Dreaming of talcum powder implies, in some cases, that our own health is not at its best and that we could suffer an upcoming fall, if we’re not experiencing it yet. The talcum powder usually means that some harsh words will be said to people within our circle. Words that we could regret later if we don’t think clearly before stating our mind.

…To see powder in your dreams, denotes unscrupulous people are dealing with you. You may detect them through watchfulness….

…(The night in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed.) Seeing and experiencing the night of power in a dream means that one’s wish will come true, even if one desired a kingdom or a great treasure. The same interpretation applies for seeing a celebration of the night of the Nocturnal Journey during which the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, ascended to the heavens to meet his Lord. The same interpretation is given to seeing the Friday eve in one’s dream….

(See Bridle | Reins)

Gaining knowledge by reflection. 45.

Dreaming of being a powerful person with a high social rank suggests that this is precisely what is being searched for by the dreamer in daily life, and that he or she is considered to have sufficient capacity and intelligence to be self-directed, but cannot find the right path. This dream is common during youth, when the dreamer has his or her own life ahead and wants to conquer great heights. However, these desires are often turned into big failures when there is over-confidence in the dreamer.

(See Proxy)

The dream in which you have superpowers shows that you really like what you are doing in your life and enjoy attention from others. Perhaps you feel a special person. You have lots of self-confidence. If the other person has superpowers, you adore the qualities and features this person has and wish to imply them into yourself.

…(Blade | Power | Scabbard) In a dream, a sword represents a son, a king, a clan, a tribe, a farm, a property, or a woman. If a sword is interpreted as power, then it means diligence, and if it is interpreted as words, it means clarity of speech. If it is interpreted as one’s father, then it represents the father’s pride of his son. If one’s sword is weighing heavy and is being dragged with difficulty in the dream, it means an appointment that is difficult to bear, though one will draw benefits from it. If one hands his wife the blade in the dream, it means that she will bear a son. If he hands her the sword sheathed in the dream, it means that she will bear a daughter. An iron sword in a dream represents a son. Abrass sword in a dream means a rich…

…(Abdomen | Anus | Aorta | Back | Bones | Brain | Breasts | Buttocks | Chest | Earlock | Ears | Eyes | Eyebrows | Face | Feet | Fingers | Fingernails | Forehead | Hand | Head | Heart | Heels | Intestines | Jugular vein | Kidney | Knee | Legs | Limb | Lip | Livers | Loins | Lungs | Marrow | Mouth | Nails | Navel | Neck | Nerves | Nose | Rear end | Ribs | Penis | Sexual organs | Shoulders | Skin | Spinal column | Spleen | Stomach | Temple | Testicles | Thighs | Throat | Tongue | Umbilicus | Veins) In a dream, the head and the brain represent man’s controller, strength, benefits, longevity, wisdom or power. One’s ears in a dream represent his wife, daughter, sister or aunt. The eyes represent one’s faith, religion or…

…(Boy | Contemptible person | Enemy | Hidden treasure | Idolatry | Innovators | Power | Unjust ruler | Woman) A snake in dream represents a person who lives in a valley. A snake in a dream also means enmity from one’s in-laws or children, or it could represent the evil and jealousy of one’s neighbor. A sleeping snake in a dream means a sleeping enemy. As for an unjust person, a water snake in a dream means receiving help, or it could represent a verdict. Owning a snake in a dream means gaining power and authority. Its flesh represents enemy money, or it could mean joy. If one sees himself wearing the skin of a snake in a dream, it means that he will unmask his enmity toward others. Killing a snake in a dream and staining one’s hands with its blood means destroying one’s enemy. A snake…

…To see lion means that the inner power in you is ready to take some important action in order to obtain some goals. See lion that is chained, captivity or surprise of an enemy of the dreamer, whoever this enemy may be. To eat lion’s flesh, signifies riches, honors, powers, and authority emanating from the surroundings. To mount upon a lion’s back, favor of the people or of some influential man will be received. Be frightened by a lion, peril or danger jumping from a powerful source, however this will not have a disastrous termination. Fight with one means that a very dangerous quarrel or discussion waits for you. To triumph over one means complete success. To find a lion’s skin or some part of his body, signifies ease for an ordinary dreamer, but for a powerful man, considerable treasure will be taken from an enemy. See many lions…

