | Rash | Urticaria) A blood disease that manifests through breaking out of the skin with red spots. If seen in a dream, it means fast richness, money spent in celebrating a wedding, the outrage of injustice, or expediting a punishment.

…(Deception | Plot | Profits | Fall) Digging a hole, a water well, or an irrigation and planning to water the plants with them in a dream means attending one’s needs and serving the interests of his family. Eating from the dirt one piles from digging in his dream represents a swagger, or someone who acquires money through deception. Seeing oneself inside a hole in a dream also means divorce. To see oneself outside of such a hole looking at it in a dream means having an argument with one’s spouse that will end in reconciliation. If a sick person or a prisoner sees himself coming out of a hole in a dream, it means that he will become free from his trials. Falling into a hole and crying for help to no avail in a dream means taking a short trip. A hole in a dream also represents…

…If you wore the jacket in a dream, then such dream indicates the concept you are trying to create. Perhaps you really care the way you look and what others thing about your image. On the other hand, the dream could show how you are sheltering yourself from the outside world. Maybe you do not want to show some aspects of your personality or trying to create completely different view about who you are. The better explanation of the dream could be interpreted if the color and style of the jacket was known….

If you sleep with a stranger, then you should pay more attention and focus on your things, so you have a better outcome for them. With a relative, it means a solid bond.

To see a cavern portends that your joy is short, living in one room shows poverty, as it ought.

Dream of having hair that are black, short and crispy, signifies sadness and misfortune. Hair that are well combed indicates friendship, and free time of troublesome matters. Hair that are messy means annoyances, sorrows, outrages and fights. Hair falling out loss of friends, ideas or your own identity. Dream of being unable to brush your own hair from knots, problems and long period of difficulties. Dream of having the hair as long as a woman, and in waking life you are a man, effeminacy and weakness will come on your way. Dream of having it longer and even blacker than usual, increase in honor and riches. Dream of having the hair thinner than usual, affliction and poverty. Dream of seeing it growing white an exhausted treasury, annihilation of fortune or wisdom. Seeing a woman all bald, poverty and sickness. Seeing a man without a hair, abundance, riches and health.

…(Hajj) Performing the pilgrimage to Mecca, fulfilling its obligatory pillars and celebrating its ceremonies in a dream represents one’s spiritual and religious growth. It will bring him a great reward in this life and in the next, appease his fears, and imply that he is a trustworthy person. If this dream occurs during the pilgrimage season, it means profits for a merchant, recovery for the sick, finding guidance after heedlessness, or it could mean that one will perform his pilgrimage if he had not yet fulfilled this obligatory religious duty. If one’s dream takes place outside the pilgrimage season, then it could mean the opposite. If one sees himself as a pilgrim in a dream, and if he disdains from actually perform his pilgrimage, though he possesses the means to do so, it means that he is a reprobate and an ungrateful person. Performing one’s pilgrimage in a dream…

…Dreaming of minerals, denotes your present unpromising outlook will grow directly brighter. To walk over mineral land, signifies distress, from which you will escape and be bettered in your surroundings….

(Traveller | Migrator | Nomad) In a dream, an explorer represents an outgoing woman from a wealthy family. Seeing an explorer in a dream also represents a morganatic marriage or a marriage for pleasure which is governed by duration. An explorer in a dream also represents orphans, or children of sin.

When we are seeing an acrobat doing his exercises, or seeing ourselves doing stunts, then it warns us that in real life we are entering an unstable situation whose outcome will correspond with the dream. If while dreaming we perform stunts and this gives us a nice feeling and also perform them successfully, it indicates that in real life we will be strengthened in our current relationship and at the same time we have strengthened our independence and security. If instead of sensation it is unpleasant to us or we fail the performance, it is feared that we will not get out well of the present unstable situation, and that what awaits us, is the failure and loss of our economic position.

Dreaming that you are spanking someone, can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to work on your uncontrolled outburst of childish anger and frustration.

In a dream, blossoms represent an inner or an outer light, or guidance one follows for spiritual or material gains. (Also see Earth | Flowers | Roses)

When the dreamer is being afraid of something in his dream, it foretells about worries and dilemmas he is suffering from. There is a possibility of misfortune in professional and/or personal life. However, the bad luck will go away after a while, because all of the troubles will be a temporarily thing. If the dreamer sees others being afraid, then there is a possibility that your friends, family or colleagues will have some failures and you will have to help them. It seems that those people need you to give them a hand and you should be delighted of it. Sometimes we ought to help as you never know when you will be the one who needs it either. Try to pay more attention to people that you care of and look for after them.

Dreaming of this month, denotes you will be depressed with gloomy outlooks, but, as suddenly, your spirits will rebound to unimagined pleasure and good fortune.

