Hearing a lamentation in a dream symbolizes a certain sadness, pain or suffering of someone who is around you. If you are lamenting, it indicates emotions that are not appropriate in your life. Dream of lamenting a loss is a bad omen of illness or struggle.

You will become happy again after the pain that you have suffered for a very long time.

…no harm if one sees them or intends to hold them, except if one hears their music. Playing or hearing a string instrument in a dream represents lies. Playing them in one’s house in a dream represent a calamity that will befall that family. It is also said that playing such an instrument in a dream also means winning fame and presiding over others, though it could also denote distress for the player. If a string of such an instrument breaks in a dream, it means relaxation and relief from stress. A broken string of a lute or a guitar or similar instrument in a dream represents a precious property that causes its owner a headache. Every time he remembers it, he suffers from heartburn or stomach pain. Seeing such an instrument by a layman or a hard- working person in a dream means consolation and a lesson to learn…

Dream with a landslide means sorrow, pain, financial losses, debts, worries, and obstacles. Suffering a landslide indicates your desire to harm a friend. It also represents emotions you have had for a long time. The dream may also symbolize the tensions in your life and responsibilities on your shoulders.

Many authors state that when black amber appears in our dreams that symbolize that a death will occur near to us. But tradition says it will be a death that will bring us surprise but no real pain.

…see others wearing veils, you will be maligned and defamed by apparent friends. An old, or torn veil, warns you that deceit is being thrown around you with sinister design. For a young woman Dreaming that she loses her veil, denotes that her lover sees through her deceitful ways and is likely to retaliate with the same. Dreaming of seeing a bridal veil, foretells that you will make a successful change in the immediate future, and much happiness in your position. For a young woman Dreaming that she wears a bridal veil, denotes that she will engage in some affair which will afford her lasting profit and enjoyment. If it gets loose, or any accident befalls it, she will be burdened with sadness and pain. To throw a veil aside, indicates separation or disgrace. To see mourning veils in your dreams, signifies distress and trouble, and embarrassment in business….

Difficult problems. Sudden pain and unpleasantness.

The ears in dreams are the symbols of the talks behind your back. Beware of that and prepare yourself. The ears that are dainty signifies the necessity to be heard by others. If you feel the pain of your ears in your dream, then it means that some things that are done to you made hurt to your feelings.

…Hares or hens, without young, brings pain and agony. With young, or to shoot, or eat them, pleasure you’ll see. Cackling hens, hawks, or cattle, long life and success….

(See Pain)

…back to him at times when he needs him most. If one sees the back of his enemy in a dream, it means that he will be guarded against his threats. If one sees the back of an old woman in a dream, it means that the world is turning its back to him. If she is in her middle age in the dream, it means that he is seeking something hard to obtain. If she is a young woman in the dream, it means that he is expecting something and must be patient to acquire it. One’s back also represents old age. Back pain in a dream means poverty, sickness, debility, imprisonment of one’s boss or the death of a brother. One’s back in a dream also represents one’s dependence on a strong person. If one sees himself carrying a heavy load on his back in a dream, it…

…To dream of smooth paper, is a good omen; but if it appears rumpled, it will give you much pain. To dream of paper that is wet, signifies success in love matters. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 18….

Dreaming of being in agony, despite the feeling, is a sign of great shape, but you have a big fear of death and physical pain. The arrival of money is coming. If the state of agony is suffered by an unknown person, then it means you’ll have an unusual joy.

…Dreaming of a wash-bowl, signifies that new cares will interest you, and afford much enjoyment to others. To bathe your face and hands in a bowl of clear water, denotes that you will soon consummate passionate wishes which will bind you closely to some one who interested you, but before passion enveloped you. If the bowl is soiled, or broken, you will rue an illicit engagement, which will give others pain, and afford you small pleasure….

…(Corset | Jerkin | Knee brace | Support) In a dream, a brace signifies tight circumstances, difficulties, adversities, pain, sufferings, weakness and need for someone’s support. A brace in a dream also may denote resoluteness and determination. If one sees himself using a brace with a support device in a dream, it means fulfilling one’s purpose, wantonness, containing one’s needs or satisfying them….

When you dream of being affected with the gangrene, then it means someone from your relatives or people you know will suffer loss or pain.

