To dream that you are recording some kind of video, means that you are very creative person. The dream could also indicate the fact that there is something going on in your waking life that you wish to remember, therefore in dream you are using the video recorder. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of video camera or camera.

To play the video game, denotes to your capability of getting what you want from those you are surrounded by. Perhaps you know how to manipulate people, therefore you are able to get what you want. On the other hand, the dream may indicate something you are trying to avoid. Perhaps there are some issues that have not been dealt of. If you were the one who is in the video game and somebody else is controlling you, then it shows you inability to stand for yourself.

To dream that you are recording something means that you are holding on your past too much and do not let yourself to move forward. The digital video recorder could also mean that you love the good times and the people that are related to your life and trying to keep these memories as much as it is possible.

If you are recording something on the video camera, it shows your desire to keep the important memories, no matter if they are pleasant or not. If someone is using the camera to videotape you, you should be careful of the certain person, because they could use the evidence that was taken with that camera. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of camera dream.

If you dream about your ex, it shows that you still have the feelings for this particular person. Sometimes the big amount of time has the influence to have these dreams, because it was the big part of your life, therefore it is very normal to dream about your ex and it means nothing, because it simply represents your past.

Seeing an old ex-boyfriend from childhood in the dream, may have two a lot of meanings in relation to the feeling of dream. If the dream was good and the connection with ex-boyfriend was huge, then dream represents your longing of that feeling. Alternatively, it means that you are reliving the past in order to have better future. You are recharging yourself with old good emotions throughout your dream. When old connection with your ex of childhood was very simple and without big expectations then such dream represents your freedom. It refers to a freer, less overloaded relationship. The dream brings you back to a time where the responsibilities of adulthood (or marriage) didn’t restrict the spontaneity of youth and the romance of undiscovered feelings. You need to recollect the enthusiasm, freedom, and energy of youth that may be lacking in your current relationship. To dream that your ex-boyfriend…

…Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend / ex-girlfriend or ex-husband / ex-wife or to dream that you and your ex got back together again, symbolizes that you have feelings to something or someone in your current life. Dreaming about ex, shows that now in your life is something or someone, that is bringing out similar feelings you felt during the relationship with your ex. Also, dream about ex may be an alert for you. The dream may be a way of indicating you to the same or similar situation, behavior in a current relationship. If this is a reason, then you must apply this: what you have learned from that previous relationship with ex may need to be applied to the curent relationship, because only then you will not repeat the same mistake. Alternatively, past lovers in dreams often give special importance or prominence to the positive experiences you had with…

Being deceived by mean people.

(See Trap)

(See Skin inflammation)


…(Death | Give up the ghost | To die) In a dream, the return of one’s soul back to its Lord means remitting a trust to its rightful owner, the recovery of a sick person from his illness, the release of a prisoner from jail, or perhaps it could represent the reunion of beloveds….

…To dream you give a New Year’s present, signifies you will hear good news. To receive one, is a signal to you will soon get into trouble. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64, 19….

Being deceived.

…Cracking one’s fingers in a dream means exchanging bad words between relatives, being sarcastic, or making fun of others. (Also see Body 1 )…

(See Dog)

Coming to want and poverty.

Falseness and deceit from others.

Unpleasant and offensive conduct on the part of others to you.

…Luck with one’s children. 55….

…(Arrogance | Deception | Defeat | Death | Giant | Mocking | Slingshot) Goliath’s head in a dream represents a perfidious man who entices people to engage in treachery, deception and falsehood. If one sees himself nicknamed as Goliath’s head in a dream, it means that he will be accused of treachery, deceiving others or defaming them, though he maybe innocent of such allega- tions….

…When a lathe appears in dreams, whether it is the dreamer himself, or anyone else who is operating it, then it’s an indication that a difficult situation will require a lot of attention and meditation. Only through patience and determination it will be possible to ensure the solution to problems. This interpretation is provided to the dreamer, who does not use lathes in his usual activities….

(See Helmet)

For married persons good; for others, bad. 4.

…(Sandals) In a dream, a pair of shoes represent one’s son, a vehicle, a friend, a brother, a business partner, or travels. Wearing a pair of shoes without heels in a dream means having abarren wife. Walking with one shoe in a dream means separation between husband and wife, or the breakup of a business partnership. Taking off one’s shoes in a dream means victory and rising in station….

Being slandered.

…Dreaming of a Pandora’s Box indicates hope and that soon you’ll experience a positive change. It also symbolizes curiosity, unconscious thoughts and needs to express them….

(See Frowning)

(See Coal)

Shacking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an old age….

…(Destiny | Divine will) Acknowledging God’s will in a dream signifies receiving great benefits, prosperity or reaping the fruits of success in whatever good project one undertakes. (Also see Allah)…

…(Banner | Flag) In a dream, the flag of an army represents a pious man, a scholar, a religious doctor, a spiritual leader, an ascetic, or a rich and a generous person who is an example to others. A red flag in a dream means war, while a yellow flag means a plague. A green flag in a dream means a blessed journey, while a white flag means rain. A black flag in a dream means drought and doubt, or it could mean a rainstorm. Sighting the flag of an army in a dream means finding one’s way or finding guidance. For a woman, seeing a flag in her dream means getting married. (Also see Banner | Colors | Flag)…

(See Entering Paradise | Ka’aba | Masjid | Mosque)…

Great sickness. 148.

Getting hurt. 154.

Bettering of business affairs. 8.

…Pounding one’s head, or smiting one’s forehead, or shaking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an advanced age….

Overcoming misfortunes.

Meeting with usurers and avaricious people.

(See Masjid)