…Traveling is always a symbol of life itself. Dreaming of traveling means gains or losses, based on what happens in the dream, that is: if you suffer or rejoice, if it’s a happy journey or if there are accidents. Dreaming that a friend is happily starting a trip means an upcoming change in one’s life which is reflected in one’s harmony with family and friends. Dreaming of friends who are invaded by sadness due to a trip might mean that the dreamer won’t see his loved ones for a long time. Also, that one’s at risk of losing his values. Dreaming of oneself traveling in a vehicle overloaded with passengers may mean that you are getting involved in adventurous and risky business and tasks in which a lot of people are not honest. Dreaming of oneself traveling in the sea suggests that you crave for new life, new relationships…

The phone is the tool to communicate. To dream that you are chatting on your mobile phone, means that you are lacking of communication with others. The mobile phone that is used to call for help could indicate the fact that you need help. If you are browsing on internet while using your mobile phone, it means that you are looking for some information.

To dream that you are chatting on your mobile phone, means that you are lacking of communication with others. The mobile phone that is used to call for help could indicate the fact that you need help. If you are browsing on internet while using your mobile phone, it means that you are looking for some information.

If you were the one who left the phone message to somebody else it means that you have something to say, but didn’t have an opportunity to do so, therefore you tell those things on the phone message. If somebody else has left the phone message to you, you will get the news soon that will be important for you to know.

Foreshadows changes in our situation and work. If we are abroad and we do not move from there, it reveals that our mind is unstable. If we go abroad or return from abroad and we look at the events of the trip, it refers to a change in our situation, to a stage in our life. When the trip starts and ends in the dream suddenly, and we are in a place of fun, then it indicates hope that something changes in our life (accompanied by feeling of relief and joy) or fear that something changes in our lives (accompanied by sad and melancholy feeling). If we dream of someone else who goes abroad, that means our competitors leave the fight by giving up.

Dreaming of a telephone is negative omen, as it announces dangerous liaisons with unknown or foreign people that are only seeking personal gain. When a woman dreams of herself talking on the phone, it insinuates that she’s jealous, and she suspects there’s a rival.

When you take a trip in a dream, then such dream suggest you to make some time for yourself. Perhaps you are too tired both mentally and physically, therefore try to make some free time for yourself. The dream could also offer you to make some variations in your life and make it more interesting.

Travel means fantasy, danger of accident, uncertainty; if you actually going to do a trip, this will be pleasant and exciting.

You must reject an appointment for things to get well at home.

Additionally, read the interpretation about telephone.

Tripping on us indicates professional or family concerns. Is something didn’t go well, then it means you didn’t put too much of work to it.

Seeing or hearing a phone in a dream means a message from your subconscious. You can face issues that you are trying to avoid. Or, a phone can represent your communication and relationship with others. To dream that you won’t talk on the phone represents a situation you want to end. Dreaming of talking on the phone with someone means that you want to face that person about an issue.

If you dream of the telephone, then such dream indicates the communication you are trying to make with someone or yourself. If you did not pick up the phone, then such dream denotes to unsolved issues you have with the certain person, for who you did not pick up the phone. Probably you are trying to avoid to get sorted all of those problems. If you were talking on the phone with somebody you know, then such dream foretells you that, there is a need to meet that person. Alternatively, the telephone could mean nothing in a dream, as it is part of your lives and we use it every day.

…it! Jim was a burglar, mister, a real top-sawyer in his profession, and there wasn’t his equal in London. I knew it when I first met him, and he knew all about me — that I was one of the cleverest filchers — pocket -pickers — in Whitechapel. Well, mister, we took to one another at first sight, and, after a few months courting, agreed that, if we were to marry and have a quiet time of it, we must give up our present line of business. Burglary is all very well for a single man, if he is ‘pinched’ no one misses him, but when it comes to seven years’ penal for a man with a wife and half a dozen children, it isn’t good enough. Jim and I were sensible enough to see that, mister, and we both came to the conclusion that, after one more haul, we…

…Dreaming of an unknown traveler indicates that you’re planning a useless and unnecessary trip that could lead to losses. A woman dreaming that she travels with an unknown traveler may mean that she will make an unexpected trip with uncertain results….

