…(Pin | Pole | Stake | Tent peg) In a dream, a peg represents a high ranking person, a master, or a scholar. If a young man hits someone over his back with a wooden stick in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will grow to be a hypocrite and an enemy to his father. Unplugging a peg or the pole of a tent in a dream means death. Driving a peg into the wall in a dream means liking to associate oneself with a great person. Driving a peg into a house in a dream means being in love with a woman from that family. Driving a wooden peg or a pin into wood in a dream means liking to befriend a teenager who is also a hypocrite. A metal peg in a dream represents money, strength, pain, distress, sorrow, or rising to…

Symbolizes rain and fertility. Dream of crying indicate some deep sadness. You may suppress some hard feelings but now you’re expressing the pain trough dreams. Suppressing of some difficult situations is not always good. Dream of someone crying portends an unexpected joy. Cry quietly in a dream portends a happy event. If you’re crying very hard until you have a feeling of tiredness or relief portends the end of difficult, heavy or dangerous situation.

…In a dream, iron represents longevity. If one sees himself holding a piece of iron in his dream, it means wealth and strength after poverty and weakness. If one sees himself eating a piece of iron in a dream, it means victory in his life. If he eats it with bread in the dream, it means bearing difficulties in his livelihood. Discovering iron as a mineral in a dream means prosperity and strength in one’s livelihood. Forging iron in a dream means becoming competent and qualified in one’s craft. To own iron in a dream means wealth which is accumulated with great pain. (Also see Bond’ | Fetter)…

…Dream of one’s bed burning or of seeing it on fire or consuming, damage, illness or minor sickness to the wife of the dreamer. If a woman have this dream it indicates danger to her husband. Dream of being burned by a slow fire and to suffer pain because of it, sign of envy, displeasure, of angry quarrels….

…To dream of being tied to a cart to draw like a horse, denotes servitude and pain; but to dream that you are carried in a cart, the contrary. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6, 5, 17….

Black beards, gain in play; grey or red, illness and pain, mustachios show toil and trouble you shall only gain.

Drinking lemon juice is a sign of pain and anguish. Disease. Dream of a lemon tree means peace at home.

Dream of drinking lemon juice is a sign of pain and anguish. Also indicates disease. Dream of a lemon tree indicates peace at home.

To dream of being tied in a cart, to draw like a horse or an ass, denotes servitude and pain to everybody; to dream that you are carried in your coach or cart, signifies to have might and authority.

…(Clouds | Drizzling | Life | Vapor | Water) If no harm or destruction is caused by a rainstorm in a dream, then it means blessings, profits and mercy. Rain in a dream also represents life, an earthly being, or fulfillment of a promise. If the rain falls exclusively on a particular location in a dream, it means sorrow and distress for its dwellers, or it could mean the loss of a beloved. If one sees rain falling exclusively over his house in a dream, it means personal blessings. Otherwise, it he sees it falling over the whole town in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain falling exclusively over one’s house in a dream also means that someone will fall sick in that house, or suffer from a debilitating and excruciating pain. If the skies rain stones or blood in a dream, it means calamities and punishment…

The dreamer will experience a moral or a physical pain, if the dreamer dreams of buying it, it may mean that he’ll get ill; if the dreamer sells it, it’s a happy sign.

Learning is always good. If the dreamer is the one who is learning, it indicates a high probability of getting some future benefits. However, if you dream that a child is taught, it can be an indicator of pain and torment.

…dream, it means that he indulges in drinking alcohol or uses intoxicants. If he is lashed eighty times in a dream, it means that he slanders married women. If he is whipped by a deceased person in the dream, it means that he is pursuing wrong ideas and should reverse his course, for a deceased person dwells in the kingdom of truth and follows only what pleased God Almighty. However, if one sees himself in a dream beating a deceased person, this could be interpreted to denote the strength of his faith, certitude, prayers and charitable nature. It also could mean benefits from a business trip or pursuing a lost interest. Beating in a dream when it causes no pain, bleeding or scratches means receiving a new garment, paying debts, or hearing sarcastic comments. Beating an animal in a dream means either training him, or it could mean ignorance and…

…To dream that you are in the ecstasy of joy at anything that has happened, bodes pain and trouble; something will be sure to occur to make you unhappy. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46….

To dream of joyful news, is death, sickness, and pain.

