If someone has dreamed of being blind, the main meaning for this dream tells that there is something that has been misunderstood. It seems that you do not understand the situation exactly how it is an/or you have no idea how to deal with it. The dream shows you that you feel confused and lost and do not know which direction to turn, to make the right and good decision. The other meaning of this dream also explains that you trying to ignore something that is obvious. Try to be responsible for your actions and take the obligation for everything you supposed to do. This is a bit an eye opener situation, as it shows you that there are more opinions and ways than only yours.

…Gold earrings warn us against pride. The silver earrings portend benefits; it is a warning against false vanity and presumption. Broken earrings are an omen of frustration. Worn and dirty earrings are a sign of business problems. To lose earrings mean problems with our personal property. To find earrings mean dangerous temptations. To buy earrings mean loss of money. If someone gives them to us as a gift it’s an advice not to lend or borrow. To wear earrings mean backbiting. In a much higher level jewels acquire the meaning of spiritual truths, symbols of a higher knowledge. To dream that the jewels are discovered in a cave symbolize wisdom hidden and ignored in our subconscious. (We can also look up for the meaning of the ear)….

If you dream of looking at the coast, then such dream indicates the spiritual journey you are taking in your waking life. The coast represents the inner and outside worlds, therefore you are trying to understand the meaning of it. Perhaps lately you had questions about the meaning of life and its values. Alternatively, the dream may suggest you to take the life more vigorously.

To dream that you hear a song, means that subconscious mind is sending you some important news. To know the meaning of the dream you must look into the lyrics of the song, because it will tell you more of what kind of message it was given to you. Sometimes people listen to music before they are going to sleep, in this case the lyrics of the song wouldn’t give any meaning of the dream, because it is simply a reflection of your waking life.

When you dream of being an American or that you are in America, when you are already one, it shows how freelance and self-supporting you are when it comes to doing things you like to do. Same meaning is attached to dream that is somehow related to America. This dream wants to tell you that you can be successful in anything you will go for. When you dream of being an American or that you are located in America (or any other form of dream about America) when you are not from there, it represents wealthy, rich and good life you will have. This dream could also be the meaning of your political ideas and intentions.

…The dream about the car crash denotes to your attitude, life and targets that clashed with another’s. The dream might also indicate the staggering proficiency you will have. On the other hand, the car crash could also indicate your tendency to drive without any care. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours is telling you to slow it down. If you saw the plane crash, then such dream shows the unreal expectations you have from yourself. Perhaps you made very high goals for yourself which is impossible to achieve. On the other hand, the dream shows the lack of confidence you are suffering from. Perhaps you do not believe in yourself and think you are unable to get what you want. Try to believe more in yourself and do whatever you want to do, otherwise you will get nothing from life. To get more information about the crash dream meaning,…

…To have cradle or to encounter or to see a cradle, when you’re dreaming, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for dependence. Cradle indicates that you’re relying on or requiring the aid of another for support. Maybe you are in dependent relationship. You may feel the demand to be protected and cared for by the person, which is very close to you. Maybe he or she is not paying enough attention to you. Alternative interpretation gives advice for you to be more independent. Maybe you are in the process of regaining some control in your life. On the other hand, there is third meaning of a cradle, and it has the symbolic significance of a new task, project, plan, scheme. A small low bed for an infant also symbolizes fresh start and new beginnings….

To cut the hair or beard of any one see the meaning of beard. To cut off the head see the meaning of beheading.

The dream symbol of a zero has an infinity meaning. In the dream you see a zero, this shows that you are free and independent person. But a zero as a circle has a negative meaning in the dream, this may show that you are moving in the same and not interesting life circle. You do not have any ability or opportunity to open the circle and to create new life.

The meaning of abominable snowman is interpreted in the dream as the symbol of unknowingness and fear. To get the better interpretation of your dream, please also see the meaning of the dream Yeti.

…where is your insignia?” He put his elbows on the table, leaned his face on his hands, and fixed me with his great angry eyes. The question naturally staggered me. I had no answer, no excuse, no clue to its meaning; but the same strange inspiration seized me, and letting myself go, as it were, 1 calmly answered,”I was sent to meet you here.”He was still suspicious. “By whom?” he snapped.This was a poser. But it flashed across my mind that a few minutes before I had heard the girl mention the name ”Dusetto” She had articulated it so prettily that it caught my attention, and I ventured to pronounce it now, noticing its effect on both with a quiet smile. Still the man was not satisfied, and I was wondering how long I could bluff the matter out, when the girl came to my rescue. Laying her little hand…

The blue bird could have either good meaning, either bad one. The good meaning represents happiness and joy. The dream also shows the freedom and power the dreamer has and the fact that he is enjoying it. The color blue is also an indicator of sadness the dreamer feels, because of the waking life problems or relationships he is not happy being into.

