If you are beyond your adolescence and you dream that you are a teenager, then it may suggest that you have been acting immaturely. An aspect of yourself may still need some developing in order to achieve a goal or fulfillment. Alternatively, you may be struggling for your independence and autonomy.

…(Whip) In a dream, a scourge means fulfilling one’s needs, attaining one’s goal, or subjugating one’s enemy to accept one’s conditions. If one’s scourge is cut in two pieces during a fight, or while lashing someone in a dream, it means loss of power. If the rope splits, it means weakening of one’s authority. If one sees himself driving an animal with a whip in a dream, it means praying to Almighty God to ease his burdens and to facilitate his earnings. If one sees himself riding a horse and hitting him hard with a scourge in a dream, it means that he is in dire need and is praying for a way out of his difficulties. If one sees himself lashing a sittingperson with a scourge in a dream, it means admonishing him, and if the other person is scared, or if he shields his face with his…

…(Air blower | Blacksmith) If a bellows is made from wood in one’s dream, it means loss of dignity, demotion or loss of property. Owning a bellows in a dream means acquiring vast control and sovereignty if one qualifies for that. Otherwise, a bellows in a dream means benefits and blessings. Seeing a bellows blowing fire in a dream means completing a project, satisfying a need, reaching one’s goal or earning money. If the bellows are not in use, or if they are not blowing air into the fire, then they signify distress, adversities and trouble. Seeing bellows that are used by a goldsmith or a silversmith in a dream means sincerity in one’s faith, certitude and devoting one’s life to worshipping God Almighty. Seeing bellows that are used in blowing glass in a dream signify deceit and cunningness. Bellows in a dream also represent a woman who conceive…

…(Cover | Embrace | Postal package) An envelope in a dream means money, except if it is sealed, then it means travels. In a dream, an envelope also means victory in one’s life, attainment of one’s goal, learning about a pleasant story, or it could represent a vessel, money, or knowledge….

…(Notebook | Record | Parchment) A sheet of paper in a dream represents an oath, a vow, or a pledge. Writing a note on a piece of paper in a dream means being ungrateful and perfidious toward others. A writer in a dream also represents someone who is burdened, pressured, doubtful and uncertain, whereby, writing has become his escape goat and a way out of his depression. If one’s boss gives him a paper to write something on it in a dream, it means that he will solicit something from his boss and eventually receive it. If one feels uncertain about some people then sees himself holding a pen and a piece of paper in a dream, it means that his obscurity will be replaced with clarity. Holding a piece of paper in a dream also means attaining one’s goal, or completing a project, or finalizing a program. A…

…of sick people, losses, destruction, fire, bad news, forfeiture of properties, stagnation of the economy, losing one’s source of livelihood, imprisonment, breach of promise, forgetting one’s knowledge, ne- glecting one’s prayers, obstruction of charities, hindrance of alms distribution, negating the rights of others, retreating to one’s privacy, rising prices, bad crop, a tyrant ruler, glass blowing, or bankruptcy. As for one who loves to meet his Lord, seeing the archangel ‘Izrail in a dream means attainment of one’s goal, fulfillment of a promise, freedom from prison, good news and glad tidings. If an unknown or a common person approaches someone in the street and whispers something in his ear in confidence, the commoner here represents the angel of death. It is said that each human being will see the archangel ‘Izrail three times during his lifetime, and it is the third time that ‘Izrail, upon whom be peace, will…

…(Business) If one’s losses relate to his earnings, then his losses in the dream mean decadence of one’s principals, religious downswing, or they could mean heedlessness after guidance, disbelief after following one’s religion, or losses in general. This sin is man’s own. If one suffers a loss in a dream, it means dismay, horror, a scare, a shock or a menace. Complaining about a harm one suffers, a damage or a loss in a dream means attaining one’s goal. (Also see Penny)…

To see dynamite in your dream signifies an explosive situation. Maybe you are fast approaching some final goal. That’s very exciting. Alternatively, the dynamite in your dream denotes change in your life. Third meaning is about anger. Maybe you are harboring aggression that is about to blow up.