…spinning cotton, or linen in a dream, it means that he will suffer humiliation, or he may engage in a job which he cannot do properly. If the threads he is spinning turn thin in the dream, it means that he toils hard through his work but fails to do it properly. If the threads turn too thick in the dream, it means that he will undertake a business trip and reap success from it. If a man sees a woman spinning cotton in her house in a dream, it means that she will betray her husband with someone else. If one sees himself spinning wool, fur, or hair in his dream, it means that he will undertake a profitable business trip. To undo a spun thread in a dream means renouncing one’s allegiance, or breaking one’s promise, or denying one’s commitment. (Also see Ball of thread | Pledge of…

…of clear clouds carrying rains and coming in that direction in the dream, it means a calamity. If the clouds carry poisonous rains or acid rains or polluted rains, or if they are driven by heavy winds, or if they carry fires or dust or ashes or rocks from a volcano, they mean that a calamity will strike that locality, or that they will receive news about travellers the majority of whom will perish during a trip. Clouds also mean innovations and man made religions that may spread throughout the land. If one sees himself merging with the clouds in a dream, it means that he associates himself with a person in authority or a wise man or a man of knowledge. If one sees himself eating clouds in his dream, it means that he will gain lawfully earned money from such a person, or that perhaps he may gain…

…that one’s wife will not bear children, or it could mean changing one’s trade or profession. If the earth opens and swallows him in a dream, it means that he is ashamed of somethinghe did, or it could mean hurdles in one’s business, a journey, or imprisonment. If the earth looks like a desert land in the dream, it may mean that such a person may undertake an urgent trip. Beating the ground with a stick in a dream means taking a business trip. Eating dirt in a dream means earnings an equal amount of money to what one eats in his dream. If the earth cracks and opens, and if a beast comes and speaks to the people in their own tongue in a dream, it means that people will witness a miracle or a happening that will bewilder everyone. This may also mean nearing the end of one’s…

…(Cable | Hawser) In a dream, a rope represents an agreement, a promise, or a covenant. A rope which is extended down from the heavens in a dream represents God’s Book. However, a rope in a dre am also represents rank, respect and prosperity, or it could mean deception, misleading others, or sorcery. Holding to a rope in one’s dream represents one’s strict adherence to God’s path. If the rope is made from fibers in the dream, it means that the one holding it is a rough person. If it is made from leather in the dream, then it represents a bloody person. If the rope is made from wool in the dream, then it represents a religious person. Twisting a rope in a dream means going on a trip. Twisting it around one’s own neck in the dream means getting married. Throwing it over one’s shoulders in the…

Seeing a beautiful villa in dreams, usually indicates a nice and probably very fruitful trip. If, however, the villa looks rundown in the dream, it can be a warning of not going on a planned trip as it may have unpleasant setbacks.

…Foreshadows changes in our situation and work. If we’re in a foreign country and we do not move from there it reveals that our mind is unstable. If we go to or return from a foreign country: If we visualize the events of the trip it refers to a change in our situation, to a stage in our life. When the trip starts and ends the dream, or suddenly we are in the place of diversion, that indicates hope that something changes in our life (accompanied by feeling of relief and joy) or fear that something changes in our lives (accompanied by sad and melancholy feeling). If we dream that others are going to a foreign country such dream foreshadows that our competitors will leave the fight, the will give up….

…in one’s hand in a dream means acquiring fame and presiding over people. Seeing a star over one’s head in a dream means becoming renowned and surpassing one’s associates, or it could mean serving in a high ranking position. If one sees brilliant stars gathering in one place in his dream, it means that he will reap benefits from a business trip, or safely return home from such a successful business trip. Riding a star in a dream means leadership, strength and wealth. If one sees the stars fixed under his roof in a dream, it means a calamity, or destruction of one’s house, or it could mean the death of the head of the household. Eating stars in a dream means swindling people of their money. Swallowing a star in a dream means mixing with noble people and sharing one’s personal life with them, or it could mean insulting…

Dreaming of being in the dark during a trip suggests that you are not confident in what you’re doing and that you’re ignoring the results of certain actions, which will lead to failure and losses. If during the trip the darkness is suddenly illuminated by the sun, then this announces that in the end all problems will be solved. Dreaming of being in the dark signifies your own disorientation and mental confusion which will result in frustrations on matters that are being handled. If during the dream the darkness is being diminished, this could signify that the problems will start to be resolved as soon as you start to understand them and handling them better.

