To have interaction or to encounter or to see a garland when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests wholeness and completeness. Dreaming that you are wearing a garland, can be interpreted as symbolism a bond.

Dream of garland symbolizes honor and success.

To dream about a burn on your body and pain which it causes indicates that you should dismiss an illness or negative thoughts. To dream about the burns on the bodies of others foretells disputes that can unleash the loss of property or friends.

Symbolizes what is fleeting, the short length of what the dream symbolizes.

Denotes honour, wealth. 283.

If in dream we see flower garlands the dream involves a double symbolism, on one hand the welcome to new events that appear in our life, and secondly, the ephemeral because flowers fade in a short space of time. So it may be a warning about a coming issue that although friendly and cheerful content will be short.

…Dream of one’s bed burning or of seeing it on fire or consuming, damage, illness or minor sickness to the wife of the dreamer. If a woman have this dream it indicates danger to her husband. Dream of being burned by a slow fire and to suffer pain because of it, sign of envy, displeasure, of angry quarrels….

To dream that your house is on fire indicates danger, disease, or death. Dreaming that a commercial building is burning means decrease of wealth. Dreaming that a part of your body is burning is a sign of inability to engage in work. Dreaming of a burning piece of furniture in your home indicates personal conflicts. A dream of a burning building signifies that big problems are coming. Dreaming that something is burning slowly shows instability in romantic relationships.

Burning of your house in dream is a bad omen, it is a warning of a future events: danger, sickness or death. To dream burning commercial building means economic loss. Dreaming about burning of some part of your body is a signal of misfortune and incapacity for dedicating to work. Burning of any piece of furniture or part of your house presages discussions and family conflicts. Burning of any building means that many problems are coming. Dream of slow burning means instability in your love relations….

(See Cauterize)

In the ear, profit and wealth for the dreamer. Heaped in great quantity, abundance of wealth and great profits. In small quantity means famine and misery. Carry it signifies infirmities. See a wheat sheaf burn and consume, represents famine, mortality. Burn without consuming, fertility and abundance of wealth to the dreamer. Tread it under foot when on the ground signifies money gained through trouble.

…sparks from them in his dream, it means that he will witness an awesome fight between two rock hearted and cruel people. Striking a flint stone in a dream also means marriage of an unwed person. If a woman sees herself striking a flint stone with a piece of steel, and if she can produce sparks in the dream, it means that she will beget a son. If a spark starts a fire in the dream, it means that one’s wife will become pregnant or perhaps it could represent a fight between the husband and the wife, or a fight between two partners. If the sparks burn one’s gown in the dream, it means that harm will affect that house and such harm will bring about losses in money, family honor or bodily injury. If the sparks burn a notebook in the dream, it means deviation from God’s path….

…(Brand | Burn | Castigate | Punishment | Seal | Sear) Cauterization in a dream denotes a ruler, or it could mean painful words. If one’s forehead or sides are seared or cauterized in a dream, it means that he is obviating or hindering the distribution of charities or the due alms tax on one’s assets, or it could mean a crack down by the authorities on people who are evading to pay their taxes, or it could mean separation between dear ones. If one is cauterized with gold or silver in the dream, it means stinginess or hindering the payment or distribu- tion of God’s rights upon one’s earnings to poor and needy people. If one is cauterized with iron in a dream, it means punishment for his sins. Discovering old marks from cauterization in a dream means discovering a treasurer. Cauterizing someone in a dream also means…

Burns stand for tidings of good. To burn your hand in a clear and flowing fire, denotes purity of purpose and the approbation of friends. To burn your feet in walking through coals, or beds of fire, denotes your ability to accomplish any endeavor, however impossible it may be to others. Your usual good health will remain with you, but, if you are overcome in the fire, it represents that your interests will suffer through treachery of supposed friends….