…a dream mean changes in one’s life. If one’s teeth turn into iron in a dream, they mean strength. Losing one’s teeth in a dream also could mean losing one’s job. Pulling out one’s teeth in a dream so that no one can see them means infertility, or loss of one’s business, loss of one’s savings, a bad relationship with one’s family, an evil act toward one’s family, or it could mean that he will try to sustain his business through a loan, then suffer from bankruptcy. Having a bad tooth in wakefulness and pulling it out in a dream means trying to comfort or appease a difficult person whose hurtfulness will eventually cease. Replacing a tooth with a bridge in a dream means recovering losses, or balancing one’s business. Having an extra tooth in a dream means losing one in wakefulness. (Also see Body’ | Pain | Teeth)…

…for a rich person and bad news for a poor person. Drinking a glass of apple juice in a dream means benefits drawn from a servant or an employee, a service offered by a powerful person, or it could mean a stressful life. If one drinks something to cure an illness in a dream, it means recovering from that illness if it exists. Otherwise, it means that he might suffer from such an illness and take such a drink as a cure. Any constipating drink in a dream means stinginess, while taking a laxative in a dream means generosity. A headache reliever or a pain killer means kindness or diplomacy and the same goes for any drink that cleanses the kidney. Beside that, drinks denote architecture, religious studies, addressing matters promptly or hiding secrets. Colorful drinks in a dream represent happiness, joy, festivi- ties, celebrations and correcting one’s behavior. Fruit…

This dream usually predicts pain; it is also known for being a dream that warns you about difficulties in your business because of overspending.

…black hair remains, then it means a rebuke or a reprimand one will hear from his superior. If one’s black beard turns gray in a dream, it means that he may fail in his religious life, or lose his wealth. If one discovers two or three gray hairs in his black beard in a dream, it means that he will beget a son or that someone he loves will return from a long journey. If the hair of one’s chest turns gray in a dream, it means that his food will become spoiled. Seeing one’s beard brilliantly gray and beautiful in a dream means honor and fame throughout the lands. To pluck a gray hair in a dream also means disrespect for the elderly. Gray hair in a dream also means poverty, debts, pain, distance from others, being harsh with others, or imprisonment. (Also see Dye | Elderly person)…

(See Pain | Teeth | Tooth)

…could represent a prostitute, or an insolent man. Rubbing oneself with mercury or a fragrant cream mixed with musk in a dream means hearing favorable praises and earning a good reputation. Lubricating someone else’s head in a dream means evil and the subject should take precautions toward the one greasing his head. Having ajar of grease or cream to rub one’s body with it or to apply it to others in a dream means fawning, adulation, flattery, hypocrisy, falsehood or backbiting, etcetera. If one sees his own face rubbed with grease in a dream, it means a lifetime of abstinence and religious fasting. Rubbing oneself with a cream as a treatment or as a medicine to lessen one’s pain in a dream means that one will correct himself, or save money as a bridal dower or as a down payment toward a purchase. (Also see Lubrication | Stuffed turkey)…

To dream of being tied in a cart, to draw like a horse or an ex, denotes servitude and pain to everybody, how rich and mighty of any kind they be. To dream that you are carried in your cart or coach, to be drawn by men, signifies to have might and authority over many, and to have children of good behaviour. As for travellers, it is to go slowly, but surely, when they have such a dream.

To dream about a burn on your body and pain which it causes indicates that you should dismiss an illness or negative thoughts. To dream about the burns on the bodies of others foretells disputes that can unleash the loss of property or friends.

Getting released of pain and sorrows.

…a little child who disdains from coming near his father in the dream, it means financial promotion and enjoyment of one’s life. If one sees a little child screaming in his lap in a dream, it means that he plays a string instrument. Children in a dream also could mean either sorrow and pain or happiness and joy. If they are one’s own children in the dream, then they mean temptation with money. Children in a dream also could mean contentment with little or loss of one’s means to earn his livelihood or they could mean money or marriage or a flourishing business. Bereavement of a child in a dream means the opposite in real life. It also means rejoicing, reunions, pleasures and earning respect. Bereavement of a child in a dream is sometimes interpreted to portray an intention of one’s children or wife to separate from the family. A…

If we dream that our body burns, or the pain is caused by the burns, the first to do when we’re interpreting this dream is to discard the meaning of the dream that this is related to an illness. Alternatively, burns always portend disputes or angers that can trigger the loss of goods or friendships.