…from the deep in a dream means regaining power. If the ship in one’s dream is interpreted as power, it means that he will lose his power or authority. If the ship is interpreted as burdens and difficulties, it means that he will overcome them through prayers or giving charity, or taking a medicine if he is ill. If one’s ship drown, and if he sees himself floating in the water holding to a panel or debris from the ship in the dream, it means that he will face the wrath of someone in authority. If he is holding a leadership position, it means that he may lose it. If he is a merchant, it means that he may go bankrupt. If he still dies from his trial in the dream, it means that he may be killed, and his death will still be an escape from something he feared…

…To dream that someone or something is bigger than normal, is sign of arrogance. If in a dream you are bigger than normal, it is interpreted as your inflated opinion of yourself. If someone else is bigger – then this person has an inflated opinion of himself/herself. To see things being bigger than normal, also indicates expression of passion to be more dominant in some situation or relationship. To have interaction or to encounter or to see a big figure, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of the power to influence others. Do you have authority and power? Perhaps someone else has such power on you?…

Red snake as a symbol of Divine Power is very optimistic. It shows growth of your spiritual power. Also, it shows your unity with inner subconscious mind. Moreover, red snake stands as a symbol for infinite power of Holy Wholeness, which is discovered recently in waking life.

…means that she will beget a boy. If a female bird sits in her lap in a dream, it means that she will beget a girl. Large or predatory birds in a dream represent kings, presidents, leaders, tyrants, men of knowledge or merchants. Water birds, sea gulls, etcetera, represent honorable people who rose in rank in two spheres, the sphere of water and that of the air. They also could mean a journey. If they quack in the dream, they represent lamenting or crying. Singingbirds in a dream represent musicians and singers. To see a flock of birds in a dream means money and power and particularly for someone who tends them or cares for them. Seeing birds flying over one’s head means gaining authority and power. If one sees birds flying inside his house or shop in a dream, it means angels. If a bird flies into one’s hand…

…to need the person seeing the dream who will save him from a foreseeable danger, or help him to recover from an illness. Slaughtering a ram in a dream means recovering from an illness. Carrying a ram over one’s head in a dream means caring or managing the business or accounts of a noble and a rich person. Riding a ram and driving it at will in a dream means conquering a great person. If one sees a ram riding him in a dream, then it means that such a great and powerful person will rise above him and control his life. Breaking the horns of a ram in a dream means weakening a powerful person. Fighting with a ram in a dream also means fighting with a powerful person. Whoever wins the fight in the dream, will eventually win it in wakefulness. Seeing a dead ram in a dream…

…(Pavilion | Tent) Setting up a pavilion in the open air to sit under it in a dream means gaining power and dominion. A canopy in a dream also means visiting the graves of martyrs and praying for them, or to die in their state. Folding a canopy in a dream means losing one’s power and dominion, or it could mean nearing the end of one’s life. Walking out from under a canopy in a dream means losing some of one’s power or business. Walking out from under a canopy in a dream also signifies trueness of one’s heart and intention, or earning the station of a martyr through one’s true devotion, or it could mean visiting the Sacred House in Jerusalem. (Also see Pavilion | Tent)…

To dream of the green and beautiful trees, denotes to new opportunities, wishes and growth. The trees are the symbol of power and balance the one is able to keep. Perhaps at this time of your life you are trying to find out of who you are. If you were climbing into the tree, then such dream denotes to your desire to reach the targets. Consider how hard it was to climb, as it would indicate the difficulty of getting to the point you aim for. If you saw the tree that fell down or was destroyed by the force, then it signifies the lost control of your life. If you cut off the tree, then it signifies the useless strength and power you invested.

…The eagles in dream represent freedom, intelligence, power, bravery, beauty and grace. The eagles also represent the rebirth of the dreamer’s consciousness and unconsciousness. The dream shows that you will reveal the great potential within your personality. If you see the eagle that wears chains, then it shows your inability to express yourself, because of the bad influence from others. Perhaps you feel that you cannot use what you have got. If you see the nest of the eagles, then such dream shows the beginning of important thing that is growing. You have killed the eagle in a dream, then it shows the disappointments you will suffer, because of your silly actions. You must concentrate and do not make any serious mistakes anymore. The dream also shows that you are going to use even the worse tools in order to achieve what you want. You might do some damage…

