…Teeth in a dream represent the elderly members in one’s family, or their most distinctive ones. If a molar tooth falls in a dream, it means loss of money or life. Molar teeth in a dream represent one’s relatives, or his friendliest relatives, or his own young children. Teeth of the upper jaw represent a male person and those of the lower jaw represent a female person. Whatever may affect them in a dream, will show in wakefulness. For example, if one’s molar tooth falls in a dream, it means that the particular person it represents may die shortly, or it could mean being absolved of one’s debts, or perhaps repayment of one’s debts. If one suffers from a tooth ache in a dream, it represents ill words which are spoken against him by such family member, or that he feels hurt from the treatment he receives from such…

…in a dream, it denotes his thirst for knowledge, search for a business, or profiting through patience and endurance. If one sees his hair infested with lice in a dream, it means that he has a large family. If one sees his hair longer or thicker, and if he wishes in the dream to have that in wakefulness, it means that he will attain his goals, pay his debts, or prosper. If the length or thickness of one’s hair is uncommon, and if one feels no offense to walk with it in the streets in his dream, it means debts, distress and inability to take care of one’s family. Long hair in a dream also means naughtiness and adversities. Thick and long hair in a dream also can be interpreted as having many children, or it could represent fear of wrongdoing, or thinking about an important person, or it could…

…sees him (uwbp) in a prison or persecuted, or if one fears a major event that could put and end to his life, or an accident that could kill him, or a dangerous sea trip that could drown him, it means that God willing, he will escape and survive such adversity. Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also means the end of tyranny, or victory in a war. If one is oppressed, worried and distressed by his own family, and if he sees Moses (uwbp) in a similar situation in a dream, it means that God Almighty will guide him to a way to overcome them, or if a traveller sees such a dream, it means that he will return safely to his home. Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also indicates trials during one’s childhood, separation from one’s family, witnessing uncommon miracles, or that one may suffer from his…

…If a young woman dreams that she is leaving her home or her family, or her job or business, then it symbolizes that she is in uncomfortable environment in which she lives, and wishes for a change. it also suggests to pay attention to various problems, including love life. to dream yourselves being abandoned indicates that there will be difficulties in planning a successful future, due to certain mistrust of others. When others dreamed of being abandoned, then it means that they are facing difficult conditions and limitations that needs an overcome. When you dreamed that you are leaving home, then it indicates that family or money problems will come on your way. You will suffer losses and disappointments due to involvement of bad people. When you dreamed of leaving your girlfriend, boyfriend or lover, then it indicates that you will face losses such as your friendships, relationships or…

…If one sees himself as a calif or as an Imam in a dream and should he qualify, it means that he will receive such an honor, rank, trust and fame in the land, though his vice-regency will not become hereditary. However, it is a bad omen if he becomes a calif in the dream and does not qualify for such an appointment. In such a case, and by contrast, he will be humiliated and dispersed, and his own helpers will become his superiors, while his enemies will rejoice at his misfortune. If one sees himself as a king in a dream, though in reality he does not qualify, it means that he may die quickly, and the same is true if a sick person sees himself turned into a king. If he is healthy, it means that someone in his family may die shortly. Seeing a king in a…

…(Arm | Member) Limbs in a dream represent one’s family. Seeing oneself dismembered in a dream means the dispersal of his family, or that he will cut off his blood ties, or it could mean undertaking a long journey and separating from one’s family for a long time. (Also see Body 1 | Tooth)…

To dream about toys bodes well, it suggests joys for the family, but if some of them are broken or useless, then it suggests disease, suffering and sadness in the family. To dream about kids that are playing with their toys is a symbol of family harmony. To dream that you’re blowing away some toys announces that your matters won’t succeed, whether it relates to your business, employment, love life, etc.

