…(arb. Minor Hajj | Pilgrimage | Visiting God’s House in Mecca) Performing the minor pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca during the great pilgrimage season signifies the end of one’s life, or it could mean reaching the peak of one’s illness. Performing the minor pilgrimage also known in Arabic as ‘Umrah in a dream also could mean increase in one’s wealth, longevity, success in one’s life, or acceptance of one’s prayers. (Also see Pilgrimage | Rituals of the pilgrimage | Sa’i)…
Dream dictionary: saydu umr dream meanings
…(Mecca | Mount ‘Arafa | Mount of mercy | Plain of ‘Arafat | Reunion of beloveds) If one sees himself standing in prayers in the Plain of ‘Arafat during the pilgrimage season on the 9th day of the Arabic month of Zul-Hijjah, it means the return of a long awaited traveller to his home, a happy reunion, a family reunion, reconciliation between friends or peace between two individuals. Seeing Mount ‘Arafa or the Plain of ‘Arafat in a dream also could represent the pilgrimage season, or performing a pilgrimage, visiting Mecca on ‘Umrah (See ‘Umrah), or it could mean the Friday congregational prayers, the sixth day of the week, a marketplace, or engaging in a profitable business. Seeing oneself standing at ‘Arafat in a dream also means rising in station, changing conditions, reversal of one’s state from good to bad or from bad to good, or perhaps it could…
…(arb. Mish’ar Al-Haram | Rituals of the Pilgrimage) Seeing oneself at Muzdalifa in a dream means receiving a commendation because of one’s endeavor to fulfill his prescribed duties, or it could mean payment of debts, or fulfillment of a promise. To see the sacred station at Muzdalifa (arb. Mish’ar Al-Haram) in a dream means observing God’s commandments and fulfilling the divine injunctions. If one finds himself standing before the sacred station of Muzdalifa, seeking refuge in its sanctuary in a dream, it means that he will receive guidance and dispel his fears. (Also see ‘Arafat | Circumambulation | Cradle of Ismail | Ka’aba | Mina | Pelting stones | Pilgrimage | Responding | Sa’i | Station of Abraham | ‘Umrah)…
…(See ‘Arafat | Circumambulation | Cradle of Ismail | Ka’aba | Mina | Muzdalifa | Pelting stones | Responding | Sa’i | Station of Abraham | ‘Umrah)…
…he will perform his pilgrimage as a member of a governmental delegation. If one travels on foot in the dream, it means that he has made a vow which he must fulfil. Seeing oneself returning from a pilgrimage in a dream means profits and relief from stress. If one carries his provisions with him in the dream, it means that he stands before his Lord with piety and reverence. Carrying the pilgrims’s provisions in a dream also means paying poor people their dues, or it could mean paying one’s debts. If one sees himself going to perform his pilgrimage alone, and the people standing up to pay their farewell to him in a dream, it means that he will die shortly. (Also see ‘Arafat | Circumambulation | Cradle of Ismail | Ka’aba | Mina | Muzdalifa | Pelting stones | Responding | Sa’i | Station of Abraham | ‘Umrah)…
…(See Pilgrimage | ‘Umrah)…
…(The commander of the believers, Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him.) Seeing him in a dream means longevity, trustworthiness and praise- worthy deeds. One who sees him in a dream will speak the truth, be just and call people to the straight path. He also may be able to attend to the Sacred House in Mecca in an auxiliary pilgrimage (.’Umrah). If one shakes hands with Omar bin Al-Khattab in a dream, it means that he will prosper and live a pious life, and he will be a vigilant and a strong believer, the value of whose deeds will surpass his fame. If one sees him frowning in a dream, it means that Omar is calling for justice, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil. If there is a drought in a town and one sees Omar in a dream, it means that rain…
…(Pilgrims’ camp | Pilgrimage) Seeing oneself in Mina in a dream means fulfilling one’s wishes in this world and in the next, and it could mean dispelling allfears. (Also see Arafat | Circumambulation | Cradle of Ismail | Ka’aba | Muzdalifa | Pelting stones | Pilgrimage | Responding | Station of Abraham | ‘Umrah)…
…(See ‘Umrah)…
…(arb. See Feast of Immolation | Pilgrimage | Responding | ‘Umrah)…