…(Ache | Discomfort | Hurt) In a dream, pain means regret and sorrow. Suffering from a tooth ache in a dream means hearing painful words from a relative the particular tooth implies. Neck pain in a dream represents being ill- treated by one’s friends. Neck pain in a dream also may indicate that one has betrayed his covenant, or that he has denied a promise. Shoulder pain in a dream signifies bad earnings. Stomach pain in a dream means spending money in sin and feeling regret for doing so. Pain in one’s navel in a dream signifies ill-treatment of one’s wife. Heart pain in a dream means having hidden bad qualities, or questionable religious sincerity. Liver pain in a dream means ill- treatment of one’s children. Spleen pain in a dream means spoiling one’s money by adding unlawful earnings to it. Severe spleen pain that could lead to one’s…

To dream that your child is in pain and suffering a lot, shows that some of your saying or actions are hurting other people. This dream suggests to be more tolerant and listen what your children has to say. It is also very normal to worry about things that are unnecessary to be worried about. If you feel the pain during the dream, you might have psychological problems or you are in actual pain that is felt through dreams either.

…Having chest pain in a dream denotes a sin one is beingpunished for, or it could mean being spendthrift, or it could represent one’s generosity in other than God’s pleasure, and the pain represents the punishment for it. (Also see Body 1 | Chest 2 | Pain)…

Dreaming about pain can be a warning sign that your body is sending to you and also a manifestation of the pressure that a situation of daily life is having on you and you do not dare to confront it.

…(Acrimony | Dice | Grasping | Longevity | Migration) Falling teeth in a dream means longevity, or living past one’s contemporaries. Collecting one’s lost teeth in a dream means longevity, or it could mean having a large progeny. If one cannot find his teeth in the dream, it means that his family will die before him, or that a member of his clan will emigrate to a new land. If one finds a lost tooth in a dream, it means the return of an immigrant to his homeland. If the upper teeth fall into one’s hand in the dream, they represent profits. If they fall in his lap in the dream, they mean a son, and if they fall on the floor in the dream, they means death. If the lower teeth fall in the dream, they mean pain, sufferings, sorrows and distress. Falling teeth in a dream also…

To dream that you have some kind of the chest pain may indicate the actual heart problems you are suffering from. On the other hand, the chest pain shows that there is some situation in your waking life that you are afraid of. You do not know how to deal with it.

…Dreaming that you are in pain, will make sure of your own unhappiness. This dream foretells useless regrets over some trivial transaction. To see others in pain, warns you that you are making mistakes in your life….

…Dreaming that you’re watching a movie indicates that you’re in a phase of analyzing your life….

(See Back | Body 1 | Pain)

(See Body 1 | Pain)

…(Also see Body’ | Pain | Spleen)…

(See Pain)

…Feeling pain – it foresees you’ll have strong contradictions and problems….

Almost always relates to hurting our dignity and pride. Sometimes the fear we have of illness and accidents manifests as pain.

…(See Body’ | Pain)…

…(See Body’ | Pain)…

Suffer a stomach pain means problems, anxieties and afflictions.

…(See Body’ | Lungs | Pain)…

(Also see Body 1 | Pain)

(Also see Body 1 | Pain)

(See Body 1 | Pain)

To dream that you are suffering from the illness called angina, means that you are feeling some worries. There is some situation that makes you feel this way. Some people who have heart problems dream about angina, because they suffer from external pain. The dream suggests to look after your health better.

What we mainly have to analyze is what happens in the scene. If we are spectators, it reveals timidity and suspicion. If we are directing the film, then it indicates our tendency to dominate others. If we are shooting, it indicates that sometimes we act suspiciously.

Misery, misfortune and vexation. 5.

Suffering it somewhere in your body means contradictions and problems.

Getting over hardship and toil happily. 6.

…with extra pressure on my liver — a combination of tortures no one could endure. On and on I toiled, and one and all mocked me.”He! He! He!” laughed the garbage in the gutter, you’ve got a nice fourteen-stoner on you! She’ll walk you threadbare! “Jerusalem! You’re in for it! Sniggered drain -pipe. Do you know who’s wearing you?Why, Lot’s wife! She’s a Suffragette now, and when I tell you her feet move as fast as her tongue you know what’s in store for you. Talk about rods in pickle!’ and the drain -pipe went into a disgusting fit of laughter. ‘Won’t some one stop her?’ I panted. ‘Stop her!’ screamed a dirty cat’s tail I barely avoided treading on. ‘Stop her! Why, nothing will stop her, she’s got the latest improved turbine boiler! Take care she doesn’t go too fast, that’s all!’ Scarcely were the words uttered before I…

If someone has hurt you physically in your dream, then such dream indicates the emotional pain this person has caused you. Sometimes the physical pain that is felt in the dream is actual pain that you are feeling during your sleep. The dream in which you are hurt by others means that you are afraid of being hurt in your waking life as well. Maybe someone has threaten you, therefore you are afraid of it.

…What we have to analyze is the principal that is going on the screen. If we are spectators, then it reveals timidity and suspicion. If we are directing a movie, then it indicates our tendency to overpower everybody else. If we are shooting, the movie indicates sometimes we act with suspicion. Storm is a manifestation that fate is testing us. Portends a moved period in our lives with the possibility of important changes that can be good or bad. The phenomena accompanying the storm will clarify if the final result is positive or negative….

If you dreamed of squeezing something, then such dream may indicate the pressure you feel from others and unable to move easily. On the other hand the dream could indicate the pressure and stress you put on others and do not let them act or perform normally. Probably you or somebody else gets this stress. Consider that the dream of squeezing may be a reflection of the relationships you are in, where you or somebody else is being squeezed.