…Firewood in a dream means slander and backbiting. If one puts two or three logs to burn in the fire in a dream, it means that an argument will take place or that an exchange of rough words will grow beyond one’s control. If a religious person sees timber in his dream, it means that he will commits a major sin such as theft, murder, or adultery, he will then be caught and put to justice. If anyone kindles a fire in a dream, it means that he will report someone to the authorities. Carrying firewood in a dream means exchanging harsh words, slander, rebuke or calumniation. Seeing timber in one’s house also means profits, fulfilling needs, inheritance or endowments. If the timber needs cutting in the dream, it means earnings that involve great efforts, or earnings that bring about evil. If the timber is already cut for the…

…To be alone in bed, hazard. To see a well-made bed indicates safety. To see the pillows burn in the bed without being consumed, good sign for the children who are the owners of the bed. To burn one’s bed or see the bed that is burning means damage, sickness, or illness to the dreamer’s relatives. If a woman has this dream, either she or her husband are in some danger….

(bot.) In a dream, a narcissus flower represents a woman. A garland of narcissus in a dream represents a short lived marriage. If an unmarried woman sees herself carrying a coronet of narcissus in a dream, it means a short lived marriage that will end either in divorce or in the death of her husband. Blooming narcissus in a dream represents a son. A bouquet of narcissus in a dream means the death of a son. Seeing the narcissus flower in a dream also means happiness, money, gold, or silver. The narcissus flower in a dream also signifies longevity or gray hair. (Also see Distilled water)

(Diadem | Garland | Wreath. See Crown of a king)

…said that any flower from the lily family may represent death when presented to a sick person in a dream. A healthy hyacinth plant in the ground means a beautiful son, or good words. A garland of hyacinth flowers in a dream means honor. A hyacinth flower salesman in a dream represents a worrisome person, for such flowers do not remain long in his possession. If any of the flowers of the lily family are cut, or made into a bouquet in the dream, then they mean sorrow, and if they are seen on their mother plant, they mean happiness, a husband or a son. If one sees a hyacinth flower being raised to the heavens in a dream, it means the death of a gnostic or that of a renowned scholar. A hyacinth in a dream also represents a son when standing erect in the fields, and it represents…

Flowers in a dream are a sign of joy and benefits. If one sees himself crowned with a garland of flowers in the dream, it means that he will get married, enjoy his marital life excessively and take pleasure in experiencing his success in this world. Seeing flowers out of season in a dream means depression. If an impostor sees himself carrying a bouquet of flowers in a dream, it means constipation, while if a sick person sees that in a dream, it means his death. A bouquet of many varieties of flowers and colors in a dream represent the world, its constantly renewed youthfulness and its material pleasures. As for a woman, seeing flowers in a dream means getting pregnant or overcoming her difficulties. (Also see Blossoms | Earth | Iris)

Buying goods indicates joy and happiness. If they are stolen, financial worries. Seeing them burn, waste of money.

…The griffon in dreams is the symbol of something special. Everything that the dreamer has his best is presented in the griffon. All of the talents and great abilities are shown in the object of griffon. The griffin or griffon is the creature that is made of lion and eagle, therefore the characteristics these animals have are forwarded to the dreamer. The dreamer is strong and able to handle any situation he is going to get in. The dreamer is strong not only physically, but mentally either. The griffon as the symbol could also be associated with the symbol of the sun. Sun is something where all of the life is coming from. Otherwise, the sun can burn you, therefore the griffon can be interpreted as a very good omen and a bad omen. Perhaps the dream suggests you to use your abilities in a smart way, otherwise you…

To see new clothes means distress. See it burn and consume, vexation, scandal, injuries, loss of lawsuits and trouble among friends. Having new clothing throughout, hat, boots, etc., means joy and profit.

If it is blazing furiously, danger and separation of friends; if it is extinguished, poverty. If a female makes a fire without much trouble, she will have fine healthy children; if she has much difficulty in kindling it, she will meet with shame and dishonour. If you burn yourself, you will have a fever. A sparkling fire denotes money in abundance.

