…To dream that you fall and are not frightened indicates that you are able to deal with your feelings and understand your emotions. Additionally, it represents that you‘re able to overcome your adversities with easiness. To dream that you fall and are frightened indicates negative emotions and the need of help. It also means that in some aspect of your life is a lack of control, feeling of insecurity and the need of support. Are you experiencing some major fight in overwhelming problem? To be afraid of falling in your dream may represent that you lost right path in your life. Maybe you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself. To dream that you are free-falling through water, symbolizes intense emotions. Are you feeling overwhelmed with emotional state of mind? You can feel that it is much easier to give up then to…

If you see a Barbie doll in your dream it denotes the perfection of the world. The dream explains that you have a sense of no one understanding you and accepting the way you are. It might be that you have too big expectations for yourself just to prove those around you that you can do everything and are capable to reach any goal. The other explanation of this dream foretells that the Barbie doll wants to avoid the duties and charges it has

Unless we are following a weight loss regimen in which case the dream shows our desire to succeed in that goal, the dream may be showing our fear or the harbinger of an era of economic or health hardship.

Strangling another person means you’ll overcome the difficulties and rule with willpower the attempts that separate you from your goal.

If you are dreaming having aches, this could be the sign of you having too many doubts about your business, you should be careful and stronger if you want to achieve the goal in your life, because there might be someone who is stealing your ideas and will make their own business out of your ideas. If you dream of having the aches and the pain on your whole body, make sure you are not carrying any illness.

…reproductive organ in a dream means lustfulness. If the husband sees a thick yellowish fluid flowing from his wife’s sexual organ in a dream, it means that she will give birth to an unhealthy child. If a reddish fluid flows instead in the dream, it represents a short lived child. If it comes out as a black fluid in the dream, it means that such a child will grow to dominate the family and to be an unjust master of the household. The ovum of a beautiful woman in a dream means happiness, wealth and children. Semen in a dream also means attaining one’s goal, comfort, or wasting one’s capital, divulging one’s secrets, or the death of a child. If a farmer sees semen in his dream, it means that he will work on a barren land and make it fertile. (Also see Impurity | Sexual intercourse | Vagina)…

…constant changes in one’s life, poverty, hunger, starvation, or death. The night and the day in a dream also represent wisdom and protocols, or indulging in something one will regret. The nightfall in a dream also may denote changing times, or changing trends. The night in a dream also could represent an African woman, while the day may represent a Caucasian woman, or a pregnant woman. The night in a dream also represents the evening gown, while the day represents work. The night in a dream also means veiling one’s difficulties and taking refuge in a safe place, except if the one seeing the dream is a traveller, then the night in his dream means injustice and ignorance. The night in a dream also denotes devotion, holding a night vigil, attaining one’s goal, or meeting with one’s beloveds. (Also see Darkness | Evening | Moon | Night of power)…

…a ditch or flies into the heavens in his dream, all of which also means recovering from an illness or undertaking a long journey, or it could mean returning home from a long journey. If on the other side of the bridge one ends in a fertile farm, luscious fields, or meets with an old woman in his dream, it means money, benefits and prosperity. If the other side of the bridge leads to a mosque in the dream, it means that one will achieve his goal, fulfill his intention or perform a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca. If one becomes a bridge in a dream, it means that he will acquire extensive powers or becomes an inspiration to others, or that people will come to need his authority and help. Crossing a wooden bridge in a dream means meeting with a group of hypocrites. (Also see Bridge)…

…(Desire | Dryness) In a dream, thirst represents stagnation of businesses, dullness of the real estate market and unsalability of farm products. Thirst in a dream also means poverty, slump, recession, or yearning for a beloved, desiring to be with him and missing him. Thirst in a dream also could represent religious corruption. If a thirsty person sees himself searching for water but could not find it in a dream, it means that he will escape from a misfortune. If one sees himself standing thirsty before a source of water or a well but cannot drink from it or reach it in a dream, it means that he will fail to reach his goal. Thirst in a dream also means being corrupt, or it could represent one’s need to get married to preserve his chastity….

Dreaming that other people admire you indicates that you’re going through very difficult situations and you must prepare yourself to overcome those situations and to achieve the goal you proposed. If you are the person who admires then you must try to overcome your feelings of selfishness and envy.

If you see the lance in a dream, then such dream indicates the intuition and sixth sense which will help you to achieve the particular goal. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours has taken the position to make an action. The lance in a dream is also the symbol of manhood and its influence in your life. If someone has injured you with the lance, then it indicates the choices you have made. However the consequences of these choices are not what you expected them to be. If you were able to break the lance, then it means you will win over your enemies.

Dreaming that other people admire you indicates that you’re going through many difficulties to achieve the goal you have been trying to accomplish and, therefore, you need to be admired in dreams. If you dream that you admire someone you must overcome your selfishness and envy.

