…Dreaming of handkerchiefs, especially when dealing with younger people, could mean that the person who is moving the handkerchief is trying to flirt. Losing a handkerchief suggests that there will be setbacks, particularly in matters concerning love. Dreaming of one or more torn and dirty handkerchiefs indicates that conflicts in love will be difficult to overcome. Dreaming of one or more dirty and stained handkerchiefs, could signify that the dreamer is running the risk of entering into a partnership or disadvantageous relationships. If a young and single woman dreams of clean, white handkerchiefs, it could mean that someone, who is false, is trying to approach her for illegal profits, even in sentimental aspects. Dreaming of several handkerchiefs of different colors, means that the dreamers image could lose prestige if his or her behavior is not moral or appropriate, and the dreamer should also be careful of not being na?ve…
Dream dictionary: single moms dream meanings
…Dreaming of a dark wine cellar, warns you that there are many doubts regarding your behavior, like lack of confidence, which is leading you to failures and that can lead you to a disaster. Dreaming about being in a wine cellar indicates that youre getting involved in business and shameful and dirty practices that will bring you serious problems in the immediate future. If a woman dreams of wine cellar, it means that she should be very careful with the people that confess their love to her, since they might be dishonest. If young or single woman dreams of looking at a clean and well lit cellar filled with bottles and barrels with wine, it indicates that she wants and maybe could get married with someone very rich, someone with many companies, for example. If the dreamer is married, then this symbol implies prosperity, due to his own efforts…
…To have one cut, announcement of the quick illness of a relative or dear friend, if for a male the right arm is injured and for female if the left one is injured. The two arms cut, imprisonment or sickness. The arm that is broken or emaciated, for a single person indicates sickness, distress, family affliction. For a man broken arm denotes to public distress, such as defeat of colleagues, famine or epidemical illness. For a married woman broken arm indicates separation, divorce, widowhood. Arms dirty that are dirty represents distress. Arms inflated or swollen symbolizes riches for brothers or very affectionate relatives. Arms that are stout and strong signifies happiness, cure, and deliverance. Healthy arms favors will be received. Harder and more robust arms than ordinary person has means joy, profit, and unexpected wealth from a son or brother. If the dreamer is a woman, increase in the…
Dreaming about Mexican plant of the daisy family is good omen. In the dream to cultivate brightly colored single or double flowers prospects abundance. To see dahlias in a dream, signifies happiness, fortunate luck in financial matters. To see dahlias that are dying and wilting, represents bad luck and minnor loss with little sorrow.
To dream you see the ground covered with snow, or that it is snowing, is favourable, if the snow covers you all over, if single, you are sure to be married in a very short time; if the sun happens to shine, your sweetheart will love you dearly, and make you happy, winter or summer, his or her virtue will be spotless. Overall all who dream of snow will find the good effects of the dream.
To dream of suckling shows to poor prosperity. To the single, marriage, and to the rich, adversity.