…It symbolizes our being and personality. The front of the house symbolizes the outside of the dreamer and the interior of the house, intimate life. Dining room and kitchen represent food and digestion. Bedroom indicates rest and sex. Bathroom – physical and moral cleanliness. Upper floors represent head and mind. Warehouse indicates the subconscious. Doors represent access to our soul. An old, dilapidated house symbolizes an antiquated condition of life and thought. A floor or ceiling that sinks symbolizes collapse of the ideals and principles….

Dreaming of cutting sugar canes before harvest time is a symbol of rushing and consequently of failures and losses. Dreaming of a sugar cane plantation ready for harvest hints that soon the dreamer will enjoy the outcome of his or her efforts.

…Dreaming you are amorous, warns you against personal desires and pleasures, as they are threatening to engulf you in scandal. For a young woman it portends illicit engagements, unless she chooses staid and moral companions. For a married woman, it foreshadows discontent and desire for pleasure outside the home. To see others amorous, foretells that you will be persuaded to neglect your moral obligations. To see animals thus, denotes you will engage in degrading pleasures with fast men or women….

…Dreaming of being at a soda fountain, denotes pleasure and profit after many exasperating experiences. To treat others to this and other delectable iced drinks | you will be rewarded in your efforts, though the outlook appears full of contradictions. Inharmonious environments, and desired results will be forthcoming….

…In a dream, arrows mean messages, a messenger, writings, victory over one’s enemy. If a woman sees her husband’s arrows in their quiver in a dream, it means that her husband has turned away from her. Arrows in a dream also are an indicator or a guide. Seeing an arrow outside its quiver, means failure to perform one’s duty or inability to deliver one’s message. Shooting arrows in a dream means writing letters. If one shoots an arrow but fails to hit his target in the dream, it means that he will send a messenger to do something and his messenger will fail to deliver. If one sees a woman shooting him with an arrow in a dream, it means that she is showing kindness toward him and consequently he may fall in love with her, or he may marry her. If one shoots an arrow and hits his…

…To see soldiers marching while you’re dreaming, foretells for you a period of flagrant excesses, but at the same time you will be promoted to elevations above rivals. In the dream to see wounded soldiers, is a sign of the misfortune of others causing you serious complications in your affairs. Your sympathy will outstrip your judgment. Dreaming that you are a worthy soldier, you will have literal fulfilment of ideals. Women are in danger of disrepute if they find themselves dreaming of soldiers….

In the dream to have interaction with a spire is an omen of fortune. Alternatively, to see a spire when you are dreaming, may have the symbolic significance of penis. But most often, dreaming about spire represents your ambitious character, your goals and your achievements. Also it can indicate your hope to solve some problem or clear some situation. Spire as the symbol with phallic connotations, also indicates good outcomes in your intimate relationship.

…traveling for pleasure or business. This type of dream among young lovers often suggests their upcoming wedding and honeymoon. To dream that you’re facing the sea and listening to the sound of the waves as they hit against a ship, is a warning that your family will encounter problems, or that you’ll have problems in your business or workplace. To dream that you’re standing near the shore watching as the waves crash each other announces problems that will be difficult to resolve. To dream that you’re listening to the ocean’s waves without watching it suggests that you have been wasting your time on trivialities. When a young single mother dreams that she’s near the sea, it suggests that she longs for true love. To dream about sea foam symbolizes demoralization due to recent frustrations or outright failures in your activities, perhaps because you’ve not given them the right attention….

…(See Rotten.) If married people dream of eggs it is a sign they will be prolific of children. If a newly married lady dreams of finding a nest full of eggs, it foretells that her first born will be twins or triplets. If a young girl dreams such a dream, it is a sign that she will soon be married, or get in a condition that she ought to be a wife. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 47….

…To see a kangaroo in your dreams, you will outwit a wily enemy who seeks to place you in an unfavorable position before the public and the person you are striving to win. If a kangaroo attacks you, your reputation will be in jeopardy. If you kill one, you will succeed in spite of enemies and obstacles. To see a kangaroo’s hide, denotes that you are in a fair way to success….

…Dreaming of seeing your soul leaving your body, signifies you are in danger of sacrificing yourself to useless designs, which will dwarf your sense of honor and cause you to become mercenary and uncharitable. For an artist to see his soul in another, foretells he will gain distinction if he applies himself to his work and leaves off sentimental ro^les. To imagine another’s soul is in you, denotes you will derive solace and benefit from some stranger who is yet to come into your life. For a young woman musician Dreaming that she sees another young woman on the stage clothed in sheer robes, and imagining it is her own soul in the other person, denotes she will be outrivaled in some great undertaking. Dreaming that you are discussing the immortality of your soul, denotes you will improve opportunities which will aid you in gaining desired knowledge and pleasure…

Dreaming of a chapel without entering it, is a sign of caution because business is bad. It is equivalent to the advice of praying so that help will come from the outside. Dreaming about being in a small chapel that lacks religious figures insinuates that the dreamer is disenchanted with his or her own activities and that the dreamer wishes to switch jobs to one in a less isolated place. People who dream that they are inside a chapel imply that their romantic relationships are not solid, they are only temporary, even though they might mistake it for true love.

