The blood in dreams usually indicates the force of the life and energy that one is bringing while living the life. If you dream that you are injured at some part of your body, you should reconsider your health. The blood could also indicate that you are feeling tired. Perhaps you’re working too much or have too many things to do at once. The blood that is coming from the other person could denote to the pain or problems that certain person is feeling and you know it. The subconscious mind is sending the message to give the help for this person. If you are bleeding because of someone’s fault, you will have disagreements with this person.

The seat is the place where we relax and enjoy being on our own. The dream may mean that you are feeling tired and the subconscious mind of yours is sending you the message to take the break and relax for a while. Perhaps you have no time for yourself at this time of your life, therefore you dream of the seat that is not sit by you. Sometimes the seat indicates the fact that we are looking for our place in the world, perhaps you are in the period of searching. If your seat was taken by someone else, it means that you feel unappreciated for what you did in your family life or at work and your seat has been taken from you.

When you dream of yourself being in a hermit, then such dream indicates the loneliness you are suffering. Consider the lifestyle of your waking life and how you are leading your life. Maybe there are things that have changed and you do not feel happy anymore. The misunderstanding from the others could also be the part of your bad existence. The hermit could also show that you put yourself aside from others on purpose. If you do not feel good after dreaming about the hermit, then you should make some changes in your waking life, because the subconscious mind is sending you a message that something is wrong. If you feel good after dreaming about hermit, then such dream shows that you should keep yourself away from others for a while. Maybe this is the time of your life, where you need to be alone.

To dream of something being big, means that there is a particular person or situation in your waking life that takes a big part in it. Your mind is sending you a message how important it is to you and what kind of life changing experience it will have on you.

If one sees the ruler or the governor throwing apples at him in a dream, it means that he is sending him his emissaries, and usually such a dream carries glad tidings. (Also see Cast 2 )

…Dreaming that you receive a telegram, denotes that you will soon receive tidings of an unpleasant character. Some friend is likely to misrepresent matters which are of much concern to you. To send a telegram is a sign that you will be estranged from some one holding a place near you, or business will disappoint you. If you are the operator sending these messages, you will be affected by them only through the interest of others. To see or be in a telegraph office, foretells unfortunate engagements….

The dream, in which you saw yourself signing the contract denotes to the preparation for some important decision in your waking life. Perhaps you are ready to take some commitment. Maybe there is a certain person you are ready to grow together or you are going to make an important project that will have magnificent changes in your life. If you saw yourself signing the contract that doesn’t make you feel happy or have the gut about doing it wrong, then it means that unconscious mind of yours is sending a signal to think twice before making any commitments to the person or situation.

Your difficulties will be resolved with disadvantage of your partners that won´t stop to remind you about it.

It’s a symbol of stubbornness and that maybe you should stop and think that the focus of an issue that you have, might become unproductive.

If you are dreaming that you wear the girdle, then such dream shows the pressure and restrictions you are suffering from. There is a possibility that you feel unable to express your feelings and emotions. Maybe there is something in your waking life that doesn’t let you to be completely yourself. Alternatively, the dream could also show the tendency of yours to do the harm for the others. This dream is a warning for you, therefore stop hurting other people.

If you dream of back-biting about someone, shows that you will be in a trouble if you will not stop doing something you are doing at the moment. Make sure you think of your own actions, because the consequences will be terrible. This might mean that every little mistake you might do will be very unpleasant. If you dream that someone is back-biting about you, means that you will suffer of troubles in your family life.

The dream symbol of wax shows that you have too much work and responsibilities in your life. This is a sign that you have to stop and to relax for awhile, because this will not be good to you. You will overwork and will make mistakes. The dripping or dribbling down wax is associated with your hidden fervent feelings.

Sorrowful events will stop visiting you.

Indicates that bad rumors will stop.

The dream symbol of web marks your ability to make influence or power to control other people. Also this may be that someone tries to lock or to stop you, and leave you without ability to express yourself freely. It feels that you are in traps and can not find the way out from this current situation. The web may signify your social position and communication with people, how friendly or boring you are.

To dream that you are in some kind of the accident, means that you are afraid of acting in some phases of your life. You are the person who thinks more pessimistically then optimistically. Sometimes the accident could indicate the dreamer’s fear of being unlucky. You have to stop thinking in the bad way, because good things will become true only if you believe in it.

To see a centipede, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as trouble making personality. Centipede has symbolism of your fears and doubts are hindering you from making progress and achieving your goals. You need to stop thinking negative ideas, thoughts and conceptions, if you want to be successful.

…of enemies that are hurting her, maybe by witchcraft. When a young woman dreams of mice, it’s a warning that she has enemies that talk poorly about her. If a woman, and worse if she’s young, dreams of a mouse on top of her clothes or dress, it could signify that her honor is at stake with the risk of being involved in a scandal caused by enemies. Dreaming of rats or mice announces that hypocrites are trying to harm the dreamer and will create problems with family or friends. Dreaming of catching mice or rats suggests that the dreamer has an advantage over his or her enemies, who they won’t be able to harm the dreamer. Dreaming of killing rats or mice suggests that the dreamer will defeat his or her enemies. Dreaming of catching mouse with a mousetrap suggests that enemies will stop but if the dreamer is…

…you are able to deal with your feelings and understand your emotions. Additionally, it represents that you‘re able to overcome your adversities with easiness. To dream that you fall and are frightened indicates negative emotions and the need of help. It also means that in some aspect of your life is a lack of control, feeling of insecurity and the need of support. Are you experiencing some major fight in overwhelming problem? To be afraid of falling in your dream may represent that you lost right path in your life. Maybe you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself. To dream that you are free-falling through water, symbolizes intense emotions. Are you feeling overwhelmed with emotional state of mind? You can feel that it is much easier to give up then to try to stay afloat or to stop yourself from going under….