…(Cupolead structure | Qubba | Shrine) Building a dome in a dream means marriage. Demolishing a dome means death or a divorce. A dome also signifies power and ruling if one owns it, or if he stands under one in his dream. Seeing a dome and birds surrounding it in a dream also means exaltation. Building a dome over clouds in a dream means marriage, power and rank. Seeing green domes standing between the heavens and the earth in a dream means that one’s deeds are raised to be worthy of blessing, or that he might die as a martyr. If one sees four men demolishing a dome in a dream, it means that a renowned scholar in that locality will shortly die and his elements of earth, fire, water, air and either will destroy one another. (Also see Pavilion | Shrine | Tent)…

…(Eye makeup | Makeup) Kohl in a dream represents money and clarity. If one is given some powdered kohl in a dream, it means money. If a righteous and God- fearing person places kohl on someone’s eyes in a dream, it means blessings and guidance. Finding a container of kohl in a dream means receiving money. Smearing one’s eyes with kohl in a dream means becoming more religious. If a blind person smears his eyes with kohl in a dream, it means that he will miraculously recover his sight. If one smears his eyes with a silver-white powdered mixture or antimony in a dream, it means that he will have two wives. If one coats his eyelids with butter or lather in a dream, it means that he is pursuing an unlawful heterosexual, or a loathsome homosexual relationship. Beautifying childrens’ eyes with other than kohl or antimony in a…

…In a dream, a doorman represents a royal person or a powerful man. If one sees himself in a dream as a doorman, and if he employs a servant to assist him in the dream, it means that he will climb to a powerful position. To see oneself as the king’s doorman in a dream means debts, but if one finds himself working as the prince’s doorman or door attendant, it means occupying a seat of authority. (Also see Keeper of the gate)…

…To see hot iron with sparks flying, is significant of a pleasing work | to the farmer, an abundant crop | favorable indeed to women. Cold, or small, favors may be expected from those in power. The means of success is in your power, but in order to obtain it you will have to labor under difficulty. If the anvil is broken, it foretells that you have, through your own neglect, thrown away promising opportunities that cannot be recalled….

…To dream that you are contestant or that you’re entering in any kind of a contest, shows a condition or situation of your life in which you are required to be excellent and valuable. You need to be important person, but for achieving this, you have to prove yourself as worthy and deserving. If in the dream you win the contest, then it has the symbolic significance of your honour, dignity. It shows your confidence in own powers and abilities. If you lose the contest, then it shows the way of your negative thinking about your powers. Do you think that you don’t have enough worth? Are you feeling worthless? Change your mind because it is incorrect thought. And you should be more active. Apply yourself with full power to the task, that is very important….

…(Door lintel | Doorplate | Threshold) In a dream, the doorstep of one’s house represents one’s power, or it could mean marriage. If one sees himself removing the doorstep of his house in a dream, it means losing his power. If he removes the door lintels of his house in a dream, it means divorcing his wife. If the door lintels are taken away and one could no longer see them in the dream, it means his death. If he can still see them in the dream, then it means a sickness from which he will recover. The door lintel in a dream also represents a woman or the house bottler. If a governor sees the doorsteps of his house being removed in a dream, it means that he will be impeached. Whatever happens to the doorsteps in a dream should be interpreted as relating to one’s wife or…

…In a dream, a hunter represents a philanderer, a womanizer who rounds women, or a pimp. If one sees himself befriending a hunter, or if he helps him, and if the hunter is pursuing what is lawful to kill for food, one’s dream then connotes personal advantages. If the hunt is after an animal which is unlawful for food, then the dream means sufferings. Hunting a lion in a dream means acquiring great power through deception. Hunting sparrows, hawks, or falcons in a dream also means gaining power. Hunting birds or pigeons in a dream represents a tricky merchant. Hunting beasts in a dream means cheating travellers. Fishing means womanizing. A beast hunter in a dream represents someone who takes advantage of foreigners. A bird hunter in a dream also represents a school teacher, a music teacher, or a preacher. (Also see Beast | Dog | Hunt)…

Dreaming of a king means that you are possibly about to take power and prestige. In dreams, the king symbolizes power, control and male strength.

…without wings means changes in one’s status or conditions. If a foreigner sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland, or it could mean that he travels excessively. If one who has pride and exaggerated hopes sees himself flying in a dream, then his dream represents mere hallucination. If one sees himself in a dream flying in a race with someone else, and if he wins the race, it means that he will conquer his opponent and rise above him in station. Flying over a mountain in a dream means power and sovereignty. If one who qualifies for leadership sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will attain a leadership position. If he falls over something in the dream, it means that he will own or control whatever he falls into. If one does not qualify for leadership and sees…

…To dream that you’re in a hypnotic state and therefore under the power of someone suggests that someone actually is trying to drive you to make mistakes in order to achieve his/her personal benefits. This dream is considered a warning. When a young girl dreams that she’s in a hypnotic state and therefore subject to be under someone else’s power, it suggests that she should examine her friends to discover who is trying to cause her problems. To dream that you’re a spectator at a hypnotism or healing session suggests that your affairs and health require immediate attention….