…way in this manner, when I suddenly saw, stretched across our track, a white coffin which rose up on end, and shook off its lid, and disclosed to my startled eyes a man, clad from head to foot in red tights. Stepping out from his prison, he placed his fingers in his mouth and whistled shrilly, whereupon the scene once more changed and I found myself back again in the forest, sitting at the foot of a huge, black tree, with the red man opposite me. “You are fond of music? He said,” Then listen!” and placing a flute to his lips, he blew. The most ghastly, the most hellish of noises rang through the forest, and, ere my shocked senses had time to recover I found myself once again in motion — this time on my own legs — with all the trees, headed by the red man, in…

…likely to meet with and give displeasure. She will quarrel with her dearest friends. Sickness sometimes follows dreams of old negroes. To see one nude, abject despair, and failure to cope with treachery may follow. Enemies will work you signal harm, and bad news from the absent may be expected. To meet with a trusty negro in a place where he ought not to be, foretells you will be deceived by some person in whom you placed great confidence. You are likely to be much exasperated over the conduct of a servant or some person under your orders. Delays and vexations may follow. To think that you are preaching to negroes is a warning to protect your interest, as false friends are dealing surreptitiously with you. To hear a negro preaching denotes you will be greatly worried over material matters and servants are giving cause for uneasiness. See Mulatto….

…changing conditions in relation to women, children or properties. The opposite is also true. If one sees silver turning into gold in a dream, it means increase in value, the rising moon of one’s wife, children, business or clan. Any gold embroidered garment or fabric in a dream means religious offerings. Any gold plated ornaments in a dream means emulating mundane people, or outwardly imitating spiritual people, or ostentatiously acting like them. Pure gold or silver in a dream means purity and sincerity of one’s intentions, making a true covenant or signing a peace treaty. Gold plated or silver plated ornaments or gold leaf objects in a dream represent a short life, changing circumstances, spending long and sleepless nights, or it could mean forgetfulness. Wearing any manufactured or handmade piece of jewelry in a dream means perpetual earnings. The same interpretation is given to gold foils. (Also see Goldsmith)…

…Dreaming of seeing a crowd of merry children dancing, signifies to the married, loving, obedient and intelligent children and a cheerful and comfortable home. To young people, it denotes easy tasks and many pleasures. To see older people dancing, denotes a brighter outlook for business. Dreaming of dancing yourself, some unexpected good fortune will come to you. See Ball….

When you see the jackhammer in a dream, then such dream indicates the necessity for variety in your life. Perhaps you should become more tolerant and opened to the outside world.

…Dreaming of a random bed that has nothing special to it, usually indicates sexual desire that hasn’t been satisfied. Clearly dreaming a clean bed, preferable if it’s white, hints inner peace and tranquility of the dreamer| however, if it’s a dirty and messy bed with dark colors, it announces disease either in the dreamer or someone close to the dreamer. A young woman who is making a bed hints that she wishes for a lover to appear in her life, or that she’ll enjoy a new job soon. Lying in bed in an unfamiliar room hints that friends will visit soon. Dreaming about sleeping in a bed outdoors hints that the dreamer will soon receive important opportunities that will make life better. If a sick person dreams about lying in bed this means that it could be a warning, and if the dreamer doesn’t take the proper precautions, soon…

…(Bridle | Harness) In a dream, reins represent mastery of one’s craft, control of his trade, or it could signify power and a strong financial standing. Reins in a dream also represent a coachman, or the driver who never disobeys his master, and who goes wherever he is told to go. Riding on a workhorse who is fitted with a harness, or on a bridled nag in a dream means occupying an important office and letting everyone who works for the leader make an oath of allegiance before hiring them for work. If the bridle and the martingale are unadorned in the dream, then such a dream represents a humble person, and connotes that his heart is better than what his outer look may suggest. Reins in a dream also connote safety or a safety belt. Wearing a harness in a dream means safety, and that one does not…

If the jug contains good liquids such as water and oil, then it is considered as the good sign. It means that good things will be obtained by the dreamer, whereas if it contains harmful liquids the outcome will be unfavorable.

It’s usually a bad omen, except if we manage to get to the light and the dream seems nice, in that case it means a period of trial or difficulties before you reach a new and better situation. Dreaming of yourself going underground is usually a sign that you’re going through a pessimistic time, and you don’t trust its outcome. In the worst-case scenario, it predicts the failure of our own ambitions.

…The dream about window denotes to new hopes, expectations and possibilities. If you look through the window in a dream, then it shows how you are trying to absorb the outside world and what possibilities it brings to you. Probably at this time of your life you are trying to make some important solution to particular problem, and the look through the window helps you while thinking about it. The dream in which you look through the window could also indicate the necessity to explore the world and life as it is. If you looked at the window as the mirror, then it foretells how you are seeking the answers of which you are deep down in your soul. Such dream also brings out the spiritual aspects of your personality. The dream, in which you shut down the windows, denotes to the closure you have made towards particular problem…