…(Balance | Beauty | Capital | Craft | Death | Father | Knowledge | Life | Measur- ing cup | Oven | Parents | Teacher | Tent) In a dream, the head represents leadership, presidency, or one’s capital. If one’s head looks bigger than usual in the dream, then it represents his father, or it could mean rising in rank and receiving honor. If one’s head looks smaller in the dream, it means loss of respect, rank and honor. If an intelligent person sees his head smaller in a dream, it means that he will turn to ignorance, or perhaps lose his job. Seeing oneself in a dream having two or three heads means victory over one’s enemy, wealth for a poor person, blessed children for a rich person, marriage for an unwed person, or attainment of one’s goal. Seeing oneself in a dream without a head cover means…

Dreaming that you are in a broadcast, shows your strong feeling of wanting to have your voice heard. Do you want to translate some message out there to the public? Maybe you need to speak out more in order to achieve some goal. Are you expressive enough?

…or without license means that you are wandering throughout your life without plan, without goal, without identity. You are trying to find these aspects by yourself, without any help. Also, it means that your actions is not controlled or is not permitted by someone who should be in charge. Are you in relationship? Maybe you are the one who acts without consultation with partner. Additionally, driving without permit means that you are the person, who thinks that he is always the right one. Thus, you don’t go into anything where you can be controlled. Dreaming without license doesn’t show that you are bad, you are just different. But if you get caught by police in the dream, it shows that sometimes you have feeling of being devious. Also, to be caught without permit shows your fear of being isolated from everything what you are doing. Are you afraid to lose…

…of getting through any obstacle and that you’ll achieve success soon; nevertheless, if the top is not reached in the dream, the meaning could be the contrary. Dreaming of yourself climbing a stepladder until you get to the top indicates success in the businesses you’re handling. But if for any reason you don’t manage to get to the top, or if the ladder breaks, this indicates the opposite and risks will be higher. When you are dreaming that you fall as you’re climbing, the setbacks and failures in your life will be as big as the fall. Seeing yourself climbing during a dream is a sign of your own will to find the right solutions to the tasks that must be completed. The ease with which you get to your final goal, as well as the difficulties found, will also work as useful indicators to understand the dream’s meaning….

Hate and abhorrence are the cause of divisiveness and enmity between people, and people need one another in order for them to reach their common goal. If one sees himself suffering from despise, or if he hates someone in a dream, it means a bad omen for everyone involved. To hate someone who loves you in a dream means having perfidy, jealousy and rancor. Hatred in a dream also may connote wanting to do what is right and abstaining from what is wrong. (Also see Grudge)

…A fountainhead in a dream represents blessings, grace, bounty and attaining one’s goal. If one sees many springs gushingforth inside his own house in a dream, and if he is not a discrete person, it represents a calamity that will bringhim and his family to their knees with sorrow and tears. If one sees himself taking a ritual ablution for prayers from a fountainhead in a dream, it means that he will receive lawful money. Discovering a fountainhead in a dream means prosperity. If the spring gushes forth inside one’s house or from the walls of one’s house in the dream, then it means a calamity or a misfortune that will be caused by a woman, a brother or a brother in-law. If the water flows into the street in a dream, it means that such a calamity or adversity will leave that house and peace will finally prevail….

…Dreaming that you are taking part in the Holy Communion, warns you that you will resign your independent opinions to gain some frivolous desire. If you dream that there is neither bread nor wine for the supper, you will find that you have suffered your ideas to be proselytized in vain, as you are no nearer your goal. If you are refused the right of communion and feel worthy, there is hope for your obtaining some prominent position which has appeared extremely doubtful, as your opponents are popular and powerful. If you feel unworthy, you will meet with much discomfort. Dreaming that you are in a body of Baptists who are taking communion, denotes that you will find that your friends are growing uncongenial, and you will look to strangers for harmony….

Symbolically stair is a passage from one level to another, and we must take into account the kind of ladder, the shape of the steps, and if we are rising or falling when interpreting the dream. Sometimes, when a spiral staircase appears in the dream it’s accompanied by some anguish that indicates a waste of time and energy by achieving a goal that seems to have little value. Many authors also attend the spiritual meaning of the rise.

…(Damage | Loss) Suffering from harm in a dream means dismay, horror, a scare, a shock, or a menace. Complaining about a harm one is suffering or a loss in a dream means attaining one’s goal in wakefulness….

…To dream about excrement generally refers to improper and dishonest ambitions concerning money or property that is obtained by any means or that these are at risk of being lost, therefore, this dream is a subconscious warning concerning the risks you’re taking. When a young woman dreams about this, it implies that she longs to marry a rich man, regardless of his physical appearance, in case she accomplishes this goal, she would have a sad life….