…If a woman of any age dreams herself in a wedding dress without getting married, it might mean that soon she will receive a certain type of abuse and bad news, either from family or friends who are close to her. When a young woman dreams of being dressed as a bride and kissing some people, it is not an indication that there will be a wedding, but it means that in the future she will have many friendships and will also have fun. When friends are the ones kissing the dreamer, then this might mean that her husband will receive significant economic benefits in the future. If a young and single woman dreams of being dressed as a bride, and doing all the wedding preparations, it could mean that soon she’ll receive substantial economic benefits. When a young and single woman dreams about herself as a bride, ready…

…dwellers of that house are of the middle class, or it could mean that the water of that house is salty or non- potable. If one sees the cistern filled with butter or honey or milk in a dream, it means that one’s wife is pregnant, or it could mean prosperity for that family. If the family of such a house is thirsty in the dream, and if the cistern is filled with other than water, then it means that they owe alms tax and must pay the necessary charity on their assets, or it could mean that such a family has turned its back to God’s path and preferred worldly gains instead, or that they have a knowledge that they do not practice, or it could mean shortage of rain in that locality that necessitates spending money on God’s path. A cistern in a dream also could represent a…

…To dream that you’re attending a funeral and burial of a very dear person or a family member suggests that in your family everything is doing great and that soon there will be a wedding. In some cases this dream reveals that the dreamer deeply desires for someone to die. If it rains during the funeral, it suggests tears, in which case something bad is expected to happen, such as an illness, a terrible business or an unfortunate accident. Dreaming about an epitaph suggests up coming bad news, or at least a very unpleasant notice. To dream that you’re standing alone in front of a tomb reading an epitaph announces an up coming disease. To dream that you’re writing an epitaph indicates loss of a friend for which you have great esteem. To dream about your own burial sometimes implies that in real life you’re giving much self-gratification, self-tolerance,…

…Dreaming that a relative, who is still alive, dies, it is an announcement for future setbacks and sorrows. This type of dream is common in people who have suffered failures in real life, for example the frustration of their illusions, hopes, passions business, etc. Those feelings of defeat are the ones that take the shape of a corpse, indicating that the hopes and dreams are dead. In these cases, what you should do is to find a solution to your problems instead than assuming that a family member will die. Dreaming of the dead body of a known person indicates that the dreamer is blaming the other person for his own problems, and that he has a hidden desire for revenge. Dreaming of corpses is also the result of negative influences in everyday life, such as abundant news of wars, crimes, assaults or reading things about terror or revenge,…

…said that any flower from the lily family may represent death when presented to a sick person in a dream. A healthy hyacinth plant in the ground means a beautiful son, or good words. A garland of hyacinth flowers in a dream means honor. A hyacinth flower salesman in a dream represents a worrisome person, for such flowers do not remain long in his possession. If any of the flowers of the lily family are cut, or made into a bouquet in the dream, then they mean sorrow, and if they are seen on their mother plant, they mean happiness, a husband or a son. If one sees a hyacinth flower being raised to the heavens in a dream, it means the death of a gnostic or that of a renowned scholar. A hyacinth in a dream also represents a son when standing erect in the fields, and it represents…

…in a dream means praiseworthiness and acquiring two types of knowledge. Seeing what is inside one’s mouth in a dream means exposing one’s ills. Biting on one’s tongue in a dream means regret. Watching one’s tongue in a dream means protecting oneself from pitfalls. Carrying one’s tongue by hand in a dream means receiving indemnity for bodily injury or receiving blood money. If one sees his throat blocked in such a way that he could not speak in a dream, it denotes his stinginess toward his own family. If one sees one of his limbs speaking against him in a dream, it means that someone will report him to the authorities or become a witness against him in court. If one sees himself in a dream riding over the shoulders of his enemy, it means that he will commit a wrongdoing or a shameful act. If there is no enmity…

…a dream also means crying and lamentation, disputes with one’s family, rising prices, relief from distress, adversities and having recalcitrant children. Seeing him in a dream also represents a flourishing business, farming, a ship building industry, travelling with several types of food, or mixing different species of animals. God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also may represent a genealogist, a zoologist, a botanist, a phytologist, a horticulturalist, an ecologist, or a mammalogist. Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also may mean regretting something, distress, penitence for an attitude toward one’s own family, or perhaps that one’s son will stray away from God’s path, or it could mean the death of a son because of his disobedience to his father. If a woman sees God’s prophet Noah (uwbp), or God’s prophet Lot (uwbp) in a dream, it means that she is disobedient to her husband, and rather she…

