Dream of seeing the breasts of a woman with milk, an approaching marriage if the woman is unmarried. If she is newly married, conception and a happy announcement, if she is aged women, then it shows that she is already rich with money and pleasures for her. Seeing them withered and full of blood, loss of children, barrenness. Seeing the bosom of a buffering woman, the sickness. Seeing the bosom wrinkled and discolored, illness of a child, or if the woman has no children, poverty, sorrow, continual tears. Seeing a man with the breast of a woman, weakness, weariness and sickness of children.
Dream dictionary: som puercas dream meanings
Dreaming that a ransom is made for you, you will find that you are deceived and worked for money on all sides. For a young woman, this is prognostic of evil, unless some one pays the ransom and relieves her.
…For a young woman Dreaming that her bosom is wounded, foretells that some affliction is threatening her. To see it soiled or shrunken, she will have a great disappointment in love and many rivals will vex her. If it is white and full she is soon to be possessed of fortune. If her lover is slyly observing it through her sheer corsage, she is about to come under the soft persuasive influence of a too ardent wooer….
To imagine while sleeping that you are a somnambulist, portends that you will unwittingly consent to some agreement of plans which will bring you anxiety or ill fortune.
Dreaming of yourself sleepwalking may be that its actually happening, for many dreams are produced precisely in a state of somnambulism. The warning of this dream is that deals are usually closed without a complete understanding, or as its generally said, being half-asleep, above the clouds or on the moon, which doesnt always work.
Separation of friends.
(See Breast | Chest)
Having many hands employed.
Denotes triumph over an enemy.
Denotes making good undertakings; or, having to do with the magistrates. 114.
Fraud, snares, deceit.
(See Distilled water)
Triumph over one’s enemies. 54….
Bad times. 354.
To dream of walking in sleep, shows sickness and fever.
Being bold and careless. 81.
Gaining great respect. 77.
Not good. 215.
Cautiousness, prudence, foresight.
Means that you do not feel grounded to this world.
Helping a friend, being a friend’s heir. 353….
Quarrels, separation of friends.
Advantage, superiority.
Going out of the way of a great danger. 332.
Unexpected joy.
(See Enemy | Enmity)
Realization of one’s wishes, becoming happy. 288….
Fortune and blessing. 23.
Luck, joy fullness.
…‘ who has been keeping an eye on this house during my absence?”’ Yes, sir,’ I replied, not a little embarrassed, for I felt I had done rather a mean thing in thus spying on him.”I am really very much obliged to you,’ he” went on, ‘ for I find everything is all right; but come in for a moment, I can’t talk to you out there.’ Now, as you are aware, sir, the pay of a policeman is no great shakes not as much by a long way as that of an ordinary mechanic, who has no responsibilities and very little education so that when the gentleman fingered his waistcoat- pocket I had visions of something that might come in very useful for my wife and kids. Without unduly singing my own praises, I’m not as selfish as many working men. I only had one child, because…
…To sing in a dream is a good omen, as it symbolizes happiness, luck and success. The dream shows that you make other people happy while entertaining them with your good mood and vibe. If somebody else sang in a dream, then it also means that you feel that you live in a harmony, happy and peaceful atmosphere, where everyone is sharing joy with each other. Alternatively, the dream could predict about unpleasant feelings such as sadness, but only in those cases when the one is singing or hears somebody singing very sad songs….
If you dreamed of squeezing something, then such dream may indicate the pressure you feel from others and unable to move easily. On the other hand the dream could indicate the pressure and stress you put on others and do not let them act or perform normally. Probably you or somebody else gets this stress. Consider that the dream of squeezing may be a reflection of the relationships you are in, where you or somebody else is being squeezed.
To dream that you are the groomsman in someones wedding, means that you feel appreciated by your friends. If you are attending the wedding in your waking life, it shows that you are worried of being a groomsman. If you so do not feel happy while being a groomsman, it shows that you are not happy about someones relationships as well.
To shoot something in a dream, means that you already made a target and aimed to reached it as soon as it is possible. In those cases when the dreamer shoots the other human being, such dream shows the aggressive emotions towards certain person or situation. If someone has shot you with the gun, then it could reflect the relationships between you and somebody else. Maybe you are in a conflict with somebody and afraid of the consequences.
If you were the one who left the phone message to somebody else it means that you have something to say, but didnt have an opportunity to do so, therefore you tell those things on the phone message. If somebody else has left the phone message to you, you will get the news soon that will be important for you to know.
If you see yourself being on a spotlight, then it means that you wish to be noticed and appreciated by others. Probably you feel unnoticed, therefore you see a spotlight in a dream. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the pressure you feeling from someone, because you think that somebody is watching you all the time and controls you either.
To dream it stands still is a sign that you have a sly deceitful enemy, but if it is at work, and you are one of those who tread it, it shows there is no end to your labour, and that a domestic, or a pretended friend, is confiscating your earnings to their own use, or your bosom friend hoarding it for her private use. You should watch diligently.
If you are the murderer in the dream, then such dream hides the aggression and anger that in in you. You might be angry with someone particular, or simply have too much pressure at this time of your life and feel like killing someone. If somebody else is trying to murder you, but you escape it, it means that you will avoid unpleasant experiences in your waking life.