To see a shooting in your dream, indicates that you have a set goal and know what you are aiming for in life. Your plans are right on target! To dream that you shoot a person with a gun, denotes your aggressive feelings and hidden anger toward that particular person. To dream that someone is shooting you with a gun, suggests that you are experiencing some confrontation in your waking life. You may feel victimized in some situation.

…it means that he will beget a child who will live in sickness during his childhood and that his father will fear for his death. It is said that a bird in a dream also represents a rich and a tricky leader who constantly fights for his earnings and to insure his success or superiority. A bird in a dream also represents a beautiful woman. The singing of birds in a dream means hearing good words or receiving a valuable knowledge. A flock of birds in a dream represents easy earned wealth. A bird in a dream also represents a boy. Capturing a bird in a dream means having control over a powerful person. Killing a bird in a dream means fulfilling one’s goal. Plucking the feathers, cleaning and eating a bird in a dream means earnings, prosperity, or a woman. Slaughtering a bird in a dream means raping one’s…

This symbol represents two places, one means where we are and the other one where we are going. It’s important to analyze the state of the bridge, and the elements surrounding it, as well as our attitude. For example, if a bridge is over a river with strong currents and we are afraid to cross it, could be interpreted as the fear of being dragged by passions and wild instincts. In any case, this dream shows us the difficulties or easiness that we will go through until we reach our goal.

…(Fastener) In a dream, a nail represents a commander or a governor. A nail in a dream also represents attainment of one’s goal. Fastening a nail to a piece of wood in a dream means getting married. Nails in a dream also could represent an army, and they could signify strength and benefits. Swallowing nails in a dream means swallowing one’s anger. Nails in a dream also represent someone who associates with evil people….

…(Direction) To wend one’s way, or to take the road, or to go in the direction of the door in a dream means establishing the course of one’s life on the basis of righteousness, or finding the real cause of things, or it could mean success, depending on how close one gets to his goal in the dream. (Also see Road)…

…In adream, shooting arrows is interpreted like shelling someone or a place. Otherwise, they means backbiting people or slandering them. Shooting arrows in a dream also could mean taking medicine, or giving an injection to a patient. If the arrows do not have arrowheads in the dream, then they mean disappointment. If one shoots arrows and finds himself also at the receiving end in a dream, it means that he will attain his goal of meeting his Lord. However, if he remains in this world, it means that he will rise in station and receive honor. If one sees two rows of people shooting arrows at each other in his dream, it means that the successful ones would be right and the losers would be at fault. Shooting arrows at people in a dream then means backbiting people, slandering them, or it could mean vain talking. If one constantly…

…To see oneself in a state of listlessness or stillness in a dream is a sign of deviating from one’s intention and goal. It also means depleting one’s resources, or the conclusion of his life….

…Sweeping in dreams is a symbol of cleanliness in search of self-satisfaction and please others, since the main goal of sweeping is to remove the unpleasant things out of sight; therefore, sweeping is the equivalent to eliminating what displeases us from the subconscious. Dreaming of sweeping a floor suggests that you want to please people around you. Dreaming of sweeping your room indicates that you’re making an effort to make your affairs with the expected success, and soon there will be good news. Also, it means that the dreamer is nice for those around him (bosses, employees, friends, coworkers, etc.). Dreaming of sweeping an overly dirty floor, a neighborhood street surface for example, indicates that the dreamer will be embarrassed by criticism. Dreaming of criticizing someone because the floor is dirty since it was not properly swept, hints that there will be soon troubles in the family because of…

…(Cheat | Defraud | Swindle) In a dream, a chisel means using a tool to attain one’s goal, or using a helper, or it could represent someone who is forced to travel by unwarranted circumstances or without his consent. A chisel in a dream also represents someone whose wounds do not heal easily because of his greed, in- equity and craving for more. A chisel in a dream also represents one’s assistant, or one’s penis, or his mouth….

…A chronic illness in a dream means hindrances or suspension of one’s travel plans, or difficulties in earning one’s livelihood in a work that involves using one’s hands and feet, or it could represent impediments to achieving one’s goal….