The food in a dream denotes to the emotional and physical nutrition of the dreamer’s mind. Consider to pay attention to the kind of food you were eating, as it would tell much more about your dream and the meaning of it. While you ate the particular kind of foods, then it shows the necessity to obtain particular things in your personality. The dream in which you ate the fruits, symbolizes the freshness, vitality and rebirth. If you were hiding the food or storing it, then it means you are afraid of deficiency. If you ate the certain food in a dream, then such dream shows the things that lie within you. To get more detailed information, please see the meaning of Eating.

The meaning behind this dream usually depends on the condition of the upholstery in the dream. If it’s in a good condition, or if the dreamer is in a shop dedicated to this crafting, this is a sign of constant satisfaction from your business and the obtained results. On the contrary, if the upholstery is dirty or in a bad condition, the meaning tends to be the opposite.

If you are dyeing your hair in a dream, then such dream indicates the magnificent changes you are trying to make within your personality or your image. If you were dyeing some garment like clothing, then such dream represents the bad or good luck in contingence of the color. To get more detailed ream interpretation, please see the meaning of different Colors meaning.

To have interaction with a woodpecker, when you are dreaming, has meaning of blindness and deprivation of perception and insight. Woodpecker in the dream also is interpreted as suggestion that there is something in you waking life which you have failed to notice. The woodpecker also has meaning of activity, busyness, energy, vigour, productiveness, hard work. To see woodpecker in your dream also stands as an omen of diligence.

To see a Christmas Tree, when you are dreaming, has meaning of happiness and fulfilment of wishes. It also shows gifted situation. Christmas Tree also stands as an omen for family celebrations, gatherings of friends, and joyful relationships. Alternatively, it shows some chances of worries. Are you experiencing anxieties and stress in your domestic life? Other meaning of Christmas Tree, indicates rebirth. It means progress of self-development, and spiritual enlightenment. Consider also the feelings and emotions you experience during period of Christmas holiday season. It may help you to decode this dream symbol properly. If your dream of a Christmas Tree occurs in December, the dream can symbolize the future with the expected pleasures. Alternatively it can show your worry about bigger responsibilities, associated with the holiday season.

If they are knitting or crocheting, it indicates that we will hear what people say about us behind our backs. If sewing needles have some thread, it is a good meaning. It is a bad meaning if it is without thread, broken or we punctured ourselves with them. If they are small pins, it portends disappointments caused by friends.

In the dreams the color of bread has its own meaning: White bread symbolizes a good amount of food and health. Black bread symbolizes poverty. Sweet colored bread symbolizes parties and happiness. Old and moldy bread symbolizes disease. Dreaming of eating white bread means that there’s good health. Dreaming of eating black bread could signify that soon there will be suffering and hardship. For a woman with children who dreams of eating old and stale bread, it could mean that hunger and misery are approaching. This dream shows the fears of the dreamer, especially if the dreamer is female. Dreaming of eating bread with other people symbolizes friendship and the ability to solve the dreamer’s own problems, supported by sincere people. If the bread is damaged and moldy the meaning is the complete opposite.

Bracelets are symbol of continuity while protecting and isolating. If you have precious stones in it, then the meaning of the stone gives the meaning to the bracelet. If a bracelet is broken, then it announces the breakdown of the marriage. Losing a bracelet portends disputes with person who gave it to you. When you are putting it on another person, then it indicates your desire to dominate that person.

…If you dream of being an alien it represents part of you that’s haven’t been revealed yet. The other meaning of your dream is your wish to run away from certainty. This dream could also symbolize your fantasies and deep sensitivity. When you are dreaming of being kidnapped by aliens it represents your apprehension loosing the ones you love and it means you do not want to let see your soul by anyone. The other sign of seeing aliens could be your fear to face new people and to adopt into new environment, which you never been before. You are having problems while introducing yourself into new atmosphere. You are struggling dealing with new people or new job. This dream also could be a meaning of you forgetting yourself, not finding out what you are worrying about….

…When you dream of avoiding someone it shows that there are some qualities in your personality that you did not notice before. Makes sure that you pay attention to those details in the person you have dreamed of, as these are the aspects you did not notice before in yourself. The other meaning could also explain a word avoid to different meaning of other word “a void”, which explains that you do not feel completely fulfilled at some point of your life….

If you see the coconut in a dream, then such dream promises the surprises you are going to receive from your friends or relatives.

Emerald is considered the stone of occult and esoteric knowledge. We will have to take into account what feeling accompanies our dreams, because if it is pleasant, indicates our drive towards spiritual development, but if it is distressing, then it indicates our fear to confront the hidden information of the unconscious. Some authors also interpreted this dream in relation to eye health.

If the candle in our dream is firm, some authors interpret this as a sign of strength and longevity, and the opposite when the flame is flickering. It can also be interpreted in relation to our ideas, so it can be a form of warning about our mental instability or lack of serenity. If we see ourselves lighting up a candle to illuminate somewhere that’s dark, it will express our tendency to delve into the spiritual life.