…Considering your measurement indicates that you’re setting your own standards or what you think others expect of you. You need to stop comparing yourself to others….

This dream is a warning and means that you must address your affairs diligently and stop waiting for stroke of luck to solve any problem that you have, searching for a buried treasure or waiting to win the lottery, because you won’t get any of those. A job well done is the only thing that will give you profits.

…some time to arrive. The donkey is a symbol of patience, which can be related to the dreamer himself, or maybe he is exaggerating in his own patience with problems that require dynamism. In women, this dream is usually a warning which tells that they shouldn’t exhaust the patience of those around them. Dreaming of one or more donkeys loaded with food suggests that, even if it takes time, the news and expected recognition will eventually come. Dreaming of being chased by a donkey and being afraid of it announces that the dreamer will soon be victim of defamation. Dreaming of riding a donkey suggests that soon there will be fights and this is a warning to avoid them. Falling off a donkey indicates losses in business. Dreaming of a donkey running for no reason suggests that soon there will be failures, if the dreamer tries to stop it, then…

The guillotine in dreams is explained as the warning sign. The dream shows that you should pay attention to certain situation and get over with it as soon as it is possible. The dream could also symbolize something very strong that will change your views. Perhaps you will have to make some rash decisions even if it won’t be suitable for those around you. Alternatively, the dream about guillotine could suggest you to slow things down. Perhaps you should stop for a while and think about the time that is dedicated only for yourself. The guillotine could also warn you about the temper in your personality. Maybe you should start being calmer, then you will see things clearer and will be able to make the right decisions. You should ask yourself: What kind of life I want to have in the future? Am I hurting anyone?

…If you are running in the wilderness in your dream, this signifies your independence. You feel free and unrestrained in your life. You know that there aren’t any restrictions in your life, nobody will stop you if you have decided to act like this….

The dream in which you feel over-full means that you should stop doing something in your life, because it is too much for you to cope with it.

This dream usually signals the arrival of bad news by an influential person that acts on behalf of a government agency. No need to stop expecting setbacks in the near future.

To dream that you are writing the journal means that you need to stop and ask yourself what you want out of life. Are you happy? Give yourself these kind of the questions.

To dream that some kind of verdict is about to be heard in court, means that you are awaiting for very important news. The verdict could also indicate your fear of being judged because you did something not good. The conscience is being felt. The dream suggests to get over it and if it is needed say sorry for the people you did the damage and this nightmare will stop.

If you see yourself in a convict, then such dream indicates aspects in your waking life that brings limitations. Perhaps you do not feel free in order to achieve the success. Maybe there are some boundaries that don’t let you move on. On the other hand, the dream about convict could show the suffering you have about the things you have done. Perhaps you feel ashamed of yourself. The dream suggests you to stop being so harsh on yourself and move on, because the life keeps going on.

Dreaming that you see the fork in the road signifies the necessity to stop and think about some serious question and make the final decision for it, because it will change your life completely, that is way you must think about it a lot with lots of attention. If seeing the fork in the road is very normal to you, then it shows minor problems that aren’t solved, however this will not make much of the stress.

Dreaming of tranquility indicates that you should stop and reflect about your life.

When you dream that you see an archbishop, it means that you will face lots of difficulties and discomfort while trying to achieve the proper results. Make sure you work hard and do not give up, because if you keep fighting for something you really want, you will be able to get anything you want and none of the barriers you will have will stop you.

When the dreamer sees herself as a boy, when actually is a girl, then the dream symbolizes the masculine aspects of your personality. The most common meaning of this dream foretells that you already met some boy and have feelings for him and/or he left significant impression to you. There are some people in our lives that we find it hard to forget them or stop thinking about them, so this could be a very good example of you wanting to meet that special boy once again. Being all grown up and dreaming of being a boy foretells about the innocent and childish side of yours. However, sometimes being childish is not a bad thing, only if it doesn’t make a bad impact into your life. If you take the responsibility and duties you’ve got to do, the dream stands as a very good omen.

…Dream of laxative suggests that you need to stop doing emotional damage to yourself. It’s time to clean your body out of fear….

If you see that you are trying to walk the tightrope, it means that you are entering a very dangerous situation in your waking life. The subconscious mind of yours is giving you a warning to stop until it’s too late. If you fell of the tightrope, you will not succeed or you are afraid because of the risks to do something.

If you dream of feeling sick, then such dream suggests to stop being pity about yourself. The dream could also show that you need to start taking care of yourself, because there are wounds that must be healed. To find out more about your dream, please also check the meaning of Illness.

When you see the mildew in a dream, then such dream indicates the discarded emotions you are avoiding to confront. Perhaps you should stop rejecting those issues and sort them out.

A bankrupt is a bad dream; your business is in dangerous position, and without great care you will be forced to stop.

If you are in hot air balloon, then such dream suggests you to get over with all of the negative past. It’s time to move on. The dream could also show that you are not feeling the ground at certain aspects of your life. Perhaps you should stop being frivolous and start acting like an adult. On the other hand, the dream may symbolize the state of your mind where you feel lifted by some relationships, love or any other success.

The dream, in which you are bribed, shows the huge affection other people have on you. Probably you are one of those people who let others decide what you want and what you should do, even if you don’t want to. The dream suggests you to look after yourself and don’t let others to affect you that much. If you were the one who bribed someone, then such dream shows how much you expect from others. Perhaps you should stop giving others the pressure and expect less from them. In the dream in which you tried to bribe the civil servants such as policemen, indicates your dishonesty and desire to go against the law.