(Call | Cry | Human call | Outcry | Shout | Scream) Shouting at a gathering of people in a dream means winning the title of a statesman, authority and power in an election, or presiding over people. If one sees himself shouting alone in a dream, it means that he will lose his power and his words will have impact. Shouting in a dream also denotes social turmoil, agitation caused by war, an earthquake, the drowning of a ship, or the spread of a new disease that will force people to turn to God Almighty for help. (Also see Calling someone)

To dream of the steer, symbolizes manhood, unexpressed power and strength. The steer is a growing bull, therefore the power the dreamer is getting only will become bigger. In some cultures the steer is a symbol of divinity, for this reason some dream is interpreted as cultural heritage.

The gecko represents the strength and power. Usually the dreamer that has the dreamer about gecko has these kind of qualities or wishes to explore them. The gecko could also indicate the other person that takes an important part in dreamer’s life and the strength and power could be applied to that person.

…better than what one may think. If a poor person ties a cummerbund around his waist in a dream, it means extra earnings or power. If the cummerbund is studded and adorned with jewels in the dream, then such jewels represent one’s helpers, supporters or obedient subjects. Such associates will carry on his commands whether they purport good or evil. Somehow, such a leader will also be unjust and hypocritical. If the ornaments are made of iron in the dream, it means that his associates are a group of strong people. If the ornaments are made from copper, then such associates care only for worldly gains. If the ornaments are made from led in the dream, it means that they are weak people. If the ornaments are made from silver in the dream, it means that the master or leader is a wealthy person and he will be followed by…

…one’s religion or his school of thought. A broken back in a dream means fear, distress and sorrow. If one sees his rear side dark in color, black or red in a dream, it means that he may suffer from physical abuse and beating during a fight. Seeing one’s own back in a dream also could mean buying new clothing, or it could mean feeling strong because of one’s knowledge, his son, power, political connections, wealth or property. Seeing one’s back in a dream also could mean to repudiate one’s wife. If one’s back is seared or cauterized in a dream, it denotes stinginess, or it could mean that he fails to comply with God’s rights upon him. If one sees his back bent in a dream, it means a misfortune. If one sees the back of his friend in a dream, it means that his friend will turn his…

It symbolizes power and strength. Means strength and authority and power to cut your losses with any problem, nobly and justly, but without hesitation.

If you dream of wearing the collar, then it shows luxuriates and power in your life. Alternatively, the dream could indicate some situation in your life that takes lot of attention and power from you.

…Dreaming that you’re obedient represents your recognition of a higher power, to experience some further clarification. Dreaming that other people obey you symbolizes your power and authority and influence to others….

…(Seat) In a dream, a chair represents authority, rank or a woman. An iron cast chair in a dream represents power and superiority. If it is a wooden chair, then it means less than that beside added hypocrisy. Sitting on a chair in a dream means becoming a guardian, deputy, attorney or proxy. If one qualifies for governing or for managing a business, then sitting on a chair in a dream means receiving such an appointment. If a traveller sees himself sitting on a chair in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland to be reunited with his family and to attain his goals. For people in authority, a chair in their dream represents an appointment, a promotion, fame, marriage, children or buying an expensive property, a new vehicle or a new garment. If one finds a chair and sits on it in a dream,…

…Dreaming of a lion, signifies that a great force is driving you. If you subdue the lion, you will be victorious in any engagement. If it overpowers you, then you will be open to the successful attacks of enemies. To see caged lions, denotes that your success depends upon your ability to cope with opposition. To see a man controlling a lion in its cage, or out denotes success in business and great mental power. You will be favorably regarded by women. To see young lions, denotes new enterprises, which will bring success if properly attended. For a young woman Dreaming of young lions, denotes new and fascinating lovers. For a woman Dreaming that she sees Daniel in the lions’ den, signifies that by her intellectual qualifications and personal magnetism she will win fortune and lovers to her highest desire. To hear the roar of a lion, signifies unexpected…