…Having an illness in a dream represents a sickening character, or a hypocrite. Finding oneself ill in a dream means enjoying a good health for that year, or it could mean loss of devotion and lack of piety. If a warrior finds himself sick in a dream, it means that he will be wounded. If one sees his wife sick in a dream, it means that she is negligent of her religious obligations. If a sick person sees himself riding an ox, or a swine in a dream, it means his death. A feverish illness in a dream means pressure caused by a ruler. Feeling sick, or feeling down with an undiagnosed illness in a dream means spending money, or wasting it in ways other than on God’s path. In a dream, illness mostly denotes religious disobedience and religious disdain. If one’s sick child recovers from an illness in…

To dream that you committed a suicide, indicates the frustration and desperation you are suffering at the moment. Probably you are unable to deal with the pain and pressure at some situation or relationship, therefore you see the only one way to finish everything is get suicide. Consider that dream could also show the shame you have for something you have done. Alternatively, the dream could symbolize the end of something you are ready to finish. If you saw someone else committing the suicide, then it points to the worries you have towards that particular person. On the other hand, there could be some aspects you try to remove from yourself, but implied them in another person while dreaming.

…In a dream, lips represent man’s pride, strength, virility, his helper, clarity of expression, eloquence, or special love for one’s friend. The lower lip has more advantages than the upper lip in a dream. The upper lip represents a close friend, or someone one depends on in everything. Anything that affects one’s lips in a dream, will manifest in any of the above. Lips in a dream also represent one’s wife, child, or relatives. If one suffers pain from his lips in a dream, it means that such pain will come from one’s friends. If one’s lips are chopped off in the dream, it means that he engages in backbiting others. If only the lower lip is chopped off in the dream, it means that one may lose a helper or a provider. If the upper lip is missing in a dream, it means that one’s life is void…

The band symbolizes the pain and frustration depending on the location where the band was placed. The dream also indicates that someone will try to profit from you and will try to cause a horrible pain. The band could also represent your past and harsh experience.

If you were in tears while dreaming, then such dream denotes to the recovering process that is happening in your life. The tears in a dream signify the spiritual growing, clearness and passion to life. On the other hand, the dream could foretell about the pain one is suffering. If other people were crying in a dream, then it shows your affection towards other people. Probably you caused the pain for them or simply feel sorry for them.

…Red snake bite in a dream can be a cause of an external stimulus. For anyone, recently in real life experienced a feeling of bleeding gums, or an eating of a rare done bloody stake, or a bite of a blood sucking mosquito can be a source of dreaming about bite by red snake. Any biting feeling from life can be an inspirational cause for your dream. For a woman, a sudden menstrual pain in a belly can be an external stimulus for a dream about a bite of red colored snake. For a man, a sharp painful feeling in a body part full of blood can be seen as a cause for the dreams about the red long limbless biting reptiles. And the pain can be felt up to few times during a night. Also, if closed eyes being touched unexpectedly by red first light of rising sun…

…copper hue — a man in build and form, but enormous in size and development. ” See thy future!” it cried; and my free soul felt a strange pang of pity at the sight of its face — it was so full of sorrow that I could not fathom; a vastness of pain that could only be immortal. Yet as I looked, my pity was changed to fear and hate; the creature became contorted with demoniac fury; its lips wreathed and twisted, its eyes flashed, and it cried aloud so that my soul longed to flee yet dare not.”See! See!” it shrieked. And I looked and saw myself. It was I, but how altered! I was an aged man sitting alone in a dreary attic, bathed in a flood of cold moonlight, waiting — waiting for what? I looked a little further and saw a muddy river, and over it…

If you dream seeing an alligator, it indicates perfidy and guile. This dream could be a sign of taking the new chances which are ahead of you. It could also symbolize your capacity taking apart two different systems: spiritual side of yours and fundamental side of yours. The alligator could also symbolize the curing kinds and potency. When you see yourself running away from alligator in your dream, it indicates hidden fears and pain you are suffering from. What you should do is try to find the reasons why you are experiencing this pain, only then you will be able to set your soul free and live peacefuly with yourself and those around you.

…or gener- osity. The narrowness of one’s chest in a dream represents heedlessness, or it could mean going astray, loss of money, or one’s stinginess. If one sees his chest turned into a stone in a dream, it means that he is a hard hearted person. However, a broad chest in a dream also could signify being unjust. The chest in a dream also represents the house of worries and anxieties. Having chest pain in a dream denotes a sin one is being punished for, or it could mean being a spendthrift or generous in other than God’s pleasure, and the pain in the dream represents his punishment for it. If a man sees himself having a woman’s breasts in his dream, it means that he will get married, or fall in love with a woman, or have a secret affair that will turn into a scandal. (Also see Body’)…

…need to work even harder. Alternatively, dragon is a fictional creature and can be induced by external stimuli, like movie or book. On psychological level, dragon is interpreted as a trigger, which shows that you allowing yourself to get carried away by your fantasies. And such dream is a reminder that such behaviour may give you some problems. Maybe you need to exercise more self-control. In the eastern cultures, dragons are seen as spiritual creatures and symbolizing superior fertility, huge wealth and good fortune. As internal stimuli dragon can be interpreted on emotional level. In such way, dreaming about yourself being a dragon and breathing fire, suggests that you are having emotional brake, you are full of various feelings. You’re letting these feelings out in your dream. Alternatively, fire refers to your anger induced by solving troubles or finding solutions or being in a particular relationship. This dream shows also…