If it is full of dirty water, then it indicates family problems and trouble. If the water is clean, then it announces family happiness.

…To dream about a barn full of seeds and food announces future prosperity for the dreamer or, at least, it indicates that he/she is working hard to get it. If you dream that the barn is empty, dirty or neglected, then this dream indicates the opposite; i.e. that you’ll suffer hardships….

To dream of being full of business, is significant of some unexpected good fortune; to finish it, marriage; if the business appears to be bad, it is good sign.

…Dreaming of being at a soda fountain, denotes pleasure and profit after many exasperating experiences. To treat others to this and other delectable iced drinks | you will be rewarded in your efforts, though the outlook appears full of contradictions. Inharmonious environments, and desired results will be forthcoming….