…premises, you will inherit some valuable effects. Dreaming of coming into the possession of a donkey by present, or buying, you will attain to enviable heights in the business or social world, and if single, will contract a congenial marriage. Dreaming of a white donkey, denotes an assured and lasting fortune, which will enable you to pursue the pleasures or studies that lie nearest your heart. For a woman, it signals entrance into that society for which she has long entertained the most ardent desire. Woman has in her composition those qualities, docility and stubbornness, which tallies with the same qualities in the donkey | both being supplied from the same storehouse, mother Nature | and consequently, they would naturally maintain an affinity, and the ugliest phase of the donkey in her dreams are nothing but woman’s nature being sounded for her warning, or vice versa, when pleasure is just…
…(Woman’s milk-producing glands) A woman’s breast in a dream represent’s one’s wife, progeny and a large property. They also represent honor and prosperity. Their beauty is her beauty, and their ailment is her illness. If one sees a woman hanging down from her breast in a dream, it means that she has committed adultery and that she will give birth to a bastard son. If a man sees milk coming from his breast, and if he is poor, it means that his poverty will end, his life will be a long one, and he will even carry the financial responsibility of caring for two of his brothers. If he is unmarried, it means that he argues about his fertility and doubts his own ability to conceive children. If a young woman sees her breasts in a dream, it means that she will bear a child. Otherwise, if a single…
…To dream about a calm and quiet sea is a good dream, it suggests that you will soon be traveling for pleasure or business. This type of dream among young lovers often suggests their upcoming wedding and honeymoon. To dream that you’re facing the sea and listening to the sound of the waves as they hit against a ship, is a warning that your family will encounter problems, or that you’ll have problems in your business or workplace. To dream that youre standing near the shore watching as the waves crash each other announces problems that will be difficult to resolve. To dream that you’re listening to the ocean’s waves without watching it suggests that you have been wasting your time on trivialities. When a young single mother dreams that she’s near the sea, it suggests that she longs for true love. To dream about sea foam symbolizes demoralization…
Dreaming of being inside of a luxurious bedroom announces upcoming positive changes in life, such as trips to beautiful places, due to a stroke of luck that will provide money, favors or services. When a woman who is young and single dreams of a luxurious bed, it symbolizes that she desires to get married to a rich man, and that might happen when she meets a foreigner. Dreaming of a chambermaid at work, changing the bed linen and cleaning the room, suggests that soon there will be unpleasant changes in the dreamers life. If a man dreams of being in love with a chambermaid, it indicates that his actions and mentality are not honest and that this will bring various problems.
If you see the dunghill in a dream, then such dream represents the great growth and wealth that will come to you accidently. You will receive much of the goodness without doing a thing. If you are single in your waking life, then such dream promises the great relationships or even marriage to the one you will choose.
…Dreaming of wearing a collar, you will have high honors thrust upon you that you will hardly be worthy of. For a woman Dreaming of collars, she will have many admirers, but no sincere ones, She will be likely to remain single for a long while….
…(Granary | Pantry | Storrage room | Subterranean storehouse) An underground grain storage house in a dream represents a caring mother, a single parent or a foster mother. This interpretation comes from the example of a fetus in his mother’s womb and its dependence on her to supply the necessary nourishment. Once the stored food is consumed, then it is necessary to depend on a new source. If one sees an underground granary demolished or filled with dirt in the dream, and if his mother is sick, it means that she may die from her illness. If one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will soon deliver her infant. A demolished underground granary in a dream means finding a buyer for one’s grains, and the dirt that fills the storehouse in the dream represents money. If the stored grain turns into dirt in a dream, it means that…
…(See Parade.) To dream you see Zouaves, as well as other soldiers and armed men, denotes, that you will have quarrels and trouble in your family, if you have one, and if you have not, among your relatives: to the single man, this dream foreshadows that his sweetheart loves another better than himself; and to the maiden it signifies her lover will try and seduce her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 58, 1, 77….
…For a married woman Dreaming of giving birth to a child, great joy and a handsome legacy is foretold. For a single woman, loss of virtue and abandonment by her lover….
…To dream that you’re sick when you really aren’t is a warning that you’re starting to suffer from a disease, although it is not a serious disease, it will alter your activities. This type of dream also warns that you could experience serious difficulties with your relatives or close friends. If a young woman dreams that she’s sick, it suggests that she fears remaining single. To dream of any disease and worse if its an epidemic, suggests that you may be suffering particular mental disorders. If this has been confirmed, you should consult a doctor immediately. To dream that you’re always sick indicates that your affairs are not going well and that they’ll continue to worsen; also this type of dream usually refers to your health. To dream that a friend or loved one is sick suggests that your family or friends are likely to suffer a misfortune that…
Dreaming of fishing in a small canoe that is sailing in calm waters indicates absolute dominance over oneself and therefore can manage and govern life and business with absolute success. Sailing in this same way but in company of a loved one, if both are single it insinuates that marriage might be close and if both of them are already married, it indicates a well-matched marriage and a happy home. When the canoe is sailing in dirty water it indicates that life and business will go from bad to worse or that social relationships will deteriorate. Dreaming of running water of any kind always indicates the present and immediate future, depending on how the waters look: clean and clear or dirty and muddy, calm or turbulent.