If you were dreaming of watching a baseball game, it indicates your calm and balanced peace of mind. The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place. Usually when the dreamer sees himself playing a game it shows that you do not see a purpose of your life. Sometimes it is difficult to know what do you want and set your aims knowing that they will fulfill your desires and wishes. In reality, people often compare baseball to sex, as the meaning of someone setting a goal to achieve the target. Consider, that your dream might indicate sexual desires you have and are not be able to express them.

…day in doubt about one’s proper religious performance in a dream means committing a sin or lack of vigilance and certitude about one’s devotion. Fasting days of the month of Ramadan one has missed for a permissible reason in a dream means release of a prisoner or repentance of a sinner. Fasting a votive fast or a vowed fast for the purpose of an attainment in a dream means attaining one’s goal, joy and happiness. Observing a votive perpetual or an ongoing fast in a dream means undertaking a heavy responsibility or following innovation, or it could mean becoming a loner or abstaining from talking to others, or that one would only talk if the subject is beneficial to others, for fasting in a dream also means silence. Observing a votive perpetual fast in a dream also represents a pious and a religious person. If the person is a sinner,…

…target in a dream, it means that he will reach his goal, or if he wishes to have a child, it means that he will bear a son. An arrow in a dream also represents a messenger, profits, a son, longevity or new clothing. If the arrows are made from reeds in one’s dream, they mean falsehood and prattle. If they have arrowheads in the dream, then they represent a talkative person who if he hits his target, it means that he does what he says. If the arrowhead breaks in the dream, it means that he speaks only to protect himself from others’ arrows. If the arrow is made from gold in the dream, it means that he is sending a message to a woman because of another woman. The arrowhead in a dream represents strength, power or disturbance. The arrows themselves in a dream also mean the fear…

…(Interlacing yarn or thread | Weaving) In a dream, knitting represents a problem solver, garments, travels, or hesitation. Knitting in a dream also means the passing of one’s life and the nearing of its end. Knitting in a dream also means living under acceptable conditions, or experiencing the gifts of life between exhilaration and deflation. Knitting a garment in a dream means travels. If one sees himself wrapping the knit in a dream, it means that his mind is set on travelling. If one unravels his knit after completing it in a dream, it means that his goal was reached then obstructed. In such a dream, if one is incarcerated, it means that he will be released. If he is disputing something, it means that his disagreements will be solved. Knitting in a dream also could denote sodomy….

…(Eyebrow) Seeingone’s father in a dream means attainingone’s goal. One’s dreams are most beneficial when he sees his parents, grand parents or a relative. Seeing one’s father in a dream when in wakefulness one needs help means that help will come his way from sources he does not anticipate. If in real life he is awaiting someone’s return from a journey, it means that such a person will soon arrive. If one is sick, it means that he will recover from his illness. If he sees that his father is given a dwelling with high fences, it means that he will continue his father’s work and manage what he has left for him in this world. (Also see Governor)…

…a dream means danger and descending a steep hill means reaching safety. An ascent in a dream also could represent a bridge, an underpass, a wife, a woman, or a scorpion. Walking through a steep incline in a dream also means rising in station because of one’s knowledge, politics, good conduct, fulfillment of one’s duties, his caring for others or wisdom. Falling through a steep hill in a dream means falling in rank, losing one’s prestige, losing one’s money, denying the truth, objecting to one’s religion or walking into darkness. Climbing in a dream always means attainment of one’s goals. Climbing flat on one’s back in a dream has negative connotations. Descending from a steep hill, or from a ship, or coming down form a castle or a mountain in a dream also mean that one’s goal will not materialize. (Also see Ascending the skies | Climbing a mountain)…

…strong, and are threatening your victory. To dream about caged lions suggests that you doubt of your ability to accomplish what you want. To dream about a tamer that is facing a caged lion suggests how others can achieve what they propose helped by their reason and willpower. To dream about lion cubs suggests that soon there will be new tasks, work, business or social relationships that will need to be addressed. When a young single mother dreams that a lion cub approaches her, it suggests that she’ll meet new admirers and some of them will woo her. To dream that you hear a lion’s roar suggests a new romantic relationship, but it isn’t always convenient. To dream about a lion’s skin announces relative success. To dream that you’re riding a lion, like if you were riding a horse, suggests that you have enough energy to reach your goal

To dream that you are in the subway, denotes that you are reaching your goal via unconscious methods. You may be exploring hidden aspects of yourself. Alternatively, it suggests that you are making a hasty decision.

(Absolution | Acquittal | Pardon) To be granted amnesty in a dream means a safe passage in real life. (Also see Pardon)

The dream may be the answer to a feverish real state or being overly warm. If this is not the case, it means welfare and good time to expand our projects and businesses. In the case we are giving warmth to others, it can be interpreted as our need to offer affection or as the harbinger that our work will be positively recognized.

…Your satisfactions at the moment shouldn’t let you forget your real situation….