If you were dreaming of watching a baseball game, it indicates your calm and balanced peace of mind. The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place. Usually when the dreamer sees himself playing a game it shows that you do not see a purpose of your life. Sometimes it is difficult to know what do you want and set your aims knowing that they will fulfill your desires and wishes. In reality, very often people compare baseball to sex, as someone is setting a goal to achieve the target.

…Dreaming that you are walking in a street, foretells ill luck and worries. You will almost despair of reaching the goal you have set up in your aspirations. To be in a familiar street in a distant city, and it appears dark, you will make a journey soon, which will not afford the profit or pleasure contemplated. If the street is brilliantly lighted, you will engage in pleasure, which will quickly pass, leaving no comfort. To pass down a street and feel alarmed lest a thug attack you, denotes that you are venturing upon dangerous ground in advancing your pleasure or business….

…closing one’s business. Seeing a young man attaching a string to a bow in a dream represents one’s enemy. Attaching a string to a bow in a dream also means marriage, while detaching the string of a bow in a dream means divorce. Seeing oneself standing before a ruler with two bows length between them mean receiving an appointment. The two bows in a dream also represent one’s eye-brows. Shooting arrows with a bow in a dream means speaking wrong about something or backbiting someone. Carving a bow in a dream means preparing to get married or begetting a son. Shooting an arrow and hitting one’s target in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs, or attaining one’s goal. Selling one’s bow and arrows in a dream means giving priority to one’s religious life over that of his mundane one. Shooting hazelnuts in a town in a dream means backbiting people,…

…(Italy) Seeing the city of Rome in a dream means attainment of one’s goal, or it could denote the defeat of his purpose….

…If you see the fence in a dream, then such dream indicates the limitations and barriers that are standing in your way. Perhaps you feel tighten up, therefore you are unable to act freely. There is also a possibility that you are looking for some privacy in your life, therefore you have made a fence in order to protect yourself from others. You wish to escape the contact with others and stay on your own. If you are climbing on the fence, then it shows the goal you are aiming for. You will reach what you are looking for only with very minor problem. If you were building the fence, then it shows that the hard work will bring great and long lasting results. If you see yourself falling from the fence, then such dream represents the downfall in regards to some plan you were working on. If you…

A bullet proof jacket maker in a dream represents someone who makes difficult work easier, one who helps people to attain their goal, a marriage broker, one who teaches people about good conduct, or one who disseminates knowledge or teaches about behavior modification, though he masks hypocrisy.

…and defamation. If a man sees himself with horns formed from his own hair in a dream, it means might and adroitness. If one sees the hair in the back of his head disheveled or rumpled in a dream, it means that he will suffer humiliation. If he sees his hair on the right side of his head tousled in a dream, it means that he will molest male children from amonghis relatives. If he sees his hair on the left side of his head tousled, or disheveled in a dream, it means that he will molest female children from among his relatives. If one does not have relatives, it means that he will suffer harm from his evil actions. If one sees long hair under his armpit in a dream, it means he will attain his goal, or it could denote his generous character. If he sees it thick…

…and happiness. If it is a young man that appears in the dream, then he represents an enemy and an evil that may befall the people following such dream. If a sheep appears from the sky in a dream, then it means profits. If camels appear, then they represent rain. If a lion appears in the dream, it represents an unjust ruler. If the sky becomes one solid piece in the dream, it means drought. If it rips apart and its doors become wide open in the dream, then it means rain or an answer to people’s prayers. If one sees himself reaching out and touching the sky in a dream, it means that he is seeking an important goal, and that he will fail to attain it. If one sees himself rising near the lower heavens in a dream, it means worldly gains, or profits and status in either…

…If one suffers a damage in a dream, it means dismay, horror, a scare, a shock or a menace. Complaining about a damage or a loss one suffers in a dream means attaining one’s goal in wakefulness….

Maybe your mind rounds the idea of something that is coming to an end that has reached its goal. Thought that involves the fear of losing a possession.

…(Auger | Borer | Gimlet | Wimble) In a dream, a drill represents a devious and a fierce person. In a dream, a drill also means satisfying one’s desire or needs, or it could mean using someone’s help to reach one’s goal, or perhaps it could mean travelling unwillingly. A drill in a dream also represents drilling a well, or it could represent a prurient, lascivious and a lustful man. In a dream, a drill also represents the male of any large quadruped or a filly. (Also see Drilling)…

…This dream advises us not to lose sight of our sun, our main goal. It’s the only way of succeeding in life….