…To dream of making your will is a sign of long life, and good fortune generally: if you imagine that you make your will to give a legacy to a lady, it foretells to a man (whether married or single) that he will marry. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 22….
The dream in which you see your partner that you love such as your wife or your husband, signifies some cause why you dreamed about it. Make sure you know what is happening in your waking life, therefore you can interpreter your dream better. The dream in which you see some person being your partner, but in reality he is not, means that you like this particular person or wish to see the qualities he has in your partner. The dream may also signify that you wish to be with someone special, especially if you are single. Sometimes people who are in relationships dream about their dreams. If you dream that your ex-boyfriend or husband is your partner again, then it means you are longing for love and affection or simply missed the person youve been with for some time.
Denotes for single persons, good marriage; for married persons, blessed with children. 45.
…To dream of ivory, signifies that you will be very successful in business. To the single it is a sign they will soon fall in love and be fortunate in their courtship. To the married it denotes domestic happiness. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 75, 30….
For single persons, a bad wife or husband; for married persons, bad children. 6.
…(See Shoes.) To dream of new boots and shoes, indicates sweethearts to the single, and friends to the married; old shoes or boots show separation, and dirty or old ones are a sign of poverty and sorrow. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 33….
…If a man dreams that he has very long whiskers or beard, it foretells that he will commit some folly in connection with a female; to a married man it shows that he will appear ridiculous from neglect of his wife and attentions to other women who flatter him; to a single man, that he will lose caste by foolish, though perhaps not criminal conduct toward silly girls. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 78….
Dreaming of rabbits indicates favorable changes in life. For people who manage business, this dream indicates lawful earnings. White rabbits, for single people, indicate upcoming satisfactions, and for women it hints promises of love. For married people it indicates peace at home. Dreaming of being surrounded by rabbits that run happily suggests that children will bring happiness to the home. Dreaming of a rabbit that is fleeing insinuates that there is a risk of mysteriously losing valuable objects, but that the dreamer will be able to recuperate everything. Dreaming of making a good luck charm with the leg of a rabbit reveals naivety or superstition in the dreamer. Dreaming of people being chased by a rabbit indicates that the dreamer will have difficulties with friendships. Dreaming of shooting or hitting a rabbit hints that all that energy should be applied against others who are creating problems for the dreamer.
…Dreaming of hearing a cock crowing in the morning, is significant of good. If you be single, it denotes an early marriage and a luxurious home. To hear one at night is despair, and cause for tears you will have. Dreaming of seeing cocks fight, you will leave your family because of quarrels and infidelity. This dream usually announces some unexpected and sorrowful events. The cock warned the Apostle Peter when he was about to perjure himself. It may also warn you in a dream when the meshes of the world are swaying you from {the straight line} of spiritual wisdom….
…If any single person dreams that his or her bed is warmed with one of these utensils, it is a positive forerunner of their marriage: if a married woman dreams this, it is a sign that she will go to bed with a strange bedfellow (whether male or female, is not known). Lucky lottery dream numbers – 16….
…When a woman dreams of being a queen, and shes young and single, it suggests that she wants to get married, have luxuries, and to live with particularly economic commodities. However, if shes married, then this dream suggests that she wants luxury, wealth, material assets and a total absence of problems. In some cases this dream means the desire of a change in life that leads you towards self-improvement, when you have intellectual, artistic or spiritual ambitions. Dreaming that you are a grumpy queen, who is badly dressed, suggests that this is the state that you hold in real life, perhaps as a result of negative people who are always bothering you, humiliating you, or criticizing you. Dreaming of traveling next to the queen of a nation suggests that you crave for social success, distinctions and honors of political nature, for example, but they have little chance of realization….