…(Limb) One’s thighs in a dream represent his family or clan. Anything that affects them in the dream will manifest in his family or clan. If one sees his thighs missing something in a dream, it means that he is a foreigner, or that he does not know his lineage or ancestry. Experiencing pain in one’s thigh in a dream means doing harm to one’s own family or clan. If one sees that a piece of skin is crafted to his thigh in a dream, it means that someone will attribute a son to him, and it will turn to be a false allegation. Thighs in a dream also represent the pillars of one’s house, the head of a household, one’s wife, one’s husband, son, master, earnings, business, vehicle, or wealth. One’s thighs in their beautiful condition in a dream also represent the correctness of one’s prayers, or they…

Just as in real life, ceilings symbolize protection in dreams, not just for possessions and wealth, but for the safety of your family and home. A ceiling in good condition means that you’ll manage affairs under favorable circumstances, and it forecasts tranquility in family matters. A ceiling in poor condition, or that is crumbling, is an omen for a serious decease, a passing in the family, or the loss of a loved one.

…(Umbilicus) In a dream, one’s navel represents his mother, his father, or it could mean his earnings, wife, servant or a coffer. If one’s navel looks abnormal in a dream, it means that something bad may happen to his family. This also may affect any of the above members of his family or property. If a sick person sees his navel swollen in a dream, it means his death. To open one’s navel by hand in a dream means opening one’s coffer to get some spending money. One’s navel in a dream also means happiness, and could represent the wife’s lover, a beloved, or one’s will. Thus, if one’s navel looks beautiful in the dream, its beauty will show in his life | but if it looks ugly, it means that he may live a wretched life. A navel in a dream also represents one’s homeland. Any pain one…

…(Dove | Ringdove | Turtledove) Seeing a pigeon in a dream means glad tidings. It is also said that God Almighty will accept the prayers of one who sees pigeons in his dream. In a dream, a pigeon also represents a trustworthy messenger, a truthful friend, a comforting beloved, a chaste wife, striving to sustain one’s family, or a fertile woman with a large family. The cooing of pigeons in a dream means lamentation. Pigeons eggs in a dream represent one’s daughters or female neighbors. A domesticated pigeon in a dream represents a beautiful woman from Arabia. Pigeon’s nest in a dream represents women’s parties. Pigeon chicks in a dream represent the boys in a family. Pigeon’s rumbling or roar in a dream means reproof or censure for a fault. A white pigeon in a dream means spirituality, a green pigeon represents piety, while a black pigeon denotes a…

…is chasing the dreamer, could mean that the dreamer is involved in illicit relations that are dangerous (it is equivalent to saying that the law is watching the dreamer). Dreaming of several small and playful dogs could signify that the dreamer is acting frivolously, without seriousness and without being constant. Dreaming of skinny and ugly dogs could mean that there will be problems in business, in the family, and even illnesses, particularly in the children. Dreaming of dogs barking could mean that soon there will be various problems, including losses. This dream should be taken with caution, since there could actually be a dog in the neighborhood barking. Dreaming that some dogs are biting you or are about to bite, could mean that soon there will be serious problems with matters that are being handled, with friends or family, all of it provoked by the dreamer’s selfish attitude, which means…

…(Rodent | Thief | Woman) A mouse in a dream represents a dissolute and a sinful woman, a thief, or someone who feels flattered at exposing people’s private life. To see a large family of mice in one’s house in a dream means money and prosperity. If one sees a mouse playing inside his house where there is plenty of food in a dream, it means relief and money. If a mouse leaves one’s house in a dream, it means that blessings will depart from that house and its earnings will diminish. Owning a pet mouse in a dream means having a servant or a housekeeper. A black mouse and a white mouse in a dream represent the night and the day. Seeing a mouse of either black or white color going about its own business in the daylight in a dream means longevity. If one sees a mouse…

…Dreaming of being in a music room or listening to a classical music concert predicts that there will be pleasant vacations in the near future, as well as success and recognition in the dreamer’s field. If the dreamer is a young person, then this dream refers to the delights of love. Dreaming of being at a vulgar place listening to vulgar music, it indicates that friendships and the environment in which the dreamer lives are not recommendable, and that the dreamer’s business partners are not trustworthy. Dreaming of listening to beautiful music suggests that soon there will be unexpected success. Dreaming of pleasant and loud music means that bad times are coming in many ways, such as family disputes, illnesses, sentimental disappointments, etc. Dreaming of musical instruments suggests that soon the dreamer will receive pleasant surprises (entertainment, parties, trips, etc.). Dreaming of broken, old or unusable instruments, announces various…