…a result of an intense nervous state. When the smoke dominates the person that is dreaming, it announces a serious risk of falling into a sycophant’s trap that only seeks to harm him/her. Dreaming that you’re fighting against smoke and finally overcome it, totally unharmed from the accident, it suggests that your obsessions, limitations, complex and illusions, will begin to decrease until they finally disappear. Dreaming about smoke emitted from a woodpile announces the presence of enemies that will try to harm you. But if the wood is burning brightly, then it indicates that the enemy will fail in his/her attempt. To dream that you’re walking on burning wood or any other type of fire and you burn your feet, suggests that you’re at risk of failure and loss caused by false friendships. However if you can walk over fire without burning, it suggests that you’ll overcome all obstacles….

…of his daughters. If one sees himself tied up and imprisoned inside a house in a dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings, or it could mean good health and prosperity. If one sees himself carrying a house over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he takes care of a needy woman or a wife. If one sees his house made of gold in a dream, it means that a fire will burn it down. If the house has no roof, whereby one can see the skies, sun or moon in a dream, it represents the marriage of a woman from that household. If one sees a big house within his own house in a dream, it means that a righteous woman will live their or move into that family to become a blessing for such a house. If there is a tunnel under such a…

…To dream of moth is a sign someone is robbing you, it also predicts slander by a supposed friend. To dream you see a moth burn its wings in a flame signifies that an enemy will die. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 22….

For a married person to dream that the fire burns clear, and the smoke spins from the chimney, is a good omen, but to dream that the fire is difficult to light, and the smoke returns to the ground, is a sign that matrimony will prove incomplete. If the fire ceases to burn, it is a sign of separation.

…dream, it means that he will acquire knowledge. Extinguishing the light of an oil lamp in a dream means attempting to conceal the truth by opposing a truthful witness, yet he will fail to win his case. Carrying a lighted lamp in the daylight in a dream represents a religious and a righteous person. Walking with a lamp during the night in a dream means observing a night vigil and prayers. If such a person is religious by nature, then it represents benefits. Otherwise, it means that he will see wonders. Carrying a lamp at night in a dream also means repentance from one’s sins. Carrying an unlit lamp, candle, or torch in a dream means business losses, or problems at the workplace. If one sees a lamp filled with oil that does not burn in a dream, it means sorrow and distress. (Also see Lamp stand | Wick)…

…no harm or burn him in the dream, it means that someone will fulfill a promise he made to him. If a fire burns inside a granary in a dream, it means hiking prices. Whatever product a fire burns in a dream means high demand for it and rising prices. If one sees a stove burning with no food in the pot in the dream, it means that the head of the household is engaged in some futile activities and he could suffer because of them. If one sees a governor kindling a fire, and if it keeps smothering, then if it dies off in the dream, it means that he will be dismissed from his office and that his fire will be extinguished. Seeing a burning torch with no smoke hanging in front of one’s door in a dream means attending the pilgrimage season during that year, or remodeling…

…If you see beautiful hands in your dream, you will enjoy great distinction, and rise rapidly in your calling | but ugly and malformed hands point to disappointments and poverty. To see blood on them, denotes estrangement and unjust censure from members of your family. If you have an injured hand, some person will succeed to what you are striving most to obtain. To see a detached hand, indicates a solitary life, that is, people will fail to understand your views and feelings. To burn your hands, you will overreach the bounds of reason in your struggles for wealth and fame, and lose thereby. To see your hands covered with hair, denotes that you will not become a solid and leading factor in your circle. To see your hands enlarged, denotes a quick advancement in your affairs. To see them smaller, the reverse is predicted. To see your hands…

…about ugly hands, or worse, with deformed hands, suggest upcoming failures that can lead you to be ruined. To dream of bloody hands is not a good dream; it suggests sadness, diseases, etc. To dream about an injured hand implies that someone will take advantage of the work and effort you’ve been doing. To dream about an amputated hand suggests that you’ll live a lonely life because others will misunderstand you, and you won’t understand yourself either. To dream that you burn your hands indicates that you’re over valuating your ambitions, fame or power. To dream that you have hairy hands suggests that you’re not suitable for a job or business; it symbolizes inferiority complex. To dream about very long hands indicates that soon you’ll achieve at least part of your dreams. To dream about dwarfed hands suggests the opposite. To dream about dirty hands indicates envy and selfishness….