It symbolizes the spirit and the spiritual side of the dreamer. The flame symbolizes the intellect. The flame without smoke rising straight into the sky symbolizes the intellect in the service of the spirit. The flickering flame symbolizes the intellect forgets the spirit. The smoking and devouring fire symbolizes the exalted passion. A small or moderate fire represents desire and tenderness. If the fire is too strong and wild that indicates danger of arguments, passions and anger. If the fire burns badly and produces a lot of smoke, then that announces betrayals. Feeling threatened by the flames denotes fear of facing an enterprise. Walking through the flames with impunity reflects the determination to overcome all obstacles.

…If one sees the walls of his house collapsing as a result of a flood in a dream, it means the death of his wife. If one sees his house caving in on him and causing a big cloud of dust in a dream, it means that he maybe afflicted with measles. A collapsed ceiling in a dream means devastation. If one sees a destroyed house standing erect anew in a dream, it means spiritual awakening of its owner. If one is awaiting the return of a member of his family, or if he is awaiting a guest to arrive, and if a part of his house caves in, it means the near arrival of such a traveller. If a daughter or a sister or another woman live in that house, it means that the guest will seek her hand for marriage. If a hurricane destroys his entire house…

If you dream that you are composing some kind of music, it means that you are trying to understand your spiritual aspects of the personality. The composing music is also the fact that you are very creative person.

…(Gourd | Squash | Zucchini) In a dream, a pumpkin represents a scholar, or a highly trained physician who cares about his patients and who is loved by the people, who asks for little and who rarely asks for anything for himself. A pumpkin in a dream could also denote medicine and particularly when cooked. Eating pumpkin in a dream also means guidance, following good example, or it could mean temptation. Eating a pumpkin in a dream also means recovering a lost object, or reuniting with one’s beloved, or correcting one’s spiritual thoughts. Eating raw pumpkin in a dream means becoming scared of roaming spirits (See Jinn), or it could mean fighting with someone. Resting under the shade of a pumpkin in a dream means soliciting peace and safety. It is also said that a pumpkin plant in a dream represents a poor person. Finding a pumpkin in the…

To see something radiant in a dream means purity, intellectual stimulation, spiritual enlightenment and wisdom.

When we dream that danger grips us and we stay still without being able to react, then it shows that we are stuck in current situation, whether material or spiritual, and we cannot move forward.

If you dream that you live in the convent, it shows that you are attached to your religion and believe a lot. The dream indicates the spiritual aspects of the dreamer, what he believes in and how he deals with the promises that were given and vows that were promised. If you didn’t enjoy while living in this convent, it shows that you feel too much pressure from your surroundings and not believing in your own beliefs.

(Edifice | Imposing structure) In a dream, a monument means lies, falsehood, arrogance, or destruction. An imposing monument in a dream also may mean spiritual guidance.

Usually trees that appear in our dreams symbolize material protection, which strength will depend on the appearance and power we see on them, if we embrace them or whether they have fruit. The dream can also tell us the need to deepen our roots, whether genealogical or spiritual.

The dream, in which you have the visions, denotes to the spiritual aspects that has emerged. Maybe the dream shows something that is already known, but fully unrealized. On the other hand, the dream may indicate your inability to get in contact with those you are surrounded by.

The dream about the God can have many different interpretations depending on the circumstances of the dream. The God in dreams may indicate purity, unknowingness and spiritual aspects of your nature. The God in dreams could also indicate something unreachable and incomprehensible. If you dream that God is talking to you, then such dream shows the guilt you are suffering from. Alternatively, if you are talking to God then such dream could represent the tranquility you put yourself in. Perhaps you are very happy and feeling blessed. If you see yourself being the God, then such dream symbolizes hidden perspectives and talents you have. Maybe the dream points to you your abilities, therefore you will finally recognize them. On the other hand, if you see yourself being the God, then such dream indicates your belief in being better than the others.

Portends well-being and wealth that will come with an effort. If the candles go out during the dream, then such dream portends that our work will be in vain. When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, then it shows that we know very well what we want in life. A flickering candle flame that is burning with difficulty, then it indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If it goes off, then it shows that we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. It imposes a break. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it lit well, it indicates that we will undertake decisively and effectively a spiritual journey. If it burns with difficulty, then it indicates that we are not yet ready for this trip.

Seeing an oval in a dream represents the qualities of a vagina, the womb and the female. It also symbolizes your aura and your spiritual energy.

…If the bathroom is nice, it indicates both physical and spiritual health, especially if the water is clear and transparent. If it’s cloudy, too hot or too cold, it indicates that something is wrong, but if it ends up being nice, we will get a profit. If the tub is empty or we do not get into it, that indicates missed opportunities….

This concept symbolizes our goods, or personal possessions, whether they are of intellectual character, material, or spiritual, and to understand it we should pay close attention to what type of store appears in our dream. The aspect of the merchandise and place is also important. Some authors consider that a closed shop is a warning of misfortune, and an organized and nice shop is a harbinger of economic prosperity.