…(The prophet Jacob, upon whom be peace.) Seeing God’s prophet Jacob (uwbp) in a dream means strength, living in God’s blessings and having many children. Some of the children will cause their father grief, though his distress will later dissipate. Seeing God’s prophet Jacob (uwbp) in a dream also means dispersal of one’s family that will be followed by a joyful reunion. Seeing God’s prophet Jacob (uwbp) in a dream also means earning God’s nearness through devotion, prayers, charity and good deeds. It also could mean temporary loss of one’s sight, finding a missing child, or suffering a trial because of one’s attachment to his blood ties, though God willing, the results will be positive. Seeing him in a dream also means a calamity, or loss of family and wealth. The person in the dream also will be endowed with great patience and will come out of it victorious….

…(Channel | Water passage | Watercourse) In a dream, a canal represents a woman, money or a scholar. Running a watercourse or a channel in a dream means getting married, building a business, or it could mean finding a job and serving one’s family and community. Seeing a canal in a dream also means sufferings caused by a member of one’s family. Water channels in a dream represent servants or housekeepers. A canal in a dream also could signify a lavatory, sewage, a marketplace, or it could mean a shop. Thus, digging a canal in a dream also could mean prosperity and spending money to support one’s family and dependents. Blocking a canal in a dream means divorce, separation between husband and wife, cutting off one’s blood ties, leaving one’s homeland, or separation from one’s clan. Blocking a canal in a dream also means quitting one’s job or cancelling…

…Dreaming about silk has evident erotic connotations. If it is underwear and it belongs to the same sex of the dreamer, then it indicates our narcissism. If the garment is of the opposite sex, then it tells us that we are fetishists. If the silk is white, then it is saying about marriage hopes. If the silk is black, then it signifies a morbid eroticism. Gaudy colors tells us which at the same symbolism of color we must add the desire to attract the attention of others….

…Dreaming of snakes is not only unpleasant, but it’s the usual harbinger of problems caused by lies, deceit, betrayal and sex, depending on how you dream of it. Dreaming that a snake attacks you and entangles in your body, it can mean that you can be the victim of rumors and soon suffer attacks from your enemies, all of which can lead you to prison (many of these problems will be because of your own fault). Dreaming that you hit a snake on the head and kill it, may mean that you’ll overcome your problems and triumph over your enemies, or that you or one of your close relatives will be healed of a disease. Dreaming that a snake attacks someone that is seemingly asleep and this person jumps, gets up and then both disappear from the scene, can mean that the dreamer will soon receive unpleasant news of…

…For a young woman Dreaming of palmistry, foretells she will be the object of suspicion. If she has her palms read, she will have many friends of the opposite sex, but her own sex will condemn her. If she reads others’ hands, she will gain distinction by her intelligent bearing. If a minister’s hand, she will need friends, even in her elevation….

Seeing yourself lying down alone in a dream indicates a period of uncertainty, waiting to see difficulties that we will not able to overcome without help, and we wait for this help by doing the only thing we know how to do, which is hiding our sadness and helplessness. If we are lying down outdoors it means that what really makes us suffer, is nothing more than a temporary discomfort without the seriousness that we imagined. If we are in bed with someone of the same sex, or if this person is in the same room, it indicates that in addition to the uncertainty we feel tormented by, we are worried of what others might say. If we are in bed with someone of the opposite sex or if he or she has been in the same room it means that the end of our problems are approaching.

To lay down alone presages a period of uncertainty. To lay down outdoors means only a temporary discomfort. With a person of the same sex means we feel torment by what others say. If we are lying down with a person of another sex, it indicates that our problems are over.

…To dream about stockings or socks of any kind seems to be related to sex and in some cases may involve inhibition, repression or sexual impotence, although with some variations: When a woman dreams with poor-quality black stockings, it suggests soon coming hardships. But if they are white, it suggests some sentimental dislikes, bickering and misunderstandings. If a woman dreams about her stockings without seeing many details, it indicates that she is looking for undesirable fun with disreputable friends, or that due to her careless or weakness she may fall into a compromising situation. If the socks are fine and luxurious it implies that the dreamer is a vain person and seeks to attract the attention of men. To dream of yourself weaving or trying to knit your own stockings or socks suggests that soon your activities will result negative, perhaps you’ll experience misunderstandings usually with people from the…

…If you are kissing a person of the opposite sex portends unfaithfulness, unless it is your partner, in which case announces a good fortune. If it is a beloved person, it announces their departure. If we kiss someone of the same sex without affection, we will receive benefit from them. If we do the same but with affection, they will be benefiting from us. When kissing dirt then it symbolizes sorrows. When kissing the dead person you will receive a great inheritance….