…(Thief | Trifler | Womanizer | Year) In a dream, a wolf represents a fierce enemy, an unrelenting thief, or a liar. If one sees a wolf entering his house in a dream, it means that a thief will burglarize his house and that he will chase and capture him. If one sees himself raising a wolfs cub in a dream, it means that he will raise an abandoned child of a thief who upon growing up will bring that family much pain, suffering, divisiveness and loss of property. Seeing a wolf in a dream also could represent false allegations one may fabricate to assault an innocent person. If one sees a wolf turning into a steer in the dream, it means that a boy who is used to stealing will repent for his sin, turn to honesty, trustworthiness and grow to become a good and a generous person….

…a dream, it means that he will live a short life and suffer a debilitating illness. If they turn gold in the dream, it means that he will use them to seek a lost property or a desired wealth. If they turn silver in the dream, it means that he is a philanderer and he will live in poverty, for lust for women and wealth cannot exist together. If one’s feet turn into led in the dream, it means that he may suffer from paralysis, unless if the dream contains other elements that denote actions which are pleasing to God Almighty. If one sees his foot without a covering skin in the dream, it means longevity. In a dream, one’s toes represent good deeds. Experiencing foot pain in a dream means sins and punishment or repentance and endurance. (Also see Measure | Body’ | Leg | Thigh | Travels)…

Dream of gas suggests you have a stifled feeling by a certain relationship. You need to clean yourself and get rid of pain.

…(Fortify | Help) Using one’s forearm in a dream means lack of helpers. A hairy forearm in a dream means debts. Seeing the forearms of a woman uncovered in a dream means desiring worldly status. Feeling pain in one’s forearm in a dream means sorrow. (Also see Arm)…

Trait generally symbolizes compassion or pain and sadness. To dream that you have a feature of something, means that you will cure a certain situation in your life. Dreaming about others’ traits indicates that you have to mediate your actions and behavior.

(Day) The dawning of the daylight in a dream means relief from pain, distress and sorrow, or it could mean buying a new garment, marriage, having beautiful children, the emergence of truth, unveiling what is hidden, release from prison or the coming home of a traveller.

…If a sick person sees himself suppressing his feel- ings, or down-playing his pain and sufferings in a dream, it means that he will shortly recover from his ailment. (Also see Suppressing one’s anger)…

…(Cripple | Impediment | Justice | Wither) If one sees his right hand paralyzed in a dream, it denotes a great sin he has committed that warrants such a severe punishment. If the right hand is paralyzed in the dream, it means that one earns his money from practicing usury, or it could mean that he is unjust toward a poor and a weak person. If one’s left hand is paralyzed in a dream, it means that either his sister or his brother may die shortly. If his thumb is paralyzed in a dream, it means that he will suffer from hardships because of his children. If the index or the middle finger are paralyzed in a dream, it means that one may suffer because of his sister. If one sees his ring finger paralyzed in the dream, it means that he will suffer pain and difficulties because of…

…Dreaming that you’re bleeding but you’re not feeling pain, and you can’t identify where the blood comes from, suggests that you long for breaking free from any annoying situation that prevents you from achieving what you have been trying to get for a long time. When the blood is abundant, then it means that the thing you crave for is very close, for example, succeeding in the affairs you have been handling. Dreaming of bloodstained clothes announce the presence of enemies that try to prevent that you succeed in the affairs or business that you are managing, therefore, you must be careful with your new friends and keep an eye on the old ones. Dreaming that you have blood on your hands announces a streak of bad luck if you are not careful with yourself or in the things you’re handling. Dreaming of a wound that hurts and makes…

The dream, in which you see the cross represents suffer, death and disappointments. The dream shows the pain you are experiencing, but you must consider what causes it. Try to look at the surroundings and find the solution to these problems.

…It might reflect real pain and if it’s not the case, then it announces short-term problems, but which are worrisome because they repeat over and over….

(Excruciating abdominal pain. See Drummer)

When you dream of having the headache, then it could represent the internal stimulus your body is expressing, such as the actual pain of the head. The headache in a dream could also indicate the wrong path the dreamer chooses. Maybe you let the emotions take the advantage of the mind, therefore you are unable to think clearly and make the proper decisions.

…To dream of a heart is a bad omen. If you lose your heart it signifies sickness and death. To the married it denotes infidelity of their marital vows. To dream you see a human heart shows you are sincerely beloved; but to dream you have a pain or palpitation in your heart shows you are doomed to suffer through treachery. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 11….

…If you dream that someone has hurt you, it could simply be a reflection of your waking life and the pain this certain person has caused you. If you are the one who hurt someone emotionally, you should reconsider your behavior with others….