…which that God’s House, known as the Ka’aba was built. As for the eleventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Zul-Qi’dah, if one’s dream suggests a trip, then the person should refrain from taking that trip or perhaps he should delay it for the better. He also should guard himself where he lives. If the dream denote stress or worries, then he should avoid whatever may cause them. However, if one’s dream takes place duringthe twelfth lunar month, known in Arabic as Zul-Hijjah indicates a journey then one may take it, or if it denotes a good business, one should seek it, for it is a most blessed month and it is the month of festivities and sacrifices. If one sees this month in his dream or sees himself offering sacrifices in it, or if he sees himself praying the festival of Sacrifice prayers in it, his dream means paying…

…Dreaming of trunks, foretells journeys and ill luck. To pack your trunk, denotes that you will soon go on a pleasant trip. To see the contents of a trunk thrown about in disorder, foretells quarrels, and a hasty journey from which only dissatisfaction will accrue. Empty trunks foretell disappointment in love and marriage. For a drummer to check his trunk, is an omen of advancement and comfort. If he finds that his trunk is too small for his wares, he will soon hear of his promotion, and his desires will reach gratification. For a young woman Dreaming that she tries to unlock her trunk and can’t, signifies that she will make an effort to win some wealthy person, but by a misadventure she will lose her chance. If she fails to lock her trunk, she will be disappointed in making a desired trip….

Dreaming of being alone on a dock with boats, insinuates the desire to have a long trip, with probabilities of self-fulfillment. If in the dream the sun comes out bright, the trip that’s desired will be productive and enjoyable. But if mist and darkness appear, then this indicates that trouble is coming, and if there’s a storm threat then the problems are going to be more serious and difficult to resolve. Dreaming of being on a dock simply observing the sea or the boats means that the dreamer will have to work very hard to achieve success. Dreaming of trying to get to a dock, but without success to reach it, suggests that the dreamer’s aspirations are difficult to achieve. Also, it has the meaning that the dreamer is too ambitious.

…Dreaming of packing your clothes in a trunk hints that you will soon make a pleasant trip. Dreaming of a broken trunk with its content all scattered around indicates lack of order in one’s life or a forced trip that will cause discomfort. Dreaming of an empty trunk means unnecessary troubles at home. Dreaming of someone else’s trunk announces traveling mainly for business or studies, but having bad luck. Dreaming of trying to force a trunk to open implies that you want wealth, regardless of the means you have to use to achieve it. If a young woman dreams of this, it means she wants a rich husband….

…Dreaming that you get in a car indicates that a trip that you already have in mind, will happen soon, but with different conditions than the ones you previously thought. Dreaming of getting down of a car insinuates that the things, that have started out well, are likely to go wrong, if you don’t pay attention to the details. Dreaming of driving a car in a place or street where there are a lot of people indicates success, but also means that envious people are trying to damage the things you have achieved. Dreaming of driving a car on a road where high mountains are seen in front of you, indicates the desire to climb the ladder to reach important hierarchies, it’s possible to achieve this through hard work, perseverance and effort. The mountains are a symbol of effort and high status. Dreaming of many moving cars suggests that,…

…Foreshadows changes in our situation and job. If we go to or return from abroad and we visualize the events of the trip it refers to a change in our situation, to a stage in our life. When the trip starts and ends the dream, or suddenly we are in the place of diversion, that indicates hope that something changes in our life (accompanied by feeling of relief and joy) or fear that something changes in our lives (accompanied by sad and melancholy feeling). If we dream that it’s others who are going to a foreign country, then that foreshadows that our competitors will leave the fight….

…(Couch | Mattress | Sleeping pad) Abed without covers in a dream represents travels, a wife, honor or a high rank. Sitting on abed in a dream means regaining power or authority over something one had lost control. If the bed has it covers on, then it means ruling over a group of hypocrites who live in heedlessness. If it is not covered, then it means a journey. If one sees himself wearing his shoes and sitting on his bed in a dream, it means that he will undertake a trip in the company of an ostentatious person. Sitting on a bed in a pleasant surrounding in a dream means honor and power. The covers of one’s bed in a dream represent his wife, his livelihood, or his mistress. Whatever stands on top of a bed represents one’s male children and whatever is hidden under it represents one’s female…

…him over the head in the dream, it means speaking ill of him and that one cannot retrieve his words or apologize for them. Beating a family member in a dream means that one’s wife is committing adultery. Beating someone in a dream also means benefiting him, or it could mean business losses. If one is beaten in a dream, it means profits and benefits, unless if the one beating him is an angel, or a deceased person, or a member of his family. Beating someone with a leather belt or with a cane in a dream means bad consequences in wakefulness. Hitting the floor in a dream means taking a trip. If one receives one hundred lashes on his back in a dream, it means that he has committed adultery, or it could mean that he has the intention to do so. If one receives forty lashes in a…

…To dream that something of your property is on fire, and the fire is stunning, it suggests that you’re at risk of losing something, and it’s worse if there are victims in such fire. In case there are no victims, and you can see yourself as a spectator, then it suggests that your enemies or competitors are losing their chance to beat you. To dream about a bright and smokeless fire suggests that you enjoy inner-peace, which will give you great opportunities to succeed in life. To dream that you’re handling fire without getting burned announces major successes. To dream about a place where a fire occurred suggests grudge, revenge, and resentment towards others and from others towards you. To dream about a major fire when in you’re real life you’re planning a trip suggests that the trip will be successful and enjoyable. For a person linked to an…