…(Castle | Child | Firmament | Heavens | House | Mother | Oath | Ocean | Prison | Teacher | Town | Wife | Wonders) In a dream, the sky represents itself. Whatever descends from it or comes from that direction in a dream will materialize. If fire falls from the sky over people’s homes in a dream, it means plagues, illness, pleurisy, smallpox, or death and destruction. If fire falls over the marketplace in the dream, it means higher prices. If it falls over the fields and farmlands in the dream, it means that the crops could either burn, freeze, or be struck by a swarm of locusts or by other harmful insects. If what falls from the sky indicates prosperity, such as honey, oil, figs, barley, or money, etcetera, in the dream, it means a good rain and a good harvest for that year. Whatever falls from…

…To dream that you wet the bed in your sleep, is a sign you will lose something by fire: your house may not burn, but some article will either fall in the fire or be damaged by it perhaps your servant may spoil some clothing while ironing. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 11, 55….

…it means aggravation of his condition. If smoke engulfs the sparks in one’s dream, then they represent an awesome adversity. Whenever smoke appears in one’s dream, it represents an appalling and a horrifying calamity. If the sparks cause secondary burns in the dream, then they represent a weak enemy who slanders him and one may bear the consequences of such slander with patience, and its evil and fire will eventually diminish. If one sees a major eruption of sparks in his dream, they represent a major calamity. If a spark falls in the midst of a gathering in the dream, it means a fight and harm. Sparks in a dream also represent one’s children. If sparks burn one’s face in a dream, they mean continuous suffering and disturbances. Sparks in a dream also mean evil deeds, sins and crimes that call for punishment in hell-fire. (Also see Flint Stone)…

To dream that you are married, and the fire burns clear, and the smoke spires from the chimney, is a happy omen : but to dream that the fire is difficult to light and the smoke returns to the ground, is a sign that matrimony will prove incomplete If the fire ceases to burn, it is a sure sign of separation.

…(Fire.) To see, in your dream, one or more houses burning, but not wholly destroyed, signifies, for the poor, that they will become rich and for the rich man, that his riches will be augmented; but if the fire is furious, and the houses fall down, the dreamer may expect losses, disappointments, shame, and death. To dream you burn yourself is a sign the malice of a stupid enemy will be attacking you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45,16….

Dreaming of a bonfire may be a way of showing the dreamer’s desire to be more assertive in reality through rituals, since the bonfire appears as a symbol in many traditional festivities, but it can also be interpreted as an invitation of your subconscious to burn all those situations, memories etc. This dream could be understood as prevention from taking new paths in life. It could be an invitation to be purified in any levels that you see necessary.

The fire signifies anger, danger. See a fire burning in the fireplace without smoke or scintillations, denotes perfect health in body and mind also festival, greatness, joy among friends and relatives. This dream, upon seeing the contrary of the foregoing fire, announces anger, disputes, spending of money, family quarrels, and, in certain cases, bad news. An extinct fire, indigence, necessity, and desire of money. A fire that is lighted with difficulty, which goes out, shame and disgrace to a married couple, one of whom is the dreamer, in most cases the cause because of differences. To touch fire without injury, means success, despite the intervention of the envious people. To be burned by a fire, is a warning of violent fever. See someone else burn, means that someone in this dream is in danger to either of the dreamer or the person who is burned.

The interpretation will depend on the way the wood appears in the dream. If we see it as dry stacked branches ready to burn, it can be a harbinger of poverty in some aspects of our lives. If the wood is cut up into blocks or boards that are ready to be used, it’s a harbinger of prosperity.