Because this letter is an unclosing circle, means our inner world begins to manifest itself, and may be a good time to work with our intuition.

G-d disguised Himself into Snake and tricked the first Humans to eat the apple. This is direct cheat from G-d on to Himself since Human is created like G-d. The story itself is a joke since if G-d can cheat on Himself thus believing in it is also a cheat onto believer. So, if it simple cheat, why should anyone believe that the story itself is not cheat. So, when we see that the story itself is a trick to cheat our minds, then we don’t have the ground on which our world is being built. What is hidden behind that? So, if this Myth is just a cheat, then we don’t have any reliable source about G-d, Human and how everything was created….

Seeing a wheel in a dream means difficult situation, which is impossible to solve. On the other hand, a wheel means continuation of situations and the ability to proceed towards goals. Losing a wheel of a vehicle shows losses and mistakes. Seeing a treadmill represents your feelings will not advance despite your hard work. You feel stuck in a rut.