…or her gain juicy profits. Dreaming of perfumes usually refers to the pleasures of a licentious life. Dreaming of having a lot of perfume on could mean that soon the dreamer will receive false compliments, but in reality the dreamer will receive unpleasant news. Dreaming of buying perfumes suggests that the dreamer is looking to get away from the environment in which he or she lives in, mostly because of disappointments that have already occurred. Dreaming of giving away perfumes suggests that in real life the dreamer is calm and confident. If a young man dreams of exquisite perfumes, it suggests that soon he will receive a meaningful gift or at least sincere affection. When a young woman dreams of having a lot of perfume on, it suggests that she’s being deceived by her friends and by the man she desires, even though he might not be her suitor….

If you drank brandy in a dream, then such dream indicates the prosperous and rich lifestyle you are willing to live. Perhaps the dream suggests you to bear in mind the real values of the life and being of humans in general.

…Dreaming of being in a coal-mine or colliery and seeing miners, denotes that some evil will assert its power for your downfall | but if you dream of holding a share in a coal-mine, it denotes your safe investment in some deal. For a young woman Dreaming of mining coal, foreshows she will become the wife of a real-estate dealer or dentist….

If we reach the top, then it indicates that in real life we will achieve our goals. If we just arrived to the top and we fall off or we don´t reach it, then we will not get to achieve success because of weakness of character.

…If we reach the summit, then it indicates that in real life we will achieve our goals. If we have barely arrived at the summit and we fall or we don’t get to reach it we will not get to achieve success because of weakness of character….

The forest shows your connection with the nature. There is also a possibility that you feel the lack of connection with the real world, because of the work and responsibilities you do in daily life. If you are lost in the forest, then you are looking for the exit of some situation, but have no idea how to solve it, therefore you feel confused. Otherwise, being lost in the woods promises riches, but only if you are poor. Walking around in the forest picking up the berries, mushrooms and enjoying the nature while dreaming shows your inner harmony.

…Walking down a sidewalk, both in dreams and in real life, means in principle be within appropriate limits for the walker but we will have to see what we’re doing on that journey. If in the dream we are going up on the sidewalk it may indicate a possibility to climb up a hierarchy, either professional or another kind and, if we dream that we are going down the sidewalk that will mean the opposite. It can be a good starting point for analyzing everyday actions in which we operate and how we deal with them….

…Dreaming of seeing a hoe, denotes that you will have no time for idle pleasures, as there will be others depending upon your work for subsistence. Dreaming of using a hoe, you will enjoy freedom from poverty by directing your energy into safe channels. For a woman Dreaming of hoeing, she will be independent of others, as she will be self-supporting. For lovers, this dream is a sign of faithfulness. Dreaming of a foe striking at you with a hoe, your interests will be threatened by enemies, but with caution you will keep aloof from real danger….

…(Catastrophe | Destiny | Fate | Kismet) In a dream, calamity represents the opposite effect in real life, meaning – rejoicing after suffering from great distress….

…If one acts irrationally in a dream, it means that he will act with disgrace, stupidity or shamelessness in real life. Being irrational in a dream and intentionally using violent or insulting words, and acting deliberately in an evil way means despair of God’s mercy. It also means refuting or opposing some- thing. It is also interpreted to mean attending to one’s prayers without the ritual ablution. Irrationality in a dream also may mean insolent behavior, or ill speaking of peoples’ honor or chastity. (Also see Insanity | Mental derangement)…

The tortoise could have many different meanings depending on the circumstances in your life and your dream. Sometimes it indicates the protection and shelter you have built for yourself. In other explanations it is saying that tortoise is the symbol of long life, stability and great patience the one has. The tortoise could also indicate your tendency to hide and do not show your real personality or face, because of the fear not being accepted.

Dreaming that you are engaged in commerce, denotes you will handle your opportunities wisely and advantageously. Dreaming of failures and gloomy outlooks in commercial circles, denotes trouble and ominous threatening of failure in real business life.

These dreams indicate the need for profound changes in our lives or in our moral values, even though we must resort to more or less violence. If we dream that we are victims of an approach it means that within ourselves there is a deep longing for a deep change and we are not able to carry it out due to our present life not reflecting our real ambitions. This dream predicts that someone or something will soon disturb our lives or someone that will act as a trigger to transform us completely. If we are the protagonists of the boarding, in order to make a prediction it’s necessary to see how the operation ends, because if we succeed relatively easily it means that it’s time to undertake the change on our own, eliminating any obstacle.

…To dream that you’re a sailor, of course, if you’re not one in your real life, suggests that you long to travel the world, but always for fun and pleasure. If you see the boat in the dream, it symbolizes failures in your affairs or business….

To dream of marijuana suggests illegal activities, problems, and poor health situations. To see, smell or use marijuana in your dream suggests that you may want to expand your knowledge and to take some advantages. This dream may also indicate that you need to see your inner strength, so you can stimulate your real strength.

Sometimes we dream that we are in a very real fire that makes us wake up gasping and truly impressed, it is a feeling of danger. To dream with fire symbolizes violent passions that end up causing losses and conflicts. It may be problems of lack of communication and even destructive instincts.

…It might reflect real pain and if it’s not the case, then it announces short-term problems, but which are worrisome because they repeat over and over….