…Rats, whether white, black, or brown, singly or collectively, import illness, death, and serious misfortunes.The night before his son was drowned at sea, a man I once met dreamed his bedroom was full of enormous black rats with grey eyes that raced round and round the bed, and eventually leaped into the empty grate and disappeared up the chimney.Another person, a lady in London, if I remember rightly, dreamed that she saw her youngest daughter sitting on the floor playing with a big brown rat that suddenly sprang at her, tore the ribbon out of her hand, and raced out of the room with it. Some days later, this particular daughter developed consumption, of which she eventually died….

…their impending fate.T. Charley, in his News from the Invisible World, furnishes another example of this type of dream, namely, as follows:”Dr. Donne and his wife lived for some time in London with Sir Robert Daury. Sir Robert having occasion to go to Paris, took the doctor along with him, leaving his wife, who was in a delicate state of health, at Sir Robert’s house. Two days after their arrival at Paris, Dr. Donne was left alone in the room where Sir Robert, and he, and some other friends had dined together. Sir Robert returned in half an hour, and as he had left so he found the doctor, alone; but in such an ecstasy and so altered in his looks as amazed Sir Robert to behold. He inquired the cause, and after some time the doctor told him he had seen a dreadful vision. “I beheld,” he said,” my…

…see! And don’t stop to ask questions!” But his brother shook him off.How ridiculous! I shall do nothing of the sort! He said. “I came here to walk, and walk I shall.Ah! By Jove! There is Mrs. So-and-so. How well she looks!” and in the most gallant manner possible he took off his hat and bowed. A universal shriek was the result, and a piping voice — that of the charming girl’s small brother — was heard to cry out, “Look, look, Ethel! There are the DeJones, and they have nothing on!” Then a huge policeman bounced across the road, and in a moment the two brothers were hustled along the busy thoroughfare, with half London at their heels. I cannot remember what my friend told me happened to him next, but I well remember him assuring me that, until he woke up, he certainly had an exceedingly disagreeable time…

…while bathing in the sea.”The other dream, which occurred only last year, was to this effect: I was riding outside an omnibus in London when a bat suddenly flew past me. All my fellow-passengers cried out in a chorus, ‘How remarkable! A bat!’ and I awoke actually repeating those words. I was so impressed that I jotted down the dream in my memorandum book. Exactly a week later, I received tidings of my father’s death: he had been thrown from a trap, whilst descending a steep hill near Dublin, and killed on the spot. “In reference to motionless bats, a lady informed me, that one night she dreamed her counterpane was covered with bats, and bats being her pet aversion, she was so terrified that she immediately awoke, to find her whole body bathed in perspiration. The following day, she learned that an aunt to whom she was greatly attached…

…Bears have always been associated with the unpleasant side of the occult. Those, however, that made such short work of Elisha’s tormentors, although undoubtedly psychic (since to appear and cause to disappear with such startling suddenness is only characteristic of the super physical), were to my mind far more opportune than they were unpleasant. Indeed, I might go further and confess that I should not be extremely sorry were such a demonstration of the occult bear, as that recorded in the Scriptures, to take place periodically amongst the ill-mannered and superfluous children of to-day. Many places are said to be haunted by evil spirits in ursine guise. I have myself visited a house in Chelsea where the apparition of a shaggy bear is seen, and it is a well-known fact that the Tower of London was once (and perhaps still is) haunted by the phantasm of a bear. A…

…of Leslie Montague, one of the best-known bankers in London. I examined the cutlery — the best firm in Sheffield, of course; the glass — nothing under-half -a- crown apiece; the serviettes — Damask linen every one of them; and I was about to slip out of my seat and examine the pile of things on the sideboard, when the door opened and a foot-man, carrying a tray laden with dishes, entered. Following at his heels were Mr. Montague and a lady, who, from the very affectionate manner in which Mr. Montague addressed her, I gathered was his wife.”And here let me say that I only concluded she was a lady from the fact of her being Mrs. Montague, otherwise her attire, which was flash and fast in the extreme, would have led me to believe she was some very common person. I’m no judge of ladies’ dress, and couldn’t…

That sounds insistently and no one answers: anxious state, afraid to face certain problems of life. Speaking through the telephone: you’ll receive a phone call that will give you a great surprise.

Phone box means that you risk your intentions being used against you.