…Take unusual care of all depending upon you. Calamity awaits you and yours. Both property and life are in danger. Young people should be decidedly upright in their communications with the opposite sex. Character is likely to be rated at a discount….

The condom in a dream shows the protection you are using to preserve yourself from unexpected. The dream could indicate the actual fear of having kids and responsibilities that come along with them. The condom could also indicate the fear of diseases that you might get if having unprotected sex. The condom could also show the lack of sexual intercourses in your life, which makes you feel sad and irritated. Perhaps you need to let go the tension you were holding for a while. If you or your companion wore the condom, then it foretells about the protection you get from that certain person.

To dream you see this goddess, or as a statue or picture, denotes an intrigue in which you will be engaged: and the more important will this affair prove if the planet Venus reigns at the time as an evening or morning star. To think Venus appears to you in mortal form and speak to you, is a token of a happy marriage to either sex. To dream of the star Venus, shows you will not be very constant in the affairs of the heart.

Dream of being prey of the whims of a person of the opposite sex means your relationship with a loved one can break or be prejudiced if you do not water and care every day as a plant.

Symbolizes the mother and the desire or the need for tenderness and protection. It can also symbolize insatiable for greed, sex and possessiveness.

…If you dream that your navel is out of shape, or looks queer, it is a sign of misfortune in connection with the opposite sex, unless you are married, in which case it denotes the birth of a child: for unmarried people to dream such dreams foretells trouble and disgrace. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 35, 17….

Dream of being hungry indicates that you lack money, sex, or fame. This dream may also indicate that you want to get something important for a long time. Moreover, dream of being hungry may indicate that you’re really hungry.

It is considered to be a sex symbol and it’s often related to some kind of fear or feelings of jealousy. In relation to sadism or even the fear of being dominated by a possessive passion.

Getting into dispute, being not especially lucky in love; marriage in advanced age. 280.

…(See Sting) To dream of wasps denotes thrift and abundance, particularly to farmers and those who have fruit-trees. If a girl dreams that she is stung by a mud- wasp, it foretells that she will marry a gentleman who will love her dearly. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 62, 18….

To dream that you are swimming in some water like ocean, pond, sea, river or even swimming pool predicts great financial affairs, relationships with those you are communicating at the moment. If you are swimming in the pool, you will be happy as never with the love of your life. The woman in the pool augurs happiness in relationships and the man in the pool denotes to great financial gain. When you see yourself learning to swim, you will get a very favourable lessons from life. If you teach someone how to swim, you wish to share your knowledge.

Dream of seeing a beautiful face means honor and long life. See the face of an ugly woman means a love intrigue.

…The hands in a dream represent your ability to connect with the outer world. The hands are also the part of communication, mostly used to express the emotions. The dream about hands could show the necessity to give a hand to those around you. It is known that the right hand is the symbol of manhood and the right one is a symbol of feminine factors of the dreamer. The dream, in which you were holding the hand of other person, indicates the strong bond, love and affection you have towards that particular person. The dream could also indicate the actual fear of being no longer in connection with that person. If you have abnormally large hands, then such dream symbolizes the proficiency in your life. If you hands were closed, then it might show you are hiding something or have made the acceptance about something. If your hands…

…If any young person should be so silly as to dream of writing poetry, it foretells poverty; and for one to dream of having a poetical lover or sweetheart, is a sign that they will fall in love -with the fool. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64, 50….

To see actress play, misfortune; if you talk with her, you will have success in what you undertake if you make love to her, your life will be joyful. If you dream that you enjoy her, you will meet great troubles.

Red is not a very lucky color to see in a dream. Otherwise, it is a color of passion, love and desires.

…Dreaming of a pallet, denotes that you will suffer temporary uneasiness over your love affairs. For a young woman, it is a sign of a jealous rival….

Dreaming about becoming bald indicates problems and suffering. Dreaming about a bald man indicates that someone is trying to defraud the dreamer through seemingly legitimate propositions. This is a warning to carefully analyze future propositions. A woman who dreams of a bald man must take precautions when it comes to love propositions, since they could be false, and come from a dishonest and selfish person. Dreaming of bald children suggests that the dreamer desires to live in a happy home as a result of marriage. Baldness has for a long time been a symbol of virile energy loss in men and infertility in women, and casually in some cases it indicates the same in dreams, but usually they are just unfounded fears caused by a certain mood.

Sincerity of feelings. Deep love.

Dreaming of being short-sighted without actually being short-sighted in real life, indicates ignorance of one-self, which will produce bad results. It also implies infidelity from the dreamer’s partner. Dreaming that a romantic partner is short-sighted implies that this person is indifferent to the love of the dreamer.