…Raffling in your dream is the same as gambling; it foretells poverty and disgrace: to dream of raffling for poultry is a sign that your family (if you have one) will want bread; if you are single, it shows that you will be apt to get seedy. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 8, 44….
…If a female (married or single) dreams of an outrage on her person, (whether attempted, or successful.) it is a sign that some one of the opposite sex is in love with her: if she is married, the dream alludes to some man other than her husband. Such dreams bode no good. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 31….
…To dream of yeast denotes that what you next undertake will prosper, and that your wife will soon be in the family-way. If a single man, your sweetheart’s love will increase. To a maiden, her lover will be rich, and very like a brewer or baker. To dream that they are kneading dough with yeast, is a sure sign of being comfortable for life….
To dream of a single knock at the door is a friend, a double knock is a stranger, but the errand will be for your benefit. To dream you have a new knocker at the door, shows a very important letter or message will be delivered at the house concerning you.
To dream of this weed, which is in general most abundant in churchyards, denotes to the married, deaths in the family; and to the single that the grim tyrant will deprive them of the first object on whom they rest their affections.
To dream you wear ribbons, shows an entanglement in love to the single, and extravagant children to the married.
…To dream about one or more lions symbolizes that a higher power is protecting you; therefore, you’ll succeed in what you’ve decided to do. To dream that you’re taming or dominating a lion suggests that you have enough character, energy and ability to achieve your goals. But if the lion is enraged and attacks you, then it suggests that your enemies are too strong, and are threatening your victory. To dream about caged lions suggests that you doubt of your ability to accomplish what you want. To dream about a tamer that is facing a caged lion suggests how others can achieve what they propose helped by their reason and willpower. To dream about lion cubs suggests that soon there will be new tasks, work, business or social relationships that will need to be addressed. When a young single mother dreams that a lion cub approaches her, it suggests…
…(Inn | Hotel | Lodge | Pub) In a dream, a hostel represents fornication, adultery, temporary marriage for pleasure, renting a space, renting tools or machinery, leasing an area for storage, or renting a garment. If a sick person rents a room in a hostel or an inn on the highway in a dream, it means his death, or it could mean that he will recover from an illness, or dispel anxiety, or take residence in a new country, or it could mean marriage after being single for a long time, or buying a vehicle, finding a money pouch, or something one can sell to help him during his financial crises. A married person resting in a hostel in a dream means that he will beget a son who when he grows will help his father in his trade and bring him happiness and comfort. If one’s child is…
To dream you are in an orchard, denotes that you will become rich through a legacy left you, and that you will marry a blooming virgin. A married person to dream of being in an orchard, shows an increase of children, of course, the single will be blessed with children when married.
…her unborn child is a boy. Dreaming of a familiar person with a black or a red beard announces setbacks, if its white, it indicates disappointments, particularly in your romantic life, if the beard has gray hairs it means future fights. Dreaming of someone you know with messy beard indicates that you shouldnt make deals with that person and that you should avoid making business with him because you wont be able to get alone, since that person will always try to impose his will and his personal interests. Dreaming that you have a beard and that someone pulls a hair from it suggests that you are taking serious risks with likely material losses. If a young single woman dreams of admiring a man’s beard, it suggests that she wants to get married soon, but since shes trying to hurry and get married soon, her marriage can be unfortunate….
When you are dreaming of an ace it represents how patience, smart and strong you are as a person. This dream could also represent someone old in you life, who is very important to you, but for some reason you lost the honor, which this elder person felt for you before. If you are a single women the dream could be a sign of someone who is jealous with your new relationships, maybe old girlfriend or someone, that likes this men.
…To dream you are rocking a cradle, is a good omen, and lignifies a long and prosperous life. To the married, it is a sign of domestic happiness, and to the single a sign of speedy marriage with the object of their affection. To dream you upset a cradle, foretells sickness or a loss in business. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46,5….