…(See Ball.) To dream that your partner in a dance slights or snubs you, is a sign that someone is enamoured of you: this applies to either sex: if you dream of a particularly agreeable and attractive partner, it shows that you will quarrel with somebody of the opposite sex: for a man in business to dream of taking a part, foretells that he will be robbed. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 17, 38,…

If the crab is between two people, which one of them is the opposite sex and the crab walks to the other person, then it indicates that we must follow our feelings. If it walks towards you, you must go back and proceed with caution. If the crab is between you and another person of the same sex, it tells you about the existence of people trying to delay or prevent what you want.

To dream that you sleep with a person of the opposite sex, signifies hindrance in your projects; with a person of the same sex, perplexing events. If a man sleep with an ugly woman, it means mischief to himself; with a melancholy-looking woman, dangerous sickness; with a handsome woman, treachery. For a woman to sleep with her absent husband, it denotes bad news. To sleep with your wife, pleasure; with your mother, good business; with you daughter, scandal; with your sister, departure; with a fashionable woman, success.

…are dreaming that you are with shoes that are too tight, then it can mean that there soon will be upsetting situations involving friends and family members; for example, that they will ridicule you in public through harsh and offensive criticism. When you are dreaming that you are with shoes that are tied or stuck to one another, then it symbolizes diverse arguments and material or health losses. When you are dreaming about losing your shoes, or that someone stole them from you, then it indicates losses of various kinds that unlikely will be recovered. If one has spare shoes in the dream, it can mean that the losses will not be permanent and that the dreamer will recover professionally, perhaps with new gains. When you are dreaming that you are wearing shoes of the opposite sex, then it can mean that your name and personality are being slandered and…

…Dreaming that you’re taking a bath in clean and transparent water is an announcement of success, joy, fun, etc. On the contrary, if the water is dirty, or worse, muddy, is at least an announcement of diseases or bad news. Dreaming of children playing with clean water is a sign of future success and happiness in the family, but if they are playing with dirty water, it indicates the opposite. Dreaming of a young woman bathing in clean water suggests that the relationships she has or her honest desires are likely to be materialized and reach a successful end. Bathing involves using water, and water in dreams, since ancient times, has well known meanings: Crystal clear water indicates health, happiness and joy. Turbid water indicates discomfort, unpleasantness and disappointments. The muddy water indicates illness, misfortune, poverty and hate. Dreaming of wanting to take a bath can indicate that the…

When a woman dreams that she has changed her sex, it symbolizes conception of a male child who will do honor to his family. When the dreamer is a man, it indicates dishonor and infamy.

…Dreaming about your siblings or other family member is usually a good dream; it symbolizes love, thou it depends a lot on how you see them in that dream. To dream about your own siblings and that they’re healthy and happy suggests that the same state reigns among you and your family members, so it promises a great future. If instead your siblings seem poor, sad, sick, etc., you may end up the same way….

This dream is a calling to family union, a return to traditional habits and feelings, greater communication between all the members of the family.

To dream about a great flood, and worse if the water is dirty, suggests that the dreamer and his/her family will face negative situations. To dream about people that are swimming in a flood, and are agonizingly trying to save their lives, suggests that the negative situations that are soon to come will affect many people (may be an economic crisis, epidemics, etc.). To dream about a flood but that its water is very clear, clean and calm indicates that the negative situations that the dreamer and his family are experiencing are mild and will soon pass.

Scabies in dreams usually have the connotation of a plague and therefore it kind of have similar meaning to measles, smallpox, cholera or the plague itself. It usually isn’t a good omen and it generally refers to family, emotional difficulties, clashes, disputes, concerns and anxieties. Dreaming that you’re sick always indicates that your affairs are not going well and that they will get worse, and this usually also refers to your health. If you feel itching caused by scabies and not an eternal factor during the dream, means that difficulties and sorrows are approaching because of debts. If the dreamer sees himself with scabies in their own body, then it usually means problems with the way you’re living your life, or with members of your family or close friends.