Lovers fighting is joy, old people, death and pain. Fighting with swords deliverance and freedom doth show. To the debtor gives help, and relief from his woe.

Pain in the finger shows good fortune for you. But to cut it, unlucky; which you’ll find is true….

If you dream that somebody stings you, then it shows the pain you are suffering. It could be possible that some bug has bitten you while you were sleeping, therefore it calls the dream about stinging you. Consider that the dream could indicate your feelings towards someone, where you feel you are in love with that particular person.

To dream that you go to a fish market, stands as a symbol for pleasure and joy. To have interaction with rotting fish, means extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. In the dream to see decayed fish at the fish market, announces distress that will come in the disguise of happiness.

…still felt a hellish pain in my eyes, and ears, and all the most sensitive parts of my body.A lady once told me that the night before hearing of the unexpected promotion of her son, she dreamed she saw him standing in a pool of water literally surrounded by huge salmon that rubbed themselves affectionately against his legs in the manner of a dog.And another dream, that has been told me relative to the same fish, was to the effect that shortly before the dreamer received a high official appointment in the East Indies, he dreamed he was paddling in a brook, when he suddenly trod on a huge salmon, that leaped out of the water and went on rising and rising in the air, till it finally disappeared altogether.It is no uncommon thing for me to dream about eels, and whenever I do, something unpleasant is sure to follow….

…A ceiling in a dream represents a well respected person. If it is made of wood, then it represents a fallacious and a deceptive person. If the ceiling looks as if it were going to cave over one’s head in a dream, it means being afraid of someone in authority. If consequently some dirt falls over his shirt from the ceiling in the dream, it means that he will receive money in compensation for his pain and sufferings. If the central pillar that holds the ceiling cracks and falls in the dream, it means the death of the man of that house. If the ceiling collapses in the dream, it means the death of the man of that house. If one hides under a roof in a dream, it means that he will enter his house and rob his family’s belongings. If water is leaking from one’s ceiling in…

To hear a wail, when you are dreaming, has meaning of sadness and pain in those who are around you. If you are wailing in the dream, then it may signalize that you can freely release sad emotions. Anything that may not be appropriate in your waking life can be eliminated easily.

…it turns into a dog’s head, a donkey’s head, or a horse’s head, or any of the domesticated animals in a dream, it means toiling and hardships. If it turns into a bird’s head in a dream, it means that he travels a lot. If it turns into an elephant’s head, or a wolfs head, or a tiger’s head in a dream, it means that he is looking to do things beyond his means, though he will still benefit from his ambition. If one’s head is hit with a stone in a dream, it means that he neglects to perform his night prayers before sleeping. If one contracts any pain in his head or neck in a dream, it means an illness. If one sees his head anointed with fragrances or oils in a dream, it represents his good endeavors and piety. Eating someone’s head raw in a dream means…

Bears doth show much calumny, backbiting and pain.

(The prophet Ismail, son of the prophet Abraham, upon both of them be peace.) If one sees him in a dream, it means that he will gain clarity of speech and preside over his colleagues. He also may build a mosque, or participate in such a project. It also means that someone will make a promise and be truthful about fulfilling it. If one sees Ismail in a dream, it means that he may suffer at the hands of his father, then God Almighty will relief him from such sufferings or pain.

Furious animal dream means pain, anger, impatience and disgust.

…Dreaming that you are ejaculating, has the symbolic significance and suggests your need for release. It can be emotional or psychological pain. Ejaculation also can indicate that you can’t restrict or hold yourself in sexual life. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it stands as a symbol for a loss of control and power. It can be in relationship or professional deals….

Marriage in a dream symbolizes a new beginning or transition in your life. Dreams involving marriage generally have some negativity, some highlights and some anxiety or fear. Often they referred to teardrop sensations, pain, or your independence. A dream that you remarried with your current partner represents truth, happiness and highlights a strong relationship between you. It can also foresee a new phase in your life. If in real life you will get married and dream about your future wedding, then it indicates stress of organizing the wedding and can be the cause of anxiety. On the other hand, the dream indicates an era of happiness and well-being. Dream about planning your own wedding is a metaphor symbolizing the union of the masculine and feminine side. Attending a wedding means changes and certain times in your life.