Dreaming that you walk taking firm steps indicates that you have been given instructions that will be helpful. Walking between stones is an indicative of pain and suffering. Dreaming that you go back on your steps usually predicts losses and troubles. Dreaming that you come and go without a specific destination, it means you will be the victim of a hoax. Walking on water is a sign of triumph and success. Walking during the night is a sign of annoyance and sadness.

Dreaming about having heart discomfort could be a real symptom, in which case it is convenient to consult a doctor. If it’s not real pain, but only a dream, then it symbolizes problems in matters being handled. Dreaming of staring at your own heart hints that you are missing vital energy and that something needs to be done in order to recuperate it. Dreaming about an animal’s heart hints that you will rule your enemies, achieving their respect. Dreaming of eating the heart of a chicken or any bird suggests the desire to achieve rare, unrealistic and difficult objectives that will cause problems, disrupting the normal development of the dreamer’s activities.

…Dreaming of oneself blindfolded suggests that, due to negligence or a similar cause, you’re harming someone. This dream seems to be more common in women than men, in which case it may be due to elicit love. If you’re sick, the dream means the fear of losing one’s eyesight. When the bandage is over your eyes which are ill, then it means a speedy recovery and progress. If we don’t want to see ourselves being immersed in pain and suffering, we’ll need to be very cautious and pay attention to everything around us. If we are carrying bandages, the dream means good modifications in our lives after a time of worries and sorrows. It also symbolizes the healing of our disease or of someone close to us. If we’re putting bandages on another person, it means we want to bring consolation to someone who’s in desperate need of it….

…If you dream you are in company and feel particularly hilarious, or jolly, it is a sign of sorrow; mark well who it is that contributes most to your mirth, for he or she may cause you pain. If a girl dreams this of a young man, let her beware of him for a gay seducer. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 20….

To come in contact with tear gas when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are showing emotion or sensitivity to particular relationship. Do you have feeling of suffocation by this relationship? Maybe you need to get rid of past pain and cleanse yourself.

…Dreaming of seeing heavy, misshapen jaws, denotes disagreements, and ill feeling will be shown between friends. If you dream that you are in the jaws of a wild beast, enemies will work injury to your affairs and happiness. This is a vexatious and perplexing dream. If your own jaws ache with pain, you will be exposed to climatic changes, and malaria may cause you loss in health and finances….

…Dreaming of several horses calmly trotting indicates hopes of fulfilling the desires that have not materialized. It also tends to indicate that highly valued friends are suffering some pain because of failures in business or diseases, for example. Dreaming of one or more horses in a passive attitude is a good omen since it insinuates quiet days, without worries. Dreaming of a quiet and grazing white horse is a symbol of strength and health to enjoy life, which speaks of a good future. If you’re riding that white horse, it indicates a broad prosperity and important friendships. Dreaming of a black horse suggests bad temper and brutal mistreatment to respectable people, but such behavior will not be an impediment to succeed in your business. This same dream for a married woman suggests that there will be problems with her husband. When the horse is brown, it suggests the two…

…(Umbilicus) In a dream, one’s navel represents his mother, his father, or it could mean his earnings, wife, servant or a coffer. If one’s navel looks abnormal in a dream, it means that something bad may happen to his family. This also may affect any of the above members of his family or property. If a sick person sees his navel swollen in a dream, it means his death. To open one’s navel by hand in a dream means opening one’s coffer to get some spending money. One’s navel in a dream also means happiness, and could represent the wife’s lover, a beloved, or one’s will. Thus, if one’s navel looks beautiful in the dream, its beauty will show in his life | but if it looks ugly, it means that he may live a wretched life. A navel in a dream also represents one’s homeland. Any pain one…

…Dreaming that you are undressing, foretells, scandalous gossip will overshadow you. For a woman Dreaming that she sees the ruler of her country undressed, signifies sadness will overtake anticipated pleasures. She will suffer pain through the apprehension of evil to those dear to her. To see others undressed, is an omen of stolen pleasures, which will rebound with grief….

…Whereas in some cases mice-dreams would appear to import nothing in particular, in others they undoubtedly point to illness, and death. I remember one lady telling me she had several times dreamed she was surrounded by mice, and that on each occasion the dream was followed by the illness of one of her children.Another case, in which the mouse-dream foretold illness, is that of a lady who dreamed that she was at a dance one night, and as she was about to commence waltzing a mouse suddenly leaped from off her partner’s head on to her own, and bit her on the ear in the most vicious manner. She awoke smarting with the pain and, a few days later, was laid up with a severe attack of influenza. The dream had been so vivid that she could not help remembering it, and associating it in some way with her…