…This dream usually implies that there’s a yearning to travel in the dreamer and to change the routine in which he lives (take a vacation, change of address or employment, and find other businesses or even other affections and love). The chances that this wish will come true in a short-term, depends on the symbols displayed in the dream itself, for example: If in the dream the train or bus, or car in which he was traveling leaves the dreamer stranded, then it indicates that it is unlikely to make the trip or change what he wants soon, perhaps because he have failed to seize the opportunity presented to him before and he delayed the date without actually knowing it. If in the dream you appear to get into the train, then it indicates that it is very likely that you will travel or make the change you wanted…

In dreams the eyes are the symbols of your view to word. The eyes that are beautiful and even sparkles, signifies the goodness. The ones that are closed foretells about the reality the dreamer tries to escape. If the eyes are crossed, then it foretells about some misunderstanding between your inner self. You do not find the solution to some problems. If your eyes were injured by someone, then it shows that those people are trying to get the financial goodness from you. It is the same explanation that is given if the eyes were covered with a hood. The dream in which you are wearing the blindfolded, foretells about certain situation that you are trying to avoid facing it. You tend to pretend that nothing is going on around you. The small eyes shows the secrets, but the large ones denotes to friendship, love purity and truth.

…(Money | Sun-dried bricks) Seeing blocks of adobes in a dream signify money. Each adobe represents a denomination often, thousand or one hundred thousand units of money, depending on the type of work one does in wakefulness. If adobes are used for construction in a dream, then they mean good work, good deeds or they could represent a religious person. An adobe in a dream also represents a servant. Building a house with adobes in a dream means unity and love between the father and his children. If an adobe falls to the ground in a dream, it means the death of a sick person or disunity in the family or dispersal of one’s children. Manufacturing adobes in a dream means increase in the number of one’s workers or employees. Each adobe represents a worker. Building a house with adobes in a dream also means leadership. Apileof adobes in…

…To dream that you see a person that is going to be beheaded, or if you see one beheaded, it is an excellent sign; in love you will be successful; An prison you will be released; and any trouble you have will soon vanish; it is also a sign you will soon meet a long absent friend who will be glad to see you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 74, 19, 10….

…from its rays, or that one may become a man of knowledge, a scholar, an astrologer, or a fortuneteller. If the rays of the sun cause burns to someone in a dream, it means that he will fall in love with a beautiful face, or perhaps he will be hurt by someone he adores, or it could mean loss of spiritual direction, or it could be a severe warning about a woman he loves. If a woman sees herself carrying the sun in a dream, it means that she will find a husband, or bear a son. If one sees the sun talking to him in a dream, it means that he will discover a mystery or acquire knowledge about spirits, or he could become a translator, an analyst, or a consultant. Seeing the sun, the moon and the stars together in a dream denotes adversities, jealousy on the part…

…Dreaming that you carry a load, signifies a long existence filled with labors of love and charity. To fall under a load, denotes your inability to attain comforts that are necessary to those looking to you for subsistence. To see others thus engaged, denotes trials for them in which you will be interested….

…Dreaming of a wooden shoe, is significant of lonely wanderings and penniless circumstances. Those in love will suffer from unfaithfulness….

Dream of your mother represents the maternal side of your personality. Mothers provide protection, comfort, life, support and love. Some people may have problems to break free from their mothers and are looking for their own individuality and development. Having a specific conversation with your mother represents an issue that is concerning you and you don’t know yet how to solve it. On the other hand reflects unsolved problems in the relationship with your mother in real life. Hearing to your mother calling you in a dream means you were negligent on duties and you will have concerns. Hearing your mother screaming in a dream denotes a certain disease or affliction.

Dreaming of a wood-pile, denotes unsatisfactory business and misunderstandings in love.

Dream of your mother means you’ll live an intense and fully requited love. If your mother is dead and you dream of her, you must pray for her. If you dream that your mother dies, it is a sign of separation or divorce. If you talk to your mother in the dream, you’ll have a long life.

If you dream of being in the church, it means that you are getting yourself into spiritual phase. You are looking for answers to the questions you’ve had for a while. The religious people dream about it a lot, because it is the time where they spend while praying. The church could also indicate the fact that you wish to get married in there with the one you love.

To dream that you see a raven or crow indicates mischief and adversity. In love, it shows falsehood.

To dream a lady plays you tricks, indicates that you will lose your love.

…Dreaming of eloping is unfavorable. To the married, it denotes that you hold places which you are unworthy to fill, and if your ways are not rectified your reputation will be at stake. To the unmarried, it foretells disappointments in love and the unfaithfulness of men. Dreaming that your lover has eloped with some one else, denotes his or her unfaithfulness. Dreaming of your friend eloping with one whom you do not approve, denotes that you will soon hear of them contracting a disagreeable marriage….

…Dreaming that you see a pall, denotes that you will have sorrow and misfortune. If you raise the pall from a corpse, you will doubtless soon mourn the death of one whom you love….

…This dream denotes luck in love affairs, if the dreamer sings and plays on the instrument at the same time. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45, 24….

…Beauty in any form is pre-eminently good. A beautiful woman brings pleasure and profitable business. A well formed and beautiful child, indicates love reciprocated and a happy union….

Unsteadiness in love affairs.

…(Clothing | Food | Words) If a rich person sees himself either wearing coarse clothing, eating coarse food or speaking harsh words in a dream, it means that he will experience severe changes in his life and that will perhaps affect much of his savings. Should one feel more comfortable about such changes in the dream, or if he prefers them over his usual comforts, it becomes a sign of his humility, contentment, gratitude and the correctness of his way of thinking. Should he feel uncomfortable about such changes in the dream, it means that he will become subject to God’s wrath. Exchanging coarse words in a dream means aversion between people who actually love one another….